Trapped in Hell

Sol lands in a street, startling several bystanders. After making sure none of them were military, he held out his hand and using his powers, lifted a manhole. He jumped down into the sewers, and closed the manhole behind him.

"I dont know about you guys, but I dont like him." Drake said.
Luna hissed at her bad luck, and circled for a few minutes, trying to think. She then just took off in a random direction, thinking that she could maybe go cause chaos somewhere, and see if she could draw him out.
she flyed away because it was following her again. "God get away from me"
Drake thought he heard gun shots a block away. "Whats that about?" He ran to the edge of the building and glanced down into the streets. There was a group of red cloaked men armed with automatic weapons, firing shots into the air. Several people went runing for cover, others coward on the ground. "Who are those people."
Raven dogged the bullitsbut on hit her wing so she fell to the ground and turned to a jaguar and ranns as fast she can away from them.
The group didnt notice Raven. Insted, they turned down a street and started yelling something about a truck. Riley glanced down the street and saw a truck and several tents marked with a red cross. There were several people being treated by some docters. "Those b******* are gona attack a clinic!"
Luna noticed the clinic and realized something. That's where the attack was supposed to occur. She couldn't let that happen. She swooped down, trying to think of a plan in the process.
Drake lept down behind the group. The red cloaked men fired more shots into the air. "Anyone who gets in our way are DEAD!" One of them yelled. "From now on, this clinic belongs to the Reapers, along with everything it hold! Now all of you, SCRAM!" They started firing at everyone they saw.
As Luna got close to the ground, she drifted into a nearby alleyway, shifting into a large, white Tiger. She slowly moved forward, a deep gutteral growl in the back of her throat coming out in a loud snarl that echoed across the way. She noticed it got some of their attention, and they all handled guns, but she wasn't scared of that. If she could get her teeth into one of them, she could get their blood. She needed to feed anyways, Getting shot wouldn't matter. She slunk forward, then sprang, slamming into one of the men, snarling fiercely and loudly, she sank her canines into his throat before he could do anything, draining him of his blood, she turned to the rest of the group and snarled loud and feral like, getting into a hunting crouch.
The cold crisp air felt good against Rune's face as she circled around the city at a fast speed, but abruptly stopped in the air as she spotted with her hawk eyes a group of red cloaked men with guns. The people were terrified and scattered off to the opposite direction from the bullets that they recklessly were shooting. Rune wasn't sure what they were doing until her eyes picked up a health-clinic station up ahead...were they really going to go kill the wounded? Why would they do that? she asked herself in disbelief. The young woman waited for a bit to get the adrenaline rush pumping through her body. It would be a matter of seconds before she flew towards them and struck them down.

Drake threw out both hands and sent out a shock wave, knocking the group off their feet. "Get the closer two, I'll get the other three."
Luna leaped onto another man, who was being difficult, because he drove a knife into her shoulder, but she was able to ignore it, it didn't hurt that much. She sank her teeth her teeth into his throat. After she was done with him, she moved to another one.
Drake threw out several thunder bolts at one man trying to get up. He fell to the ground shaking. A bullet bit into his shoulder, and he held back a scream. He hid in an ally as several more bullets wizzed past.
Luna ripped the knife out of her shoulder with her teeth and spat it on the ground. She saw a man, and her lips curled back, showing her long sharp canines. She let out a low feral growl, that turned into a snarl, and sprang, pinning the man to the ground, she bit his throat, and drank. After she was done, she looked around for any more she could attack.
Rune pounded her fists against each other and neon sparks shot out...she was ready to rock n roll. With high speed she flew down to a pair of red cloaked them it was a complete blur but when she finally stopped they were startled since they weren't expecting a young woman standing before them. They were about to go after the guy she saw earlier in the roof but they weren't going to get that far with her around. "Get outta the way lady..." he began to raise his gun towards her "or I'll blow ya brains out!" but before he could even press the trigger a ball of energy flew out of her left hand and knocked the gun away from his grasp. The other one standing next to him got in position to try and shoot his gun but it was too late. With a neon glowing fist Rune punched the gun away from her and the bullets scattered all over a concrete wall. In the meantime the other one was too scared to do anything and started to run away. "Freak! You're a frea...!" Rune didn't even let the guy that was still next to her finish his sentence since a blast of neon energy was shot towards his chest and completely knocked him out from the hard impact against the wall. She then wasted no more time and ran towards the guy that went hiding in the alley. "Are you alright?!" Rune asked.
"I'll be fine. Not my first time being shot." His hand glowed blue, he held it over his wound, and as if attracted to a magnet, the bullet came out into his hand. He droped the bullet. "There. Any more of those 'Reaper' guys left.
Luna looked around and then shifted, healing her stab wound. "I think they're all dead."
"Good." He said. He saw several victims laying on the ground, many crying out in pain. He ran over to a woman who was gasping. "Get away from her!" A doctor yelled. Drake's hand began glowing. "I'm going to heal her."
"GET away from her!"
"Do you want her to die?!" That shut him up. Drake pulled the bullet out of the woman, then let enery arc over her wound, healing it. The woman's breathing calmed.
Luna stood off to the side, trying to ignore the nasty glances she was getting. They all still despised her although she saved their lives.
"Freak." A voice barked at her.
She whirled around. "I saved you freaking lives!! And all you have to say to me is freak?" Tears suddenly started overrunning. "We're still human too."
She took off.