To Hell and Back

Her body glows under his touch proving what she has been saying, she does not hate him. She wants him. She runs her index finger over his length and smiles knowing he will want to dominate, so she let's him. She kisses him and follows his movements, she naturally knows everything he yearns for in a lover, even in ways he didn't know of himself
He groans can she know this....its like she knows what he wants before he does. He rolls her over, stroking her entrance and holding her arms over her head. He reels as he enters the priestess for the first time without rapeing her.
She shivers and she runs her hands over his hips her tongue dancing against his, she was made for him after all. Made to save him, made to love him.... Always
His hips thrust his large member in and out of her, His groans of pleasure echoing throuought the room. In his mind he still sees her as nothing more than a pretty whore, willing to fo anything to get her way.
She kisses him letting him dominate her hands caressing him gently. When he finishes she snuggles into his side and breaths a little sigh of contentment. Her mass of hair curls around his form and she clearly seeks his touch and isn repulsed by it.
Theres only one thing better than a bad girl. That thing happens to be turning a very pure woman evil....a plan slowley forms in his head to start returning his affections. However nothing comes free and soon he will want her to do things for him.
She was sleeping soundly, she already saved his life once and she would probably do it again and again because this man was hers. She claimed him. None else shall have him
The fallen mortal messages Lucifer."Master, what are your thoughts?" He needs direction to escape here."Did the sorceress magic vanish?" He asks almost hopefully.
Lucifer does not respond... He must calculate ... He must plan. She awakes in the morning and brings him food. He's chained and caged but one man goes to hurt him and she gives him a piercing glare. He stops but she got tired of having to continually do this so she opens his cage and sits in his lap thus ending any thought of harming him
Even if he did want to snap that pretty little neck....And oh yes it practicly makes him salivate. He cannot, the chains are too thick to break and his arms bulge as he tries to. A thought occours to him."Preistess. Will you allow a damned man a comfort? Did my succubus die quickly?" He asks softly
She looks at him and sympathy is in her eyes, " you loved her? Yes she was ran through with a blade doused in holy water. She would have died almost instantly. I did not ... I was not released in time to save her as I did you"
His head hangs down. "At least it was quick, yes i cared for her as much as i could anything." He says quietly."I dont know what love is, i have never felt it. I dont understand it. Im not sure i want to if it causes such pain." He says going limp in the shackles, letting himself hang.
She nods and lifts his face up looking at him, "she is a succubus.... they work for their true master and do his intentions and not yours... I fear she was using you as a means to an end. But all the same I am sorry for your loss my darling.... I will try to make her passing easier on you..."
The chains strain mightily as his arms bulge with his anger."She was MY succubus.....My Reia..." He loosens up.....almost defeated. Like a caged lion, eventually the fire dies and the light in their eyes goes out. The fighting spirit is vanishing.
She looks at him sadness in her eyes, she then kisses his lips ever so gently. " I will do my best to show you what love is... so I can be your Tesa" she plays with his hair gently, "and I am hoping that soon... I won't have to chain you much longer"
Lucifer may be dissapointed....but he cannot fight anymore. He knows that when he dies he will be meeting his old master again for judgment, however he cant bring himself to care as he utters the damning words."Let me hang or let me out. I dont care anymore. I cant bring myself to care about fighting anymore." He says slumping in the chains.
She tips his face up, "I claimed you... you are mine. You will not be hanged. And you are mine" they stop at the temple and she takes his chains leading him in a smile upon her face and she unchains his wrists letting him move freely in her small cottage, " you are to stay here. If you leave they will kill you. I can only protect you when I am present or if you are in my home"
The man follows without a care. She has broken him in a way Lucifer could only dream of. He will of course complete his mission if he ever gets the chance. The fifth seal is broken so he only need summon his faithfull servant back. However.....he isnt sure he could even do these tasks anymore. She is so kind, even after being beaten and tortured. Nature vrs nurture is the only explanation.
She strokes his cheek gently. In the following weeks she teache him how to black smith. Her hands guide his and soon he is quite skilled. She took him to temple and first they had to tie him down but now.. He went willingly into the detox chamber , he was doing better
As good as he appears to be doing, inside he cannot do more than grouse at his lot. He cannot show open loyalty or he will be killed by Lucifers agents on earth. Courtessy of the seal being broken. He cannot show open loyalty to his master however. Or the earthlings will slaughter him. He settles for neutrality. Let them become comfortable around him. He complys with their a degree. This is not weakness. It is sublty. He is capable of it .