Thomas's Island OOC and Signups.

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Your prerogative of course.
I do think that development between characters is different from the individual development of your characters as they are in a vacuum, or in this case, when not relating in some way to another individual. And you can always back n forth with Michelle and develop that in the mean time.

I will try and post tonight however, work ran long yesterday. But I don't plan on letting it suck me in tonight and I should have a post later~
I'm bouncing between essentially three jobs at the moment. So this week has been busy till recently. I'll try to get a post in sometime tomorrow night when I can get back on here.
I'm still here.
I can respond this weekend again if no one else wants to make a post before then.
Working on one right now.
Got a post down.
I'll edit it to color of the text as soon as I can access this from a non-mobile device.
After everybody has talked for a little bit, they will decide where to go first from a selection of "points of interest" that Thomas has established. Things start to get weird.
[warning=red]Boss Megu is never coming back. I'm sorry but I can't handle her character but I will help clean up.[/warning]
I'm sure sure we can write them out fairly easily.
Don't worry or stress.
Thank you, I'll make sure to get it done with everyone's help.
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