These Violent Delights

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He grinned at her gratefully. "I just can't get rid of you, can I?" He said, raising the gun and pulling the trigger. One of them hit the ground, moments before pain exploded in his left shoulder. He was shooting with his right, but it was enough to make him stumble back a step or two.

He ducked back behind the door, breathing hard. He looked at his shoulder and gritted his teeth. He couldn't see if the bullet was still lodged inside or not. It appeared to have missed the major veins and arteries though, as it wasn't pumping blood. He kept his teeth gritted and whirled out again, pulling the trigger.

A voice suddenly called out, and the men lowered their guns. Alex pointed the gun at Edward's head as he walked through them. He remained completely calm, simply raising an eyebrow at Alex.

"Oh dear. Are you hurt?" He asked. Alex gritted his teeth and strengthened the walls around his mind again. "You don't give a rat's ass." He growled. Edward's eyebrow raised all the higher.

"Give me one reason I shouldn't pull this trigger." Edward shrugged. "Because then, these men will pull theirs, and you'll more than likely be dead." He looked at Yun. "I am surprised. You stayed to protect him rather than helping your brothers escape?"
A chuckle rumbled through her chest. "You're stuck with me whether you like it or not," she replied. Yun threw her second dagger, hitting another man. She whirled around and pressed her back against the door, hearing a explosion followed by a bloodcurdling scream. Another men suffered an unfortunate demise. She was aiming for his chest so it might of torn him apart. Yun didn't know since she didn't check. Yun averted her gaze towards Alex. Her eyes inspected his left shoulder. A frown marred her lips. He was injured. She would have to dress his wound soon. It may of missed a major artery, but it could damage his nerves. If he didn't patch it properly, his left arm would suffer. Bullet wounds are nasty. Before Yun charged up another object, he intervened.

"Oh dear. Are you hurt?"

A growl escaped her lips. Yun slipped around the corner, glaring at the manipulative bastard responsible for her brother's kidnapping. She didn't comment. She wouldn't reveal anything. "I would love to stay and chat, Edward, but we have more important business to attend to," Yun drawled. She retrieved a single marble from her bag. She held it in her palm. Her hand illuminated a brilliant neon purple. Her marble absorbed the kinetic energy, levitating in the air. Yun concentrated on maintaining that energy. She could do this. If she could release large blasts, Yun could generate her energy into objects. "Focus," she thought. Yun tilted her head, peering at Edward condescendingly. A wicked smile plastered on her face. She threw her head back and laughed. "Don't worry Edward. I'll come for you. I will make sure to rip you apart as promised," she sneered. Yun threw the marble at the ceiling above Edward, creating a massive explosion. The ceiling collapsed, generating a large cloud of smoke. Yun walked inside the room, fished out another marble, and faced the far wall. "Get ready to jump, Alex. This is our short cut," she announced. Yun filled her marble with kinetic energy and chucked it at the wall. She covered her face with her arms as another explosion ensued. A large hole appeared. Yun coughed, batting at the rising smoke. She moved closer to the hole, peering outside. It was two story high so jumping would be painful. Yun scanned the area, finding a surface that would cushion their fall. Her eyes fell upon a old dumpster directly below. It was filled with raw garbage. Her expression twisted with disgust. "Fuck," she swore.

Yun motioned Alex to follow. "We have no choice. This alleyway leads to my truck Hyun-Ki and Haneul are waiting inside. Let's move," she commanded. Yun stepped out of the hole and jumped, plummeting to the ground. She closed her eyes and braced herself. She landed on top a few bulky bags, wincing from hitting hard objects. However, she was safe. She may receive a few bruises, but nothing was broken. Yun lifted her head and stared at the hole. "Jump!" she ordered. Yun climbed out of the dumpster, flicking excess garbage off her form. Her nose burned from the foul odor. She made a mental note to wash her leather jacket after taking a shower. Suddenly, a loud horn alerted her. Yun shifted her head to her left and gazed down the alleyway. Her truck was parked in front of the exit. Her brother, Haneul, waved at her, urging her to run.
Alex ducked as she blew a hole in the wall. She jumped out, and he paled. He walked towards the edge and almost balked. Facing down seven armed men that were probably three times his size? No problem. Heights? Slightly more of a problem. He turned around to see a gun barrel pointed at his chest.

He swallowed, before swinging his own gun and hitting the man across the head. The thought of jumping petrified him, even if Yun had made it safely. He took a deep breath and turned around, jumping before he could think too much. He wasn't sure if he screamed or not on the way down, but hit the dumpster hard. His breath left his lungs in a rush, and he lay there for a moment, seeing stars.

The impact had seriously jarred his shoulder, and he had to bite his lip to stop himself from crying out as he sat up. "Fucking hell." He groaned, trying to figure out how he was going to get out without putting himself through even more pain. He managed to stand and climbed awkwardly down, wincing again as his feet hit the pavement. He went over to the truck and climbed in, leaning his head against the back of the seat and sighing, trying not to look at the blood that was spreading across his shirt.
A terrified yelp alerted her attention. Yun averted his gaze towards Alex. She grimaced in response, remembering his injury. However, it couldn't be helped. Her first explosion blocked the exit. As a result, she had to make her own. It was completely reckless, but that was her style. One day, it would be the end of her. She managed to survive this far on sheer luck. Unfortunately, luck always run out. When that day occurred, Yun was determined to save her brothers from her fate. Yun bolted down the alleyway, Alex following close behind. After her brother stepped out, Yun slipped into the driver's seat. Her brother, Hyun-Ki, took a seat in the back. Alex sat next to him. Yun shifted the gears into drive and peeled out of the street, driving down a road. Her eyes flickered towards the review mirror. She inspected Alex's shoulder. A frown marred her lips. "Hyun, apply pressure on his shoulder. We can't afford to make it to the hospital with that bastard on our tail. We'll fix him at my apartment," she ordered.

Hyun-Ki complied. He found an old college sweatshirt underneath the seat. Based from the large size, it belonged to one of Yun's friends. He turned to Alex. "This is going to hurt," he warned. He leaned over and bunched up the sweatshirt, applying it against Alex's shoulder. He didn't know how far Yun's apartment was. If he didn't stop the bleeding, Alex would succumb to blood loss. A part of him was curious about Alex. His sister wasn't exactly a sociable person. He didn't understand the situation, but he didn't question it. He would receive his answers later.

Yun navigated to her apartment, using the back streets. Her apartment wouldn't be safe after this ordeal. Edward knew where she lived, she was certain. On the other hand, Alex needed immediate medical attention. She wasn't a professional doctor, but Yun dealt with injuries before. She knew how to apply stitches. Her first aid kit contained various medical equipment. Due to her violent nature, it was important she was prepared for the worse. Once Alex was fixed, Yun believed it was wise all of them relocated. She needed to find a place that Edward didn't know about. She ruled out her friends. She refused to endanger them. Twenty minutes later, she parked inside her apartment's parking lot. Yun killed the ignition and stepped outside. She walked around and opened the door for Alex. "Didn't know you were terrified of heights," Yun mused, recalling his minor scream. Once she helped him out, Yun guided everyone to her apartment.


She unlocked the door and opened it, kicking it open. "Hyun, close the blinds. Han, get my first aid kit. It's in the bathroom," she commanded. Her brothers complied, performing their tasks. Yun moved Alex towards her kitchen, pushing him in a seat. "Remove your shirt, kid. The bullet may be inside so this isn't going to be pretty," she informed. A few minutes later, Haneul returned with her first aid kit. He placed it on top of her table. Yun opened it and retrieved a bottle of rubbing alcohol. "Get me a basin of water and washcloth," she added. Haneul listened to her request, gathering her items. Yun planted her bottle of rubbing alcohol on the table. She picked up a rag and dunk it inside the basin, wringing out excess water. She waited patiently for Alex to remove his shirt.
Alex hit the wall when he was in the van. The adrenaline of the fight faded, and the pain in his shoulder became even more noticeable. His head was starting to spin a little, and he knew that he'd lost a decent amount of blood. He gritted his teeth as Hyun-Ki pressed the rolled up sweatshirt to his shoulder, but didn't say anything.

He forced a grin as Yun mentioned his fear of heights. "Yeah. Men with guns? No problem. Heights? That's a different story." He held his arm as close as he could to his chest, trying not to jostle it as he climbed out.

He sank onto the chair in Yun's kitchen, watching as they got the various bits and pieces together. Taking off his shirt was a much more complicated matter, and he knew that he had failed at trying to conceal the gasps of pain as he was forced to move his injured shoulder. "Please tell me you have painkillers," he groaned, throwing the bloodstained shirt and jacket on the ground beside him.
Yun grimaced at his pained gasps. After he discarded his jacket and shirt, Yun wiped away at his wound, cleaning the excess blood. She picked up a pair of large, but thin tweezers. "I don't got any strong narcotics, Alex. You'll have to stick with Aspirin or Ibuprofen," she informed. Yun motioned for Haneul to retrieve her painkillers. "This is going to hurt like a bitch, kid. If you need to scream, bite into this rag," she instructed. Yun handed him an additional wet rag. Yun started her procedure, digging into his bullet wound. Fortunately, the bullet wasn't lodged too deeply. However, she wasn't an expert. She was sure he would feel excruciating pain. Once she located the bullet, Yun pried it out with her tweezers. She placed the bloody pair on top of her table. Yun immediately washed Alex's wound, applying pressure. "I'm going to stitch up the wound after I rinse it with alcohol. It's going to sting, but it needs to be sterilized," Yun warned. She turned and picked up a bottle of rubbing alcohol and large cotton ball. She drenched the cotton and rubbed it against his injury. She tried to be gentle as possible, but it wouldn't ease his pain. Yun handed Hyun-Ki her bottle and bloody cotton ball before retrieving a needle and medical thread. Yun carefully stitched up his wound. It wasn't completely neat, but her work was decent.

A sigh escaped her lips. Yun pivoted to her left and walked towards sink. She washed her bloody hands. "After you take some painkillers, go lie down. You lost too much blood so you're going to feel weak. We should be safe for now. I'll make the arrangements for our next location. We can't stay here tonight. It's too risky. If we want to stop him, we have to find a safer location," Yun explained. Her brothers helped her clean the bloody mess. Hyun-Ki returned her first aid kit back in her bathroom. Haneul handed Alex a glass of water and two painkillers. Yun padded towards her bedroom, grabbing a clean outfit from her drawers. Yun intended to take a long shower. She exited her bedroom and entered her bathroom, closing the door behind her.
He took the rag and put it in his mouth. Sure enough, after a few seconds, he was biting into it with as much force as he could, trying not to scream. His right fist curled into a fist. The pain relented for a moment as she put pressure on it, but then tripled as she started wiping it with the alcohol. It felt like his shoulder was on fire, and biting into the rag did nothing to help. He was sure that she could hear him practically screaming into the rag, even if he tried his best to muffle it. He barely noticed her stitching it up. At that moment, he was cursing Edward and ever having anything to do with him. It was his fault that he wasn't in a hospital with morphine and general anaesthetic. Hell, it was Edward's fault he even needed anaesthetic and morphine. He took the glass of water and pills, swallowing them and chasing them down with the water.

He nodded, moving over to her couch and lying on his good side. He could feel his eyes drifting closed and didn't try and stop them. At least if he was asleep, he couldn't feel the dull ache in his shoulder and could forget that ibuprofen was the strongest painkiller he was going to get for a while. He still had so many questions, but now wasn't the time to think about them. He let himself fall into sleep, thankful for the escape- however brief.
Twenty minutes later, Yun emerged from her bathroom, refreshed and clothed. Her shower lasted longer since she scrubbed the heavy stench of garbage off her skin. Yun threw her dirty clothes in her hamper. Yun personally washed her leather jacket after she stepped out of her stall. Yun didn't have time cleaning her jacket properly. She draped her jacket over a nearby chair. She walked inside her living room, checking on Alex. He was fast asleep. That was a good sign. He endured a severe amount of pain. Her rag didn't help, but she couldn't afford her neighbors becoming suspicious. A sigh escaped her lips. Yun retrieved her cellphone from her kitchen. She sat in front of her table, dialing a number.

"Hello. I would like to make a reservation..." Yun began the process of booking a hotel. Her ideal hotel was located in one of her friend's hometown. It was a two day trip by truck. Yun hated the thought of involving her friends in this dilemma. However, she didn't have a choice. Fortunately, her friend use to live in a large city. It would be a safe location, for now.

"Are you going to tell them about this?" Haneul inquired, referring to Yun's best friends.

Yun ran a hand through her damp hair. "Griffin can help us. We don't got any allies. If we want to stop Edward, we have to use any source," she explained.

"Are you okay with that?" Hyun-Ki added.

A scowl carved into her expression. "Of course not. I'm being forced to involve my friends that are completely normal. They aren't supers like us, Hyun. I'll be putting them in more danger. I don't like it one bit, but they'll be included one way or the other. Might as well choose now," Yun replied.

Haneul draped a hand on his sister's shoulder. "You can't protect everyone, Yu," he reminded.

A scoff escaped her lips. "I'll die trying," she declared bluntly.

A half smile plastered on his face. "I know," Haneul answered.

Yun continued her preparations, taking the time to call her friends. She promised she would reveal everything. Ten minutes later, she established a place they would all meet. One hour passed before Yun finished her arrangements. All she needed to do was pack for the trip. They would be leaving tonight. It wouldn't be safe staying inside this town, not when Edward was aware of her apartment's address.
He opened his eyes to stare at a perfectly white ceiling. His whole torso ached, and his head spun as he opened his eyes. "Hey, bud." Someone said. He looked over and saw his mother's boyfriend sitting beside the bed. He closed his eyes and opened them again. "Gave us a bit of a fright there. We weren't sure if you were going to make it through the surgery. Your mom's gone to get coffee." He nodded again, sighing. "What happened?" He asked. The man sighed. "Some guy found you in a dumpster. You'd been stabbed something like seven times. The blood loss nearly killed you. Gave us a right old fright. They wouldn't have been able to identify you, but your friend saw you being taken in the ambulance. Pretty girl. Asian. Alex? Alex? Doctor!"

Alex opened his eyes and sighed. The whole thing hadn't just been a dream. His shoulder ached, his ankle ached, although considerably less, and he was on an unfamiliar couch. And he was also still shirtless. He sat up, wincing and looking around. "I was hoping that the whole thing was just a very vivid dream and that I'd wake up in my apartment. Or even in the hospital." He looked over at Yun. "So... we all sorted then? Also, can I have a shirt? It feels weird waking up in some girl's apartment shirtless."
"It feels weird waking up in some girl's apartment shirtless."

Yun was currently sitting on her recliner, checking her phone. She lifted her gaze. A faint smirk painted her lips. "I think you should take a shower first. You reek of garbage. I recommend covering that wound of yours, though. Han can help you. I got some plastic sacks that could work," she replied. Two massive duffel bags were planted by her feet. After she completed her arrangements, Yun packed. She was prepared to leave, but she waited for Alex to awaken. Yun rose from her seat. "You're not the only one that hoped this would just be some vivid nightmare. I'll grab a shirt for you," she added. Yun crossed her living room and walked inside her bedroom. A few seconds later, she returned with a large black shirt. Hopefully, it would be huge enough. Most of her wardrobe consisted of male clothing, much to Darcie's dismay. She handed him the shirt. "I'll fix you something to eat before we leave. You need food, kid," she declared. Yun pivoted and padded towards her kitchenette. She moved around, retrieving a few ingredients. Yun didn't have time preparing an exquisite meal. She opted for a simple dish; Sesame Noodles with Chicken. It was an easy recipe, taking barely twenty minutes to create. Yun cooked for four. Hyun-Ki helped her set the table.

"How did you get your face burnt?" Hyun-Ki inquired, referring to Yun's burn marks.

"Saved Alex from a vortex of flames. Before Edward was exposed, we had to catch a pyro chick. She flipped out and nearly killed him. I tackled him out of the flames," Yun explained. She tilted her head back and peered at her younger brother. "My burns aren't severe so they won't scar," she assured.
The shower felt good. Her brother helped him cover the wound, and Alex let the water run down his back. As well as he could, he scrubbed himself clean, cleaning off the dirt and soot and blood. He washed his hair as well. Once he got out, he pulled on the shirt that Yun had left for him. It fit, thanks to the fact that Alex wasn't particularly bulky. He left it untucked over his back jeans. His eyes fell on a scissors. He remembered Yun cutting her hair earlier, and looked in the mirror. As carefully as he could, without jarring his shoulder, he cut his hair. He was hoping it made him look a little different- harder to recognise. It was far from perfect, due to only having the use of one arm, but was enough.

He gathered up the hair to the best of his ability and put it in the bin. He headed into the kitchen to smell something cooking. He was suddenly taken aback- a few days ago, they'd wanted to kill each other. Hell, a few hours ago, they'd wanted to kill each other. But now, she was patching him up and looking after him.

As the food was served, he sat down. He couldn't stop watching her. "Yun, I'm going to make this up to you. I swear." He promised. "I need to stop by my apartment. Edward could be there. I don't want you risking your life for me again. I think I've proved that I'm enough of a liability." He told her, before taking a mouthful of the noodles. It wasn't elaborate, not by a long shot, but it was tasty and exactly what he needed. "Thank you so much."
"Yun, I'm going to make this up to you. I swear."

A fleeting chuckle escaped her lips. A smirk plastered on her face. She ignored his last remark. Yun leaned forward and peered directly into Alex's eyes. "You don't need to make up anything, kid. Saving my brothers is more than enough. If you need to stop by your apartment, I'm coming with you. Han will drop us off a few blocks away and start heading to our destination. Hyun will join us since he could telport us to safety. Edward won't be able to touch you," she declared. Yun turned and picked up her glass of iced tea. She sipped it slowly. "We're a team now, Alex. Don't get all mushy. I still want to punch you in the face for your previous comments back at the café. If you want to stop Edward, you can't do it alone. We're the only four that's aware of his true intentions. Stop trying to play hero, Alex. I'm not stupid enough to let you get captured by that bastard," she deadpanned. She picked up her chopsticks and finished the rest of her meal. Yun inspected his hair. A small laugh elicited from her throat. "If you wanted a hair cut, you should of came to me. Your hair looked like something mauled it," she commented. A grin painted her lips. Yun rose from her seat and picked up her dirty dishes. She walked towards her sink and placed them inside. She didn't feel like washing them, not now. Yun rested her back against the counter, folding her arms across her chest.

"You need to improve on your close combat. When we get the time, I'm going to teach you parkour. It will build up your reflexes before I introduce you to martial arts," Yun announced. Her eyes averted towards her ceiling. "Our destination is going to take us two days to get there. Haneul will make sure we get there undetected," she reminded.
As she commented on his hair, he grinned, running his good hand through it. "Maybe that was the look I was going for. Nah, I didn't know I wanted a haircut until I got out of the shower, and as weird as it is just being shirtless, I was not coming out into your apartment in only a towel. You mightn't have been able to resist me." He teased.

He nodded as she told him about teaching him parkour. "We can't run forever. We're going to have to confront him at some point. Four of us against him and all his cronies." He mused. It was a terrifying prospect, but at the same time, he was looking forward to it. He pulled out the stolen phone from his pocket and examined it. It was evidently just a backup phone- it didn't have any contacts or anything on it.

"He's got our files on the laptop, by the way. Well, yours anyway." He told her, looking up. "This wasn't random. There was something about the two of us- or you, at any rate. I didn't read it, because it seemed intrusive. But it might have something about how we... died but didn't die."
"You mightn't have been able to resist me."

Yun snorted. Her dark brown eyes filled with mirth. "Yeah, your so irresistible," she jested. A smirk plastered on her face. Yun moved from her counter and returned to her seat. She leaned back, resting her combat boots on top of her table. She jammed her hands inside her pockets. Her gaze lowered to her knees. "Running isn't my style, kid. However, we don't have a choice. I know we have to confront him, but now wouldn't be wise," she pointed out. She lifted her head and peered into his eyes. Her expression hardened. "We aren't prepared right now. It would be suicide, even I can see that. I'm usually the one that never think things through," she added. An example of her statement was the dumpster. She didn't take Alex's condition into consideration. She was the type to act now, ask questions later. A frown marred her lips. Her eyes shifted to his stolen phone. What was so special about her? Despite her ability, she wasn't remarkable. She loathed the thought of Edward extracting personal information. "Fucking stalker," she growled. Yun ran a hand through her hair. She removed her feet off her table and sat up straight. "What did the files say about me exactly?" she inquired. Yun would analyze it herself, but she was curious what he saw. Yun instinctively fortified her defenses. If he pitied her in any way, she would beat the crap out of him.

"We'll look it over later. We need to get moving," Yun announced. She rose from her seat and walked out of her kitchenette. A few seconds later, she returned with her two large duffel bags. "If we're going to stop by your apartment, you better not do anything stupid. The last thing I need is for you to be captured," she deadpanned. Yun motioned for her brothers to set their dishes in the sink. Now wasn't the time to worry about cleanliness. She would wash her dishes later.
He nodded, standing up. He shoved the laptop and such that he had lying around into the backpack, swinging it onto his good shoulder. "Let's get moving then."
He grasped the gun as he twisted the key in the door, shoving it open. The apartment was abandoned, and he breathed a sign of relief. He went to his bedroom and retrieved a duffel bag from under his bed, wincing as he done so. He shoved a few pairs of jeans into it, as well as several t-shirts, flannel shirts, hoodies and his denim jacket. He also retrieved the contents of his medicine cabinet- painkillers and the like. A pair of Converse and a pair of trainers joined the contents of the bag.

He was looking around his room, trying to decide what else he needed, when his phone rang. He stared at it. The number was withheld, and he slid his finger across the screen, answering the call.

"How's the shoulder?"
"Go shove your fake concern up your lying little a-"
"Alex, Alex, Alex. You're worried about your friend, right? Worried she's going to get hurt? Worried it's going to be your fault? I'll tell you what. If you come to me, by yourself, you can both live. I'll be able to get you some more powerful painkillers."
"I don't need painkil-"
"Still worried about following in your mother's footsteps? How do you think she'd feel if she found out her son was murdered? She might slip back into that... You can stop that by coming to me."
"Go fuck yourself."
"My number's in the phone. Call me if you w-"

Alex hung up, shoving the phone in his pocket and heading back into the main body of his apartment. He almost broke the doors of his cupboards as he flung them open, shoving food into the duffel bag. "Fucking asshole, trying to blackmail me... I'll kill him." He muttered. He didn't care how he knew about his mother, but he was going to put a gun to his head and watch the light leave his eyes before the bastard could touch a hair on his mother's head.
After they exited her apartment, Yun locked it. She sauntered down the hallway, entering the elevator.


Yun followed Alex, her brother close behind. After Haneul dropped them off, he navigated towards the direction of their destination. She hated the thought of separation, but she suppressed that feling. His ability would keep him safe. Yun scanned her surroundings. His apartment was simple. A few minutes later, he stormed out of his bedroom. A frown marred her lips. Based from his aggravated expression, he called. Yun walked towards him, leaning against a wall. She folded her arms across her chest. "You're suppose to be the rational one, Alex. I'm the spitfire. If we both lose our temper, he'll be able to take us down before we can even blink," she drawled. Her comment was meant to lighten the mood, but she didn't know if it helped. A sigh escaped her lips. "What did he exactly say?" she inquired. Her brother lingered in the living room, waiting for Alex to finish packing. He avoided the conversation. Yun peered at Alex, waiting for him to answer. She understood his anger. After she discovered Edward kidnapped her brothers, she felt the same way. However, she didn't know about his past. Frankly, Yun didn't care. He didn't know about her history either, so both of them were even. They only had one goal in mind; eradicate Edward.
He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's a long story, but he brought up something that I don't particularly like being brought up, before saying that he wonders how my mother would react if she found out I had been murdered. She's the only family I have, so..." He trailed off, sighing again and leaning against the counter. "He wants me to go to him. But it's fine, I told him where to shove it. Let's get going."

He didn't want to talk about his mother's addiction. She'd told him that it had started when his father had walked out, but he was doubting it. There had been such a change in her when she got clean, that he was wondering exactly how long it had been going on. He wondered if it was something in a person's coding, dictating how easily they got addicted. He didn't want to talk about the fact that he avoided narcotics and strong painkillers as much as he could for that very reason.
Yun listened to his explanation. She didn't pry for more details. It wasn't her place. She moved herself from the wall, exiting the kitchen. She walked towards her brother, grasping his left hand. "Manipulative bastard," she muttered. Her brother, Hyun-Ki, grasped Alex's wrist. He closed his eyes and concentrated. A few seconds later, the trio disappeared in a cloud of dark blue smoke. Moments later, they materialized in the back seat of Yun's truck. Yun massaged her forehead. A migraine pierced through her skull, a result from teleporting.

"Welcome back," Haneul greeted. He was currently driving on the Interstate.

Yun leaned back. "It's going to be a two day trip to Griffin's hometown," she announced. Hyun-Ki moved forward and slipped into the passenger seat, buckling in.

"How are they going to help us?" Hyun-Ki inquired, referring to Yun's friends.

Yun averted her gaze towards the window. "If we want to stop Edward, we have to gather all the allies we can get. They are going to help us find recruits," she explained.

"Recruits? You actually-" he was cut off by his sister's scoff.

"We have to face Edward soon. He has a whole army of cronies. Killing him won't solve everything. If we want to stop his tyranny, we have to beat him at his own game," Yun interjected. She leaned her forehead against the cooling window. She closed her eyes, falling silent. She understood her brother's surprise. She wasn't exactly a people person. However, Yun couldn't afford staying in her comfort zone. Defeating Edward wasn't exactly an easy task. He may share Alex's gift, but he was more advanced. He possessed years of experience. A part of her wondered if Alex desired power. It was a preposterous thought, but she couldn't banish it from her psyche. She faced betrayal before. Despite their truce, she didn't trust Alex completely.
Alex's head spun as they appeared back in the truck. He sank into the seat and allowed the dull aching to subside, before listening to Yun. "Hey, it's like X-Men. Charles Xavier and Magneto." He remarked, grinning. A thought suddenly hit him and he pulled out the laptop, flicking through recent files.

"I'm pretty damn sure I saw at least one of my friends mentioned in this. Fucking hell, he's got a distinct advantage over us. Here's hoping they weren't in that lab..." He muttered, half to himself. He found the file he was looking for and opened it up, skimming through it. He grinned with relief. "Nope, they're good. Right, let's see if I can remember their number..."

He tapped the number into his phone, then called it, mentally crossing his fingers that it was right.

"Hello?" He breathed a sigh of relief. He'd called it enough to remind him that they were both late to their lecture.
"Andy, it's me. Alex."
"Alex, where are you, dude? Nobody's heard from you in the past week, and you're not answering your phone..."
"Andy, I can answer all of that. But not now. How long have your abilities been manifesting?" He asked. The file was unclear.
"How- how- what-"
"Long story, dude. How long?"
"... Two weeks."
"Right. Meet me at this address in two days. Pass it on to.... Sarah and Jake." He told him the address and hung up.

"They're not exactly superheroes, but they're good people. According to this, Andy's got super speed, Sarah can manipulate metal, and Jake can... Jake can apparently manipulate his DNA so he can take on any form. Any ability. Jesus. He's a good one to have on our side. I think I'm going to simultaneously join every religion and pray to every god that Edward doesn't get to him first."
"Hey, it's like X-Men. Charles Xavier and Magneto."

A chuckle rumbled through her chest. A smirk painted her lips at the mention of her favorite comics. "If we end up choosing code names, you should be Professor X. You do have his ability," she pointed out. She opened her eyes and moved her head back. Her eyes averted towards his laptop. A frown marred her lips. "Type in Griffin King, Leon Wolfe, and Darcie Evergreen," she commanded. Yun questioned her friends if they experienced strange sensations, but she didn't receive a direct answer. A part of her hoped they weren't potential supers, waiting to unlock their ability. She didn't want them involved in this war. She wasn't exactly ecstatic dealing with other supers. Interacting with strangers wasn't her forte. Yun released a low whistle at Alex's description. "We got a Quicksilver, a Magneto, and a Mystique," she mused. She snorted at Alex's last remark. She directed her attention to Haneul. "We got an Alice, kid. Han will be able to monitor Edward. I'm sure we'll get to your friend before he does," she added.

Haneul scowled. "Don't compare me to that franchise, Yu," he muttered.

Yun grinned. "I wasn't the one caught reading Twilight," she pointed out.

Haneul didn't answer. He grumbled underneath his breath, slipping into his native tongue. He didn't bother producing a proper comeback.

Yun shifted her gaze towards the screen. Her heart stopped at three familiar names. "No," she breathed. Anger bubbled inside her chest. Why did her friends have to suffer the same fate? She wondered if they unlocked their ability. Yun inspected the files, looking through their destined ability. Based from this information, Edward possessed a super with the ability of identifying other powers. How else would he be able to know? Albeit, he was creating supers, some possessed natural powers. "Griffin is suppose to have a Psionic shield, immune to all mental based powers. If he learned how to project that offensively, he could shield us from Edward's ability. Leon is similar to Blink, he is able to create portal rifts. Darcie will be a little Shadowcat, phasing through solid objects. Unlocking their abilities isn't going to be easy," she mused. Yun leaned back, folding her arms across her chest. She was grateful Alex swiped Edward's laptop. It was better knowing ahead of time instead of finding out before it was too late.

"Find out more about us. I want to know why he was so interested. He really wants you on his side and won't hesitate to do anything to make that happen," she remarked.
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