The year of 1972

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He gave her the yellow flyer. It read:

One man, one women for life.
A bible group to teach confused teens about their love life and the teaching gods word. It's never to late to repent!
After school, every Friday, in the library.

Charles sighed and looked up at the sky.
Matthew looked over their shoulders at the flyer. It was silly to him. He didn't really care what was going on with someone else. "Are you the football coach?" He asked the gym teacher.
"Yes," he said, putting away some base ball bats.
"Good" Matthew responded. "When are try out? We just moved from Fort Worth and I'm eager to get back on the field. I play quarterback, linebacker, and safety." He said quite proudly. What he didn't say is that he was a Texas All-State Freshman and had a 3.7 GPA, but also had 15 different personal fouls for taunting and one ejection for fighting.
"Tomorrow,last call...oh and watch out for charles."
"Hmph." She grunted ignoring everything else around her while she stared at the flyer. "What a load of crap." She said finally. " have your religion but stay out of peoples love!" She exclaimed frantically. She was furious. " you don't have to go! " she said quietly bit obviously extremely annoyed.

"Ugh I hate stuff like this, extremely unacceptable!" She fumed.
"If I don't, my mom will go crazy." Charles scoffed.
"Oh, well couldn't you pretend maybe? I don't know, but you should not have to go qif you do not wish." She said with a scrunched up face.
"What do you mean watch out for Charles?" Matthew asked. He could hear other conversations, but he just wanted information on football and maybe a few girls
"I can't because they report it if you're not there."
"Ugh, I'm sorry." She said sympathetically. " even if your forced to go does not mean you have to listen or change your ways" she said with crossed arms and she was meaning on one leg.
"Yeah,I won't." He reassured her.
"...i forgot it's Friday and the thing is on Friday."
"Blegh, what a world."
She turned around to Matthew because she couldn't help but over hear "watch out as in be careful as in don't be so cocky" she smirked and turned back to Charles.
The ball rang and it was next period.
"C'mon let's go." Charles gave Mathew a look before going to the locker room.

During his change in the locker room he couldn't help but notice Mathew. Giving him side glances here and there while he was changing his own clothes.
Amy skipped into the corridor now wearing her own clothes, a just above her knee red skirt with a grey tank top, she was outside her locker routing through it looking for various books.
Charles got out of the locker room, heading to English class.
He at at his desk,waiting for the class to start.
Matthew walked through the hall looking at his next class. English. Great. Couldn't wait for that one. He was wearing jeans with a jacket from his favorite sports team, the Houston Texans, who were now based in Kansas City,
Charles saw Mathew walk in, giving him another glance.
He quickly wrote a note in pink pen. It read;
Meet me after school, in the library.
Love, charles

Charles threw the note at his desk
Matthew noticed the note land on his desk. He picked it up and read it.

"Yeah, not gonna happen." He said aloud, and without looking at Charles got back up and threw the note in the trash.
Charles laughed a little.
"I tried didn't I?" He continued to laugh, his pink braces showing.
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