The year of 1972

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"Sure whatever" Matthew said as he sat back down. This was going to be interesting, Matthew thought as he filled out his form for football.
"You and your sports..." He mumbled.
Amy walced into the classroom, holding books in her arms. She sat down at her desk and took out her notebook ready to scribble down notes. She noticed Matthew and Charles behind her. "Oh, hi, what's up?" She said turning around in her chair.
"Nothing..." He said as he opened a text book.
"What are you doing after school? We can go around town."
Matthew opened his textbook trying to ignore the other students. Who were they to judge him? His only chance to go to college was to get on a football team... "so what is there to do on weekends here?" He said finally
"Illegal stuff." He said honestly.
"That's all there is to do here."
"Sounds like fun." Matthew said sarcastically, visibly rolling his eyes. He had no intention of getting in trouble with the police here. Not so soon after moving here at least.
"You seem like a trouble maker. I wonder what your big grudge against the world is."
Amy chuckled. "Wow you guys seem to be getting along great!" She said sarcastically "and actually no I'm not doing anything so we can go knot town, Charles." She said turning back around " try to get along maybe?" She said side messing with her hair.
"I get along with everybody" Matthew said with a smirk. "Pretty sure its you who have decided not to like me" he said, looking at the girl now messing with her hair.
Charles heard what she said but onto yes to look at Mathew.
"I saw you in the locker room today..." Charles snickered at Mathew.
"Well, I try, but you and I are very different people. Matthew."
She arched one eyebrow, and turned to the teachers desk. And leaned on her hand.
"It's not good to think that everybody likes you. Even worse if someone doesn't and you think you have nothing to dislike about yourself,Mathew." Charles said as he started to pull out his Chapstick, lime flavored.
Amy could see Charles in the corner of her eye. "Oh my god, Charles you are so adorably camp! I love it " she laughed.n"whatever maybe we could all go to town or the park or something after school?"
Charles began to cringe.
'Am I going to be another gay best friend?' He thought to himself.
"Want to see a movie?"
"A movie sounds nice, and no, you aren't the gay bestie.
You're an adorable little cutie. Who is gay and could possibly turn out to be my best friend." She winked "haha"
Charles' ears perked up as he started to apply his chap stick.
"Don't say that aloud!" He began to cover her mouth with is hand.
People starting 'ewing' and cringing. Some boys mad, others mad and curios.
"Charlie boy, don't give a crap about what they think about you! Screw them. " she said glaring at anyone who cringed.
The classroom didn't stop. The noise of voices and laughter rose, filling the room to the brim. How was he supposed to ignore and not care about this.
Charles put his hands over his ears as the sound circled them, getting more dizzy and nauseous. His mind melting and freezing back up again.
He picked up his bags and his jacket and ran out the door.
Charles wasn't crying though, just spinning on a continuum of words and the rain that hit his face when he exited the school.
Matthew looked down at his desk. If only the others knew. "Fine. You guys want to go out tonight, let's go. I'll drive."
Charles returned to the class.
"Drive me somewhere." He commanded to Mathew.
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