The world we live in,Hell (Walking dead)

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Ghost looked at Melanie, having just spoken to her about having too many survivors already. However he noticed the heavy arms the two of them had and noticed that they have a different tone than the others. A much calmer tone. He looked at Melanie "What do you think?"
Dolores watched to see what would happen. Ignoring logics and reasonings of common sense, if these two accepted the other two, she'd leave. They'd probably allow her to anyways.... But another thought stirred in her mind. They'll probably need her too, even though they barely even met and she'll probably bump into the two guys again where danger might actually happen. Unless they prove her wrong. She crossed her arms through the rain, and watched as she played with the tied knot she had done with her shirt. It was cold, and she was nearly wet. So the best she could do was definitely untie her shirt and unroll her red plaid sleeves, to which she do so. Ghost did not invite her in on the conversation, so she said nothing.
"Hey don't have to take us in. We understand.." Paul leaves his rifle on the hood of the car and walks up shortly to the bus and stops far enough. "If you want us to keep's not trouble. No trouble at all.."
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Ghost looked at Melanie, having just spoken to her about having too many survivors already. However he noticed the heavy arms the two of them had and noticed that they have a different tone than the others. A much calmer tone. He looked at Melanie "What do you think?"
Melanie looked from the first man, to the one with the interesting accent, and then back to Ghost. A part of her was afraid to answer. What if she chose the wrong answer? What if the men were bad? But, then again, what if they weren't? What if they could help their group and the injured within the bus? What if accepting them into the fold was the right thing to do?

She looked back at the two men, clearing her throat. "Have either of you hurt or killed anyone?" she asked, trying to look as confident as she could, despite the slight shaking of her hands.
Paul looked directly at Melanie. "Yes" Paul answered honestly, hoping they can see his honestly. "But you can rest a sure the reason was understandable."
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"The only thing I have killed or harmed is the animals I hunted back in the fatherland." He pause for a minute, "Well, I've killed walkers as well." He smirked a little bit as he said this.
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Paul looked directly at Melanie. "Yes" Paul answered honestly, hoping they can see his honestly. "But you can rest a sure the reason was understandable."
"The only thing I have killed or harmed is the animals I hunted back in the fatherland." He pause for a minute, "Well, I've killed walkers as well." He smirked a little bit as he said this.

Melanie looked to Ghost after a moment of thought. "If they are open enough to admit it, then I trust them." She lowered her gun.
Ghost looked at Melanie, wanting to have her make the decision so she can be more confident in herself. "Fine" he says in a low voice. He lowers his M4 and steps aside from the entrance of the bus looking at the men.
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Dolores eyed between the two, Melanie and ghost."Well I don't." She responded, adding herself in and looking back at the newcomers. She really shouldn't say anything if she didn't personally know Melanie and ghost but she had to."And it's going I stay like that. Just know that from here on, I don't like you two." Said Dolores against the two guys. This would make her look like the bad guys, seeming in cooperative and irrational, even stubborn. She was aware of that, but didn't care. Let her seem like the 'bad guy' then."I'm going back inside the bus. But know that even if I don't like you, I don't mind being civil. It's a must." Warned Dolores, jumping inside the bus and nearly shaking it as her weight collided with it.
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" Your making the right decision, bror." Johan said as he walked past Ghost and up the steps into the bus. He looked around and smiled, "Nyorsk everyone, my name is Johan." He said with some smugness.
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"Honesty is the best policy.." Paul said Paul turned around "Please if you want frisky us...if you think we have hidden weapons." Paul put his hands up again. Hoping to earn there trust a little more.
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She raises her bow, in one swift movement she nails the walker in the back of the head. "Head shot!" She exclaimed with a smirk, soon after she frowned. "Killing a person will never get easier." She thought. "That isn't a person though, it's a walker." As she closed her eyes and shook her head. Alessa has been walking on a highway three days now. She passed a welcome sign sometime ago that said "Welcome to Winsdor!" "Canada." She thought, "Maybe I can find some good ham around these parts." She laughed under her breath. It was raining, not the annoying kind either, the kind she liked. Calm, innocent. Before this all started she loved days like these... These days in her mind it's like a never ending nightmare about a cliche horror game with no ending. She could see cars in the distance. She laughed, "Maybe I'll find my dream car today." She was starting to get cold, and even though she might not find something of use, she could at least rest before she continued.
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Crystal / Highway
She didn't really care to tell him specifics, mostly because she didn't quite know herself... But she knew once he went there, he'd remember the way, and that's all that mattered.
"It's hard to describe, since there aren't any marked roads besides the highway, and the house is on an unmarked, unpaved, road... But you'll see..."
She turned back to look at him as she explained it, she couldn't help but smile when she caught his eyes as they flashed up from looking at her butt... She guessed she kind of asked for it, leading in front like this, but it was still funny to catch someone staring. She immediately blushed and turned her face back to the front, concentrating instead on walking...

Daniel smiled as he looked at her. He had caught he blush. She may not have known it, but he saw it slightly, and to be honest, it kind of made him blush, but he shook it off quickly. "Well I'll do my best to just watch for anything I can use to remember." He said as he looked up at the sky. Noting how dark the area was getting, he guessed it was probably around 6:30 p.m. "We should probably step it up though, I don't want us caught out here. It's definitely not safe, and I'd rather not let a new friend of mine get hurt." He said as he smiled warmly, looking back ahead.

He felt the cold air and shivered slightly. His body was normally warmer than most. He didn't know why, but his body gave off a lot of heat, yet he was really cold at the moment. He would be alright, but he would rather be inside right now. He walked silently after a while, leaving himself to his thoughts about the past few months. He sighed, still wondering about his missing sister, Scarlett. I'll fine her soon.... He thought.
Dolores eyed between the two, Melanie and ghost."Well I don't." She responded, adding herself in and looking back at the newcomers. She really shouldn't say anything if she didn't personally know Melanie and ghost but she had to."And it's going I stay like that. Just know that from here on, I don't like you two." Said Dolores against the two guys. This would make her look like the bad guys, seeming in cooperative and irrational, even stubborn. She was aware of that, but didn't care. Let her seem like the 'bad guy' then."I'm going back inside the bus. But know that even if I don't like you, I don't mind being civil. It's a must." Warned Dolores, jumping inside the bus and nearly shaking it as her weight collided with it.
Melanie could understand Dolores' caution. It was always good to have some measure of caution when dealing with others. She accepted her statement with a nod in her direction.

"I think the night is finally catching up with me," she said, turning to Ghost. It was all in her eyes - she was becoming exhausted. "Is alright if you take first watch while I get some sleep? I'll take the next."

Her eyes fell on the two men, then to the bus and lingered there for a moment. There were so many new faces now. A week ago, she was praying they would find someone, anyone, even just to reassure her mind that her group was not the only one out there. There were still people - living, breathing people - fighting to stay alive, somewhere. She thought it would be a good thing to find more people, but now, as sleep tugged at her consciousness, all she felt was fear and uncertainty. They had injured people with them now, and as their group expanded, so did the chance for disagreements and fighting. She could only hope that they could all work together as a team, because whether anyone liked it or not, it was them verses the dead.

Melanie boarded the bus. She started down the isles, nearly tripping over the open rucksack on the floor. She stopped to look at it, wondering what else was inside, and crouched to take a peek. There were a couple cans of food, some of which she, personally, would not trust to eat (such as the sardines and the chicken), and others that she knew would be safe to eat from the can (vegetables and fruit). Reaching it at random, she took one - french cut green beans - and stood to find an unoccupied seat.

When she sat down, the weight of her exhaustion hit her like a slap to the face. She stared at the can for a moment before putting it down on the seat beside her, deciding she would have it for breakfast in the morning.

She didn't even remember falling asleep.
Ghost nodded and watched as Melanie stumbled her way to the seat to rest. Ghost walked into the bus and sat in the front driver seat looking around. Wondering what had happened to Drake and Rex, he laid his head back against the window. The amount of people that had run into them in such a short time was the thought on his mind. "What are the odds?" He thought to himself.

This only meant that the amount of supplies they would need would increase dramatically. Considering that they stay ofcourse. Different locations came to his mind as he needed to figure out where could they find more supplies. He looked at the rucksack and knew that it wasn't enough for all. "If only it was a dream".
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"Geez." Alessa thought. "It didn't look that far away." She said annoyed. It was practically almost dark. She had finally reached the lot of cars, in the middle she caught eyes on the bus. "Now we're talking." She smirked. While she was moving every which way, she knock her shin on the broken bumper of one of the cars. Irritated, she kicked the bumper, because of the force, it made a loud "Thunk!" as it fell of the car. "Shit!" She said aloud. Alessa raised her bow quickly pulled back and continued with caution. It was dead silent, until she heard sudden scurrying in the distance... Did something hear that?
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Caly grew tense and edgy, watching all the people come on the bus and all the weapons that she didnt have. She sat up more and watched the newcomers with narrowed eyes. Surprised at how this group was so trusting.

She definately wasnt going to sleep tonight. To afraid of being killed in the middle of her sleep. She could see the worry about the lack of food and sighed, she wouldnt ask for any food and didnt expect it. They were providing her with protection and that was enough for her.
Daniel smiled as he looked at her. "Well I'll do my best to just watch for anything I can use to remember." "We should probably step it up though, I don't want us caught out here. It's definitely not safe, and I'd rather not let a new friend of mine get hurt." He said as he smiled warmly, looking back ahead.
Crystal / Highway

She reached into her back and drew out a big scarf she had scavenged from one of the houses she had visited today... She had picked it out because it was thick, and dark, and would last a long time if she took care of it, but she decided that maybe her new partner needed it more...

"Here you go... " She said as she wadded it up and tossed it back towards him.

"I don't have much else or I'd let you use it... You should be fine though... We're within two miles now..."
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