The world we live in,Hell (Walking dead)

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Paul looked at Melanie, then changed his view to the woman outside. Then at Ghost "You want to lead the way Mr. Ghostly?" Paul chuckled to himself.
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Daniel waited a moment, before stepping from the shadows, placing his knives away carefully. "I'm not exactly sure how she knew I was right there, but at least I know I can trust you when we get into a tight spot like that." He said softly. He began walking towards her, stuffing his hands back into his pockets, as he shouldered the back on his shoulder, to adjust it. "Let's get going, before she can even think of coming back with "friends".

Crystal / Highway

It was only a few more minutes before they arrived at her hidden home... A snowy mound, half hiding an old wooden shed, with a tin roof, and a little tin chimney, just big enough to let smoke out, and an inquisitive squirrel in every once in a while.

"Home sweet home... " Crystal said as she nudged open the door with her hand, and strode inside, happy to finally be home.

It was a good 20 degrees warmer inside, despite her absence all day. The coals from the fire she had made this morning were cold, but only just... She immediately put her things down in a corner and began unpacking them and placing them in their spots on shelves, in drawers, and on hooks in the walls designed for tools...

She muttered to herself as she put things in their places... "Canned goods... Coat... Uhm... " She paused... She hadn't ever had to make a place for some of the new items she had acquired today... "Ammunition... " She said as she placed the ammo in a steel drawer set designed for wrenches and screwdrivers... She left the rest of her things in the bag for sorting later, and instead, began arranging sticks in her little fire pit... She pulled a lighter from a pocket and flicked it once, and held it to the dry tinder to start a little cook fire.

She smiled and sat back, happy with her progress...
Ghost looked at Melanie and then Paul. He grasped his gun and turned around, ignoring Paul's remark. Walking towards the front of the bus, Ghost pulled the lever, opening the bus doors and walked down the steps. He came into contact with a young woman and stayed calm. He noticed Walkers were approaching the bus and would reach it at any moment.

"Dammit". He continued to look around at the walkers and then looked at the girl. "I suggest you get in. Now." Ghost backed up and went back into the bus. He grabbed the bat in the front and handed it to the survivor that it had belonged to. "Don't get too close to the windows. Lock that back door and try to eliminate them through the windows as carefully as you can."

He looked back at the woman that he just encountered. "What are you waiting for? I don't have a problem closing the door on you"
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Crystal / Highway
It was only a few more minutes before they arrived at her hidden home... A snowy mound, half hiding an old wooden shed, with a tin roof, and a little tin chimney, just big enough to let smoke out, and an inquisitive squirrel in every once in a while.
"Home sweet home... " Crystal said as she nudged open the door with her hand, and strode inside, happy to finally be home.
It was a good 20 degrees warmer inside, despite her absence all day. The coals from the fire she had made this morning were cold, but only just... She immediately put her things down in a corner and began unpacking them and placing them in their spots on shelves, in drawers, and on hooks in the walls designed for tools...
She muttered to herself as she put things in their places... "Canned goods... Coat... Uhm... " She paused... She hadn't ever had to make a place for some of the new items she had acquired today... "Ammunition... " She said as she placed the ammo in a steel drawer set designed for wrenches and screwdrivers... She left the rest of her things in the bag for sorting later, and instead, began arranging sticks in her little fire pit... She pulled a lighter from a pocket and flicked it once, and held it to the dry tinder to start a little cook fire.
She smiled and sat back, happy with her progress...

Daniel walked inside the 'house', if you will, and looked around. It wasn't too bad of a place, and it wasn't something that was too flashy, something that would attracted attention to anyone. He set his bag down, opening it up, examining the tools he took from the previous house. They all seemed to be in pretty good condition, and that definitely made him happy. One thing he was good with, his hands. Or so he was told..... Don't ask by who. He smiled as he stuffed everything back into it's place in the bag, before zipping it up, and pulling out his knives to sharpen them. He wanted to make sure everything was in top condition, even when it wasn't used. Another trait he picked up from his father, as well as his mother.

"This place....isn't too bad.." He said softly, after a brief moment of silence. He looked over at her, smiling softly. "Thanks for letting me tag along I guess. I'll try not to be a burden~" He chuckled as he stood. He was getting hot. He wasn't sure why, maybe because it had been a while since he felt warmth like this place had, but he was hot. He took his shirt off, revealing a few scares, which seemed like knife cuts, on his back.
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"This place....isn't too bad.." He said softly, after a brief moment of silence. He looked over at her, smiling softly. "Thanks for letting me tag along I guess. I'll try not to be a burden~"He took his shirt off, revealing a few scares, which seemed like knife cuts, on his back.

Crystal / Home

She smiled and looked away when he took his shirt off, not quite comfortable with the shirtless man in her house... Not yet... She hadn't seen a guy this handsome since highschool... Those were usually the jocks, or the rebels that just didn't care about anything, a trait that was attractive in itself. Those boys were generally out of her reach, since the cheerleaders and the dance team, and the volleyball teams were the ones who got first pick. They were always more outspoken, and more comfortable with theirselves than Crystal was, and she was always just a little too late.

Not this time though...

"It's no problem... I have an extra sleeping bag if you need it. It's an old one, but it should work until you find a new one." She tried not to think about the dead guy she found in her own sleeping bag, but it was too late... The man either froze to death, or was sick. Either way, he had something she needed, and he obviously didn't need it anymore... Crystal washed the bag three times before she used it though.

She pointed to the bag which hung from a hook that used to be for shovels rakes and things... The hooks now held fabric, rugs... Whatever she could use to hold heat in... In some areas she even used the foam puzzle mat, and had glued it to the walls... She had felt very smart when she'd thought of that solution to her insulation problem...
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(Sorry, it wasn't sending me updates on the thread >.<)

Alessa, still hiding behind the car glances up. "What the hell was that?" She whispered. She took a swift look around, only to be faced with walkers. She rolls her eyes, bow equipped she starts firing. She takes light footing around the car, making sure she doesn't startle the walkers more than what they are. "Where did that scream come from?" She thought to herself.
Starting to panic now, she thinks, where could she go? "Wait, that bus!" She quickly gathered her thoughts and turned around to run.
Sure enough she was met with the gaze of a soldier, and that of young girl, about 18 years of age. They were sitting at the doors of the bus. "I just... I heard a scream, then I saw walkers and I just... Please, I have some food and water, don't leave me out here." She stammered.
She gave the soldier a begging look. This man would either save her, or leave her to die.
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Sorry.... my alerts for some reason didnt work!)

Emma frowned, waking up, her olive eyes scanned the dark bus as she got up. She looked out the window, the dim lighting of the street giving her access to see, she gasped and cried out, her eye tearing up as she did so, pushing away, something had gotten a hold of her hair by the window. Emma's eyes filled with fear as she panicked, kicking th eair and trying to get away.

Her hand whent to her thigh and looked for her knife... she had thrown it so they would let them in. She calmed down for a bit and remmebered the small pocket knife she had on her hip. She reached for it and cut her hair short. She couldnt reach the bloody walker in her possition, so she had to cut her beloved, orange hair. She stumbeled away from the windows, gripping her chest and trying to calm down, her fiery orange locks messy and now... very short. She bit her lower lip as she looked around... what had happened?!She covered her pale face with her hands and sighed loudly... shaking her head.

She touched her puled and looked around her neck and head, she was not bitten or scratched, "Good... no bites", she mumbled with a thankful smile, she looked back at Melanie, the nice girl whom had helped her.. and noticed the green hoodie she was now wearing.
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Crystal / Home
She smiled and looked away when he took his shirt off, not quite comfortable with the shirtless man in her house... Not yet... She hadn't seen a guy this handsome since highschool... Those were usually the jocks, or the rebels that just didn't care about anything, a trait that was attractive in itself. Those boys were generally out of her reach, since the cheerleaders and the dance team, and the volleyball teams were the ones who got first pick. They were always more outspoken, and more comfortable with theirselves than Crystal was, and she was always just a little too late.
Not this time though...
"It's no problem... I have an extra sleeping bag if you need it. It's an old one, but it should work until you find a new one." She tried not to think about the dead guy she found in her own sleeping bag, but it was too late... The man either froze to death, or was sick. Either way, he had something she needed, and he obviously didn't need it anymore... Crystal washed the bag three times before she used it though.
She pointed to the bag which hung from a hook that used to be for shovels rakes and things... The hooks now held fabric, rugs... Whatever she could use to hold heat in... In some areas she even used the foam puzzle mat, and had glued it to the walls... She had felt very smart when she'd thought of that solution to her insulation problem...

Daniel, not noticing he was making Crystal uncomfortable or not, continued to dig into his bag, until he pulled an old t-shirt out.... Well, it was more of a muscle shirt, or tank top if you will, but it was better than nothing. He smiled as he slipped it on, upon hearing Crystal's words about a sleeping bag. "Thank you~" He said softly as he stood up and turned. He stretched as he looked at her. "I think I shall be okay for now though, I tend to be more of a night person, so I don't sleep too much. At least not as of late, considering everything that has been happening." He said, sighing softly. Things have gotten way out of hand since this outbreak of walkers. The death count had risen so much, and now, since there aren't any law enforcement or government officials around, people have realized they can pretty much do what they want, which makes them even more dangerous than the walkers.

Rape, murder, hate crimes, you name it, and it was most likely happening around the world. He didn't wish that upon anyone, though he did have to kill a few humans, just to ensure his safety, or they were just going to kill him. His mind then wondered to his sister, hoping she was surviving, and not hurt, captured, or even turned.... He wouldn't know what to do if he saw that. He shook his head of those depressing thoughts though, bringing himself back to reality as he walked over to Crystal. "Is there anything you need me to do here?" He asked, seemingly wanting to help out. "If anything needs repairs, or something, I can most likely fix it."
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Johan had been awakened by Mel's scream and shot her a glance of concern. That was quickly ended when he noticed a young woman outside who was obviously in need pf some help, While Ghost tried to coax the girl inside. Johan took his M4 and bashed an already broken window with the butt of the gun. He layed the assault rifle on the window sill and balanced it, taking aim at the incoming walkers,when a a walker got into his cross hairs, he took a shot.The walker's head exploded like a watermelon and the rest of the body crumpled to the ground. "Grapeshot!" Johan called out and chuckled to himself as he lined up another shot and sent a short burst into another walker's nose and left eye socket. "I love it, meat confetti for the lot of ya!"He screamed sadistically. Boy, this was a blast!
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The sound of the bolt clicking was a delight to Rewel's ears.

The sound of the round loading into his rifle, painted a deep black; almost as black as his scruffy, very long jet-black hair, was even better.

His right eye, grey in colour and damaged along the bottom eyelid with an ugly scar, focused in to the scope at the RSS700 in his hands. The crosshair was familiar to his eye. Centered in at the walker's head. The head. Always the head. That was the beauty of it, but it was never the same.

The beauty of the headshot.


Rewel squeezes the trigger, giving a grin and a small exhales breath of assurance as the walker's head dissolves into a fine red mist at the powerful round. Slumping to his knees, Rewel's maniacal grin was hidden by his black bandana as he shrouds the black hoodie around him.

Rewel laughed.

Rewel laughed.

Rewel laughed.

Blinking a few times, Rewel shook his head and have a cough as he stopped laughing abruptly. As if awoken from a dream, he stands up and rubs his head a little, his eyes flashing out of total insanity for a moment as he flicks back the iron bolt of the RSS700 onto the safety catch.

He just needed one headshot to keep him going.

But the walkers were never the same as...

Rewel shakes his head, knowing he could have a head of himself now. Looking around him as he clutched the RSS700 lightly in his hands, his grumbling stomach and dry throat reminded him that he was out of supplies, and needed to keep moving.

He takes a glance at the walker around 100 yards away or so, now slumped dead with the background of the ruined world behind it. It was strangely beautiful in a way. Like seeing the world anew.

But his madness would come to come back at him. His eyes a little distracted upon realisation: people would have heard that gunshot for miles. People wanted him dead. People wanted his beautiful rifle. No... not today, not ever.

"Keep moving. It's done. Keep moving." Rewel mutters to himself in his deep, growling voice as a personal reminder. What was there more to do than keep moving, and hope no one heard the extremely loud gunshot.
A man came out, glasses and a mask covering his face and expression. He suggested to her that she enter the bus, and she frowned at the thought. These people obviously didn't realize the situation they were in.

"No way. That bus is a death trap. I just came here to warn you guys."

He threatened to shut the door on her, which pissed her off. "Fine by me. I'm smarter than that. I'm not going wait like a sitting duck whi-"

She was cut short by the sound of breaking glass, and an assault rifle going off. One shot, and then another. A man in the bus was killing the walkers off one by one.

"ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE!?" Colette screeched, panicking, "That sound's gonna bring so many walkers, and there's already enough as it is!" She stopped and looked around her, walkers left and right started to shuffle towards the bus. She buried her axe in the skull of one that tried to grab her, her arms working on their on accord now. She then tried to explain the severity of the situation as fast as she could, while not getting eaten alive, "Listen, if you guys want to sit in there and wait till your bullets run out and get eaten by walkers, that's fine by me. If you don't, I suggest you get out and run. That bus isn't going anywhere with all these cars around, and none of them have any juice in them." As the walkers closed in around her, she got ready to run, "I'm heading to the woods. If you all wanna stay alive, I suggest you do the same." She dodged a walker, running as fast as her legs could carry her towards the dark woods. She didn't care if they decided to bury a bullet in her head as she ran, she rather die like that then get eaten.
Johan watched as the girl who was outside the bus did a little shake n bake and broke for the for the woods. He was a little to distracted, cause a walker had snuck up on his right and grabbed his shirt and tried to pull him through the window."Shit!" was all he said and he used his hatchet to permanently separate the walker form his arm. He took a few lazy shots, missing said walker and hitting another one in the chest. Johan got to his feet and looked at the others. "I think she has the right idea, let's get outta here." He said as he looked as almost two dozen walkers were shuffling towards the bus.

@Anyone in the Bus
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Ghost looked around and noticed that the number of walkers was heavy. How could he be so stupid and not think things through? Perhaps it was because they had not been in a situation like this for a long time. He looked at the bus survivors sighing. "Lets move." He said. He looked at Melanie and nodded his head, then looking at the rest of the survivors. "Help eachother get by safely. Help those that are hurt. Nobody gets left behind."
Melanie watched the entire scene take place behind a foggy mask of disbelief. Just when she thought they were safe again, something always happened to prove her wrong.

She darted her eyes about, checking the windows. Walkers were swarming now. The bus was no longer a safe haven. The fog lifted from her mind, and then, she took action.

"Ghost, cover me!" she cried above the sounds of Johan's weapon firing. The woman who had warned them took off toward the treeline of the woods across the highway, and there was another outside the bus - she was in danger of being eaten alive. Melanie pushed through to the front of the bus and grabbed her wrist, yanking her inside. She closed the doors of the bus just as three walkers reached it. They clawed at the door, moaning and growling, and behind them came more.

"Shoot from the windows or get to the roof!" she yelled at everyone, sprinting for the emergency hatch where Dolores was. Melanie pulled herself up and out of the hatch, onto the roof, and looked around for a way to escape. If they could get to the woods where the woman sprinted off to, they would be safe. But they had two with the growing group that seemed to be sick or injured. How could she make sure everyone got off the bus alive?

All at once, she knew what she had to do.

The driver's side of the bus was closest to the woods where the woman had run off to. She stepped toward the edge and peered down - only two walkers on that side. She turned and looked over the opposite side. Four now clawed at the doors, and five of them were reaching at the windows, stepping over the ones that Johan had killed. There was a good group of twenty more making their way toward them.

Melanie hurried to the front of the bus and lowered herself to the ground. She circled around to the door-side and backed away, screaming, "HEY, OVER HERE! HEY!!" Her plan was to draw them away from the others so that they could get out and safely into the woods, where hopefully she could circle around and meet up with them later.

Clenching her jaws, she drew her pistol and began jogging backward as most of the herd turned their heads toward her and began to follow.
Ghost watched as Melanie led them away from the bus. He paced and forth "No...Melanie! What are you doing?! Melanie!" He yelled. This being one of the first times Ghost is heard yelling, he watched from inside the bus as the herd got away from the bus. Opening the door to the bus, he walked outside and watched from afar as the herd was getting farther by the second. "No...dammit"
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(Stupid alerts won't work >.<)

"Are you in Windsor Ontario?" Drake asked into the radio "Yes in forest glade, we have a big community if you get here then you're welcome to stay, What's your name again" The man asked "I'm drake, I'll try to get there" Drake then put the walkie talkie on his pants belt and began walking again, The sun was going to come up any moment, A walker comes behind him and he turns around and stabs the head with a knife and pulls it out
After rapidly being yanked inside the bus she stood on top of the roof, she was at a loss for words. So much was going on and walkers had surrounded them.

So much was going on, in the midst of her 10 second thought, she shook her head and saw the young woman that had saved her. What the hell was she doing? "What? After you save me you feel the need to make a valiant effort to save everyone else?" She blocked the annoyed fact out of her mind. She had to do something quick. She couldn't let this woman, her savior, go off alone, she would die.

Alessa looked behind her at the others, then back at the blonde woman struggling to kill each walker one by one. Without thinking another thought, she jumped off the bus, with all the walkers distracted she knew she could get to the young woman. She moved a bit closer, she looked at the woman and saw a walker closing in as she struggled to reload her weapon. Alessa could feel the sweat on her brow, "Dammit." She felt the words escaped her lips. She took a deep breath and raised her bow. With one swift movement she struck the walker, inches away from the woman, in the temple of it's head. "Headshot!" She exclaimed aloud.

She ran up next to the woman, she didn't know this woman, but she saved Alessa... She reloaded her bow and fired at each zombie. She knew she had to protect this woman, in return for saving her life. "We have to run back." She said aloud to the woman. "I know you're trying to help your friends, but they'll be fine, if we stay here, it'll be our lives instead." It was then Alessa grabbed the womans arm and tug on it, signifying that they needed to run.
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Melanie had no second thoughts about risking her life for the good of the group, but when the woman she had pulled onto the bus earlier joined by her side, she felt her heart drop. It was alright when it was just her risking her neck. Now, she had to make sure they would both make it out alive.

"We'll lead them further down the highway, then try to lose them!" she called to the stranger.

She continued to jog backward, glancing behind her to make sure there were no obstacles in their path and adjusting her own path when there were. She only had so much ammo left, and wanted to conserve it, so she put her pistol away and drew her blade, all the while screaming at the top of her lungs to keep the horde of walkers on them. As long as they stayed at a steady pace, and provided they didn't run into more behind them, the horde would not be able to keep up with them.

The bus continued to get smaller and smaller in the distance, and the further they went, the louder Ghost's voice became in her head.

"No...Melanie! What are you doing?! Melanie!"
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"What the hell is she doing...Im going with her!" Announced Dolores, quickly running after her as she pushed through and stabbed some walkers away, Following behind Melanie quietly. She didnt let her eyes wander off--but kept staring straight ahead.
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Johan smiled and nodded in respect a Mel's distraction. He was about to finish a stray walker with M4, but when he depressed the trigger. Nothing happened. "Shit outta ammo" He said in frustration. He opened the back door and planted a well placed hatchet strike to the straggler's skull. He dug his hatchet out and watched as the horde was being lead away. He saw the woods ahead of them and turned to Ghost. "She'll be fine, let's just get the fuck outta dodge!" He turned back to the bus. "Paul, garb who you can and let's go!"
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