The world we live in,Hell (Walking dead)

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She moves a long the edge of the darken tree line watching the many automobiles nearby, taking in much need information. She notice the amount of people which mean they probably lacked food, which she'd save in her memory bank for later. She slowly climbed up into a tree for a better view trying to figure out the leader of the group before approaching the group. She watched the men have a rough time with them. Her make shift bow across her back along with her backpack and bedroll she found. She had been doing quiet well in this area until the new comers came and started making noise. No one would she her unless they new the true differences between a deer walking and a human. She blend in well after years of stealing clothes and random items from px stores as she traveled.
Crystal / Highway
She reached into her back and drew out a big scarf she had scavenged from one of the houses she had visited today... She had picked it out because it was thick, and dark, and would last a long time if she took care of it, but she decided that maybe her new partner needed it more...
"Here you go... " She said as she wadded it up and tossed it back towards him.
"I don't have much else or I'd let you use it... You should be fine though... We're within two miles now..."

He caught the balled up scarf and opened it up, smiling. "Thanks...." Was all he could say as he began to wrap the warm cloth around his neck. Hopefully... Wherever we go is much safer than the rest of these places I've been. He thought as he looked around. He let his mind wander just a little, thinking of all the things he had been through in just the past few days, leading up to now. Almost starving to death, invading walkers and ravaging humans alike, and everything in between. It was taking it's toll on the young male, his body having a few cuts and scratches, but nothing he couldn't handle, so long as it wasn't a bite mark, he was fine.

By now, it was getting really dark, maybe closer to 8 p.m. Daniel's eyes snapped to the right slightly, as he gripped his knives in his pocket. What was that movement just now? He thought, he eyes watching carefully. He knew he saw something. Was it a walker? Or maybe a friend? Hell, it could be another human wanting to kill them for his next meal. He would never be sure. "Crystal..." He warned as he stopped, seeing a little more movement again. "I hope we are getting close, because we aren't alone in this area..." he said softly.
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She pauses looking out to the man who saw her. She has been in this area alone for a long time and wonder what brought them. She slowly moves up the tree line keeping the bus in view. Her hands readied for her bow. She sees a female with this man and rolled her eyes. She was all about staying alive and needing no one. Her says stayed on the man as she moved to get back to her tree that she basically lives in, which has a good view of the bus and those going to it.
By now, it was getting really dark, maybe closer to 8 p.m. Daniel's eyes snapped to the right slightly, as he gripped his knives in his pocket. "Crystal..." He warned as he stopped, seeing a little more movement again. "I hope we are getting close, because we aren't alone in this area..." he said softly.

Crystal / Highway

She stopped as she heard him say her name... She turned to face him and wondered for a moment how he knew her name, but forgot as he mentioned they may not be alone... She looked in the direction he was, but she couldn't see much but the tree trunks in the dusk of late evening. She didn't think much of it since nothing was running out towards them, and no one was shooting at them, but maybe it was best to be careful...

"Then lets keep moving... If you saw something, we shouldn't stop long enough to find out what it is... "

She drew her pistol as she turned around to begin walking again... It was almost dark and they were only half a mile from the shed. In fact, their turn was in sight, and the metal hoop of an old wagon wheel, stuck halfway in the dirt, was only a stones throw away... The driveway was only on the other side of that, and that led to the little farm just behind a thin stand of trees that masked the house just enough to block it from view of people traveling down the highway...

"We're almost there... Just keep moving... " she said, hoping he would follow.

As she neared the marker though, she noticed a dark splotch on the black road... It was beside a car that wasn't there this morning, when she left the shed. She noticed the car looked new... As she passed it she looked inside... There was gasoline inside neat looking red containers. There was a toolbox that was open and nearly empty... There were coats, and a small bag that was opened and emptied... It looked like someone left the car here, but why? There was fuel, and the tires were fine...

Crystal grabbed her Ipod and clicked the home button, illuminating the car a bot more... She flashed the light onto the black stain on the road and gagged... It wasn't black, it was red...

"They left the fuel... Took the meat... " she whispered to herself, as she realized what had happened... Desperate humans, doing the unthinkable.

She waved her light around the area and spotted the tire marks that indicated that the cannibals were mobile, and may or may not be anywhere near here. She figured they were nowhere near here now, but it was best to be safe, and stay clear of the roads for a few days.

"We should get off the road now... " She called back to Daniel, deciding to explain why later, when it was safe. Getting eaten, whether by humans or the dead, wasn't on her to do list today...
Crystal / Highway
She stopped as she heard him say her name... She turned to face him and wondered for a moment how he knew her name, but forgot as he mentioned they may not be alone... She looked in the direction he was, but she couldn't see much but the tree trunks in the dusk of late evening. She didn't think much of it since nothing was running out towards them, and no one was shooting at them, but maybe it was best to be careful...
"Then lets keep moving... If you saw something, we shouldn't stop long enough to find out what it is... "
She drew her pistol as she turned around to begin walking again... It was almost dark and they were only half a mile from the shed. In fact, their turn was in sight, and the metal hoop of an old wagon wheel, stuck halfway in the dirt, was only a stones throw away... The driveway was only on the other side of that, and that led to the little farm just behind a thin stand of trees that masked the house just enough to block it from view of people traveling down the highway...
"We're almost there... Just keep moving... " she said, hoping he would follow.
As she neared the marker though, she noticed a dark splotch on the black road... It was beside a car that wasn't there this morning, when she left the shed. She noticed the car looked new... As she passed it she looked inside... There was gasoline inside neat looking red containers. There was a toolbox that was open and nearly empty... There were coats, and a small bag that was opened and emptied... It looked like someone left the car here, but why? There was fuel, and the tires were fine...
Crystal grabbed her Ipod and clicked the home button, illuminating the car a bot more... She flashed the light onto the black stain on the road and gagged... It wasn't black, it was red...
"They left the fuel... Took the meat... " she whispered to herself, as she realized what had happened... Desperate humans, doing the unthinkable.
She waved her light around the area and spotted the tire marks that indicated that the cannibals were mobile, and may or may not be anywhere near here. She figured they were nowhere near here now, but it was best to be safe, and stay clear of the roads for a few days.
"We should get off the road now... " She called back to Daniel, deciding to explain why later, when it was safe. Getting eaten, whether by humans or the dead, wasn't on her to do list today...

(Crap I thought Daniel knew her name.....son of a- Lol)

Daniel nodded as he pulled three knives out, keeping himself ready. He saw the blood in the car, and sighed, but said nothing. He had an idea on what could have happened, he wasn't naive. He jogged slightly, catching up with her easily as he watched her back. He didn't want anyone or anything sneaking up them, not now. It was too dark, and even if was just one thing, it could attract another few things in this darkness. As they walked, he made a mental note about the metal wheel in the ground, making it a major landmark in his mind, in case he got lost, which he doubted. He used to go hunting with his father, so trekking around for hours was something that wasn't new to him.

Daniel heard some rustling behind them, and took a glance, but saw no one. There is no way, if someone is out there, that they were hiding this well from them. I would have saw them by now. Or heard them. He thought, getting slightly agitated. He had a short temper when annoyed, but he could control it, if he tried.
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She stares at the two and steps out of the dark. Motioning for them to follow, she felt as if she had to help them. She new the group was arguing earlier or something on the nearby road,"I have food and drink I'm willing to share in a safe area,"she stated. Not sure if they heard her as she moved a small path was visible to them. If the followed they would find two trees near the road yet hid with a make shift living space up in them.
She stares at the two and steps out of the dark. "I have food and drink I'm willing to share in a safe area,"

Crystal / Highway

She heard the rustling as a muffled crunch of cold snow and half dried leaves, under shoes... She turned around rapidly, drawing her firearm and aiming it at the dark figure... She was already spooked, and wasn't about to take any chances with a creepy guy stalking them from the woods on the roadside. Crystals finger was on the trigger as she racked a round into the chamber, preparing to shoot the figure before they finished their sentence...

She strafed to the side, taking cover behind the car she was just investigating... The one the unfortunate travelers had been in. Maybe this person was one of them, but maybe it was one of the eaters that killed them. Crystal wasn't about to take chances. She honestly didn't care who this person was either...

"If they're not gone in 30 seconds... Shoot... " She decided, mentally... "Being nice isn't worth getting eaten... "
She instead of going back into the woods and lays her weapons at her side and kneels down on the ground. Her mind yelling at her dumbass now your dead you should have kept moving and left them. She shook her head and pushed the weapons back behind her where she couldn't grab them. If she went for them they'd have enough time to shoot her. After doing this she placed her hands on her head and looked out at them.

"I didn't mean to scare you, I'm sorry." She stated loud enough they could hear her. She saw where the woman went but had no idea about the man. She waited for them to come out or reply. She knows nothing about what happened to their group, hell she hasn't seen another person in years.
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Crystal / Highway

She heard the rustling as a muffled crunch of cold snow and half dried leaves, under shoes... She turned around rapidly, drawing her firearm and aiming it at the dark figure... She was already spooked, and wasn't about to take any chances with a creepy guy stalking them from the woods on the roadside. Crystals finger was on the trigger as she racked a round into the chamber, preparing to shoot the figure before they finished their sentence...

She strafed to the side, taking cover behind the car she was just investigating... The one the unfortunate travelers had been in. Maybe this person was one of them, but maybe it was one of the eaters that killed them. Crystal wasn't about to take chances. She honestly didn't care who this person was either...

"If they're not gone in 30 seconds... Shoot... " She decided, mentally... "Being nice isn't worth getting eaten... "
She instead of going back into the woods and lays her weapons at her side and kneels down on the ground. Her mind yelling at her dumbass now your dead you should have kept moving and left them. She shook her head and pushed the weapons back behind her where she couldn't grab them. If she went for them they'd have enough time to shoot her. After doing this she placed her hands on her head and looked out at them.

"I didn't mean to scare you, I'm sorry." She stated loud enough they could hear her. She saw where the woman went but had no idea about the man. She waited for them to come out or reply. She knows nothing about what happened to their group, hell she hasn't seen another person in years.

Daniel, who had slipped away as soon as he saw Crystal turn, was standing quietly behind a tree, right in the side of the female in question. He watched as he saw Crystal duck off behind that accursed car, and he looked over at her, nodding a simple nod, to symbolized he had her back.

He didn't say a word, not sure if he should. He didn't want the girl to know where he was, so he decided against it. He could take her out with one swift movement. Quietly and painless.... If he so chose to that is.
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It was the same dream. It always was.

Melanie was making her way up the hill, her backpack bulging with medical supplies and a few goodies – namely, an expired little bag of Reese's Pieces, a box of used crayons (some were broken, but she didn't think Lilly would mind), and a Spiderman coloring book. It was either that, or a Disney Princess activity book, and judging by the girl's awesome vintage Power Rangers shirt, she didn't see her as the "girly-girl" type that wanted to be a princess. Maybe the pink ranger, but definitely not a princess.

She rounded the hill, and the first thing she noticed was a walker off to her left, coming toward her. Her first thought was, Gun. Where's my gun – oh God, please –

Her hand fluttered around her waistline, found the pistol there, and in a flash she drew it and pulled the trigger. Nothing happened. She looked at the pistol, her hands shaking now, located the safety, flipped it off, and shot again without lining it up. The sound was jarring, not just to her ear drums, but to her body – she could feel the leftover power from the force vibrating in every nerve.

A small puff of dirt sprayed back a few inches from where the bullet hit the ground just behind and to the side of the walker. It continued coming toward her, faster now, scratchy groans coming from it's throat. Melanie took a quick breath, held it while she aimed for the walker's head. She could see the whites of its eyes – a yellowish gray in color, now that it was no longer living. Her breath came out slowly through her mouth. She pulled the trigger. The walker's head jerked back as the bullet entered its right eye, and it crumpled to the ground in an awkward heap.

Melanie's heart was racing like a wild bird flapping around in a small cage. Her second thought was, wasn't Brian supposed to be taking evening watch with the boss? She swallowed hard, her throat dry, and quickly rounded the hill with her pistol at the ready. Though, it was a dream – the same, reoccurring dream she'd had since the day her old group was killed – nothing could prepare her for what she saw once she reached the top of the hill.

Walkers. Blood. Bodies. Not just any bodies – people she knew and trusted and cared about. Samantha was sprawled on the ground, face down, with a bullet hole in the back of her head and two walkers chewing at her legs. Brian, throat slit with stab wounds in his temple. There was a gaping hole in his stomach where walkers had ripped him open, spilling what was once inside, out. Mrs. Cole was by the RV – she was the worst of all to witness.

Melanie tore her eyes away, aware that she was dreaming, and aware that she could not wake up from it. That didn't stop her from trying, though.

She knew was supposed to happen next, what happened in this dream every time she had it. She was supposed to see Lilly's body. But Melanie refused to look at the camp, and instead took off running down the hill the way she had come up. Walkers were everywhere – hundreds of them, all wandering around aimlessly, until they saw her dashing by.

Melanie felt her legs starting to slow, as though the air was becoming as thick as molasses. The walkers were slower than her, but were catching up to her a little easier now. She shimmied the backpack off her shoulders and dropped it as she ran, hoping to increase her speed. Then she saw Lilly's body-


Melanie turned right and ran, keeping her eyes firmly on the treeline ahead. If she could make it to the woods, she might be able to escape the walkers around her, and maybe even escape the dream. Her legs continued to fight the heavy feeling of the air, and walkers reached out at her from both sides, barely missing her arms. Something was lying just at the treeline in the distance. Lilly's body.


Melanie turned left, screaming. Tears flowed freely down her face. Her legs slowed even more now, and walkers were actually touching her, grabbing her, scratching her. She could feel their grip on her arms. She could feel their nails on her back. With a cry of defeat, she dropped to the ground on her knees and covered her head, sobbing in great, shaking heaves. She waited for the pain. For them to bite her, rip her apart. Nothing happened.

Still sobbing, Melanie slowly lowered her arms from her head and looked all around her She was alone. No walkers. Just her. Then, she looked back in front of her.

Lilly. The girl was mutilated almost beyond recognition. The walkers had ripped off one of her arms. The other had been bitten and chewed to the bone up near her shoulder. Intestines were spilled out over the side of her stomach. Half of her face had been ripped off, eaten. A trickle of blood lead a trail from the bullet wound in her forehead, down the side of her little nose to her chin. She had one eye – one bright, beautiful eye the color of milk chocolate – and it stared at her. It accused her. It blinked.

Melanie woke up on the bus, screaming.
Crystal / Highway

She heard the woman say something but she didn't care what it was... IT felt more like a trap, or a lure into a trap, than anything else... It was too close to the gory scene at the car to be a coincidence.

"We don't want your food and we have a place to stay... Take your things and leave before I change my mind and drop you"

Crystal began rethinking her decision to let the person leave, wondering who else may be out there, lying in wait to ambush them when they turned to leave... Wondering who may follow her to her safe house.

"You have twenty seconds left to disappear... " she called out
(((Sorry for the late reply. Just got back from Walker Stalker Con very Tired)))

Slowly moving but heavy boot steps are heard behind Melanie. "Nightmare?" Paul said with a concerned voice expression.
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With Ghost watching out the window keeping watch, he actually began dozing off. The thoughts on his mind and the long day had exhausted him. With him suddenly hearing the scream, Ghost immediatly woke up and jumped up, pointing his gun to the direction of the scream. He focused his aim and then noticed that it was nothing. Noticing Melanie, he let go of his gun and let it hang on his vest.

He walked down the aisle and looked at her. "What's the matter?"
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Crystal / Highway
She heard the woman say something but she didn't care what it was... IT felt more like a trap, or a lure into a trap, than anything else... It was too close to the gory scene at the car to be a coincidence.
"We don't want your food and we have a place to stay... Take your things and leave before I change my mind and drop you"
Crystal began rethinking her decision to let the person leave, wondering who else may be out there, lying in wait to ambush them when they turned to leave... Wondering who may follow her to her safe house.
"You have twenty seconds left to disappear... " she called out

Daniel stood silently, knowing that the female would listen, if she had common sense. Though he wanted to make sure she was safe, his priority was to be safe himself, and to make sure his partner was safe. Sometimes, he had to go against what he felt, and realize reality. Sometimes. He looked over at Crystal and smiled a little. She is even hotter when she is serious.... Man.... He refocused his thoughts, and realized he had a soft blush on his face. Luckily, he was in a dark area, and it was nightfall, or he could have been embarrassed.
Melanie was a mess. Strands of long, blonde hair stuck to the sides of her face and the back of her neck, matted with sweat. Her eyes were watering badly. She still felt the emotional transference from her nightmare gripping at her heart. Trying to control her breathing, she looked at the two men and sat up straight in the seat, wiping the skin around her eyes with her fingers. "I'm alright," she whispered, her voice cracking. She cleared her throat and tried again, a little louder. "I'm alright. Just a dream."
She looks to where the man is standing and then back to the woman, "I you wanted me to reach for my weapons, so your groupie can do you leg work? That seems pretty dumb." Raise her hand pointing to where he is in the shadows and stands. She bushes off her knees and addresses the man.

"Why are you guys out here, no one has been out here in year. Then you roll on up and shit goes to hell in my peace away from everything." He could tell in her voice she was saying she is alone and prefer it that way. If he looked her over and her weapons he'd see makeshift arrows for hunting and beat to hell armor she rigged together. "I offered food because when I came back earlier your people looked hungry and you all out number me 20 to 1 basically but I'm okay you guys are more then welcome to starve." She waits before grabbing her bow and arrows. In a couple steps she disappeared into the trees her foot steps unheard.
Daniel waited a moment, before stepping from the shadows, placing his knives away carefully. His blue eyes, darker than normal, slowly began to return to their normal brightness. His eyes tended to change in tone, depending on his mood. He sighed as he watched the female disappear, but it had to be done. No one is truly safe in this world. He trusted Crystal, mainly because he had no other choice. It's not like he could go somewhere else. Speaking of his partner, he looked at her and smiled a little. "I'm not exactly sure how she knew I was right there, but at least I know I can trust you when we get into a tight spot like that." He said softly. He began walking towards her, stuffing his hands back into his pockets, as he shouldered the back on his shoulder, to adjust it. "Let's get going, before she can even think of coming back with "friends". He said, though it didn't sound like he was worried.

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Colette jerked awake, a not-so-far of scream awaking her from a dream. One minute a walker was serving her tea on a sunny afternoon, and the next she was in a freezing cold car, the echo of someone's cry ringing in her ears. She slowly sat up, and peeked out the car window. It must have come from the bus, she thought, as the walkers around the area started to shuffle towards it. Colette thought about the situation at hand. In a matter of minutes, more walkers would be surrounding that bus than the people inside could handle, without using guns. And if the did use their guns, even more walkers would hear the gunshots and head towards the area. She also wasn't sure if the bus had fuel in it, and the highway was full of cars, making it nearly impossible for the bus to make a quick getaway. Colette figured she had two choices.

One, she leave now before things got bad.

Or two, she could try to help the other survivors.

She frowned at the choices presented to her, as she was no hero, but she also was not one to leave behind those in trouble. She tried to convince herself that there must be at least one good person on that bus, and then worked up the courage to concoct a quick plan. She gathered what supplies she hand left, slinging her backpack over her shoulders, and slowly opened the door. Her hand-axe in one hand, she ripped off the tin cans tied to the car, and threw them in the opposite direction off the bus, hoping the sound would catch some of the walkers attention, and the smell confuse them. It did distract of few of them, but not nearly as many as she had hoped. She ducked from car to car, making her way to the bus, her body and brain running on pure adrenaline. As she closed in on it, a walker grabbed her from behind, and she turned and swung the axe into it's head, making the walker flop to the ground. Her heart sped, and she reminded herself, It wasn't human. It was a human, but they died. I killed a walker. I killed a monster. Colette scrambled onto the bus, freezing when she saw the amount of people. She put her hands in the air, not dropping the bloody axe, and whispered loudly enough for them to hear, "I really, really hope you guys aren't just gonna shoot me and take my stuff." She gulped, "Even if you are, I highly suggest you get out off the highway as soon as you can, cause there are a lotta walkers headed this way. Unless you're all fit to fight, which if you don't mind me saying..." She looked at the group before her, "It doesn't really look like you are."
"Looks more like a nightmare" Paul said to Melanie "Nightmares can't hurt you." Paul going on finding a sit next to Melanie. "May I?" Paul seen a empty chair next to her.
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Melanie was beginning to calm down now that she was awake and on the bus, and not in her bloody dreams. She gave Paul a weak smile and started to scoot over for him to sit, when she hear something outside - some kind of whispering.

"Did anyone else hear that?" she asked, leaning toward the window beside her and peering out. To her surprise, there was a young woman outside near the doors of the bus, a bloody axe in one of her hands. There were also a few walkers spread out around the area now, all making their way toward the woman. Melanie looked from Paul to Ghost and said, "I think there's another survivor out there. We need to let her on before the walkers get to her!"
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