The world we live in,Hell (Walking dead)

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She couldnt help but roll her eyes at him "what am i gonna do? Attack you with my bare hands" she didnt mean to sound like a smart ass but it was just the way she was. She held onto the bar to help herself get on the bus. Her leg nearly collapsing but she kept a straight face.

She sat in one of the seats and gave a sigh of relief, rubbing her leg and wincing, muttering crossly under her breath. She looked at ghost and mel with a hint of curiousity and wariness.
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She couldnt help but roll her eyes at him "what am i gonna do? Attack you with my bare hands" she didnt mean to sound like a smart ass but it was just the way she was. She held onto the bar to help herself get on the bus. Her leg nearly collapsing but she kept a straight face.
She sat in one of the seats and gave a sigh of relief, rubbing her leg and wincing, muttering crossly under her breath. She looked at ghost and mel with a hint of curiousity and wariness.
@Isabella howard - Melanie moved to the side as the woman with blood-streaked blonde curls boarded the bus. She looked like she'd been through a lot. Judging by the stone expression on her face, Melanie didn't think it would be wise to pry about the woman's past, so she offered her a respectful nod instead and said, "I'm Melanie. This" - she nodded to the man holding the magnum - "is Ghost. There's a girl in the back, sleeping. She appeared a while ago and took shelter with us in here."

@SaoriUchiha - The girl standing outside with hypothermia looked even more worse for ware. Melanie dropped to the last step on the bus and offered her hand to her, smiling warmly. "Come inside, quick. I think I still have some food left in my pack for you guys. Let's get you outta the rain."
Ghost picks up the dropped weapons and follows Melanie back into the bus. He sets the weapons down in the front seat and sits on the seat across from it. Setting the magnum back into its safety, he grabs the M4 which had been left on the seat by Melanie. He puts one arm up on the seat and looks on as Melanie helps the newcomers
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Virus Outbreak: Present Day

Felix stirred from his dozing as he heard the commotion coming from the survivors. He made a quick check to see if all was clear around the car before opening the door and clambering out. He slung his rucksack over one shoulder and made his way towards the flipped white van and peered around the end of it, checking to see what was going on ahead. He spotted more survivors at the bus.
Someone stood in the doorway pointing a gun at them, 'Seems like a friendly bunch..' he thought to himself as he brushed the hair from his face. The rain had stopped now though the ground was still wet with a few puddles dotted around reflecting the moonlight. Suddenly, the new survivors dropped their weapons one by one and entered the bus, Felix looked around one last time and then stepped out from behind the van into the middle of the highway.
"Guess I'll join the party.." he said to himself as he started walking towards the bus.

As he got near enough to be seen he raised his right arm. With his hand in the air and his fingers spread wide he shouted to towards the bus, "Hey there, room for one more in that cosy little abode?" He kept striding towards the bus, not particularly waiting for an answer. He stopped roughly two metres from the door and put his hands on his hips and looked around, in the distance he spotted a walker shambling towards them. It had initially been attracted to the light, he had thought to himself, but now his shouting had probably spurred it on. 'Lets hope he brings some friends...'

Felix stood grinning like a fool waiting for a response from whoever was in the bus, he was expecting the armed guard but anyone that could converse would do.

Virus Outbreak: 3rd Month

Felix had found an old farm house out in the fields. The previous occupants had committed suicide together in the master bedroom, choosing the gun. Based on the fact that the husband still had the colt.44 in his had Felix had made the assumption that he had shot his wife and then himself. 'What a way to go..'
The group had told him to leave after he'd taken out the two walkers. He couldn't understand why they were so upset with him for killing the woman, "She was bitten, she was already dead! Already one of them!" he had protested as they all trained their guns on him. "She was our friend, and she didn't have to die that way!" they had responded. Felix didn't need them anyway, I mean look - he'd gotten this far, he had a farm, he had food and best of all he had his cleavers - no zombie would be getting close to him while his trusty brothers were by his side.
Virus Outbreak: 4th Month
It had been a quiet stretch at the farm. Felix had managed to get by quite happily, picking off a few walkers that came his way and eating the tinned food that was stored in the basement of the farmhouse, but the food was running out and Felix was becoming restless. 'I'd rather be out there fighting those things then be stuck here living my days shut in..' he had thought to himself on a number of occasions.
He had filled a brown rucksack that he'd found in one of the bedroom wardrobes with the remainder of the tinned food and filled a few water bottles from the tap. The water looked a little murky but unless he could find any fresh streams around it was probably the best he was going to get for a while - he hoisted the rucksack up and let it settle onto his shoulders.
"Time to hit the road! Goodbye old friend.." he waved to the farmhouse as he stumbled backwards away from the house admiring the large sheet he'd hung from the window.

"This house was looted
by The Butcher!"

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She glanced at melanie as she heard her starting to speak "hi. You can call me Caly because i really hate my full name and i would prefer it to not be used, not that you really need to know all that" she murmured. She looked at the newcomer eith mild curiousity before looking away.

She turned away from everyone secretely and pulled up her pant leg. But what was under her pant wasnt a leg of flesh and blood. There was metal blood glistened on the fake prostetic leg. All the running she had been doing had caused the old rusty metal to cut and dig into the flesh on her mid thigh where the prostetic ended.
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Ghost looked up and grabbed his M4, this time taking it with him. He turned the lever and pointed his gun up, taking off the safety. "Who are you? Where did you come from?"
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Virus Outbreak: Present Day

"Asking for my name without even the intention to buy me a drink!?..." Felix had chuckled. His hands never left his waist as he looked at the man with a gun pointed at his face. "...there's also no need for the hostilities." He nodded at the gun, "If I meant you harm do you really think I'd walk right up to your front door?"
Felix could hear the shambling walker getting ever closer, it's moans of delight slicing through the night air like a knife. He turned in its direction slowly, making sure his new friend wasn't trigger happy and then walked towards the walker. The walker used to be a woman and was small in stature, it barely reached Felix's shoulders and shuffled in an awkward dragging motion. Felix slid his right cleaved out and quickly embedded it within the walkers skull. He promptly wiped the cleaver on the cleanest part of the walkers shirt, placed it back in it's holster.

Standing in front of the man with the gun Felix took a long and exaggerated bow before saying with a malicious smile,
"Felix, the butcher, at your service."
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Ghost looked at Felix and kept his guard up "I'm not gonna waste my breath and say the same thing you probaly already heard. You know the drill. Drop your cleaves...and you can enter"
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Daniel turned to go through the house when he saw the door was slightly ajar. Instinctively, he got on guard,now seeing if walkers were inside. He pulled out a couple of throwing knives from his back pocket and held them individually in his knuckles. He advanced slowly towards the door propping it open slightly more as he stuck his head inside to check the surroundings.


(Best I got XD)
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Crystal / Sudbury

Crystal had heard the old, empty, houses creak and moan before at nothing more than the wind... But the sound of a door opening slowly was unmistakable, and she immediately imagined one of the dead residents wandering through their old house, as if a memory led them through their old habits and routines...

She felt her hands shake as she reached for her now reloaded Caracal 9mm... She didn't fear the dead ones, but she couldn't help but feel the risk of death as an adrenaline rush that ultimately made her sweat, and also made her hands shake... Not a good thing when they may need to be steady in a moment when she aimed and fired a round into the decaying skull of an old lady...

Crystal removed the weapon from its makeshift holster of shredded leather belts, pinned together with tacks, and leaned against the doorframe of the bedroom so that she could easily pivot and fire if the creature turned around the corner and moved towards her.

She took a light breath, and began counting them as well, attempting to slow her racing heart, as if the walker had a chance of hearing it.
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Rex started to scramble over to Drake once he saw him fall but stopped whenever Drake told him to. "Are you sure? Want me to follow you down?" He asked.
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Rex started to scramble over to Drake once he saw him fall but stopped whenever Drake told him to. "Are you sure? Want me to follow you down?" He asked.
"No, Go after those survivors, I'll try to find another way up" He gave a deep breath and jumped, his feet landing on the car safely,"I'm okay, now go after them" Drake jumped off the car and began to walk another way
"Damn. Alright I'm on my way." He began walking and added, "If anything happens then just yell and I'll be there as quick as I can." Breaking into a light jog on the highway after he had split up with Drake, he wanted to clear the distance as soon as he can without giving up his position immediately. Zigzagging between vehicles as he held his sledgehammer at the ready. He was getting frustrated. When he got frustrated, he lost his temper. When he lost his temper, he got in a fight. With the world as it was, when he got in a fight, someone ended up dying. He fought it back as much as he could as he continued on his way. He didn't have any thoughts of hurting his group, but any strangers were fair game in his mind.
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Caly couldnt help but chuckle at the new comer. Finding this felix fellow amusing. She glanced at ghost as felix did an exagerated bow and she was curious as to what he would do. Not taking him for the joking type but then again who was she to judge? It had taken nearly ten minutes for her to drop the bat and empty gun.

She sighed and gave the two one last amused glance before turning back to look at her leg, blood was still dripping down from the scratches the old metal had dug into her mid thigh. She ripped a piece of her pant leg and began to wrap it around where the flesh of her leg met metal. She was looking around warily and guardedly, not liking how vulnerable she felt without even the simple protection the bat provided her.
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Crystal / Sudbury
Crystal had heard the old, empty, houses creak and moan before at nothing more than the wind... But the sound of a door opening slowly was unmistakable, and she immediately imagined one of the dead residents wandering through their old house, as if a memory led them through their old habits and routines...
She felt her hands shake as she reached for her now reloaded Caracal 9mm... She didn't fear the dead ones, but she couldn't help but feel the risk of death as an adrenaline rush that ultimately made her sweat, and also made her hands shake... Not a good thing when they may need to be steady in a moment when she aimed and fired a round into the decaying skull of an old lady...
Crystal removed the weapon from its makeshift holster of shredded leather belts, pinned together with tacks, and leaned against the doorframe of the bedroom so that she could easily pivot and fire if the creature turned around the corner and moved towards her.
She took a light breath, and began counting them as well, attempting to slow her racing heart, as if the walker had a chance of hearing it.
Daniel walked slowly, hoping to find something here, and definitely hoped it wasn't a walker. He calmed his breathing as he moved slowly, ready to strike at any moment. His knives provided him great protection in two ways. When he needed to stay away, he could throw them, or almost any sharp object, impaling it with speed and precision, but if he had to resort to close range, his knives would be held in his knuckles, and used almost like deadly brass knuckles. "Is anyone in here?" he mumbled softly, not really expecting to be heard. He then kicked himself... Dammit Daniel, there could be a walker in here!! He screamed in his head.

(Again sorry, work is such a drag sometimes...)
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Colette sat in a broken down car in the highway, frozen in fear as she watched survivors dart around the cars, many held at gunpoint and either forced into the a bus, or voluntarily decided to huddle in there together. Colette had been stuck in this car for most of the day, as she was originally hiding in it to escape a larger group of walkers. She was pretty bad at handling more then one at a time, but she was good at finding ways to evade them. However, these survivors had given her new worries. Were they good people? Why was there so many of them? Will they kill me if they find me? Should I approach them or wait a bit? She answered that question for herself, deciding to wait a little longer to see what plays out.
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Daniel walked slowly"Is anyone in here?"

Crystal / Sudbury

She heard the voice and her throat caught her breath, letting out a slight gasp... She wasn't afraid of walkers... She could handle those. But a human? A male? Older by the sound of it... He could be here for supplies... The supplies that she now had in her bag. And what would he do if he found a pretty little girl, all alone, in a bedroom... Crystal didn't really want to find out. This was the end of the world... There weren't many nice people left. The nice ones usually died first...

Crystal waited until she heard his footsteps reach the end of the hallway. His soft footsteps were hard to hear, but the wood of the floor didn't allow for silent movement. She turned the corner, leaving her bag behind the door, out of sight as she stepped into the doorway with her pistol aimed at the intruder...

"Stop right there!" She said, calmly, but firmly, and quiet enough so as not to attract any walkers who may be wandering around outside...

"I know you're here for supplies... I am too, and I already got 'em... So you can just turn on around, and git' out before I feed the locals with you... "

Crystal knew she could kill the person without hesitation... But the last part... She didn't think she could do that... She only added it for flare.
Ghost looked at Felix and kept his guard up "I'm not gonna waste my breath and say the same thing you probaly already heard. You know the drill. Drop your cleaves...and you can enter"

Virus Outbreak: Present Day

Felix glanced up at the windows of the bus, condensation attempting to mask the faces within. He counted at least two before looking back at the man with the gun. He slowly slid his rucksack off his back and reached in.
"There seems to be a few of you huddled in that there bus, do you all have enough food to eat?" he spoke with a patronising tone as he lifted out a tin of peach halves and set it down on the floor. He looked back up at the window and smiled at the faces as he took out another tin, this one was labelled 'Beanz'. "Why a Z...?" Felix muttered to himself.

He stood proudly with five tins of various foods at his feet, stacked one on top of the other. "I bring gifts of food good sir, my intention is not to hurt any of you... BUT..." he paused for added effect, "I will not relinquish my weapons and leave myself defenseless. You have the option to trust me and take the food to share amongst your people, or not trust me and I can carry-on on my way." Felix smiled and waved his hand absent mindedly past the bus to indicate that he really didn't mind which direction to head in. "Let's be honest chap, if you can't stop me with a gun when all I have is these here mere butchers tools then you don't really have the authority to ask me to drop them." After his little speech he bent down on one knee and began slowly placing the tins of food back into his rucksack.

Virus Outbreak: 11th Month
Felix shambled along with the walkers. He'd smeared the blood and guts of a dead walker across a trenchcoat he had borrowed from it, masking the scent of fresh meat and making him almost invisible to them.
He had wandered with the pack for almost two days, realising a long time ago that the walkers would always find food. Farm houses, villages, cities - they were useful for something other then just racking up a score. As he had done in the past he wandered with them until the group came across a place to loot, then he would hang back - loot - and then join back up with them. But this time was different, Felix thought to himself. He looked around at the walkers and a feeling swept over him, a new feeling, something that hadn't reared it's ugly head since the initial outbreak of the virus. Felix was lonely.
"I think it's time I thought about finding a group again and try to make it work.." he mumbled to himself. "Based on all previous encounters with survivors and groups I'm going to need a bargaining chip though... food... or weapons perhaps..."
Ghost hesitates and slowly lowers his weapon. He backs up from the bus and the door and slowly lifts his weapon again. "Go on in...sit in the back and if you make any movements I will put a bullet between your eyes, are we clear?"
Colette watched as another man was held at gunpoint in front of the bus. He seemed to try to talk to the man, and at one point showed him tins of... food? Colette noticed her stomach grumble, and realized how hungry she was. She hoped the noise didn't attract any walkers. She figured that if this man wanted these people's supplies, he could have just killed them, and there were so many on the bus, they could revolt if they wanted to. Maybe they were good people? Maybe. For now though, I'll wait a bit longer, Colette told herself.
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