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It's a new Meme he's creating.
Well, Misunderstood Messiah. Messiah, a person said to have the destiny to bring about Destruction, Chaos, and Anarchy to the world. He'd be a Misunderstood Messiah, as he become as evil as he was due to something that happened earlier in the timeline, (Watched his wife and daughter get raped and murdered in front of him, then found an ancient ruin that held a powerful object that gave him power over evil creatures, artifacts, and powers, which lead to his nation coming about, when in reality all he wants is someone to appreciate and love him like his wife and daughter had.)
So somebody to come and screw us over?
Wait... he basically wants a new family... and he thought the best way to do that would be to make an army of evil monsters and try to take over the world.
No, obviously an object of that power would have drawbacks, and one of them was the corruption of his views. It lead him to believe, in his demented mind, that only by destroying everyone and everything will he ever get that kind of love again. Of course, the object will have other drawbacks as well.

And, well not someone to screw you guys over, just someone to give you guys a strong common enemy and the like, as so far the nations being made aren't necessarily evil, they just support themselves much more than others.
This is why I chose to make my lands volcanic: Those flashes are lightning generated by the eruption.
Huh, guess i know where those giant titan ash dragons came from now :3

Name: "Shots"

Nickname: Black Ember

Gender: Male

Age: 31

Race: Neko

Family: Orphaned, Lived with "Kraken"

Location: Ugaolo, Armed Republic of Rogess, Plut Wastes

Occupation: He works with Ki's special task force B.O.R.

Skills: Tracking, Special Creature survival skills, Cooking, Logging

Special Skills: Fire Magic, Base Neko Abilities, Chameleon Magics

Weapon/s: No

Good Traits:

Bad Traits:




Name: "Jax"

Nickname: Heavy Arrow

Gender: [Because of her build you wouldn't be able to tell even just looking at her, but she's female]

Age: ?? [28]

Race: Opposition, Physical

Family: ???

Location: ???,???, Plut Wastes

Occupation: She works with Ki's special task force B.O.R.

Skills: Focus, Fletching

Special Skills: Bow and Arrow mastery, Iron Body, Super Strength, Kick-Boxing

Weapon/s: Bow and Arrow

Good Traits:

Bad Traits:




Name: "Jinx"

Nickname: Sword Breaker

Gender: Female

Age: 28

Race: Opposition, Brain

Family: ???

Location: ???,???, Plut Wastes

Occupation: She works with Ki's special task force B.O.R.

Skills: [Because of her Race Sub-Class she never forgets anything, so her skills here would be numerous as she has photographic memory]

Special Skills: Weapon Decomposing (exposes weapon weaknesses disabling/breaking them(especially strong against weapons she can analyze. This being swords), Healing Magic, Magic Bolt

Weapon/s: Magic staff, or Hands

Good Traits:

Bad Traits:




Name: "Deck"

Nickname: Red Ember

Gender: Male

Age: 32

Race: Neko

Family: Mother and Father Alive.

Location: Ugaolo, Armed Republic of Rogess, Plut Wastes

Occupation: He works with Ki's special task force B.O.R.

Skills: Tracking, Special Creature survival skills, Fishing

Special Skills: Fire Bending, Base Neko Abilities, After-Image Magic

Weapon/s: No

Good Traits:

Bad Traits:




Name: "Kraken"

Nickname: The Great Tamer

Gender: Male

Age: 31

Race: Emperica Humira (Slaved by "Reticle")

Family: Mother and Father live in Emperica, has no plans to see them or hopes to.

Location: Ugaolo, Armed Republic of Rogess, Plut Wastes

Occupation: He works with Ki's special task force B.O.R.

Skills: Cooking, Cleaning, Serving.

Special Skills: Creature Taming, Fencing

Weapon/s: Rapier

Good Traits:

Bad Traits:




Name: "Reticle"

Nickname: Bloody Marauder

Gender: Male

Age: 2500

Race: Vampire

Family: Mother somewhere in Plut, Father died in battle 200 years ago.

Location: Vampire's Caves, Armed Republic of Rogess, Plut Wastes

Occupation: He works with Ki's special task force B.O.R.

Skills: Cooking, Farming, Breeding

Special Skills: Super Strength, Flight

Weapon/s: Rings on each finger to make you really feel his punches

Good Traits:

Bad Traits:


Well 3 things, 1, remember to specify in each of their CS that their General level.

2. How the hell are you going to manage so many characters?!

3. I'm mad at you, because you get Legal Lolis D:<
I managed an RP with 16 this is nothing
Perhaps, since this is an RP that will involve war and fights, etc... @AllThePasta should create a fighting system that's fair to everyone and makes sure that no one can overpower another in their writing.

This is, of course, just a suggestion.

I'll have my post up tonight when I get home from school.
Well, i usually do make up a combat system in my RP's, but considering how large scale the combat can/will be in this RP i thought it wouldn't really be useful, but i guess i have to to make sure something like Baskal and the BORS unit's fight doesn't happen again.
I don't think it matters how large-scale the fight is. Unless you want godmodders (inadvertent or not), you need a system of fighting that everyone should abide by.

It's almost lunch time now. ^^ If you need any help building a system for the large-scale battles, you can PM me. However, I'm sure you gots it. XD
Excuse me but I suggest we declare all out war on Shiro. I need to obtain some Lolis for reasons.
If we're doing a math related system I got it. Otherwise, I'm of no help here.
Actually, i agree with Ruko, we all need some Loli's, and Shiro has the only supply of Legal ones >:D
Ahem, all out war would drive them to extinction fast.
Also, I have a fighting system in mind, it won't use numbers and such though.
Rounds are a definite, dice are a possibility.
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