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Aren't you forgetting about Maghina?! I mean that stuff, all you need to do is coax it on you and you're fireproof! :D

And Shiro, it won't matter when the Dragon Alliance and Tensi come storming in with the Empire's Titans.
Does Maghina also make you asphyxiation-proof? Earthquake proof? Magmaproof? 45km/h mudflow proof? All very present hazards in Tenshi Lands.
Not currently. However, research is in the works and there is some very promising results.
Does maghina have like a time limit or something? Plus, while it might be possible to raise resistance, it also zeroes your magic resistance. So while you're using it we can just throw a couple of death spells in your direction.
Not unless you have to deal with magic resistant armor.

I've also been thinking about having the Emperica once a magical race that some how lost their magic and the Maghina is their condensed magic.
I like that idea. It makes more sense than the neutralised magic resistance since it'd cause loopholes and pretty much render your Empirica the equivelant of level 1 Slimes if in the presence of a magic user.
Yep, but it seems everyone has their special stuff bout their races so here's mine.
The three races gain ability boosts when exposed to darkness, because of Yo's affinity toward it.

  1. Nightwalkers - Vampires gain strength that can match a Dragonkin and can transform into bats.
  2. Feline Predators - Neko's Abilities are increased. Eyes can see for miles, They can leap over half the Tenshi capital, Hearing is increased to hear almost all the battlefield. They gain smell and taste.
  3. Iron Body - Physicals calorie use is reduced to almost nothing, allowing them to have energy for days. Their muscle, skin and organ tissue become stronger than any ore found on planet, as well as their bone structure.
  4. Ethreal Memories - Brains become super speedy and can access all nearby Oppositions analyzations. Their Weapon Decompose spells can break enchantments and weapons are guaranteed to break on the first try.
  • Yo's blessing - Night is clear as day through their eyes and if the leader has drank the blood the strength of all 3 races is doubled, on top of their normal enchantments.
  • When these effects are active symbols of the nation appear on the necks of the races and Vampires bites no longer slave or infect and they can just ruthlessly kill.
I like that idea. It makes more sense than the neutralised magic resistance since it'd cause loopholes and pretty much render your Empirica the equivelant of level 1 Slimes if in the presence of a magic user.
It would be a closely guarded part of history for the Emperica then. And one other thing. Titans are Emperica magic creations and many other ruins with many other 'beings' still running around.

The Chryssalid could also be one.

Annnd maybe the Spark Alliance.
Wait what use is the first half of Iron Body? If it only activates at night where the point in them being able to last for days?
Archwar you know you're making a lot of work for yourself sir.
@Ruko It's just to show that they're not getting exhausted during this period of time any time soon.

And it's not just night, it's lack of light that they gain these abilities. Because Yo is an angel of shadows. Also, when we die we just evaporate, just because it's cool.
@Archwar everything you add you have to find ICly.
I still have no idea what you mean.

Also, if it is true that your species thrives in darkness then wouldn't that mean many types of light would stop those abilities?

Ruko! Get those light spells ready!
How did you guess!? Pretty much every Tenshi offensive spell is light-based :D
Your races don't know this so if I see that it's meta, sorry this sounds rude even to me. So I apologize for that.
It's fine. I imagine the Tenshi will discover that they're stronger in darkness, but I doubt they'll figure out exactly how. And similar for Tenshi magic: Just knowing it's light based means nothing :D Not when it's magical light.
Unrelated: Wasn't Pasta here earlier?
:I Welp. Ok den I'mma post and wait for him.
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