The World of Narif (Sign-up/OOC)

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What about special battlefield effects though? I can't imagine having to use those in a round. Can't explain exactly what those are though.
Well generally those types of effects would be general knowledge, like for example, trying to fly in The Floating Isles of Isla would be very difficult for BORS Riders or other flying units, but not for the dragonkin, as they have lived their for years and know how to get around them at high speeds without problems.
Nah you misunderstand. Effects that come into play that aren't the usual battlefield. Like dropping a nuclear bomb on the battlefield - theres no point rolling or rounding cos you can't dodge a nuke.
Well, we'll do with that if/when it comes.
Definitely a when. im gonna do it even if I don't need to.
I don't understand how flying around islands are hard, but I understand knowing lay of the land and that would give you an advantage. But, floating islands are not that hard to fly around, especially since it's the size of an island. I trust my army won't ram head first into the rocks.
Maybe the dragonkin put rocket boosters on the islands and use them as giant battering rams?
So if most other nations are going to declare full out war against Shiro are you guys going to try and drag the Empire into it? If so, I get all his land in exchange for trading those things.

I'll also make his races slaves! :D. So, Ruko you can have fun with them as long as you don't piss off the Empire.
*starts adding random shiz like Empirca*
You can enslave them if you like, but I instantly own all rights to any Lolis. They shall be distributed among Tenshi as pets.
The flame wars, their starting. Also, the dragonkin would gladly trade you for some of them lolis as well, besides the ones they capture due to the war. Actually, I just realized, dragonkin and rogess are going to war regardless once the message is received.

Also, the floating isles vary from wall rocks to their capitals size, and since your creatures can apparently travel as fast as a blora then they would have to go slow in the isles, otherwise its a guarantee that they will crash into something.
Ah, I see. It sounded like I wouldn't be able to fly around them.
The Tenshi would be screwed if they take Oppositions. The Dragonkin would be the only ones really able to handle them. Physicals can break normal shackles, Brains will memorize magic like nothing and use it against you. Yeah, Tenshi ain't gettin em, but Dragonkin I dunno.
You underestimate the sheer power of Transcendent Magic. You also fail to realise that even the Brains cannot comprehend Transcendent spells, therefore cannot use them. It's kinda handy how me wanting to make a unique race ended up in being a natural advantage over another player.
Transcedent magic is just magic that passes one from one body to another right?
No, that's just one use of it. Anyone could theoretically do that. But only Tenshi could do it using Transcendent Magic.
Hehe, the Elves have created their own sect of magic, but most are throughout the world.

As for the Rogress nation. You forget that the Emperica are magic resistant with some almost competently immune to it like Jack. This has also caused them to not be able to use magic, but as a result they are perhaps the most technological nation out there that doesn't use magic.
Doesn't matter how resistant you are to magic... You're still flammable :P
Archwar we hardly use it, most our magic is healing magic. Your force isn't much threat to us, The only force that worries me is Tenshi.
I can't wait to get into a fight with someone... Gon have so much fun with the first batch of spells.
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