The Wilson's 2.0 (IC)

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"Dante!" Xavier said rushing forward and pushing the boy gently out of the way. "Dante 1. You need to wait and 2. You could have burned yourself and you already have enough scars as it is, if you got badly burned you could even be taken away from us, it that what you want?"
Scottie smiled, looking at him. "Yeah, Xavier, and Sean. We were caught red handed." He smirked and rested his head on the wall behind them, hearing a bit of shouting downstairs. "And the trouble is back." He sighed, hearing a door slam and footsteps hurrying up the stairs.

"Scottie Sean ran away.....again I'm assuming he went to the beach but I don't know, since you're the only one he listens to you kinda need to go get him.....and Kaine if you're still in there will you come and help me with breakfast?"

Scottie internally groaned, closing his eyes lightly before opening them again. "When will the little punk learn.." He muttered, kissing Kaine's cheek, and getting up. "Sorry to leave so abruptly, but I have a steaming hormonal teenager running off to the beach." Scottie smiled slightly and walked to his dresser, pulling out the same My Chemical Romance shirt he had worn on his first day at the Wilson's and slipping it on. "I'll be back in a bit, so make sure you save me some bacon." Scottie grabbed his keys off the desk, and jogged downstairs. "Off to get the raging teen. Be back soon." He waved slightly and opened the front door, walking over to his car.

Daniel followed Dante into the kitchen, seeing a huge kitchen and food being cooked, wow it looks like how mom used to make us... Daniel thought to himself then his smile dropped thinking about it. He began feeling guilty watching Dante take the food, so he looked away. Daniel then saw Xavier rush next to him and grab Dante. Hearing Xavier say that Dante had scars, the boy was shocked that someone else also had scars like him. "Wait you have scars too?"

Stelios got a text from Darren to hang out, so Stelios drove to his house to hang out with the three friends. Stelios parked on the road and made his way inside the house seeing the friends sitting on the couch. "Hey man, your alright" Darren smiled at him. "Yeah man, what's up?"
"Dante!" Xavier said rushing forward and pushing the boy gently out of the way. "Dante 1. You need to wait and 2. You could have burned yourself and you already have enough scars as it is, if you got badly burned you could even be taken away from
Daniel followed Dante into the kitchen, seeing a huge kitchen and food being cooked, wow it looks like how mom used to make us... Daniel thought to himself then his smile dropped thinking about it. He began feeling guilty watching Dante take the food, so he looked away. Daniel then saw Xavier rush next to him and grab Dante. Hearing Xavier say that Dante had scars, the boy was shocked that someone else also had scars like him. "Wait you have scars too?"

Stelios got a text from Darren to hang out, so Stelios drove to his house to hang out with the three friends. Stelios parked on the road and made his way inside the house seeing the friends sitting on the couch. "Hey man, your alright" Darren smiled at him. "Yeah man, what's up?"
(oh it's cool Stelios we'll take care of your brother while you go hand out with your friends hahaha)
"Dante!" Xavier said rushing forward and pushing the boy gently out of the way. "Dante 1. You need to wait and 2. You could have burned yourself and you already have enough scars as it is, if you got badly burned you could even be taken away from us, it that what you want?"
Daniel followed Dante into the kitchen, seeing a huge kitchen and food being cooked, wow it looks like how mom used to make us... Daniel thought to himself then his smile dropped thinking about it. He began feeling guilty watching Dante take the food, so he looked away. Daniel then saw Xavier rush next to him and grab Dante. Hearing Xavier say that Dante had scars, the boy was shocked that someone else also had scars like him. "Wait you have scars too?"

Stelios got a text from Darren to hang out, so Stelios drove to his house to hang out with the three friends. Stelios parked on the road and made his way inside the house seeing the friends sitting on the couch. "Hey man, your alright" Darren smiled at him. "Yeah man, what's up?"
At Xavier's mentioning Dante's Scars he punched Xavier. Looking at him with a what the hell face. With Angry tears building up when Daniel mentioned his scars. Lashing out at some of the plates on the counter, Dante threw them around as he ran off. Not waiting to see what Xavier's response.

Bursting into his room Dante Pulled off his covers and crawled under his bed.
You idiot! Xavier thought to himself, he was so used to being able to mention Dante's scars he didn't even think it would be a problem. Before he could fix things up with Dante he took everything off the stove and put it on the table. Luckily Kaine had bought the gold plates so none of them broke. Calling up the stairs, "breakfast is ready, Kaine I need you down here now!" He didn't mean to sound rude but he needed Kaine to help out.
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Daniel stopped when he said it, shocked of what Dante had done, throwing plates around the room almost hitting the boy. Daniel didn't mean to mention his scars, especially how Stelios told him not to say it around anyone, especially Xavier. Daniel ran out of the room to the living room, wimping in his knees of what he had just done.

"Not sure just chilling" Darren took a drink of beer from the bottle, then Juno butted in. "We should go get more drinks, that was the last one" Stelios shrugged as he didn't care about what they did. " I'm out of money...Wait i got an idea" Darren smiled as he put down the bottle. "What's that?" Stelios asked as he put his hands in his pockets. "Let's rob a corner store"
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(Sean just wanted to go get a tan holy pepper spray batman eh maybe I could say he did it for Scottie's attention >:D)

Sean lay on the beach, in his swimsuit, a bit revealing not many guys were seen wearing his swimsuit, it was baggy but shorter maybe up to mid thigh. He lay on the beach on his towel and closed his eyes. Going over what happened between Scottie and Kaine and how it frustrated him so much, if Scottie actually cared for him he wouldn't be in bed with Kaine would he? Where was Stelly...he needed someone...someone he loved..Stelly.

[Or maybe he realizes he loves Stelly still I'm confusing myself with my own character, Corner store by the beach? *Shrug shrug*]

[ @Foxtrot @Tart ]​
(Gold plates? xD Who the hell needs gold plates.)

Kaine sighed, reluctantly climbing out of bed after Scottie left and taking some time to straighten himself out before heading down to the kitchen at Xavier's persistent yelling. "What's going on..?"
Stelios was worried, he didn't wanna rob anything and was scared for the consequences. But still went with it to try to not be a pussy in front of his friends, Joel and Juno were good with it while Stelios was mostly scared. He sat in the back seat of the car with his heart beating fast, he missed everyone he was with, Xavier, Kaine...Sean. The car stopped a few minutes later in the parking lot of a corner store, Stelios debated if he was going to do this. "I took the orange piece off these airsoft pistols, here" Darren tossed to all of them, as Stelios now had to do the unspeakable...Rob a store.

"Hands in the air now!" Joel shouted as he aimed the BB gun at an older man maybe in his early 50's, the man was scared and raised his hands in the air. "Please don't do this..." The man said as he stood frightened. "Load up the bags old man" Juno said as he gave him a two grocery bags. Stelios's heart was beating as he knew one thing...He wasn't a criminal. "I can't do this, I'm not a criminal, I'm calling the cops if all of you don't leave now" Everyone was shocked, including Darren. "The hell man, you would get arrested too" Stelios sighed and inhaled then exhaled. "Then so be it"

"Get him!" Darren shouted and Juno and Darren both ran after Stelios, Stelios immediatly booked it and ran out the store, Joel also followed the friends as he was scared for all of them. Darren ran and tackled Stelios on the grass, he began to beat him up with Juno also kicking Stelios. "I'm so sorry Stelios" Joel said silently to him as he stood back, after the boys were done beating up Stelios really bad, they were scared that the police would come and booked it to the car driving away.

(Damn that was intense, i gotta go in a few minutes so i'll see you all around 5pm tomorrow)
(Gold plates? xD Who the hell needs gold plates.)

Kaine sighed, reluctantly climbing out of bed after Scottie left and taking some time to straighten himself out before heading down to the kitchen at Xavier's persistent yelling. "What's going on..?"
( I meant GOOD plates....darn autocorrect haha)

Xavier was about to pull his hair out, with Sean always running away, Dante having a temper and having to always cook the meals, clean, do laundry it was all adding up and stressing Xavier out. "Can you please just deal with breakfast I made everything and it is on the table, I made Dante mad and I need to at least try to patch things up," Xavier said knowing he would probably get no where with Dante, but he had to try.
(( I was thinking the same. Gold plates lmao...we're just that classy. ;D ))

Scottie sighed in frustration, backing out of the driveway and driving down the road. Sean seemed as though he'd never learn, always running off or causing trouble, some place at some time. Frankly, it scared the hell out of him. He just wished Sean would come to his senses. Scottie did care for him, in a brotherly way, and the fact that he talked to such perverts online and smoked and what other nonsense that he did, made him antsy and a bit irritated. As Scottie parked along a sidewalk, he hopped out of the car when spotting a male figure laying in the golden sand. He locked the car and made his way towards him. "I guess it is pretty nice weather for being in the middle of fall." Scottie said a bit loudly, to get the boy's attention. "Though...I don't know why you'd run off when knowing you're in a bit of trouble." Scottie sat down beside him, looking over at Sean. "Spill it. What happened?" He rose a questioning eyebrow, his eyes boring into Sean's.
"Spill what? The fact you're a selfish bastard?" Sean said as he sat up and put his shorts on and rushed to put his muscle shirt on.
"I thought I could trust you but, yeah know you can't trust everyone now can you?" Sean screamed as he walked to the board walk.
Fuck you fuck you fuck you was all he could think as he remembered Kaine and Scottie in bed.
He was making his way to the board walk when he walked up he started to run across until he heard a scream and saw kids holding guns and there was Stelly.
"Oh no oh no Stelly what are you doing" Sean said as he walked to the store when his friends started to chase him. Sean chased after them, if anything running away a lot the advantage was being able to actually run, surprising. He found them beating up Stelly as they left he lay there, Sean cried as he looked at Stelly beaten. "Stelly please wake up." The grass itching Seans legs "Stelly please I...I love you still please just wake up"

[You get to decide if Stelly was awake the whole time or not .-. ]​
Stelios laid on the grass, as a little blood ran down his lip. He couldn't feel anything after getting kicked and punched the shit out of, he could hear a buzzing sound in his ears. But the buzzing began to stop and he heard a familiar voice...Sean? Stelios saw the boy sit on the ground and start to shake him, but then heard mumbles except for "...I love you still" Stelios let out a few words. "Don't call...911...Help me up please..."

Daniel stood up and walked out of the movie room, the boy still ashamed of what he had done. He walked down the hall to find the boys room, where he saw a blanket move from under the bed finding that it was most likely Dante. "Dante...I'm sorry...Can you come out...Please?" The boy sat across from the bed hoping that he would come out from under the bed.

( Okay back again @SgShallow @Dramma )
Xavier pulled a plate full of bacon and took it to the little boy's room. Seeing Daniel was already there he said, "Daniel you should go eat breakfast." He wanted the little boy to leave so he could talk to Dante and say he was sorry. Xavier was used to being able to talk about Dante's scars openly in the house.

( @Foxtrot @SgShallow )
Stelios laid on the grass, as a little blood ran down his lip. He couldn't feel anything after getting kicked and punched the shit out of, he could hear a buzzing sound in his ears. But the buzzing began to stop and he heard a familiar voice...Sean? Stelios saw the boy sit on the ground and start to shake him, but then heard mumbles except for "...I love you still" Stelios let out a few words. "Don't call...911...Help me up please..."

Daniel stood up and walked out of the movie room, the boy still ashamed of what he had done. He walked down the hall to find the boys room, where he saw a blanket move from under the bed finding that it was most likely Dante. "Dante...I'm sorry...Can you come out...Please?" The boy sat across from the bed hoping that he would come out from under the bed.

( Okay back again @SgShallow @Dramma )
Xavier pulled a plate full of bacon and took it to the little boy's room. Seeing Daniel was already there he said, "Daniel you should go eat breakfast." He wanted the little boy to leave so he could talk to Dante and say he was sorry. Xavier was used to being able to talk about Dante's scars openly in the house.

( @Foxtrot @SgShallow )
Whining from under the bed Dante responds to Xavier and Daniel. " Why I'm better off under here anyway... Why don't you go and tell everybody else at my school that I'm some cut up freak!" Dante pulls the blanket some more wrapping himself up more inside of it. "While your at it why don't you tell him that like *ucking $hit." As always Dante was not going to come out on his own power.
(Lolz I'm such a pain in the ass :) just drag him out or something.)
( don't have to tell me twice)

Xavier was tired of all the stress of running this place. Kaine and Scottie were never much help because they were always together, and now the two were dating. Skye was good as usual. Sean was always rebelling and running away. Stelios was dumping his little brother off while he went out and did God knows what. Summer hadn't been too bad, and now Dante was freaking out. Xavier knew that he shouldn't have meantioned the scars, but Dante needed to grow up and at least talk to him about it.

Dragging him out from under the bed Xavier did his best to restrain the boy's arms and legs and started talking, "Dante I'm sorry I shouldn't have meantioned those things, but I'm so used to being able to talk about them openly I didn't think it would be a problem, you don't have to forgive me....right now, but by tonight I want this thing straightened out okay?" Xavier said quickly hopefully the boy understood what he was saying as he was talking fast. Letting go of him he picked up the plate of bacon and gave it to the boy. "Here, you're a growing boy you'll be a man soon," he added hoping the part about Dante becoming a man would help to motivate the boy to grow up.

( @SgShallow )
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( don't have to tell me twice)
Xavier was tired of all the stress of running this place. Kaine and Scottie were never much help because they were always together, and now the two were dating. Skye was good as usual. Sean was always rebelling and running away. Stelios was dumping his little brother off while he went out and did God knows what. Summer hadn't been too bad, and now Dante was freaking out. Xavier knew that he shouldn't have meantioned the scars, but Dante needed to grow up and at least talk to him about it.

Dragging him out from under the bed Xavier did his best to restrain the boy's arms and legs and started talking, "Dante I'm sorry I shouldn't have meantioned those things, but I'm so used to being able to talk about them openly I didn't think it would be a problem, you don't have to forgive me....right now, but by tonight I want this thing straightened out okay?" Xavier said quickly hopefully the boy understood what he was saying as he was talking fast. Letting go of him he picked up the plate of bacon and gave it to the boy. "Here, you're a growing boy you'll be a man soon," he added hoping the part about Dante becoming a man would help to motivate the boy to grow up.
Dante was surprised when Xavier Pulled him out from under the bed. He was being more forceful than usual. Dante went to start Kicking and punching him. But before he could Xavier restrained him, not knowing what got into Xavier Dante just looked at him. Why is he being so pushy? Dante is does not know of Xavier's troubles. Figured out by tonight? What?. Grudgingly Dante responded with a "Thanks" when Xavier gave him his food. With Daniel still sitting there Dante Crawled over with the plate. He did not want to talk to Xavier and going back under the bed was out of the question. Offering Daniel some of the bacon Dante was Brooding to himself. You'll be a man soon. Then you can leave and I'll have my lovey Skye without you forever. Dante tends to take things the wrong way. After thinking negatively about Skye like that Dante felt a little ashamed, Skye has always been a good friend. But he was always getting everyone's attention.

Now sitting a little more contempt eating bacon Dante looked back at Xavier

@andrew21234 @Kitsune @Foxtrot

(Sorry it took so long)
Daniel had hoped that Xavier didn't hear what he said before because if he did then Stelly would give him a big lecture about not telling anybody about his scars, the boy took a bite out of his eggs then looked over at Dante. "I'm sorry if i upset you earlier, i didn't mean too" The boy looked down at his plate and kept eating. "I'm okay i'm already full" Daniel had only half an egg when he got 'full' The boy had never ate a lot since his mother passed and never had the same appetite. "Umm Xavier...Has my brother seemed different since you first met him till now and i'm full"
(No problem it's fine @SgShallow @andrew21234 also @Dramma posted earlier back)
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Daniel had hoped that Xavier didn't hear what he said before because if he did then Stelly would give him a big lecture about not telling anybody about his scars, the boy took a bite out of his eggs then looked over at Dante. "I'm sorry if i upset you earlier, i didn't mean too" The boy looked down at his plate and kept eating. "I'm okay i'm already full" Daniel had only half an egg when he got 'full' The boy had never ate a lot since his mother passed and never had the same appetite. "Umm Xavier...Has my brother seemed different since you first met him till now and i'm full"
(No problem it's fine @SgShallow @andrew21234 also @Dramma posted earlier back)
Xavier was about to leave the room, he needed a break from everything, when Daniel asked him a question. Turning around he looked into Daniel's eyes and saw his sadness in his eyes, just like himself. The sadness of Stelios not wanting the boys in his life mixed with everything that had happened today so far seemed to drain all the energy from him. "Yes Daniel, Stelios is different......he's not the same boy I called my brother," he said. Normally he would stay for a response but he really wasn't in the mood, walking to his room he opened the door, walked in, closed the door and started pacing around the room.

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