The Wall

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Anarchy looked slightly confused when he laughed, but when he spoke she understood. "Ah, that's..unusual." She said, looking a little troubled, but this went away. "Again, just don't touch me with fire or the lightning and we'll be just fine." she let a small smile slip across her face. "It is nice meeting you, Griffith. And if you get into any...trouble, per say, then just call my name." She said. "The shadows should carry it across."
Griffith nodded, a small smile dancing across his lips. "Of course. It was nice meeting you as well Anarchy. I look forward to exploring the dungeon with you." With that he turned and walked away, raising one hand to wave good-bye at Anarchy as he walked. Now then... Who else was Elvira going to send with them?
Anarchy gave a curt nod as he left before she turned back to the wall, touching it lightly again. "Hello..I am sorry about the interruption.." she said softly.
Chi was just finished her food when she had a feeling of being watched. 'oh love its alright its no one' the dark voice said. she nodds and walks around the inn. she still had that bad feeling 'I dont think its nothing anymore' she was scared. 'dont worry im here for you' the voice said calmly. she turned around to see nothing and then she faced the way she was going.
Chi decided it was time to check out The wall. She went out of the inn, and around to were it was standing. She noticed a girl who was doing something strange to it, and walked up to her.


"No, it's okay. I actually..."

The text in the frost vanished. Anarchy turned around to see the cause of it, and she noticed the girl standing behind her.

"Who are you?" She asked the girl.

"I'm Chi."

Anarchy noticed that text was appearing in the frost again.

"Who are those people?" It said. It also vanished quicker than the other text.

"What are you talking about? There's only a girl there, her name is Chi."

"No, no, the other person. I don't like him. he reminds me of my daddy."

The text disappeared again. Anarchy tried asking The Wall what it meant, but it didn't reply. She stood up, and turned to face Chi. There was something odd about her that had scared The Wall...
"I'm Anarchy, Chi." She looked around again. "Is anyone else here?" She said quietly, the question moving along with the shadows that all suddenly moved, scanning along the ground silently other than the whisper.
Chi was shocked at what she said. The dark voice hissed 'Curse that Girl say yes but nothing more.' "yes " she said then added in her head 'but you can see him like me wellunless im a sleep anyways.' she said nothing more and walked up to the Wall "Sorry for scaring if he scared you child. and i wished he could go away but he cant" she said with a small smile that was kind.
Anarchy hesitated, but nodded and the shadows stopped, returning to their places. She stepped away from Chi as the girl approached The Wall. Her hands were turning very very cold.
The Wall replied in tiny letters in front of Chi.

"It's alright, but my daddy can be a bit mean sometimes. I hope the man inside you isn't being mean."
Dont worry i wont let him and if he dose you tell me and i will smake him so hard he'll be in haven." she said mostly saying it to the voice 'so cold love' she could hear the smile in his words. "shut up you a-" she stopped herself she had it with him. he just laughs in her head.
Anarchy looked at Chi, a little confused, but put her hand back on the wall a little away from Chi. She sat down, moving her hand but now resting her head on the wall, thinking.
Sitting in his room he was reading the newspaper as he usually did but somethin strange was goin on. He shook his head and put the paper on the bed and walked out his door. Maybe I'll go an meet new people he thought to himself.
As Griffith walked away, he passed a young woman that seemed to be making her way towards the wall. "There's something off about that girl..." He thought to himself, sparing a look back out of the side of his eye. "It's almost like... there's a great darkness hovering all about her. With her, yet seperate somehow." These thought circling his head, Griffith headed for his room in the inn- almost running into someone as they were coming out of their own room! "Whoa! Sorry there buddy!" He apologized, pulling himself short of bowling the other man over.
Michael ran a hand through his hair as he was knocked over and stumbled, he dusted himself off and said " I'm sorry i should watch were im going " he looked at Griffith and said " Whats your name? if you dont mind me asking " Michael put his hands into his own pockets and leaned a bit against the wall still examining this new guy.
Griffith rubbed the back of his head, a sheepish grin on his face. "I'm Griffith- Griffith Indra. Nice ta meet'cha." He said, sticking his hand out to shake. "I'd say I've got a pretty good idea already, but what brings ya to the island?" He asked.
He smirked and shook the guys hand " Michael, Michael Metalli good to meet you to " he pondered the thought of what he was doing here " Well the stories and most of the other lores"
Griffith frowned thoughtfully- He knew he'd heard that last name some where before... But he couldn't remember, so it didn't matter. "Nice to meet ya as well. good luck with the wall..." He trailed off, turning to go into his room, but stopped just short of opening the door. "One piece of advice though, don't insult the thing- you won't like what happens." "Even if ya do get to be pampered by a pretty nurse." He told him, though thinking the last part to himself. "Anyway, I'll be seein' ya around." With that, he entered his room- getting ready to prepare himself for his dungeon incursion.
Michael continued back down the stairs, and decided to walk the direction he had seen those women go earlier. He walked down the corridor, and reached a waiting room. He looked around, and then noticed a half open door with a sign saying 'INVENTORY' on it. He could hear some noise coming from inside, and decided to check it out. He poked his head in, and could see the woman in black clothes who had been scolded by Elvira standing on a stool, and what seemed like looking for something. He stepped inside, and knocked on the wall. She was so surprised, she fell off the stool and landed on her behind. The box she had been rummaging through fell down, and some flasks inside broke. She rubbed her sore bottom, and then noticed the mess in front of her.

"What!? You must be joking! If Elvira sees I've broken so many flasks she'll... She'll..."

The woman started crying.
His eyes scanning over the women who had fallen, and his first instinct was to walk over and help her up off the floor. " I'm sorry...uhm..who's Elvira " he said running a hand through his hair picking up the box and hearing the broken glass inside of it. " I'm sorry " he said setting the box down again pulling out his wallet " How much do you think that'll cost? " he said holding his wallet in hand.
The woman wiped her tears and looked at Michael.

"Elvira's the master of this inn, and she's been oh so kind to me, like getting me away from that awful place. But I don't know if she wants to continue being nice to me if I keep breaking all this stuff..." She stood up, and clutched her hands around Michaels wallet. "Thank you, but I must try to attone for my own mistakes. I'm very greatful for your offer, though." She wiped her eyes again, and smiled at Michael, a flush of red appearing on her cheeks.

"Is there anything I can help you with?"
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