The Village of Blen OCC

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Oh my glob, that would be highly entertaining. I am definitely down for making that a thing. A Yokai and a the thought occurs to me. She'll be one of the few who might notice he's not human...
As well as her whole naturally chaotic antics..

When he's in town of course.

Heck yeah, as part of the Blen Bodyguard Squad (which, ATM, only consists of herself and Ironweave) I'm sure Yama has a hunch. Maybe she accidentally saw him in dragon form? That'd be interesting...

Also, I'm sure Xian likes Yama deep down since she's also got some Eastern traditions and customs (even if she never cleans up after herself and intentionally hides Xian's stuff). I'm also sure he beat the crap out of her AT LEAST once when she has her feral moments. That'd be even better; yamazaru is intimidated by the big dragon so she keeps his secret.
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  • Love
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Heck yeah, as part of the Blen Bodyguard Squad (which, ATM, only consists of herself and Ironweave) I'm sure Yama has a hunch. Maybe she accidentally saw him in dragon form? That'd be interesting...

Also, I'm sure Xian likes Yama deep down since she's also got some Eastern traditions and customs (even if she never cleans up after herself and intentionally hides Xian's stuff). I'm also sure he beat the crap out of her AT LEAST once when she has her feral moments. That'd be even better; yamazaru is intimidated by the big dragon so she keeps his secret.

Keep my secret or I will eat you Yokai!! Rwarrr!! Lmao.
Seeing Xian I'm dragon form would mind rape him a bit, he's so carefull... would be interesting indeed.
.....I have faith he could deescalate the situation should she go feral...

I'm sure Xian would come to terms with her and her hiding his stuff....thankfully there is magic to recall items.. As long as she never turned her mischievous ways towards Ms.Mei I'm sure he would be just fine with her.
But his secret is like one of a few things that I could see him freaking out a bit over, he might even resort to magic in the attempt to make sure she couldn't tell anyone...

Dragon hunters are serious concerns of his
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Nice. Tilting the paintings. I did that at a party once and spent the rest of the evening convincing drunk people they were straight.
Name: Jaron

Age: 21

Race: Half blood demon

Gender: Male


H.A.R.T.: Adventurer

Job: Guard for hire

Place of residence and/or work: Jaron works as a protector for whoever he is commissioned by at that point in time

- He is very perceptive
- Hardly ever rattled by opposition
- He is very loyal to whomever acquires his services
- High resistance to low temperatures
- Nimble body

- He often behaves aloof and superior
- Despises natural settings
- Poor socializing skills
- Blessed items
- Heat
- Emotional imbalance

Weapon of Choice:
A Silver Sword which was forged from a fragment of enchanted metal. It is very durable and imbued with ice magic that can cause frost to develop on whatever it cuts

Personality: Jaron has many internal struggles arising from his demonic side. He has innate violent tendencies which tend to clash with his generally sober personality. He struggles with his emotions because of his two clashing halves and because of this he has developed odd personality trait. He rarely ever experiences fear though he can appreciate when a situation is dangerous. He also treats people in a very aloof and sometimes condescending manner. He enjoys being around human beings in an attempt to keep the mortal half of him alive. Jaron also likes to pretend that his demonic side is more angelic in nature and holds angels in revere.

Backstory: Jaron was born from the union of a demon adventurer and a young maiden who's family's inn the demon stayed in while on his journeys. He lived for all his life knowing only his mother, who raised him as best she could. He knew however, that she could never fully understand him for the part of him that was different and so at 19 he went out on his own. While travelling through a small town Jaron witnessed the exploits of an angel who saved a small child from drowning in a river. After seeing the jubilation stemming from this feat he decided that angels were admirable creatures and he began to pretend as though he was half angel and not half demon. He stuck with this ambition of protecting others and so became a guard for hire
I feel Xian needs to blow something up now, just to piss off Nova XD
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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*Lightning flashes in the distance*

×The roar of thunder echoes through the valley as a shadow appears in the sky revealing the thunderous boom and the shadow belonging to it were that of a Dragon×
Wondering where people are at? :P
Holy's been a day....I thought it had been almost three....
Probably asleep, I mean it was Friday, don't worry more people shall be on when they wake up, or have less tasks to perform. It is impossible for us to know what exactly they are doing at this time, and as such it is inconsequential to pose theories unto the hypothetical. Therefore we must be patience and wait for their responses as they are ready. xD

As for rest, I believe I shall be doing that. Sleep well, may the day bring you more then the previous.
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