The Village of Blen OCC

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You... You actually did it? Oh. Thanks! Thank you so much!

...I don't know what to say.
It's fine, honest! I'm not too proud of it myself but I thought I'd rather share it than keep it in an art folder.

Yamazaru is unfiltered evil! She even skewed the paintings. How could Joel have not noticed her tell tell signs? Everything on the edge, where a cat is likely to knock them off, she's setting everyone up! If only I could break character and right the suspicions to the true mastermind behind what is yet to come. xD
I thought the world knew this already. Yamazaru IS evil. She's biologically programmed to BE evil, but through some weird circumstance, she strives to be good. The perfect antihero.

I want to know what CATastrophe is about to unleash itself onto Blen...two or so days? That's going to take forever to reach and the buildup is killing me.
The uh. Inn is still there guys. ._. Just sayin.
O_O I didn't get the alerts for the IC...I was wondering what had happened but I forgot to look! Hoping to answer tomorrow.
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Name: Xian Shen Long
Age: 296
Race: Tien Lung
Gender: male
Appearance:(Picture, worded, or both)



H.A.R.T.:(Layman or Adventurer)

Class: Battle Mage

Place of residence and/or work: Follows the Iron Way,

Open minded
A quick, imaginative and strategic mind
High self confidence
Independent and decisive
Hard working and determined
Jack of all trades

(At least three)Weaknesses:
Meh-funh (Look at her though, how could you not be moved by the old lady)Can be arrogant

Overly analytical
Hates structured environments
Clueless in emotional affairs However logical he may be he's a bit naive Weapon of Choice:
swap the green for white.

Personality: IntJ personality type.
A stern believer of logic above emotion he is quick to make his mind and slow however to react to emotional stimuli. This is often mistaken for apathy and indifference or even emotionlessness. These however are far from the truth, his emotions hit him like a crashing wave with logic and reasoning being the stable rocks upon which he clings.
This is not to say he has never been swept out into the sea of his emotions, in which times he has struggled immensely to return to shore.

Backstory: As a dragon one could not help but be curious about the races that dwelled on the Earth. Watching them as they scurried about with their short relatively meaningful lives. One could watch them for years and still know that they could and would surprise you. How could you sit by, watching and listening to their plight, their sufferings, and achievements and not be moved by them...

Yet for all this there were times when, the vileness of these creatures would shake even the heavens to action. These times would, however fall into myth, and soon it was forgotten when Dragons fought alongside of land folk. Even sooner would forgotten the price they paid during the Dark Ages. Facing Dragon hunters, lack of food and land, it would seem the dragons had finally fallen to nothing more than mere beasts….At least in the West it would seem so..

For in the the lands far to the East, a different kind of relationship existed between the Land folk and the Lung Dragons that lived there.

Unlike many of the Western dragons, Lung were seen as neither friend nor foe, a force of heaven and nature, both for good and bad the Lung were more of a revered group of referees. Then the fearsome monsters their cousins were known as.

It was during the Dark Ages that A group of Lung lead by a blue lung named Shen Long, decided that they could no longer sit by and watch as other legendary creatures ravaged the Land Folk, and began to gather a collective of like minded Dragons to assist them, these 32 dragons from all corners of the world met at what is known as the Dragon's Gate, high in the mountains of Shu, and forged what is remembered to day as the Dragons Circle.

Here it was decided that each of the dragons would draw slots to decide where each would return to and assist the people that lived there…

That was almost four thousand years ago..

And like everything, was forgotten by the younger races, but not the Circle who have grown and dwindled in the years yet have remained true to their agreement.

How does a dragon get a membership??

Initiation started at birth through the 32 lines, and for two hundred years the growing dragons would be trained in various locations all around the world. From temples high in the mountains to caves deep within the Earth. Trained to be sent out into the world of Man and Elf to become a hero among them before they return to be accepted as an initiate of the Circle.

So was Xian Shen Long's fate, and almost forty years have passed bye since he left the Wu Tang Temple to become a hero in the west. It was decided by his Grandfather that he would be sent to the west. To grow and see how different being a dragon would be there, and like every Lung was reminded to remain in humanoid form at all times. Yet as a child of Shen Long he was reminded to tell no one his true purpose not even the heros who his father had served with..

During the forty years he spent traveling as an adventurer. Xian had shortened his name to Xian Long, and taken the class of Battle mage, finding it a efficient way to make use of both his magical, and martial trainings.

It was 10 years ago when he came across the village of Blen had he realised he had followed the same route he had heard his father mention so many times as a youngling. Finding himself however unable to leave the small village and Meh-funh (Should this be agreead upon by characters creator.) A friend he had made, he had decided to remain close to,the village while remaining true to his mission.

And for ten years he has come and gone, left only to return to the village to rest and resupply as well as to share stories with the elderly Meh-funh. Include any additional information you feel is needed.

Inventory :

Work clothes


Smithing and Jewellers tools. Crafts he picked up during his stay at the temple.

Racial benefits:
Flight only in Lung Form, is however extremely light on his feet and can glide through the air over short periods of time.

Heightened senses and reflexes

Elemental and magical resistances


Low to no light vision

Naturally hard skin

Communication through Telepathy

Resistant to most poisons

Racial weaknesses

Dragonsbane, both weapon, and plant.
Dragonsbane is a plant used by Dragon hunters to slay dragons, will cause an flu like symptoms that has the potential to kill a dragon with the proper dosage.
The Dragonsbane sword is a legendary artifact that is said to be made from a stalk of Dragonsbane and a dragons tooth. The history of this weapon has been disclosed as myth.

Cuts from Jade weapons rob him of his ability to heal and could potentially rob his Draconic Longevity.

Dragons leaf a common plant used in teas has mind altering effects on him.
Has little to no scence of time.
The Iron way huh? Any relations? xD
I was making a joke about Ironweave, and him having a way named after him since he recently took on a character to train in the RP. xD
I doubt there are relations between them both in any actual sense.
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I was making a joke about Ironweave, and him having a way named after him since he recently took on a character to train in the RP. xD
I doubt there are relations between them both in any actual sense.

Sorry about not getting your joke..
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It's quite alright. I was hoping that the xD or face marking laughter would mark it as a joke, and not to be taken seriously in any regard. However, if you desire I am more then welcome to the dragon, and Ironweave having past relations. A veteran hero would possibly not only know of the circle of dragons, but could have been a reliable ally to them in the past.
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It's quite alright. I was hoping that the xD or face marking laughter would mark it as a joke, and not to be taken seriously in any regard. However, if you desire I am more then welcome to the dragon, and Ironweave having past relations. A veteran hero would possibly not only know of the circle of dragons, but could have been a reliable ally to them in the past.

He could Know Xian Long, but I don't think Xian would tell him he's a Lung, or an initiate of the Circle, it's a secret they tend to keep from almost everyone.
As for Ironweave knowing of the Circle it is possible that he would know if their existence, an alliance with them would be hard to pull off unless it was a Bloodline thing.
But I am keen to the idea of having Ironweave and Xian be old allies. It would be very interesting given Xian's seemingly agelessness
Fair enough, though we will have to wait until your char is approved by our good host. Besides, it was only a suggestion that Ironweave knows of some secret circles. It's entirely possible he doesn't know all of them, and I'd hate to overstep my bounds by saying that he knows everything, and everyone. He's not omniscient. ^.^
Fair enough, though we will have to wait until your char is approved by our good host. Besides, it was only a suggestion that Ironweave knows of some secret circles. It's entirely possible he doesn't know all of them, and I'd hate to overstep my bounds by saying that he knows everything, and everyone. He's not omniscient. ^.^
Already has been.
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Jah feels.
Completely understandable, like I said, he could know if them.
And I am super hopeful that Xian and Ironweave can be old allies It would be a personal alliance tho....if that's cool with you of course.
As stated above, I has an acceptance letter. -waves post card around- not as cool as a jar of dirt, but it'll work.
Sounds good, and it is done. Ironweave and Xian know each other.
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I haven't posted in a while, so dropping in to say: still around. I've been busy with college and work (they have me scheduled to stay until 1:00 AM four different days next week :frown: ) and I'm going to Emerald City Comicon tomorrow.

So I'm very busy, but I feel like a late start is fine for my character anyway.
Name: Jaron

Age: 21

Race: Half blood demon

Gender: Male


H.A.R.T.: Adventurer

Job: Guard for hire

Place of residence and/or work: Jaron works as a protector for whoever he is commissioned by at that point in time

- He is very perceptive
- Hardly ever rattled by opposition
- He is very loyal to whomever acquires his services
- High resistance to low temperatures
- Nimble body

- He often behaves aloof and superior
- Despises natural settings
- Poor socializing skills
- Blessed items
- Heat
- Emotional imbalance

Weapon of Choice:
A Silver Sword which was forged from a fragment of enchanted metal. It is very durable and imbued with ice magic that can cause frost to develop on whatever it cuts

Personality: Jaron has many internal struggles arising from his demonic side. He has innate violent tendencies which tend to clash with his generally sober personality. He struggles with his emotions because of his two clashing halves and because of this he has developed odd personality trait. He rarely ever experiences fear though he can appreciate when a situation is dangerous. He also treats people in a very aloof and sometimes condescending manner. He enjoys being around human beings in an attempt to keep the mortal half of him alive. Jaron also likes to pretend that his demonic side is more angelic in nature and holds angels in revere.

Backstory: Jaron was born from the union of a demon adventurer and a young maiden who's family's inn the demon stayed in while on his journeys. He lived for all his life knowing only his mother, who raised him as best she could. He knew however, that she could never fully understand him for the part of him that was different and so at 19 he went out on his own. While travelling through a small town Jaron witnessed the exploits of an angel who saved a small child from drowning in a river. After seeing the jubilation stemming from this feat he decided that angels were admirable creatures and he began to pretend as though he was half angel and not half demon. He stuck with this ambition of protecting others and so became a guard for hire
If Xian's a smithy, I'm more than happy with him sharing the blacksmiths with Yamazaru. He seems so neat and logical and practical that it would make for a hilarious roommate situation with the lazy, annoying yokai.
If Xian's a smithy, I'm more than happy with him sharing the blacksmiths with Yamazaru. He seems so neat and logical and practical that it would make for a hilarious roommate situation with the lazy, annoying yokai.

Oh my glob, that would be highly entertaining. I am definitely down for making that a thing. A Yokai and a the thought occurs to me. She'll be one of the few who might notice he's not human...
As well as her whole naturally chaotic antics..

When he's in town of course.
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