The Untold Story of an Olympic Trio

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He looks at her and smiles a bit "even the most powerful and smartest beings alive can over look the smallest details and for all we know the God's might have not even looked at the Chariot they might believe Apollo is slacking off or something like that you never know when it comes to the God's but when the Oracle gives a prophecy then we know it's serious and that's all that matters to us we will find a clue eventually and we will find Apollo you just need to have a little faith"
"Alright, alright," Isabella said putting her hand up defensively. Then she smirked and raised an eyebrow, suddenly sitting up strait and puffing out her chest. "Faith. Right. Of course with me on our little team of three, the amazingly skilled and clever daughter of Apollo who has never lived down to a challenge, we'll have that first clue in no time and get Apollo back in his chariot before the next sun even rises. This is quite the quest we have been given after all, but don't worry -Ill protect you lovely ladies from what ever might come our way."

She glanced over to Will with a grin but quickly slipped into a fake face of concern. "I can't help but worry that you might crack under the stress or pressure of such a task however aqua-man, when quite a bit could be resting on us to find the god in safety. I doubt he's simply lost as well, who knows what we'll run into along the way... Why, you look a little pale already!"
He looks at her and raises an eyebrow "clearly you've already cracked under the pressure. I also think your delusional from the lack of oxygen getting to your brain it all seems to be going straight to your ego careful or it might just break the poor pegasi's back and we'd have to leave you behind wouldn't that be a shame?" He chuckles and winks at her "seriously though Isabella om glad to have you'll be a nice eye opener for you.." he said the last part with what sounded almost like regret but it was mixed with seriousness as well. He was clearly more then just a little worried about her.
Isabella snorted and gave a light laugh. "Ego? Who's got an ego? Certainly not me!" She leaned back a bit but on a more relaxed way this time; the rythmatic beat of her pegesis wing so calming and lulling it would have made her sleepy if she wasn't so pumped with adrenalin. Her hair was absolutely out of control in the wind created by their speed so she raised both hands to tuck it back in her jacket -her only grip coming from her legs around the steeds torso but it seemed firm and she was casual.

She raised an eyebrow slightly at his comment. An eye opener? The way he said it didn't sound very positive even though Isabella herself was looking at this as a potentially good exprience -it would probably be tough, but good in the end because she would learn a lot. Maybe she didn't really understand the full danger but didn't brush her mind with it at the moment. It was easy to thread the worry out of his tone, suddenly making an appearance and it surprised her because unless it had just started now Will had done a pretty good job of hiding it. But she gave a reassuring smile, brushing a lock behind her ear. "Don't worry Will, I can take care of myself." She gave him a slight wink despite his serious tone. Trying to convince him confidently she would be alright, that the worry was not nessicary. "And besides, this time if we run into something I'm not completely helpless right? Got a weapon and everything. I think our biggest worry right now is making sure you don't get shot out of the sky."
He gives a small smile that practically said "oh if only you knew Isabella." Instead he gave a slight nod and a chuckle "yes that is a main concern right now but I think we'l be fine as much as Zeus dislikes having me in the sky he wouldn't risk a civil war with my father. Zeus can be a bit temper mental but in the end he is a wise and fair ruler even if we don't always agree with his choices"
That brought another thought to Isabella's mind as she looked back to Will. Of course he still looked worried for a moment but she knew she wouldn't be able to push that aside completely. His worry was heart-warming but unnrssicary in her opinion -the girl knew she would be just fine and together the three of them would get through what ever was thrown in their way.

"Hey, you mentioned a while ago that the big three weren't really supposed to have children because of how powerful and such they can be... So why do they still? I mean there's you and your brother -are there any others in camp?" Hidden behind that question was another really being tugged through her thoughts. Did the gods respect each other, did they live in harmony or something slight to it? She assumed Zues was on top but was there a hierarchy system as well? Did they respect eachothers roles, such as the inportance of raising the sun or of keeping the underworld? It sure didn't seem like so at the moment with the drama between the ocean and the sky -what else was there she should know about or be worried about? Part of her couldn't help but wonder if it might have something to do with the disappearance of Apollo -then again her mind did often wonder to the wildest ways off track.
He shakes his head "as far as I know me and Percy are the only living children of the big three..there was once a daughter of Zeus but..her tale is a sad one best saved for a night when we're sitting around a camp fire remind me to tell you her story and I shall. As for why..a part of it is like I said before fear. I don't really think I can say I love my uncles but I do respect them in a sense. The Big Three are the most powerful gods in Olympus, therefore their demigod children are the most powerful half-bloods. "

"The half-bloods were causing big trouble during World War II, with the sons of Zeus and Poseidon on one side andHades' sons on the other. The final straw came when the Oracle predicted theGreat Prophecy. The Prophecy said that a child of the Big Three would decide the fate of all Olympus on their sixteenth birthday"

"When they heard the prophecy, Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon agreed not to have any more kids from then on, swearing on the River Styx. This was later called the Pact of the Big Three. And there you have there anything else you want to know? I get the fselling there was a hidden meaning behind that question""
Isabella rubbed the back of her neck in thought. "Not really..." She stated quietly, preferring to give her thoughts more time before voicing them usually, but the girl quickly remembered how observant Will was and knew there would be no point in hidin them from him. He son of Poseidon would draw out her words eventually with his clever tongue any way. On this thought he gave a sigh and leaned back to look at him with a slight frown -although obviously he wouldn't know what she was looking so annoyed about. "Well you said the gods have their spits once in a while and it never really gets out of hand too bad, but from what you've told me it doesn't really sound like they respect eachother or get along at all." She didn't really know how to word her thoughts -a disadvantage of speaking too quickly- but hoped Will would catch on. Actually, she was sure he would.
Upon seeing her frown he was instantly confused. Why was she giving him that look? He hadon't done anything wrong. He sighed a bit before he looked up to ponder her words for a moment " you asking me if the God's are happy with the way things are and how things are run on Olmpus?" That was his best guess as to what she was asking but in all honesty he had no clue
Isabella have a small smile, knowing that was a small part of what she had been thinking but it wasn't the whole thing. "Yeah, basically. Just trying to think of reasons a god might simply poof out of sight that match up with the prophecy, you know?" She spoke with her hands moving as if to help explain better, making a small gesture at the word 'poof'. "Maybe Apollo got in a spit with someone that got a bit out of hand, or someone didn't like the job he was doing and decided to put an end to it?" Her smile dropped as the girl realised what she was saying made little to no sense even to her. She have a frustrated sigh, clearly annoyed with herself and not him this time.

"Ahh, never mind." She mumbled, leaning forward again to rest her cheek on her palm. It was so frustrating when the normally chatterative and outgoing girl couldn't find her words, or at least the right ones to make sense of what her complicated mind was getting at.
He smiles at her "what your saying dies make sense Isabella seriously it dor something but we know another god didn't do this because if it had been there would have been a clear sign to show it. Whenever a God does something cast magic use a weapon or anything it leaves behind a trace of their power that anyone can pick up on so if another God had done this they would have needed to destroy the charm riot as well to get rid of the evidence since the Chariot is back on Olympus we know it was not one of the Gods"
Isabella rested her cheek on her palm again, looking stumped. Of course she knew new information would pop up after time or possibly more clues and they didn't have mic to work off of for now but it wouldn't stop her from trying to solve the mystery on what they had so far. Which was basically nothing. It was quite an amusing sight actually to see Isabella hit a dead end in her thoughts so clearly portrayed at this time. "... Well I guess my only question now is besides a god, what's powerful enough to take one down or make one disappear?"
Will would then pause himself to ponder that question. She had a point..there was very little that could take down a god besides amother god them self so what had attacked Apollo and captured him?. A few ideas did come to his head but none of them seemed possible nor were they very entertaining thoughts to even consider for if it was one of those reasons. God's help them. "..I don't know as of right now Isabella but we're going to find out there's no point in troubling ourselves about it now first we need to get to Olympus"
Isabella caught the look on wills face and definately didn't like it, she didn't like his answer either even though he was telling her what she already knew. She wasn't upset with him in any way though, rather just wanting time to go quicker. This girl was by no means a patient person but it seemed that had nothing to do but wait now. And wait.

Her eyes shifted past Will for a moment, landing on Rose in the distance. The girls pegusus had drifted off slightly but that wasn't what made her brown eyes widen. Rose was slumped over on the winged horse, making Isabella's heart and stoumach jolt for a split second -before she saw the girls round face and realized she was asleep. In that moment so many dangerous possibilities had gone trough her head; after all the two had been so caught up in their conversation she had completely forgotten about the satyr. A flood of relief went through her whole form though at the light sleeping breaths Rose rose and fell with, she let out a light exhale before laughing quietly. Catching Wills eyes again she nodded behind him to the sleeping girl. "Does she do that often?"
He tilts his head to the side and then looks back at Rose and couldn't help but chuckle before giving a small nod "yeah its the only way she manages to stay on when riding a pegasi if she doesn't have someone to ride with her she gets extremely nervous and can't sit still with has caused a few accidents with her falling off in the past but she'played be ok the Pegasus are used to her by now and know how to fly without putting any of us in danger"
Isabella laughed lightly herself at that, she could definitely see the girl making a mistake slip and falling off of her ride. But at least she looked blissfully peaceful at the moment as opposed to the nervous state of prior. She knew this wasn't the time to tell Will the satyr fancied him -not with the quest at hand. There were much more important things to worry about for now, he didn't need one more nagging at hid mind.

She couldn't help but give him a light smile for no reason other then the hopes of drawing one out in return from the boy. She leaned forward to rest slightly against the proud creature. "How long is our ride? I just might doze off myself..." Her steed gave a snort tossed around for a moment as it pranced and beat against the wind; drawing another curious thought from the girl. "Hey you said you can talk to horses right? Are they saying anything right now?"
He looks at her and smiles softly before patting the neck of his own horse before nodding "yes they answered your question fit you they said if we stay on course with no interruptions and maintain this speed we'll be there in a matter of hours. And if you want to sleep go ahead I'll keep an eye put for anything and I'll wake you if needed'
"I always knew they were intelegent creatures..." Isabella thought out loud to herself before looking back to Will. The sun reflected off her eyes for a moment but as ushual it didn't bother the girl... something she had never thought about until now. Being unable to sleep while the sun was up, light never bothering her, even with her fair skin she had never gotten sunburn. An odd series of traits that made sense now but just a few days ago wouldn't even be worth a second thought. It just brought to mind how much her life had changed... for the better. "Sleep? Oh, but wouldn't you then miss the grace and lovely conversation of my all-so appealing company?" She batted her eyelashes dramatically, placing a hand on her chest before laughing and shaking her head.

"I'm not even tired really... this is just surprisingly relaxing, that all... I suppose you're used." Resting her cheek against the neck of the winged beast and closing her eyes Isabella could hear and feel its every laboured full breath. She wouldn't sleep by any means, such being impossible but the girl would doze lightly in a state that could almost be seen as such. Just on the brink of slipping into a dream-world really.
The Pegasi snort happily at her first comment which made him chuckle "They all said "damn straight! its about time one of you demi-gods figured that out! other then you Will" He chuckles a bit more and pats the neck of his pegasus again "you guys are great don't worry I would never think any less of any of you you've helped me out of more then one jam and I owe you for them." The Pegasi snort again "..more carrots and sugar cubes? I think that can be arranged but not too many we don't want you getting fat" They snort and glare at him "no i'm not saying your fat now I'm just saying we don't want you getting fat" They nod and look ahead again.

Looking over at Isabella he smiles. She looked so peaceful it was almost surprising the only other girl he had seen so relaxed..or..close to relaxed on a pegasus before was Rose but that was only when she was sleeping. Isabella she looked like she was right at home. Hell..with the sun glistening off her freckles, eyes, and hair, in his opinion she looked more beautiful than Aphrodite herself. ".if you go to sleep go ahead if not then I'm glad your enjoying your flight"
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Isabella couldn't help but to chuckle at the conversation Will had with the pegusus. She seemed to have gotten past the odd fact that he could talk to horses rather quickly because his chatter with the greaceful creatures, his comment on the shugar cubes, the comical way they had all turned to glare at him -it all fit the boys personality perfectly well to be able to make conversation with just one more creature in the magical world. "Don't go saying something stupid and offending them now..." She mumbled without opening her eyes again.

She didn't give a response after that, drawing her hands to her chest it would have appeared the girl dozed off as promise but in reality she was simply as close to it as she could get. Isabella was happy here, even if it was for a little while before the danger of their quest set in; she was happy flying beside Will and a sleeping Rose. Happy with talking and laughing with him, with the excitement of being on her first quest, happy that she was with the two because she wouldn't have it any other way. The girl peeped an we open to look at Will looking at her for a moment before letting it close again and giving a long exhale.
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