The Untold Story of an Olympic Trio

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He grins at her and reaches around and placed a light pinch on her rear before kissing her lips qu icky. He looks into her eyes and winks "bring. It. On." Was all he said as he stood up and began walking again whistling a tune as he put his hands in his pockets
Isabella jumped once again at the pinch looked at him with most furious eyes, but clearly he had initiated some sort of challenge that she wasn't going to live down. The girl never could resist a challenge, often even making them up out of what seemed like nothing so she could always win or come out on top. But this? Oh, Will was just playing with fire. She had something else in mind, other then getting a blush out of him now. His confident whistle made her smirk and smooth words roll strait off Isabellas tongue. "Fine, you want to play? Lets play." The girl watched him walk with narrow eyes for a moment, scanning his back up and down as she flexed her shoulders and tied her hair back quickly into the tight pony-tail.

Damion watched curiously and opened his mouth to say something, but before words could leave his lips Isabella took off running on a high speed and wrapped her arms right around the taunting boys neck but not too tight, jumping onto his back in either attempt to catch him off guard or bring him down. She had quite the grin on her face.
He gasps a bit and stumbles forward. What the hell was she up to? This was certainly something different. After taking a few wobbly steps he stands up straight and looks at her "what was that supposed to do? If your aim was to tackle me that wasn't very well thought out"
"Well -I'm -Trying!" Isabella growled, still clinging to him in an attempt to knock the boy over or pull him down. It wasn't working, and she was clearly frustrated with that fact as well as disgruntled like a puppy that had run into an obstacle. Maybe she didn't quite think it through -but part of it was his unexpected solid stance after the stumble. Maybe she was lighter then she liked to think, not quite as much of an unstoppable force not to be reckoned with as Isabella felt like. "It doesn't help that you're like a tree rooted to the ground!"

Damion gave a hard laugh from behind at her attempts, only making Isabellas brows furrow further. After a moment she huffed, dropping down to grumbly rest her forehead against his back. "I'll get you later, I'm just hungry is all." She snorted, clearly not ready to admit defeat instead making up the excuse. She would get him back later. Isabella was sure of it. "You better hope I don't find out you're ticklish or something. Not that I couldn't bring you down normally. You know. Because I could -if I really wanted to. I could. But I don't want to right now. So you're safe. For now."
He laughs and holds his stomach as she let's out her long string of excuses upon hearing the worword tickle he stopped laughing and gave her a mischievous look. Without hesitation he grabs her and pulls her close and starts tickling her like crazy. Hey if it didn't work then he'd be wiser for it and it was normal Will behavior so no one would judge him for it
"Will-" Isabellas eyes widened as soon as she saw the mischievous look and she took a step back, both hands coming up in defence. Shit. She knew exactly what that look meant, and took another step back to prevent what she was sure he was going to try to do. "Don't. You. Dare." The girl looked back to Damion who also put his hands out in front of him before walking forward. "Oh no. You're on your own with this one, Isabella."

She shrieked as soon as Will pulled her forward, hands instantly fighting his off. "No!" The girl gasped and in less then a second it was reviled she was extremely ticklish. "Stop!" She panted between the hard laughter she couldn't help and squirming that followed, paired with gasped breaths and almost tears as she tried to push his hands away. "Will -I swear!"

"Don't take too long now, you'll miss lunch and just might make her pee. " Damion chuckled as he walked past, clearly with no intention to come to her rescue. "Traitor!" Isabella gasped, tears running down her cheeks now as she continued to laugh and squirm. She managed to slip a hand against his ribcage in an effort to see if she could get a little attack back in of her own -or make him stop.
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Will continued to tickle the girl in his arms. She was laughing so hard he found it hard not to laugh along with her however the evil grin never left his face as he did so. He tickled her sides, her stomach, her neck, under the arms, he tickled her everywhere he possibly could without having to drop her to the ground to do so also anywhere he could so he could avoid getting hit. After what seemed like forever he stopped tickling her only to pull her into his arms and plant a deep kiss on her lips.
Isabella broke off the kiss quickly for the need to breathe, each breath coming out as a pant after she had finally stopped laughing. Tears had streamed down her cheeks during the torture and she raised a hand now to wipe them but didn't pull away, wanting to scowl at him but she couldn't help the smile on her lips. "Will... You... I'm so going to get you back for that aqua man I mean it." She groaned, resting her forehead against his shoulder because laughing that hard had actually mentally exhausted her for a moment. "You just wait and see."

"There you guys are, I've been looking everywhere for you!" Rose rounded the corner finally catching the two in sights she had heard from a distance away. But the satyr slowed to a hesitant stop a little ways away, brows furrowing at the sight of Isabella tightly in Wills arms. They must have been... playing or something. It definitely made sense from Isabellas laughter and state... The furrowed brows quickly shifted to a questioning look as she brushed her hair timidly back behind her ear with one hand. "Are you... coming to lunch? Chiron said he wanted to talk to us all about something."
He looks up at Rose and smiles at her he gently lets Isabella go but not before poking her side one last time "Oh you know how it is Rose Isabella showed me a weakness and I just had to test it out for myself it turns out that she's quite the ticklish little girl for all her spunk and fire you tickle her the right way and she'll drop like a stone" He gives Isabella a mischevious grin and chuckles again "but as you both know I don't have any weaknesses because I.." He strikes a goofy hero pose that you might see in a bad superhero cartoon " the perfect demi-god and warrior! you say Chiron needs to speak to us?..yes..he must have a new mission for his best warrior..for I fight for truth and justice! I am Will Ocean son of Poseidon!!" He strikes another goofy pose but couldn't hold it long before he burst out into laughter and collapsed onto the ground holding his stomach as he laughed and laughed and laughed tears streaming down his face.
Isabella huffed at his words crossing her arms and the poke to which will received one I'm return, but her Eyes were truly trailing towards Rose. Deeply glad Will had let her go she shifted away, curing the fact she had been interrupted before getting a chance to talk to him about this. Just a small few words even would have helped, maybe let him know to talk to the satyr about this before she got her feelings hurt the hard way. Already the girl looked worried or suspicious at their contact; although wills words seemed to calm her neves a bit and Isabella had to admit he certainly was playful and maybe that would cover it up for now. As soon as the boy struck his goofy both girls looked at him for a good moment before bursting out with laughter along.

"I guess that makes us your side-kicks." Rose giggled with her hands covering her mouth, earning a pole from Isabella in the process.

"Side kick? Screw that, I'm the villain." She brushed her hair back with a smirk. "Pinning to defeat the goody-two-shoe Aqua man and take over the Demi-god world! Truth and justice? Hah! Not while I'm around." She put her hands on her hips a and puffed out her chest, giving Will an evil grin that couldn't hold for long before it was shattered by the laughter.

"You two are absolutely rediculous!" Rose giggled again, holding her stomach now as well with one arm.
Will continues to laugh and shake his head he then looks at Isabella and grins. "See the problem with you being the villain is that I'm pretty sure that there's a height requirement." He grins and pokes her side again before running towards Rose before Isabella could come after him "come on side kick we'd better go see what our never ending task master wants with us and we'd better do it before the...Villain with a height problem tries to get us" he laughs again and looks back at Isabella with a mischevious grin a challenge glinting in his eyes
"With those little legs? We could walk and she wouldn't be able to get us." Rose laughed boldly grinning to Isabella before her eyes went to Will and widened as he came running along with that classic Will look on his face. But she stuck out her hand -almost in instinct- for him to take so they could run. Chiron was waiting after all.

Isabellas eyes narrowed at the comment as she straitened up as if hoping it might add a couple inches to her height, but in truth her black lace-up boots were already adding an inch. "I am not short!" She huffed, immediately taking the challenge and chasing after. She might not have been the strongest but the girl was fast, catching up almost immediately to run beside them with a satisfied look as she stuck her tongue out at Will.

"There you are," Chiron breathed in relief as the three finally came into view. Right away Isabella could tell something was off about the formally charmingly cheerful Centaurs demeanour, he looked rather stressed and tired to say the least. Rather then rested calmly at his side the mans hands were stroking his beard in thought -something Isabella had thought only people in movies do. The orange Camp Half-Blood t-shirt did not suit him very well, it was almost comical in her opinion. Maybe it would have been more so if he wasn't so intense looking at the moment. His eyes drifted to her in thought for a second before the smallest of frowns twitched at the corner of his mouth. He had been expecting to have a word with two, not three.
Will slid to a stop beside Rose and Isabella the smile immediately gone from his face as he took in Chirons serious demeanor. He only saw him this serious in very dire situations for him to be this serious at any time was not good "Chiron what's going on? Clearly something went wrong fill me in and I'll help any way I can"
Chiron gave a sigh, letting his arms fall to rest at the sides of his chest. "It is rather complicated at the moment, but I shall fill you in with the information I know. I must ask you do not interrupt until I am finished, though." He took a deep breath, quiet in thought so his eyes gave that deep glint to them before speaking again in what seemed like the severalth time he had told this story. "Mid day yesterday, around the time you and Rose returned, Apollos gold chariot was delivered to the gates of Olympus by unknown hands. The god himself did not accompany it, which was a first sign of something clearly wrong. We have not been able to track who might have placed it or what their intention was, and since the chariot has been placed under guard in wait for his return. When he did not make appearance to retrieve it and drive the sun around this morning, I was contacted immediately." He had gone back to skimming his hands over his facial hair in thought. "It would seem Apollo is missing in action at the moment, he has been for some time. Of course this would not normally be a concern as gods do tend to lay silent a quite a bit, but if that was the case this would be his first time neglecting the most important duties he has. I highly doubt this is the case, as do the rest of the gods which is why I was contacted. I do not believe I need to inform you of how important it is we find him or get contact some how. You may have noticed the sun was up a bit earlier then usual this morning, as the gods seem to be having a hard time finding a substitute so it was highly off schedule. I expect if this absence continues... we may run into a bit more troubling problems then having the sun being risen too early or too late."

He gave a deep exhale, eyes skimming over the three for a moment but spoke before anyone else had a chance too. This was the most important part, after all. "With that in mind Will... the oracle has requested to speak to you. Or more so, 'the son of Posiedon and who ever may accompany him into your sights.' Keep in mind she very rarely makes these requests directly..." He paused for a moment before lifting a hoof to start walking and beaconed them to follow. The forever resting cursed body of the oracle was in the attic of the big house, after all. "I assumed that would mean Rose as she often accompanies you, but it would seem that party has grown. Never the less, I must request all three of you come at once. If you have questions, now would be the time to ask."

Isabella glanced to Will with wide slightly confused eyes, even though she said nothing thoughts were clearly flowing behind her bright eyes. She didn't even know what to think right now really, wondering if he was going to be charged with the task of... what, finding Apollo? A god?! Finding a god without much of a lead never the less -how was he going to do that? Why did Chiron want Rose and her to accompany him down to see the oracle, did they have something to do with it too? It was absolutely baffling to think about -was this normal? Endless questions begged to flow off of her tongue but she held them back for now as hard as it was. It didn't seem like an appropriate time to ask desite the offer which had seemed more for Will really... no the boy was going to get bombarded with questions later. Maybe just a part of her was uncomfortable asking Chiron. Alright, a large part.
Will could only stare at Chiron as he listened to his tale. He knew he was going to be bombarded with an endless sea of questions from Isabella later but he didn't mind. He honestly had hundreds of his own at the moment and he'd only have more after seeing the Oracle. Gently taking the girls by the arms he pulls them with him as he walks after Chiron a grim but determined look on his face. This was one of the few times he was ever deadly serious and it was almost frightening at how serious he was. It was like he was a totally different person.
Rose seemed somewhat hesitant to follow, almost groaning at the thought of leaving the safety camp again to go on another crazy quest with the son of Posiedon. Of course, he always asked her to go and her alone; and the satyr would always say yes in response or be talked into it rather quickly. They had their best and worst memories out of camp, every experience was one she wouldn't regret in the end but for now all the girl could think about was how they had just gotten back and how he would probably want to travel by water again. She knew the look on his face at the moment well, knew how serious this was right now so without a word Rose followed after Will.

Isabella however had never seen the boy in such a state, sure she had seen him slightly serious but it was nothing compared to this. It gave air of just how intense of a situation this was at the moment, making her take a deep breath before straitening out to follow along. Yeah, her questions could definitely wait until after they saw the... oracle. The girl had a small wonder if it was just a coincidence she had followed along, if maybe she wasn't supposed to follow him and Rose after all. Oh well, no going back now and she didn't intend to try or even want to.

Chiron lead to the big house without another word, strutting inside only to stop at the tall thin steps that lead to the attic. He couldn't go up for obvious reasons and the Oracle rarely came down; today she had just been brought back after wondering down to make her request. Now it was time for the campers to go up alone and speak. He said nothing more, simply giving a tall nod with a small sigh-like exhale.

Isabella looked up the stairs and glanced to Will with a slight frown. It looked dark up there, first off that didn't sound like a nice place to go but she also had no idea what to expect from the Oracle. Words or appearance alike -only knowing they were supposed to be a virgin female. But why would she stay up there in the attic? It didn't look like a very appealing place -maybe the woman was on work hours or something. But surprisingly, she was the first one to take a step up and walk up the stairs; looking back at them as Rose timidly followed.
Will looked at the girls and started making his way up to the top of the stairs and into the dusty cobwebed filled attic. He ignored all the old antiques and interesting furniture and paintings and with a small sigh walked to the far back and took a seat in front of the old mummified woman that was sitting on an old rocking chair he bowed his head in respect and closed his eyes " I have come as you requested"
Isabella froze on her dusty spot when she saw the room and what was sitting within it her face twisted in confusion or maybe even a bit of shock. Nothing in this room looked alive. She had of course never seen the old woman who looked positively like a corpse before, so her reaction was dramatic compared to Roses -who had been up here a few times. There were no windows but only an enchanted low-light burning candle to illuminate the anchient decor and anchient creature Will was now sitting in front of the thing looking serious in posture but much less freaked out then she would have been. What the hell is he doing? Only a few seconds after the thought she realise this was what they had come up here to see. She went to stand beside Will, leaning over slightly to stare at the Oracle in slight fassionation, slight disgruntlement waiting for a response after he spoke.

Rose stood on the other side of Will, watching the oracle with equally curious eyes. And they stayed like that for an awkward five muinets, because the anchient woman made no move to turn or speak. She remained deathly silent, not even twitching a finger.

"Umm..." Isabella hummed quietly, breaking the silence with her questioning sound. "Does she... Talk? I mean are you getting some sort of vision or something, mind-speak or are we all getting the same silent treatment?" However not ten seconds after she spoke the creature siting in her cracked chair moved to sit up and roll it's head forward. It let out a rasp of a voice, vocal cords long since crumbled away leaving her to only speak out of the voice of the prophecy.

"The girl..."

Isabella immidiately looked to Rose -who looked terrified- but was caught again by the Oracles gaze. Or rather, turning it's hear in her direction because even though the thing had no visible eyes Isabella could feel it watching her. Looking directly at her. It sent a shiver down her spine but also made her head light. Her lips parted to brush a word but it was too light, too faint to be caught.

"Unclaimed... The sun has befallen the golden Chariot. Unless the sea can rise to claim it. Darkness shall rise in its stead and the daughter of the bow will forever be alone." With that the oracle gave something of a sigh, head going to rest off to the side again as of she was lifeless once more -leaving Isabella to blink a few times and sway slightly where the stood, eyes almost seemingly glazed over.
Will watched and listened to the Oracle carefully. Once it was sure the Oracle was done speaking he stood up and looked at the girls "cmon we need to go talk to Chiron and get ready to go" he gently moves past the girls and makes his way back downstairs
(( Do you want to control Chiron? ))

"Wait-" Isabella mumbled, shaking her head and flinched at the sight of the old withered oracle again. But she faught against Wills guidance trying to get her down the stairs this time, standing her ground with still a slightly confused expression. "Wait why did that just happen? I mean -Do you understand what she means? How is it supposed to help you? I got the 'daughter of the bow' part and maybe a bit of the chariot but other then that I'm lost."
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