The Twin Blades

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She blinked once and then launched herself at him, hugging him tightly. "You mean that? That is one of the sweetest things you've ever told me Ichiro." She held him tightly for another minute or so before looking at her watch. "Oh no. We're going to be late. My mother will kill us" she grabbed his hand and started running. "Let's go. I really don't want to die today."
"Funily enough, neither do I" he laughed, running alongside her.
"And yes Midori, I meant it from my heart. I'v never felt such emotion and feelings as I do for you, and anyone would be pretty hard pressed to change it. As far as I'm concerned, I want to spend the rest of my life kicking your butt at swordfighting."
Midori gave her boyfriend an exasperated look. "Stop saying things that make me want to kiss you til we can't see straight. We don't have time. We're running for our lives. Save the romantic stuff for when we're safe. And I'll be the one kicking your butt."

Turning a corner her house came into view. Yuma's car was not there yet. "Yes!" she cheered, "He's not home yet, we're not going to die." Skidding to a stop in front of the door, Midori took a deep breath and pushed open the door.

"I'm home" she called out, "and Ichiro's with me."

"You were very nearly late Midori," he mother said, walking out of the kitchen. "Welcome back Ichiro-kun. Where did you get thoose swords? Never mind, tell me later, go put it away and then come back downstairs."

Midori nodded "Yes mama."
"I wouldn't mind if you kissed me till we can't see straight." he laughed
And we'll have to just see about the butt-kicking."

Ichiro made a small, polite bow to Midori's mother when she opened the door. He followed Midori in and realised she hadn't noticed them holding their hands tight.
"How long till you think they notice?" he whispered to her
"Yuma will probably notice first and then the rest of them will. Yuma-nii-chan has always been really observent when it comes to the two of us." she wispered back as they walked up the stairs. Opening the door to her room, Midori placed her sword on top of her dresser until she could put it away properly. Her bedroom was different then Ichiro's. Her walls her a dark purple and except for a few movie posters they were bare. There was a picture of her and Ichiro on her bedside table and a few full bookcases next to her desk.

She turned and dragged Ichiro down to family room after that where they sat next to Mirdori's other brother Tori on the couch waiting for Yuma.

Finally after what seemed like forever, her eldest brother walked into the room. over all the noise of greetings, he asked, "so when did you two finally get together?"
Ichiro's cheeks went stark red.
"You know us too well Yuma-kun." he sighed.
"It was earlier today...I guess we finally couldn't resist how we felt about each other. But I promise you this, if you lay even a single finger on Midori in cold blood, or hurt her in any way, I'll hunt you down and give you the ass-whooping of your life."
He didn't know what Yuma made of him reversing the big brother speech, but he meant it to be perfectly true. He didn't care if it was a stranger or her own brother, he would protect Midori with every breath in his body.
Yuma laughed, "I knew there was a reason I liked you Ichiro-kun. I'll never hurt Mi-chan, but I'll let you kill me if I do. Tori-kun, you owe me 1500 yen."

Tori glared at Ichrio, "I'll be the one hunting you down if you ever so much as make her cry." He turned to Yuma. "Here."

Midori couldn't help it, she facepalmed. "You two weren't in on the bet his grandfather made, were you? Wait don't answer that." Before anyone else could say anything she pulled Ichiro from the room and up to her bedroom closing the door.
Ichiro sighed seeing them having also made a bet. He did glare a little at Tori, but knew he had every right to give the speech, but no ground on which to stand. The only crying he ever hoped to have her do would be tears of joy. He was pretty sure that didn't count. He went with Midori as she dragged him from the room and looked at her. He gently took both her hands in his and looked at her with worry.
"Is everything alright my love?"
Midori sighed and rested her head on his shoulder. "No, not really. I just don't like how they talk about us like we aren't in the room, when we're right there. And the fact that both our families took bets is irritating and I really don't want my mom to tackle me in a hug and start sobbing into my shoulder, I can't breath when she does that and I don't want to hear Yuma plan our wedding. I'll do that myself thanks."

She wrapped her arms around him and sighed happily. "I like it when you call me that"
"Then I'll call you that lot's love."
He smiled and rested his head gently on top of hers.
"I think maybe we need a word with both our families. Keep it polite, but make our message firm. Thanks for taking such an interest in our happiness, but we're plenty happy now, so please leave us be and don't interfere or mess things up, or we'll both tear you all new ones. Still, at least we know they approve of us being together, so we don't have to worry about impressing each other's family or any of that nonsense."
"That's true. Impressing the others family is the hardest part for a lot of couples and we don't have to worry about that. I think I'll let you do the polite bit. I'm not really good at that. But I'll happily threaten them to mind their own business."

She smirked, "Now how about I kiss you until you can't see straight?"
"Well I'd be happy for you to do that, but once you have, I'll be kissing you until you can't see straight too." he laughed
"Then I reckon we should go tell your family off for being jerks. Unfortunately, we still have school tomorrow, even if it is a Friday, so we should make sure we get some sleep so we can spend the whole weekend together. Like usual really...only with about 20% more kissing."
"We probably should, but I think we should wait until they give us another reason to tell them off. It wouldn't really make sense to tell them off now."

Midori pouted, "Oh alright, but in a bit, I want to kiss you senseless. Then you can go home and sleep."
"Alright, I suppoooose I can let you kiss me senseless." he laughed.
He moved one hand to her face and once again moved her lips so she was smiling instead of pouting.
"A few teeny tiny hours of school, in which you probably won't pay attention and doodle anyway, then we have the whole weekend to do whatever we want. I reckon we should go back to that grove. It was the perfect secluded spot to train and make out."
She laughed, "Hey, I do so pay attention doodling just helps me remember things better."

"It is perfect," she agreed, "but not as much as you." She leaned up and kissed him.
"And I'm sure doodling would help, if your doodles were productive. But I got to admit, you do make some funny ones on occasion."
Ichiro couldn't help but blush a little that she thought he was perfect.
"I'm nothing close to perfect my love."
He kissed her back.
Midori was to wrapped up in the fact that she was kissing him to respond. She felt happy when she was with him, something that rarely happened otherwise. She knew Tori worried about that, about her dependency on Ichiro, but as Yuma had pointed out, they'd been friends for so long that it was hard for Midori to think of time she'd been happy without Ichiro.

'Tori can worry all he wants' the girl thought, 'nothing will tear Ichiro and I apart.'
Ichiro knew Midori well enough to know her family worried about her. But he had no intention of letting anything happen to her. Admittedly, the strangest thing of the day hadn't been getting together with her. It hadn't been even finding the blades. It had been observing a slightly off Midori when she was using the blade. Perhaps it was just her way of venting her frustration that they hadn't gotten together sooner? He was about to worry, but got too drawn into the kiss to worry about it now. Kissing Midori had become his new favourite thing to do.
Midori pulled away panting.

"Can you see straight? Because I'm having a bit of trouble." she shook her head, clearing it. "It's late, you should probably go before Tori comes barging in here and drags you away."
"If I can walk in a straight line." he joked.
"And just let him try. He kissed her one last time, letting this one linger just a little too long before reluctantly breaking away.
He grabbed his sword and attached it to the normal place.
"I'll see you normal time tomorrow at school. Until then, you'll be in my head and my dreams." he said with a kind smile.
He forced himself to turn away and headed out, and towards his house.