The Trinity Wars (Mass-Fandom Crossover)

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What wait? A waitlist?
In a way, yes, a Wait list. But I'm just about done, so count yourself and everyone else waiting off that list in the next...ohh...10 minutes or less.
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when will waitlisters be killed O.o
Right, posted a reply.

Most of the time is sucked up by my job, leaving very little time for stuff, but I should make a reply at least once a week, usually on Sundays to be more specific, since nothing is going on, and absolutely fucking nothing works in this town at Sundays.
Right, posted a reply.

Most of the time is sucked up by my job, leaving very little time for stuff, but I should make a reply at least once a week, usually on Sundays to be more specific, since nothing is going on, and absolutely fucking nothing works in this town at Sundays.
ugh, you posted NOW!?!?!

nah your fine, I think this RP ain't going any near us anytime soon, and I have unbelievable patience, most of the time.

i just finished IC posting ;-;

i'll shoot for tomorrow.
Best theme song to anything ever:

Also what aboot Cambridge's characters now that he is out of the game? How are we to go about with this, those who are still involved (most namely with Metallifekuwagumon)?
Best theme song to anything ever:

Also what aboot Cambridge's characters now that he is out of the game? How are we to go about with this, those who are still involved (most namely with Metallifekuwagumon)?
Forgive me for the slow uptake. I only noticed the leave by Cambridge when you mentioned it.

First thing's first:

This thread was grand while it lasted, but I have bad news; I'm going to have to drop this. Life's getting in the way, and terribly I might add.

I can't put together anything worth reading as things are. Sorry, everyone. Especially you guys, @PyroJack and @Ego. Haha, and to think I planned so far... MetallifeKuwagamon would've just devolved the CannonBeemon Aero was riding, and then a real boss battle... which the beetleborg would've totally lost by the way, forcing Schwarzwald himself to suddenly drop down from the carrier Aegisdramon that was on its way to round back to Chicago 7 to save his ass. Yes, that was the surprise. Now you know.

And now you know how much fun I had. But that's as far as I can go, I'm afraid. Again, sorry guys. You were all splendid. See you in maybe a month or two, if I'm lucky. Chaos, hope you get over that problem. I've been there, buddy. Princess Molestasia, may thee fair well in thine new home. Thanks again, everyone.

While I can't truly speak for everyone, I personally understand the need to put life over RPs. I'm sorry to hear that you had to go, and even more sorry that only just now noticed that you had to go. However, if by chance you have the freedom to come back in, we will welcome you back with open arms.

Until then, on behalf of me and the Co-GMs, on behalf of the rest of the players here, thank you for your participation, and I hope things get better for you.

God speed. ^_^


Back to Ego's question: Normally when someone makes a leave of absence, quitting the RP for one reason or another (Reason that isn't a kick-out of course.), I disqualify and make disappear the characters in question. Not kill them or anything like that, just remove them from the RP in a way that could imply their return, should that person decide to come back in. That way there's an open chance of their return, but we can move on without them. (Fortunately we have such a way via the 'penalty box' mini-dimension.)

However, since Cambridge's characters were all essentially fandom characters, and considering the circumstances of the RP at hand, I shall instead offer them to you guys before I place them in the penalty box, at least until Cambridge comes back (if he comes back.) If no one wants them, then I shall place mark them and pull them out of the RP.
Every time when I proofread and I still leave out a mistake, I can only think to myself:
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Forgive me for the slow uptake. I only noticed the leave by Cambridge when you mentioned it.

First thing's first:

While I can't truly speak for everyone, I personally understand the need to put life over RPs. I'm sorry to hear that you had to go, and even more sorry that only just now noticed that you had to go. However, if by chance you have the freedom to come back in, we will welcome you back with open arms.

Until then, on behalf of me and the Co-GMs, on behalf of the rest of the players here, thank you for your participation, and I hope things get better for you.

God speed. ^_^


Back to Ego's question: Normally when someone makes a leave of absence, quitting the RP for one reason or another (Reason that isn't a kick-out of course.), I disqualify and make disappear the characters in question. Not kill them or anything like that, just remove them from the RP in a way that could imply their return, should that person decide to come back in. That way there's an open chance of their return, but we can move on without them. (Fortunately we have such a way via the 'penalty box' mini-dimension.)

However, since Cambridge's characters were all essentially fandom characters, and considering the circumstances of the RP at hand, I shall instead offer them to you guys before I place them in the penalty box, at least until Cambridge comes back (if he comes back.) If no one wants them, then I shall place mark them and pull them out of the RP.
hmmm interesting idear...

i'll wait and see what other people think before I hop in.

And it still boggles me that I have yet to post
I'm more boggled that posting stopped altogether by other people.
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