The Sweet Song of Sacrifice

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This shall be your first opponent!

(as a bonus who ever guesses what this is, will be dubbed awesome)
Where is it? Behind the rabbit?
Oh dear, is tnat a Vorpal Rabbit/Bunny? Run! Run while you still can!
Awesome posts ^^ I will get a post up some time tomorrow after work.
Anyway, to be more exact, I meant the "Dread Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog" from Monty Python and the Holy Grail; 'Vorpal rabbit' was just the first name that crossed my mind.

Do I still get some awesome points? Or at least a cookie?
Well Gaz also guessed it so I guess I will not attempt to kill either of you in this rp. Instead I will just make fun challenging monsters XD, I was thinking of trying out something new, I haven't asked the gm yet but what do you guys think of the monsters being more video game like in other words I sort of point out a weak spot but make it a challenge to hit.

Oh. My. GOD!!!!

FFX was the BEST game EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! *dies*

Are there any Black Mages yet? I could sooooo pull off a Lulu-like character!
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*raises hand* I'm the resident Black Mage. Or, well, I'm playing the resident BM at least. Mind you, there's nothing stopping you from making a different type of BM than the one I'm using.

As for roles, We don't really have a 'Green' mage yet, methinks. (That is to say, a true supprt mage, with spells like Protect, Shell, Reflect, Rgen and whatnot.) Also, the Blue Mage/Ronso archetype is still open. There are probably more roles that I didn't think of immediately.

Oh. My. GOD!!!!

FFX was the BEST game EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! *dies*

Are there any Black Mages yet? I could sooooo pull off a Lulu-like character!

Haha, yeah, go for it, the more the merrier. We already have a Black Mage, but who's to say we can't have two? :)

@neobulleye There's also Red Mages :)
Hi! Yeah feel free to put up any type of character you'd like. The more the merrier! ^^ If you have any questions, just ask. ^^
If that Chocobo attacks me again, we're having KFC tonight.
Everyone loves Kilika Firaga'd Chocobo.
Everyone loves Kilika Firaga'd Chocobo.
Need some help with that one? *Holds up the Spirit Amulet along with a Fire Gem 'borrowed' from the Temple*
Ooh, the fact you "borrowed" a valuable item makes me feel all tingly.
Hey, we're on a journey to save the world! The least they can do is allow us to stock up on some items (withoug paying for them).
That's the spirit! We'll have you multiclassing in Rogue before long :D
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Ridlde time!

Q: Why did the Rogue talk to the young woman?
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