The Smite Academy, a Fighting School for the Gods

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Original poster
Interest Check Post

So basically I had this Idea where it's all the gods going to a school where they fight and battle each other in teams, free for all matches etc. Of course there is going to be background as to why the school exists. Hundreds and hundreds of years ago, all of the gods were killed in a holy war like no other. The power within them however had not vanished, only one god had lived, it had been Zeus himself, however from all the injuries he sustained in battle he was left weak. An oracle told him that all of the gods would be reborn in due time, and to prepare for that he created a school for when they would be teenagers. This was a battle school, one where the gods would make teams and spar, this was supposed to help them work together and learn to control their abilities. After centuries of preparing his hope had started to run our, until then his two brothers were born, Poseidon, and Hades, and after that gods started popping up all over the place. In time the school would be filled with all the gods til they properly matured.
Opening Post

After a war between the Gods and Goddesses left the majority of ancient deities defeated in battle and the few survivors left weak, an oracle prophesied the rebirth of the Gods that had fallen in the war. In order to prevent another war from breaking out between the reborn gods, the survivors of the war; Zeus, Athena, Odin, and Rama, created Babylon Academy. Here, they planned to train them to use their divine abilities and host an annual team-based battle royale to encourage. For thousands of years, the Gods waited, and as time passed, the people forgot about them. This was until news began to circle around the world, stories of seemingly normal humans displaying extraordinary abilities. The survivors of the war knew that the time they had been waiting for was finally upon them and the school opened it's doors to the reborn Gods, ready to show them their true potential.

Due to the war, humans became greatly aware to the supernatural world around them.
Many mythical creatures exist, many are found working at the school.
Students do not start school activities until they have been on the campus for 2 days.
Abilities will unlock over time, you start with your passive and first ability only.

Also Note the gods will have no memory of their previous life as a god.
Character Sheet

God Name:
Human Name:
Age: (14-17)
Room Number:
Mythology: (Japanese, Chinese, Greek, etc.)
Class: (Assassin, Guardian, Mage, Hunter, Warrior)
Basic Attack: (Physical Melee, Magical Melee, Ranged Physical, Ranged Magic, Magic)
Weapon: (If any)
Ability 1:
Ability 2:
Ability 3:
Ultimate Ability:
Passive Skill:
Personality: (At least 3 negative and positive traits)
History: (Optional)

Bath House
Environment Changing Arena

Room 1: Open/Open
Room 2: Open/Open
Room 3: Jing Wei/Open
Room 4: Verethragna/Son Wukong
Room 5: Amaterasu/Bastet
Room 6: Cronus/Open
Room 7: Open/Open
Room 8: Bellona/Inari Okami
Room 9: Oceanus/Thoth
Room 10: Open/Open
Character List

Jing Wei- Sasha
Bellona- Sasha
Inari Okami- Zeroisdead
Verethragna- EddiEddi
Cronus- Crow
Bastet- DANAsaur
Amaterasu- Makomin
Oceanus- RecentlyInsaneRussian
Indra- Chrono

All Iwaku Rules Apply!

Let me know if anything needs to be added, Thank you!

CO-GM: Zeroisdead
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  • God Name:
    Sun Wukong
    Human name:
    Room Number:
    Basic Attack:
    Physical Melee
    Ruyi Jingu Bang (magic staff)

  • Warrior, rebel, trickster, monk, Sun Wukong is known by many titles in the East, yet it was a Journey to the West that made him a hero.
    In his youth, Sun Wukong gained leadership of the monkey tribes, learned secret arts and spells from a Taoist monk, and acquired the legendary Ruyi Jingu Bang from Ao Kuang, a staff that could change size according to his whim. He defied death itself by wiping his name from the Book of Life and Death, and united many of the other monster tribes who sought to ally with him, an act that garnered the attention of the Jade Emperor.
    In an effort to better control the Monkey-King, the Jade Emperor awarded him a title, but when Sun Wukong discovered his new position was little more than "stable boy" he grew angry and declared himself "Great Sage, Equal of Heaven," and waged war on the heavens. For this treasonous act, he was finally captured and imprisoned beneath a mountain for five centuries.
    At long last, the humble monk Xuanzang was seeking disciples to protect him while on his legendary Journey to the West to collect the Indian Sutras. Sun Wukong gladly agreed to serve him, but the Buddha wrapped a golden circlet around the Monkey King's head so that Xuanzang could control him. With three other disciples, they faced eighty one trials during their quest, and collected the sutras. For his service and strength, Sun Wukong was awarded Buddhahood, finally ascending to heaven and gaining immortality.
    With an epic battle between Gods taking place, Sun Wukong's presence is all but assured.​

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  • God Name:
    Sun Wukong
    Human name:
    Room Number:
    Chinese, Japanese, Korean
    Basic Attack:
    Physical Melee
    Ruyi Jingu Bang ( Nyoi-Boin japanese)

  • Warrior, rebel, trickster, monk, Sun Wukong is known by many titles in the East, yet it was a Journey to the West that made him a hero.
    In his youth, Sun Wukong gained leadership of the monkey tribes, learned secret arts and spells from a Taoist monk, and acquired the legendary Ruyi Jingu Bang from Ao Kuang, a staff that could change size according to his whim. He defied death itself by wiping his name from the Book of Life and Death, and united many of the other monster tribes who sought to ally with him, an act that garnered the attention of the Jade Emperor.
    In an effort to better control the Monkey-King, the Jade Emperor awarded him a title, but when Sun Wukong discovered his new position was little more than "stable boy" he grew angry and declared himself "Great Sage, Equal of Heaven," and waged war on the heavens. For this treasonous act, he was finally captured and imprisoned beneath a mountain for five centuries.
    At long last, the humble monk Xuanzang was seeking disciples to protect him while on his legendary Journey to the West to collect the Indian Sutras. Sun Wukong gladly agreed to serve him, but the Buddha wrapped a golden circlet around the Monkey King's head so that Xuanzang could control him. With three other disciples, they faced eighty one trials during their quest, and collected the sutras. For his service and strength, Sun Wukong was awarded Buddhahood, finally ascending to heaven and gaining immortality.
    With an epic battle between Gods taking place, Sun Wukong's presence is all but assured.​

Son Wukong is from Chinese mythology, sure he is depicted in others such as Japan and Vietnam but he is ultimately from Chinese mythology.
Little help with Indra abilities I have one but would like some help with his passive and ultimate one's
In mythology Indra shares ties with the Persian god verethragna I was thinking about a ability that reflects that to increase physical strength
In mythology Indra shares ties with the Persian god verethragna I was thinking about a ability that reflects that to increase physical strength
Little help with Indra abilities I have one but would like some help with his passive and ultimate one's
You could do that but I don't think it'd work that well in the long run, unless you were always teamed up with him.
okay just making sure.

And for everyone just letting you know if you missed it, the deities will have no recollection of their previous lives.

I see...

... guess I'll change it to fit.

I take it that they'll regain them over time?
Done I've edited wukong's mythology to only be Chinese but left his human name be korean cuz i wanted him to be reborn as korean and base him on the manga God of high school
Done I've edited wukong's mythology to only be Chinese but left his human name be korean cuz i wanted him to be reborn as korean and base him on the manga God of high school
That's fine.
I see...

... guess I'll change it to fit.

I take it that they'll regain them over time?
Some will, but all will eventually learn their history while in school.
Still here, Just really, really not liking the new aesthetic. its a little grating on my eyes.
so is wukong good to go? or did i miss some things on the cs? feel free to tell me so that i can fix/ edit them

  • God Name:
    Sun Wukong
    Human name:
    Room Number:
    Basic Attack:
    Physical Melee
    Ruyi Jingu Bang (magic staff)

  • Warrior, rebel, trickster, monk, Sun Wukong is known by many titles in the East, yet it was a Journey to the West that made him a hero.
    In his youth, Sun Wukong gained leadership of the monkey tribes, learned secret arts and spells from a Taoist monk, and acquired the legendary Ruyi Jingu Bang from Ao Kuang, a staff that could change size according to his whim. He defied death itself by wiping his name from the Book of Life and Death, and united many of the other monster tribes who sought to ally with him, an act that garnered the attention of the Jade Emperor.
    In an effort to better control the Monkey-King, the Jade Emperor awarded him a title, but when Sun Wukong discovered his new position was little more than "stable boy" he grew angry and declared himself "Great Sage, Equal of Heaven," and waged war on the heavens. For this treasonous act, he was finally captured and imprisoned beneath a mountain for five centuries.
    At long last, the humble monk Xuanzang was seeking disciples to protect him while on his legendary Journey to the West to collect the Indian Sutras. Sun Wukong gladly agreed to serve him, but the Buddha wrapped a golden circlet around the Monkey King's head so that Xuanzang could control him. With three other disciples, they faced eighty one trials during their quest, and collected the sutras. For his service and strength, Sun Wukong was awarded Buddhahood, finally ascending to heaven and gaining immortality.
    With an epic battle between Gods taking place, Sun Wukong's presence is all but assured.​

Looks good to me. I'll read it again later just to be sure. But from the looks of it you're good.
Indra is almost ready can you look it over​
All characters that have been put in a room on the opening post are accepted if you need me to look at a character then please let me know, also I am opening the character limit from 2 to 3 so if you are interested in playing a third feel free to do so, if you have any other questions I'll be on most of the weekend including Monday.
Yes could you have a look just to make sure everything looks ok besides personality
You can have three characters...?
Can I make brother-like Greek god figure for Oceanus?
@Sasha Bliss
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