The Smite Academy, a Fighting School for the Gods

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Interest Check Post

So basically I had this Idea where it's all the gods going to a school where they fight and battle each other in teams, free for all matches etc. Of course there is going to be background as to why the school exists. Hundreds and hundreds of years ago, all of the gods were killed in a holy war like no other. The power within them however had not vanished, only one god had lived, it had been Zeus himself, however from all the injuries he sustained in battle he was left weak. An oracle told him that all of the gods would be reborn in due time, and to prepare for that he created a school for when they would be teenagers. This was a battle school, one where the gods would make teams and spar, this was supposed to help them work together and learn to control their abilities. After centuries of preparing his hope had started to run our, until then his two brothers were born, Poseidon, and Hades, and after that gods started popping up all over the place. In time the school would be filled with all the gods til they properly matured.
Opening Post

After a war between the Gods and Goddesses left the majority of ancient deities defeated in battle and the few survivors left weak, an oracle prophesied the rebirth of the Gods that had fallen in the war. In order to prevent another war from breaking out between the reborn gods, the survivors of the war; Zeus, Athena, Odin, and Rama, created Babylon Academy. Here, they planned to train them to use their divine abilities and host an annual team-based battle royale to encourage. For thousands of years, the Gods waited, and as time passed, the people forgot about them. This was until news began to circle around the world, stories of seemingly normal humans displaying extraordinary abilities. The survivors of the war knew that the time they had been waiting for was finally upon them and the school opened it's doors to the reborn Gods, ready to show them their true potential.

Due to the war, humans became greatly aware to the supernatural world around them.
Many mythical creatures exist, many are found working at the school.
Students do not start school activities until they have been on the campus for 2 days.
Abilities will unlock over time, you start with your passive and first ability only.

Also Note the gods will have no memory of their previous life as a god.
Character Sheet

God Name:
Human Name:
Age: (14-17)
Room Number:
Mythology: (Japanese, Chinese, Greek, etc.)
Class: (Assassin, Guardian, Mage, Hunter, Warrior)
Basic Attack: (Physical Melee, Magical Melee, Ranged Physical, Ranged Magic, Magic)
Weapon: (If any)
Ability 1:
Ability 2:
Ability 3:
Ultimate Ability:
Passive Skill:
Personality: (At least 3 negative and positive traits)
History: (Optional)

Bath House
Environment Changing Arena

Room 1: Open/Open
Room 2: Open/Open
Room 3: Jing Wei/Open
Room 4: Verethragna/Son Wukong
Room 5: Amaterasu/Bastet
Room 6: Cronus/Open
Room 7: Open/Open
Room 8: Bellona/Inari Okami
Room 9: Oceanus/Thoth
Room 10: Open/Open
Character List

Jing Wei- Sasha
Bellona- Sasha
Inari Okami- Zeroisdead
Verethragna- EddiEddi
Cronus- Crow
Bastet- DANAsaur
Amaterasu- Makomin
Oceanus- RecentlyInsaneRussian
Indra- Chrono

All Iwaku Rules Apply!

Let me know if anything needs to be added, Thank you!

CO-GM: Zeroisdead
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Uh, also, @Sasha Bliss and @Zeroisdead, is it okay if I will play romance between two of my god characters - Thoth and Oceanus. Because, well... Since Thoth is also God of moon... And Oceanus is basically personification of Ocean...

I think you understand how that relationship will work (Like between Lily and Snape COUGHCOUGH - Oceanus as Lily, and Thoth as Snape. HOHOHOHO!).

If not, can someone play Thoth character that I will post soon?

I await your decision!

od Name: Thoth (/ˈθoʊθ/ or /ˈtoʊt/; from Greek Θώθ thṓth, from Egyptian ḏḥwty,perhaps pronounced */tʃʼiħautiː/ or */ɟiħautiː/)
Human Name: Bill Prudens
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Room Number: 9
Mythology: Egyptian
Class: Mage
Basic Attack: Magic
Weapon: Long dual sabers, which can transform into hook swords.
Ability 1: Eye of Horus: Bill uses power of Eye of Horus, creating powerful shield around him and his allies. It blocks off all enemy attacks for short amount of time, but allows allies attacks to pass the shield.
Ability 2: Hieroglyphs: Bill writes hieroglyphs on the air/paper/papyrus/etc, creating various effects, and spawning objects. So far, Bill knows how to properly use only three hieroglyphs (although it can change after learning them all)
Ability 2a: Knife: Bill draws hieroglyph for knife, spawning one in his hand. In another variation, Bill can spawn knife somewhere else, fully controlling it's vector, suspension and axis rotation. Thoth can also multiply knife (not limitlessly of course).

Ability 2b: Fire: Bill draws hieroglyph for fire, and that can go out as several effects: It can turn into wave of fire; It can turn into fireball, and shoot into opponent; It can emerge as heat.
Ability 2c: Arrowhead: Bill draws hieroglyph for arrowhead, attaching it to selected item, and he gains telekinetic control over this item. Thoth can attach this hieroglyph to multiple items, but when doing so hieroglyph becomes unstable.

Ability 3: Bird (Ibis) Physiology: Bill is able to morph his body, separately or fully, into such of bird. Currently, he has control over one form - Ibis.
Ultimate Ability: Lunar Storm (This ability requires enormous amount of power at day, less at night, and even lesser at full moon phase.): Bill uses his connection to moon to strengthen himself and his allies, gradually increasing his level of magic. It sometimes creates storm in area where he uses the attack, and storm effects can vary from which biome he is in when using this attack.
Passive Skill: Bill is immune to cold, and can (at moments of disbelief) see future through moonlight rays.
Likes: Night / Moon / Silver / Writing / Octavian / Water (not swimming in it obviously)
Dislikes: Cruel people \ Heat \ Using power against his will \ Surrealistic things ("But Octi, this drawing is strange! Just- Just look! What is that... Is that a human, with wings?! Are you silly?!!")
Personality: Bill - is what you basically call a nerd, geek, and other deprived words. He deeply cares about studying, and is usually concerned if people around him miss lessons - especially when his best "friend" Octavian does it. He is realistic, modest and sometimes aesthetic. But he can be cruel, rude and sometimes murderous. Bill develops strong connection to Octavian, and hangs around him all the times. He is extremely sarcastic, as his speeches usually overweight with irony and jokes. Despite his seriousness about studying, he likes to watch anime instead of studying, if there is a chance - Octavian usually thinks that all anime Bill watches is shonen-ai.
History: N/A
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God name: Indra

Human name : Sakra devendra



Room number




Basic attack

Magic ranged/melee

Weapon vajra

First ability vajra switch

A fire a bolt of lightning

B switch vajra to sword form to strike with lightning blade

Second ability fountain of spring

A increase physical strength

B restoration of magic

Third ability Indras wrath

A storm of rain and lightning striking down on targets caught within its range!

Ultimate ability Lord of war

Both body and magic are at the maximum strength

Passive ability trickster's rule

Rulebending bending the rules of reality for a variety of effects increasing ones own powers, resistance to negative effects ,enhancements to ones allies

Sakra is sarcastic and very arrogant he is supremely confident in his power while looking down on others
While he doesn't have evil intentions his actions make it hard to believe !

Though his own past eludes him he stands as a strong force for good courtesy of his creator god traits he is notorious prankster empowering weaker parties and feeding off confilict

Finish soon wip
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We have added the new opening post, and gods that have been claimed, I have also added height to the character sheet.
On second though, I think I'll do Yggdrasil. That's easier to make abilities for
You mean Zeus right?


And the rest of dem Olympians. Saturn probably won't like Athena either because... you know... Arachne, Medusa...

And the rest of dem Olympians. Saturn probably won't like Athena either because... you know... Arachne, Medusa...
okay just making sure.

And for everyone just letting you know if you missed it, the deities will have no recollection of their previous lives.
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