The sea of bodies.

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Ouch, that hurt my feelings to post. I really look forward to '91's recovery from all this.
This RP hasn't been very active recently, did something happen??
Sorry, been having a bit of a dump in inspiration lately, least with this. Not giving up on it.

Staying determined.

I'm still going to try to get something up, just not really sure when.
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Kay, there we go. I did it.

Sorry for being so absent.

Really really sorry ;-; I'll try not to let that happen again.
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Ah, I'm glad because I really really like this RP and I want to see all that you had planned for it being put into action. ^u^
Well, I'll try to get my posts pumping into this more often then.

I am quite sorry for the trouble.

My inspiration is right on up again.
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I'm probably going to flesh out the overview quite a bit more, as I feel it is quite lacking in detail in a lot of areas. So yeah.

Uhm, when I actually get the chance.
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Okay, I changed the overview a bit, the old information not being all that much different then before, but made to sound nicer in areas. And, I added little "States", centralized locations and cultures of people instead of just the mass "Commonwealth" there are only four of them however.

I will be updating the "Government" part of it later on.
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Name: Meriah Coverns
Gender: Female
Race: Human (Thinks is a Noelit)
Age: 12
Merged (Y,N?): No
Mage (Y,N?): Yes
Meriah is a rather short young girl, standing around 4'8. She normally wears checkered scarves and long-sleeved jackets, with skirts, stockings, and ballette-esque black shoes. Her blue eyes cast rather dully, but radiating of calmness and sincerety. She also normally holds a long pole, which at the end has a lantern at the end, in which her father made for her to not be scared in the dark. Her horns barely protrude from her raven black hair.

Due to a past experience that has left her memory, Meriah is a rather quiet young girl, at the level of being a selective mute. She normally keeps to herself when she can. She loves her parents dearly, even if they are very demanding of her. She will instantly respond to and do what her parents ask of her. She tries to do everything life throws at her correctly, so that her parents may love her more. Though, secretly, she's growing a bit of a relationship with her rather ferocious demon, Rein. She is completely tolerant of any insults thrown at her, sometimes even acting as if she never heard. Meriah is also possesses rather quick yet smart thinking for her age.

Biography (Optional):
Meriah started off in the slave trades, having a number she no longer remembered. One day when she watched the only parent she had left; her mother be killed, she was pulled into a long state of shock. For three months, she could not move, she could not speak, she could not look around. Her eyes were shut, but she had spells of consciousness. The only thing keeping her alive were several other slaves helping her eat.
One day when she was being carried by a fellow slave, they were whipped, forcing them to drop her limp body. Her life would have ended was it not for the Noelit noticing the horns on her head.
He automatically brought her up for trade to squeeze up more cash. No one had wanted a limp, seemingly dead girl, until a young pair of Noelit came up. "Father" checked for any signs of life, and when it was confirmed, he immediately bought her. "Mother" was unable to have any children, so a human child who used to be a slave would do. They noticed the horns as well, just about leaping for joy.
For the last month she was in the coma, they watchede her and nursed her back to health, and the day she woke up was the day she was named Meriah.
She spent several years almost completely spoiled with gifts, until at the age of 5 they decided to enroll her. She was doing horridly at the school at first, but slowly got better. Her parents were proud.
Anytime they had a walk through town and saw a slave trade going on, Meriah thought nothing of it, since she was thoroughly convinced she was a fellow Noelit over the years.
She soon developed a fear of the dark when she kept hearing Rein growling in her head at night, so her father, who was known as an inventor, had created a lamp that she could use to walk in the dark without hurting herself, and it even has a timer and a way to, with a bit of effort, automatically light.
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If she thinks she's a Noelit she's gonna get the shit kicked out of her by some slavers, or humans, or both.
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Except for the fact that her mage status puts her so far from "ordinary" Humans in the governments eyes that her mind set might almost be forgivable, least law wise.. And a slaver attempting to beat the shit out of such a little girl would face heavy consequences against them. Of course.. won't stop some from trying anyway. And slaves, their consequences would be much heavier, though, again, won't stop some of them from doing it anyway.
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I know 1178 would probably slap her for thinking she was one of the subjugators.
I know 1178 would probably slap her for thinking she was one of the subjugators.
'91 doesn't have such a violent reaction but I doubt any -human- would take a mage-human very kindly. Similarly, I also think Noelits will still sneer at her human-ness and treat her unkindly but tolerate her behaviour simply due to the fact she's a mage.

Not a very fun existence, that.
I am so so sorry for not replying. I was grounded for a few days because of reasons (you know how parents can be) and was unable to post anything. I feel really bad about holding up the IC RP and I will try to post as soon as possible. *bows apologetically*
The only reason I'm not posting yet is I'm waiting on @Jinzou again. ^^
*Bows apologetically* I have finally posted an IC reply for you to respond to, I am very sorry I made you have to sit out because I was unavailable online. I hope you don't hold any hard feelings... >< full speed ahead with this RP, I suppose! ^u^
Loving the post, not too sure why 91 disappeared though. I'll assume she got lost.
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Loving the post, not too sure why 91 disappeared though. I'll assume she got lost.
Grazie!! I'm really glad ^v^
I'm thinking perhaps someone in the crowd felt like grabbing onto the little slave, if you fancy the conflict huehuehue.
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