The Princess and the Wolf

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the old lady popped her head out from behind the counter"is that thing yours?"she asked with a shake to her voice
drake rolled his eyes
"oh drake?" Ally asked pointing to drake "he's my friend, he wont hurt you" she said reassuring the old lady that Drake was no threat to her or her store
drake licked her forearm. he had grown a little more in the store and sitting,he reached her shoulder
"sorry if he looks scary, he's realy nice honesty! He saved my live when I was younger" she said looking to drake before looking back to the old woman an honest smile was on her face, She patted drakes head before she sopke again "we were wondering if you had any books on curses spells and other magical enchanments"
The old woman sniffed and glanced at the wolf suspiciously"he isnt a normal mutt is he?"
(sorry school work)
"uh...he's not a normal wolf" she said putting wmphisis on wolf. she didn't like the word mutt. Drake wasn't one and neither was she so why woudl she use such on her friend
drake sighed and gave the lady a droll look and sniffed around"so does she have anything or not?"he asked with an impatient tone
"oh right!" she said getting back on track she looked at the woman "do you have any books on hexes or spells?" she asked hoping the old lady would. She wanted to help drake break his curse and be able to go back to his semi normal state because beign a wolf is not fun at all times
"what kinds of hexes and spells were you looking for?"the old woman asked suspiciously
Ally thought for a moment, trying to think of what type pf spell was on drake
"I guess the kind that kept weres from transforming in to their human halfs?" she suggested looking to drake a little unsure
"he is a werewolf?!"the woman blinked in shock"my dear,no magic can fix that. only bonding with his soul mate will change that one"
"bonding?" she asked a little confused. SHe knew how vampires bonded and mated but no clue how weres did it. "what do you mean with his soul mate?" she asked feeling a little bit of dread
she shrugged"dont ask just going from what my texts have told me"
she looked at him sadly. the thought of him being with another made her chest hurt for some reason. she brushed it off and looked back to the shop keeper "thank you for your information" she said, it was better then none even if it made her feel funny
"Well that was fun"drake sighed as he walked beside her through the streets.almost back to his full size again
"at least we learned somthing" she said a little sadly "it was better then nothing" the sky was growing dark and the day time stores were closing and the night shops opened up
"Want some gourmet blood wine while we are here?"he teased
"ha ha ha"she teased looking at him "mother and father are expecting us for dinner so We need to go home how" she said, she had no clue how to move on with the information present. start asking every woman in sight if they were drakes soul mate? not a good idea
drake sighed"fair point"the wolf yawned and licked her shoulder
she smiled and they started to walk back to the palace, she was unsure of things now. What would happen once they found her? would she lose her friend? would she be set aside on a shelf again?
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