The Princess and the Wolf

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"I can do it that ally way" she said pointing to a secluded ally way where she could shrink him again so he'd be a decent size to enter a room full of priceless ataficts
"im fine for now"to be honest he wasnt looking forward to being shrunk again
"if you insist" she said as they entred the shop. it was piled from floor to ciling with boxes and baskets of treasures from around the world and shelves that have yet to be made
drake sniffed around,supressing a sneeze from the incense in the air
The room had a very heavy sent of rain and roses as she twisted and turned about in the room to avoid knocking things over or tripping at the things spewed all over the place
drake walked up to a mirror and was kind of shocked at what he saw.

in the mirror stood a tall,pale man. he was about 6'2" with shaggy black hair that seemed flecked throughout with silver. a hint of stubble lined the man's jaw and his ears were pointed.his mouth was open to show pointed canines with a second set right behind them . the body of the man was lean and define,with mist covering some of the more sensitive bits. the most striking feature were the man's eyes, of which were the exact color as the werewolf

".....huh....apparently being a wolf made me paler than even you"drake noted
"hun?" Ally said turning around to see herself in the mirror. She couldn't see what he saw but she did see her self happy and holding a baby in her arms
"i can see what i look like as a human"drake said with a nostalgic sigh
Ally knely down and hugged him. She couldn't see him that way but she wanted to "you'll be like that soon drake....I promise" she said in to his fur
"im taller than you by like a foot"drake noted,cocking his head to the side
"so?" she asked pouting, she didn't like being reminded that she was the shoetest of her family let alone shoter then drake "What's my size got to do with anything?" she said anoyed
"i look to be about six feet"drake said,tail wagging
"ok never mind I am short" she said sadly with ta sigh wondering where the shop owner was.
drake sniffed around"i can't smell anything else other than incense and dust"
"I guess their not in then" Ally said sadly, she was hoping this place could add to her hope of freeing Drake not make her feel like there was none.
"no i mean its clogging up my nose if there is someone here they are really masking it"
Ally blinked and looked around to see if she could sense something strange in the shop at all
drake spotted movement out of the corner of his eye"some lady, hiding behind the assuming because of me"
Ally blinked and looked to the counter and saw a tuff of hair sticking out from behind the counter. She smiled and kissed drake on the nose before she went over to the counter and looked behind it to see a girl
'hello there" she said kindly
drake walked over and sat beside her

((wait who is controlling the shopkeeper?))
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