The Pheraxis Saga: Rebirth ((OOC/Interest Check))

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What am I, chopped liver?
Inquisition= Spanish Inquisition + Templars + Crusades + Corruption + SCARYHARPYLADY
I rest my case...

No but anyway, I just think I need a specific vision of God (Gods) and Heaven and Hell (Or whatever they really are) and I can re-vamp my sheet.
So all Rayn's Sins would be forgiven for the greater cause of God and the Holy Lands? :D
I rest my case...
No but anyway, I just think I need a specific vision of God (Gods) and Heaven and Hell (Or whatever they really are) and I can re-vamp my sheet.
Look at V's post. The name of the Inquisition's god is Ymius, the God of Light. There are other gods as well, known as the Old Gods, who are ancient beings of unimaginable evil and cruelty á la Lovecraft, and it is super-hinted that Ymius is just an Old God who has managed to convince a group of people that he is good and the one true god.
Look at V's post. The name of the Inquisition's god is Ymius, the God of Light. There are other gods as well, known as the Old Gods, who are ancient beings of unimaginable evil and cruelty á la Lovecraft, and it is super-hinted that Ymius is just an Old God who has managed to convince a group of people that he is good and the one true god.

Oooh so this God of Light is actually an evil motherfcker? Sweet
Alright, so I will just modify a few things and make it so that Rayn LIED about getting the book (Will they know he used Demonology? Cause he would basically drop the dark arts (But not its contract and consequences that he suffered.))
Christ this thread moved while I wasn't looking.
Edit: a dragon surpassing civilizations with enough intelligence would've likely either already set himself up as an ally to the lich or attempted to end him early on before he grew powerful enough to make a nation worry. Comparing him to smaug anyways. Fuck the movies. Besides, I wouldn't want a lich thinking he can have a piece of my golden pie.
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Holy shit I missed a lot.

From my perspective on this, Ymius, god of Light, is the "One True God" followed by the Ivory Inquisition. I'm pretty sure Holy Magic doesn't exist, because the whole spiel with the II trying to kill all the Practitioners is to eliminate all the unholy Shades and purify the land. A magic user in an order that detests magic? I don't think that would work. It's bad enough they have an antimage, if Cheesecake decides to play Psykano. Needless to say, the two would not get along.

And what's all this about a dragon?
Holy shit I missed a lot.
From my perspective on this, Ymius, god of Light, is the "One True God" followed by the Ivory Inquisition. I'm pretty sure Holy Magic doesn't exist, because the whole spiel with the II trying to kill all the Practitioners is to eliminate all the unholy Shades and purify the land. A magic user in an order that detests magic? I don't think that would work. It's bad enough they have an antimage, if Cheesecake decides to play Psykano. Needless to say, the two would not get along.
And what's all this about a dragon?

Smaug the Terrible reboot.
Smaug the Terrible reboot.
I got that, but where did it come in? We were talking about Oleg and all of a sudden a dragon enters the tri-bladed war between The II, the Syndicate, and Garibaldi.
I'm just gonna stay here and pretend to understand everything that you guys are talking about.

This is what happens when I don't check the page as often as I should
Well, technically, Oleg's magic WOULD BE "Anti-Magic", just a little more elaborated and complicated. But if they really want to kill ALL practitioner's of magic, then again, I will modify the sheet.

Byt the way, sorry he isn't modified yet.
I'm just gonna stay here and pretend to understand everything that you guys are talking about.
This is what happens when I don't check the page as often as I should
This game is a reboot of the same thing under a different GM who then disappeared. To understand what we're talking about, you would have to look at the old game.
This game is a reboot of the same thing under a different GM who then disappeared. To understand what we're talking about, you would have to look at the old game.

Ah, I see.
Old Thread

About the magic use, I don't think the Ivory inquisition would permit a practitioner among their ranks, much less one who makes/made deals with demons. Oleg's acquisition of his Holy Text would be highly questioned, and either the source would be discovered and Oleg would be executed for heresy, or too much skepticism about Oleg's powers would arise and he would be executed for heresy. However, I'm not the GM, Windsong is. you'll have to ask him about what's allowed and what isn't.
Old Thread
About the magic use, I don't think the Ivory inquisition would permit a practitioner among their ranks, much less one who makes/made deals with demons. Oleg's acquisition of his Holy Text would be highly questioned, and either the source would be discovered and Oleg would be executed for heresy, or too much skepticism about Oleg's powers would arise and he would be executed for heresy. However, I'm not the GM, Windsong is. you'll have to ask him about what's allowed and what isn't.
I trust you guys judgment that the II wouldn't let it happen, so I'll modify it, rendering Rayn in more of a Tormented between helping the II Indirectly and actually not getting himself killed. I will also change what the book is so that it reflects a more realistic possibility of what it actually is.
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