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  • 1677776969060-png.237466

    Lancelot had a slightly confused look on his face as he thought of how to explain it. "Well, from what I remember, the person who met us when we arrived here told us that only the residents of the rooms are allowed to open the doors to their rooms. There are also 20-30 something people out there." Lancelot then replied on the white-haired man's ask of a 'pizza party.' "There isn't an exact event for whatever thing you just said, but I do believe there is somewhere you can eat outside."

  • E-mTuXuVgAA_CKC.jpg

    "Ah, you mean an ID. I am fairly sure I have one of those, but it might be a bit out of date, I got it quite a while ago when I learned you needed to purchase alcohol. My wife had to convince me not to beat the clerk and take the alcohol when I tried to get it without one, as he was just doing his job." "No matter how futile it may have been." He says under his breath.

    Des reaches under the armor plate on his left shoulder, there is a wallet and it seems to have been tied down tightly with some twine. Untying the wallet from the armor Des opens the wallet seeing a picture of his wife and kids in it and he'd smile. (This picture is the same one from the smashed frame in his background story). His smile turns to a frown before he regains his thoughts. "Right the ID. Do keep in mind it is a bit outdated I didn't get it updated in the past 400 years, so I will tell you that I am well over 650 years old." The ID states that Des was born in 1995, and the latest update for the ID was in 2250.

  • frankenstrike_by_tsheward_dc06qw2-fullview.jpg

    Just waiting on his parfait.
As Vert and Filia spoke.. they heard someone slowly start to shuffle around. Yawning as they slowly got up from their bed. "Yeesh.. that was one of the better bits of sleep I've had in.. ever, actually." They say as they then look up to see. . . Wait a minute. Why the hell does nearly everyone look they came out of a fucking anime?!

". . . I have. several questions as to what's currently going on right now, would anyone mind giving me some context of what has been going on?" Orpheus would inquire to both Vert and Filia, puzzled as to how this situation is occurring how it is at the moment.
@ThePotatoGod (Minako, NPC)
@Raynar Saassin (Vert)
@Topless (Filia Medici+The Hair Parasite, Samson.)
Jason Todd

He turned to the other man and gave a solemn shake of his head. "No. I am sorry. It seems everyone in this room is at the very least a teenager. If not a grown adult." He motioned to Crow about the last part. He could not for the life of him tell if the young man was a teenager or a legal adult. This place was cruel enough to drag a three year old here, and he had already confirmed there were several high schoolers here who had to be the ones he would assume where youngest if he did not have his son here.

"But I will tell you what, I can help you find your child. In return I do need help finding my own son. He is in a blue anchor shirt with white and wearing blue shorts." Jason explained. "This world is very cruel to have dragged young children here. I am sorry you find yourself separated from yours." He must have been out for awhile. He did not recognize the man he was speaking to currently. He offered a hand out for a hand shake. "My name is Jason Todd. It is nice to meet you, despite the circumstances here."

Crow Hogan

He stopped and looked at the others now. His eyes were wide. Not one, but two missing kids? He remembered watching over countless kids back in the Satellite, and helping them find good and loving homes when the city was reunified, he had grown up and orphan, and he knew what it was like to be missing children thanks to those dark signers.

"I am a legal adult. Nineteen to be exact." Crow spoke a bit panicked. "My name is Crow Hogan. I hear you guys are missing kids? Allow me to help find them. I know what it is like to not have parents, and what it is like to lose your kids. I have been through some stuff." He admitted as he looked between the men. "But I am confident we can do this and find the missing little jackals." He had seen this Jason before, and whom he assumed was his kid, from afar. The otherman, he seemed to be new. He wondered who the heck this guy was. He ran a hand through his hair, hoping he could help.

Richard "Richie" Todd

The boy took a few minutes to calm down but he did. He looked around, he didn't recognize the people, well he had seen one for a brief moment but that was about it. He decided it was time to search for his bear and his sippy cup. He got out of his bed and looked underneath it to try and find the bear and cup there. Sometimes he had found them under the bed when he woke up in the morning.

Not there. He now started to crawl around on the floor hoping to find at least his bear and his sippy cup.

@ThePotatoGod @dark

  • "You do remember your promise right? The moment you find Nero, you'l forge a contract with her?" Artoria voiced her worry for her Master to break her contract, but it seemed to be not the case as she assured to her Servant that she can handle two Servant contracts. While it may seem to be a relief, Artoria is still uncomfortable having to share one with the very bombastic emperor herself.

    "I see. While it may sound like a relief, I'm still not comfortable having to work with her. But if it is something that you insists, then I shall not object. I'm sure she's aware of what I am capable of, especially when in regards to my Noble Phantasm." She said right as Shinji and her Servant had entered the room.

    @Kirie98 @ThePotatoGod

  • Filia got ignored, which is a huge shame. "I guess we should just mind our own business then." Samson spoke right as some guy just woke up and started asking questions. Looks like he had just came into this tower. "First off, who are you? Are you, um, Orpheus?" Filia asked.

    @Raynar Saassin @Izanagi @ThePotatoGod

  • Yang noticed that Adam was wearing the tattered uniform from the previous floor. "Ah, I guess I should've wore into something more appealing then. One moment please." He said and then he proceeded to rip off the entire uniform and back to wearing nothing but a single leaf. "There, much better." He said.

    After he had introduced himself, Yang suddenly snapped. Adam could tell by the look of her face when she unloaded a round to the floor. "Easy there, Firecracker." Adam said as a way to calm Yang down "I promise you I bring no harm, Ruby knows it that well. Perhaps we should go and get some fresh air, maybe find something to take the heat off of our journeys."

    @ThePotatoGod @Crow
Kirbo, Childe, Klee

Since Kirbo didn't have anything resembling a neck, Des was just squishing him into the ground in an attempt to make him bow, the Kirbster clearly not being happy with this.

When asked what he wanted to order, Kirbo began poyoing complete nonsense to pretty much anyone in the vicinity. But even those that could translate him would find themselves confused. After all, what kind of meal was 'the flesh and bones of a dark god'?

@ThePotatoGod @noob13241 @SolsticeArcanum @Frozen Thyme


"Still feels too young..." he muttered to himself. Seriously, he couldn't understand what that Ninja (Like the ones from Inuzuma?) was rubbing over the hilt of his blade. He had never heard of this "loobe" before!

And then she started to cry when he mentioned Ruby. Looking down in shame as Blanc gave him an icy stare, he slowly moved his head back up.

"Erm.. Blake, right?" Uhhhh, what to do, what to do. He wasn't exactly an expert on teenagers since all of his younger siblings were still just becoming them, but he did have knowledge! From his older siblings. They either generally got moody or were a beacon of innocence like Ruby.

"Continuing off what the very intelligent child, sometimes the best solution is a simple one! So, what we should do here..."

Nonchalantly picking up Blake bridal-style off the bed, he continued his speech even as he casually jogged towards Room 10, but not before peeking his head through the Room 6 door and mouthing 'Ill be back, please stay in the room' at Blanc

"Is confront your fear!"

In that instance, Yang's robotic arm appears to have shot a shotgun blast onto the floor, creating nothign more than soot and ash before being promptly reloaded at the twitch of her muscle.

"Гавно, Гавно, Гавно!"*

Coughing from the ash now rolling about in the hallway, Childe looked up to now see Adam, Ruby, and a taller blond girl. Watching awkwardly for a few moments as they hugged.

"...Hey, um, Ruby." Nodding downward at Blake, he mouthed a 'please help me I have no idea what the fuck to do'. Or at least, that was the gist of it. It was more like just the 'please help'

"I think I found your friend?"

Noting the gauntlet on who he now knew to be Ruby's sister, he thought back to some time before in the 4th floor, when a kid with dog ears had had something awfully similar... Something for a later time.

Now, it was all about helping Blake with meeting her comrades again! Nothing could go wrong!

*Editors note: Гавно roughly translates to "shit" in the Russian language*

@Raynar Saassin @Topless @ThePotatoGod @Kirie98

"Okay, Master Jean! Oh, I almost forgot something! He also has a purple one like Lisa! Except his feels weird... He also can turn into a scary monster with one eye! It's really big! Klee emphasized by throwing her hands out to signify it.

Jean might be able to recall some details of the Harbingers after this- specifically, over the 11th, who was said to possess a Hydro Vision and Electro Delusion, and had some strange abyssal power.... And how bloodthirsty he was said to be.
For the record, I don't have a penis. So you don't have to worry about me being a pervert in an all female room. That's Yamcha's job."

"Master Jean, what is a penis? And a pervert?"

Good fucking luck with that, however.

@ThePotatoGod @Kirie98

  • 1679245953014-png.237881

    Sgt. Kyle Reese was on guard more than once as he eyed the man in the strange gear and then the woman with the look "WHO are you two?!"

    He's looking very protective of Connor right there and then.

    The General of the Human Resistance was also on guard noting the woman robot named Iza first. "She's not human, she's robotic, perhaps somewhat of a term-

    "She's a terminator, what are you doing!"

    We have no idea if she's good or bad yet!

    "You know who you are, what if she's sent by you know who!"

    Kyle pulled John out from the room as both ran to the hallways, left to wonder if the robot would lay chase to them or not. "Come on, John... " Both of them kept running.​

    *Kyle Reese
    *John Connor

  • Status: Confused, On guard (Got a weapon)
    Location: Tower/ Room 13
    Characters Interacting With:
    Izu (Robot) @ThePotatoGod
    Geiz @ThePotatoGod

  • _DSC1453.jpg

    John was on guard too, but Kyle was extremely cautious to protect the General from any other attack. Kyle pulled him from the room fast as both went to the hallway.

    "You know who you are, what if she's sent by you know who!"

    Kyle pulled John out from the room as both ran to the hallways, left to wonder if the robot would lay chase to them or not.

  • Status: On guard with Kyle
    Location: Tower Floor 4.5/ Room 13
    Characters Interacting With:

    Izu (Robot) @ThePotatoGod
    Geiz @ThePotatoGod


  • bardock_no_canon__facudibuja_by_facudibuja_ddllqdy-350t.png

    Bardock grunted, quickly noting the small kid crawling on the ground. Chances are if the kid gets returned, what's the chances his parent will think of him as a kidnapper? Besides, he wasn't father of the year material.

    But something did catch his attention, his scouter blinking as he looked over at the strange girl or was it something else with a power level of around 1000. The power of Broly's at a baby. Higher than most Saiyans at an early age, Higher than Kakkarot's.

    He looked around also noting the other being in the room with a leather jacket, raising an eyebrow. His scouter read nothing on the being in front of him yet sensed some sort of power coming out of the other humanoid. Who exactly was this girl?"

    He carefully watched both beings and the kid, Richie in the middle of the room.

    His choices were taking a risk talking to the strange beings or try and calm the kid.

    "You, strange being with a horn. Can you talk?" "Speaking of which, strange being with headphones on, can you talk as well?!"

    Plus, Richie's crying was now starting to give him quite a headache and he sighed "Hey, kid, I'll help you find your dad if you just quiet a bit down."

  • Status: ???
    Location: Tower/ Room 4.5/ Room 12
    Characters Interacting With:
    N/A so far
    @Gotham Knight Todd (Richie) @dark (Bardock) @ThePotatoGod (NPCS)

Last edited:

  • Interaction: @SolsticeArcanum @SorryTM @noob13241 @Frozen Thyme @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kirie98

    "I see, my mistake. I don't normally speak that language." Kaito apologized, having no idea what he actually meant. After Ken changed his order to a bowl of cookies with salt on them. With Kirby poyo'ing his order to the black clad Cafe Manager, he nodded. "Coming right up." He smiled, soon turning to Des, who had presented an ID dated '2250'. The Future.

    "Let's see…Considering that this establishment is from 2022…" Kaito took the id and began to ran calculations on his head after seeing that the Kaiju were born in 1995. "That makes you legally 27 at the time. You pass." He nods, signifying that Des' order will be arriving soon.

    Meanwhile, Haruka had finished preparing Orgen's massive order and carried it over to the frankenstein's table. It looked good; it's even sparkling, somehow. You could feel the sweetness just by looking at it.

    "Sorry for the wait! Here's your One Grande Strawberry Parfait." Haruka says, soon placing a spoon that's big enough for Orgen to hold without it feeling very awkwardly small. "Will that be all?" She asked with a bow, offering to bring more food to the table if the Frankenstein wishes so.

    As Kaito was preparing Ken's meal, Cell arrived from their room. Feeling rather hungry in the same vein as Mami. He took a seat near the counter, eyeing the menu there.

    "Hmm…Gimme your best item on the menu." Cell simply says, arms crossed as Kaito nodded while preparing Ken's Carbonara. "And do you have something for…Flesh Drinking Abominations like myself?"

    "I'll see what I can do, sir." Kaito says, presenting Cell with a glass of what looks to be red wine before plating Ken's carbonara.

    "Perfect, my good man." Cell chuckled as he grabbed and promptly swerved his drink. "So what's this? Some wine at the back or something?"

    "That's just grape juice. My personal blend." Kaito answers, "I hope it's to your liking."

    "Really now? You can barely tell the difference. And I've never had wine!" Cell nodded, catching a whiff of the drink before taking a sip. It tastes like grapes alright, but it packs a WALLOP. An odd mix of sweet and bitter, clashing like beams inside of Cell's taste buds. It tastes almost EXACTLY like how it would when he drank humans back in his Imperfect State. A nostalgic and fantastic melody! "Oh, there's that GOOD SHIT!" He finished the drink in one swig, slamming the bottom of the cup loudly on the counter with a bit of yellow flame spotaneously combusting and extinguishing in about a second. Soon clearing his throat. "May I have an entire bottle of the stuff?"

    "In a minute, sir." Kaito says, as he's preparing Ken and Kirby's order at impressive speeds. His movements were almost like a blur.

    Guess now we know where Cell went, much to Mami's dismay.

  • Interaction: @Topless @Kirie98

    Hakuno would rub her chin as she considered what to do with her predicament. She's already committed to a relationship with Nero, and her contract with Artoria is purely business. She needs mana, and she(with the help of the Regalia) will provide. Though her Servant has presented her objections regarding reestablishing her contract with her primary Servant. Something similar has happened before in the Grail War, hasn't it?

    "I understand." Hakuno nodded, hearing Artoria's terms and conditions. "But I want to hear Nero's side of things before I make a decision about the contract. Is that fine with you?" She asked, knowing that she'll have to go confront the Red Saber about having to share a contract with the King of Knights. Nero was okay with the previous double contract because she still had the spotlight as the Main Saber, with Caster acting as support, but with this essentially her having to share it with another Saber?

    Hakuno can tell how much of a tantrum Nero would make, then.

  • Interaction: @SorryTM

    "A Second Vision?" Jean's eyes widened at the concept. The thought of it is very much impossible. A Vision is indeed the favor the Archons would grant a person, but it's only restricted to a single element; a single vision. To get another would mean they stole it or they tried to recreate one through blasphemous means.

    Only one organization comes to mind who would attempt to do something like this; The Fatui. Despite being diplomats from Schneznaya, there have been rumors floating around about their elite members. The Harbingers, said to be high ranking for possessing talent in multiple fields. She heard from The Traveler that they found some kind of False Vision factory in Inazuma that the Fatui's involved with, but evidence about it were only from the Honorary Knight's word alone, so she dismissed it as some rumor.

    "I think I need to speak with him alone, Klee." Jean says, eyeing the door. She's got a bad feeling about this person. And if she's right, then he's a danger to Klee as well. Though that might have to come later as Klee overheard Cell and Mami's brief argument, with Cell speaking some rather indecent things that the child caught wind of. "A Pervert is a bad person that harasses people. As for what…That means." Jean avoided discussing the Penis as Klee is perceived to be too young to learn that sort of thing yet. Sure, she can commit all the war crimes but Jean doesn't think Klee's ready for Sex Ed anytime soon. "Wait until you're older."

  • Interaction: @noob13241 @Raynar Saassin

    "Yes. My name is Kiryu Sento, Cure Rider Build." Sento nodded as she soon sat on the bed, cross legged as Banjou appears to be confused on what he's seeing and hearing. Which is normal, considering one doesn't usually deal with parallel worlds with changes as drastic as hers. "And you must be another universe's Cross-Z. Looks like my name remains unchanged where you're from." Sento nodded, rubbing her chin as she watched the Cross-Z Dragon fly around the room. She's sure he's got a lot of questions.

  • Interaction: @Frozen Thyme @Gotham Knight Todd

    "I see…Thanks anyway." The man nodded before Jason offered to look for his child in exchange for looking out for his. "Deal. My daughter has dark skin, white hair and a black horn. Long story." He took Jason's hand as he introduced himself, stating the world itself is cruel enough for it to drag children into danger. The Man and his Daughter were no strangers to danger; as it is their job to slay monsters together.

    "I'm Daemian Kyrie Pennyworth, Caravan Chrysanthemum's Ace." He introduced himself. Daemian glanced at Crow when he offered to help out in the search, letting out a grunt of agreement. "The help's appreciated." Somehow, he felt comfortable with this crowd of Non AGEs. Perhaps it's the fact that both of them were similar to him in some ways. Jason Todd was a single father, like Daemian is currently. Crow Hogan was an orphan, like he was before being indoctrinated as an AGE under Port Pennyworth with Hugo. So there was a lot in common with the pair. Though his instincts warned him of the Soldier in Black, who seemed to have him pegged as some sort of threat. At least, that's what his inquiry from before felt like.

    A sour taste in his mouth, but Daemian has to persist if he wishes to find his daughter.

  • Interaction: @SolsticeArcanum

    "Alrighty then! Guess I know where I'm goin'. Papa's hungy!" The man chuckled, getting up from the bed. Making sure to grab his exposed longsword and holster it on his back without a sheath. I guess he's just confident that it won't rust. "See ya later, Black Knight." He chuckled, referring to the armor Lancelot walked in the room with.

  • Interaction: @Topless @Crow @SorryTM @Raynar Saassin

    "Huh." Yang couldn't help but stare as Adam practically stripped down into nothing but a single leaf covering his junk. Prompting her to grab her sister by the shoulders and move Ruby away from this streaker as she narrowed her eyes in a glare. "I…Don't think you should be hanging out with this guy, Rubes." She says, making an effort to cover her little sister's eyes from staring downstairs.

    "He's been like that ever since I woke up here." Ruby groans slightly, covering her eyes and recalling what she saw the moment she woke up in the tower. It's not a good sight. "I'm kinda used to it."

    "Gross." Yang winced, disgusted by Adam's lack of clothing etiquette.

    Another one of her new friends peeked through the door. A surprisingly normal looking brunette for once, stating that he might've found another one of Ruby's friends.

    "Who?" Ruby and Yang asked at the same time,the former lowering the latter's hands over her eyes, waiting for this certain someone to reveal herself.

  • Interaction: @Gotham Knight Todd @dark

    Richie would instead find a different stuffed bear instead of his usual bear under his bear; white in color, but definitely not his. He would then find that his bear is at the foot of another bed, along with his sippy cup; which was now filled with what smelled like fruit juice. How generous.

    "Hmm?" Phym finally recovered from her tumble, rubbing her horn as a strangely armored man approached her and asked if she could speak, scaring her a bit as she crawled away from the man. "Y-yeah…I could talk." She nodded, feeling a bit wary of the tall and somewhat scary looking Saiyan. She didn't recognize him. Hell, she didn't even recognize this place. "Where is this?" She asked, wondering if he knew anything about where she is. And the fact that her Father isn't with her makes her worry even more; that much Bardock can tell.

    "Come now, you're scaring the children." Spoke the Power Level-less man in the room. His earpieces now glowing as he sat at the edge of the bed, looking around the room. "Do you know their father, if I may ask?" He asked Bardock, unaware of their current situation as his programming dictated as a caretaker robot.

  • Interaction: @dark

    "That's none of your business." The man in black scoffed as he continues to lay low, arms crossed as he tries to think of something to do in order to find out what happened to his Time Majin as well to make sure Tsukuyomi's fine and well in the future. He knew traveling through time is dangerous, but he didn't think it would break reality like this. Though as he looked around, he found that the woman had woken up, moving in stiff movements as her earpieces began to project holographic symbols; mostly loading as it tried to get a hold of a satellite.


    Connecting to Zero-Two Driver's Back Up Server.

    The woman closed her eyes as her systems immediately tried to make contact with her President; but to no avail. The call won't come through.

    "Of course. If I can't connect to Zea, then why could phone signals come through?" The woman spoke, tilting her head. Something's wrong. Incredibly wrong; she just doesn't know what it is. She could only hope that the President is alright. Her current directive is to search for Hiden Intelligence's President; and thusly, she left the room unceremoniously; which could be noticed by John and Kyle as they approached the Lounge.

  • 1677776969060-png.237466

    "Goodbye, sir." As soon as the white-haired man leaves Lancelot goes straight back to his collapse.

  • E-mTuXuVgAA_CKC.jpg

    "Thank you." Des replied to the Kaito look-a-like.

  • frankenstrike_by_tsheward_dc06qw2-fullview.jpg

    Orgen released a low grunt and grabbed the spoon, he jabs the spoon into the parfait, and then he shoves in his mouth to eat it. Once Orgen swallows the spoonful, his eyes would sparkle like diamonds, and he'd grunt (gleefully?).
  • Ryuga Banjo - Room 4
    Banjo would squint at the title difference... "Kamen Rider." While the stickler for details usually is Sento...Banjo can't help but be the stick here on this one.

    He points to her with one hand as he resorts to ape simplicity after being exhausted in seconds. "Kamen Rider Build."
    Then flips his hand to point his thumb to himself. "Kamen Rider Cross-Z."

    With that detail sticked, he takes a breath to steady himself...and asks the critical question. "So...are the guys I know are..." The details of the question need not be said given his current dilemma over her existence.

    "And was your version of me's Kasumi..." Again, details need not be dug up...for a moment, he's in silence before his body tenses... "Does Bakazumin still have that crush in your world and Gentoku dress like...egh?"

    World-crushing dilemma put aside, Ryuga Banjo refuses not to know if their stupidity remains consistent.
  • Ken Kendraki - FLOOR 4-5
    Ken would stare at Kaito take his order and walk away with...not even relative, just absolute silent calm.

    That is until he walks away to take orders and begin making them. That is when Ken shifts in his chair to sit with his feet planted on the seat's legs with his hands gripping the edges of the seat...and ascends. (Double-jump plus planted feet=infinite jumps)

    For the moment, he would be simply afloat, steadily spinning midair. Staying above where he'd be seated, but rotating in constant motion nonetheless.
    @SolsticeArcanum @Frozen Thyme @ThePotatoGod

  • "Thankies~" Minako giggled, squirming a bit at the whisper as her dream seemed to lead her to turning around, shuffling in bed to readjust her position. Facing Vert herself. "You're the best, Mitsuru-Senpai!" She spoke of a name, though by the sounds of it, Mitsuru's not Minako's big sister. At the very least.
    Despite them mentioning a name, she simply continued roleplaying, very much enjoying the moment and being a bit selfish.

    "I know I am, dear~ Please, come closer, your senpai wishes for a warm embrace~"

    Though the only warm embrace Minako would feel as she shuffled around was Vert's overwhelmingly large mountains of a chest.

    @ThePotatoGod (Minako, Interacting)
    @<Everyone else in Room 2>

  • "Huh." Yang couldn't help but stare as Adam practically stripped down into nothing but a single leaf covering his junk. Prompting her to grab her sister by the shoulders and move Ruby away from this streaker as she narrowed her eyes in a glare. "I…Don't think you should be hanging out with this guy, Rubes." She says, making an effort to cover her little sister's eyes from staring downstairs.

    "He's been like that ever since I woke up here." Ruby groans slightly, covering her eyes and recalling what she saw the moment she woke up in the tower. It's not a good sight. "I'm kinda used to it."

    "Gross." Yang winced, disgusted by Adam's lack of clothing etiquette.

    Another one of her new friends peeked through the door. A surprisingly normal looking brunette for once, stating that he might've found another one of Ruby's friends.

    "Who?" Ruby and Yang asked at the same time,the former lowering the latter's hands over her eyes, waiting for this certain someone to reveal herself.
    As soon as Childe pointed out to Ruby and Yang that they might of found a friend, a certain Faunus was trying not to just bawl out in tears. Especially since she now knows that Yang is here... As soon as her eyes laid upon Yang's figure, she tried really hard not to cry but tears were already forming.

    "H-Hi Yang... Ruby..."

    Was all she could say...

    @ThePotatoGod (Yang and Ruby, Interacting)
    @<Anyone else in Room 10>

  • Interaction: @SolsticeArcanum @SorryTM @noob13241 @Frozen Thyme @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kirie98

    "I'll take that as a no." Haruka nodded as she left Orgen to his devices, getting back to the counter to find that the crowd had grown and that the dog like kid from before had begun to spin in place like a motionless propeller. Until the food Kaito had prepared were set upon the table for Haruka to deliver. The sounds of various plates and dishes being placed on the table should've snapped the kiddo out of his spinning trance. After which, Haruka delivered the bottle of Sake complete with its tiny cup; as traditional drinking would have it. Then Katrielle and Bayonetta's tea.

    As Kaito placed down Cameron's ginger ale, the cold captain's body began to be distorted with colorful static and cubes; soon engulfing the entire person itself as the Glitch struck once more.

    "Woah." Cell raised a brow as he watches everything unfold. "Sick. I wanna have what he's having." He simply chuckled, amused by the moans of pain coming from Cameron.

    "Again…?" Katrielle felt a disturbance from her monocle, glancing over at the slouched man that's glitching over the current and only reality. Replacing him with someone else as the colors from the glitchy pixels finally turn monochrome. Bit by bit receding in front of everyone.


    --{[Weiss Schnee]}--
    Crystalline Ice Queen​

    The Glitching pixels recede and settle down, revealing a woman in white in place of the Icicle. Her body seems to release this cold air around her as she breathes, taking off the shades that obscured her pale blue eyes that seem as cold as her presence, and just as dead.

    ". . ." The woman rubbed her head, having no memory of how she arrived in a place like this. It reminded her of the gatherings she used to attend as a young woman, though nowadays, she barely had any time due to her work as the CEO of the Schnee Dust Company she inherited from her wretched father.

    "This is…?" Kaito took out his personal Guestbook, finding that the listings has suddenly been altered with her appearance. Changing the name Cameron Mahkent to Weiss Schnee. An odd coincidence, no doubt. He simply nodded as he found himself intrigued by this discovery. Maybe his superiors would love to hear of it. Regardless, he served her the Ginger Ale he prepared for Cameron, getting her attention. "Something on your mind?"

    ". . .No." The woman simply shook her head. "It's nothing. I must've simply zoned out. That's it." She nodded, taking a sip of the somewhat bitter ale. Its taste shakes her awake from what can be described as work based sleep deficiency.

    "Perhaps rest would do you good?" Kaito says, sliding a small note onto the woman in white. A part of the guestbook, stating her to be assigned to Room 8. "You seem rather pale, after all."

    "It's simply how I appear," She sighs, putting her shades back on. "Thank you anyway." The woman then stood up, eyeing the colorful cast of characters that inhabit this lounge. She doesn't recall getting here, but she feels as though she has a connection with them.

    Wonder why?

    She pondered this as she left, looking for her room.

  • Interaction: @Izanagi243 @Raynar Saassin @Topless

    Minako would groan awake as she actually felt Vert's warm hug for a longer than a few seconds. Prompting her to slowly open her eyes and discover what's off; which is the appearance of this unknown woman in front of her.

    "What the…" She blinked as Minako pulled herself away from Vert, leading to Orpheus discovering her presence. "Woah…Who…What…?" Minako rubbed her head as she looked around in confusion at the sights she's seeing above the ceiling window. "Huh?!" She blurted out in confusion, seeing as she's not in complete darkness anymore.

  • Interaction: @noob13241 @Raynar Saassin

    "Hm. Title difference. Sounds a lot cooler though." Sento nodded as Banjou corrected the title she had in her world. It would be easier to identify her in case Banjou's actual Sento shows up along the way. In case she managed to stick around long enough. "I'd assume so. Considering you're a male version of Banjou Ryuka. " Sento answered when Banjo asked if the genders of her world were flipped from his own. He soon asks about Banjou's old girlfriend, wincing if she's still dead. "I'm sorry." Was all Sento could say to him, and that pretty much answers what happened there.

    It seems that it's Kasumi Ogura's fate to die to give rise to Kamen Rider Cross-Z. What's curious is the fact that the girlfriend is a constant. Sento was expecting Kasumi Ogura to be a male in Ryuga's world, but at least that part's similar enough.

    A moment of silence passes as if to mourn her passing before Banjou moves on to asking about the other Riders.

    "That depends. Does Mii-Tan exist in your world? If so, who?" Sento asks with a raised brow, considering how she managed to gather intel about Smash before Evolt put a wrench on everything, the identity of Mii-Tan is an important factor. Consider "And yeah, Gentoku's still a fashion disaster. Still prefers leather jackets, I assume?" She asked, wondering if the similarities are correct. Seems like the differences are mostly minimal between their two worlds. Save for the title and their genders. Wonder what else is different? "There's really only one thing I need to know…" Her tone suddenly became serious, recalling the situation in her world. "What happened to Evolt?"

  • Interaction: @Topless @Crow @SorryTM @Raynar Saassin


    Two different responses from both sisters. One expresses excitement to see a comrade of hers again, and the other was melancholic to see her in that outfit again. The very same one Yang saw during the Fall when her arm was cut off; it was painful, but she knew that Blake felt guilty about what happened.

    Ruby zipped around Adam and casually approached Blake with a hug, glad to see her friend doing fine wherever this is. All that's left is Weiss now, and Team RWBY is officially back in action.

    "It's been a while since I saw you wearing that." Yang says, approaching her cat eared friend. "Brings back memories." She smiles warmly, as if she had moved on from what had happened as she used her robot arm to pat Blake's head. Still warm from the accidental discharge she did at the mere mention of Adam.

    "...But she's always been wearing that?" Ruby asked, showing a clear disparity between the two Sisters' memories. Something's off. That much is obvious.

  • Interaction: @SorryTM

    It's the same old story that everyone went through. Rin Tohsaka would find the world being washed away in a wave of colors, combing through realities and even those below it as everything disappears and fades to white. Rin would be helpless to stop it, as there is no way to anticipate its arrival.

    And so, she awoken somewhere else. Under the skylight window of a colorful sky within a fancy hotel room. Her items are mostly intact and; surprisingly enough, a familiar looking symbol on the back of her hand. A Command Seal. Who her servant is remains a mystery, as when she tries to communicate with them, all she's greeted with is the deafening sound of static.

    Looking around the room, Rin would find 3 more beds, yet only 1 being inhabited by someone; or rather, something.


    M-M-Magnificent Fortune​

    A pink humanoid mechanical automaton. Rather, a genuine robotic being that's pink in color with green eyes and led lights on her body. She appears to be wearing large shoulderpads as well as a skirt. She seems sound asleep, as noted by her eyes being mostly closed and her loud snoring.

    At least someone's enjoying herself.

Childe, Klee, Rin

Well, everyone was happy, at the least. Or neutral. Stepping back out to look into the hallway, he absentmindedly wondered why that odd sensation had been feeling more… active now. The only linking trait he could see was Ruby's friend and sister- standing in the vicinity had been enough for it to almost feel as if it was humming beneath his skin.

And then he saw the reflection.

The woman opposite him could be called completely different- where she had not an article of clothing out of place, he wore his Fatui uniform roughly, pulling up the sleeves.

And yet, those eyes were almost- no, they were a reflection of him as a boy.

Dead. Cold, unemotional.

Frozen, as if instead of a window to the soul, they were an icy panel covering what remained of it deep inside.

Well, wasn't this an odd kind of twisted?

He had thought he had established an equilibrium, and yet-

The naked truth laid before him.

The truth was the boy who had clambered out of a hole with a rusty, bloodstained blade and a Hydro Vision.

Who had climbed out with something fundamentally twisted inside, and had attempted to act as if it wasn't there.

Something flared on his left hand for a moment. An orange-ish aura that seemed almost sickened by a corrosive purple.

Weiss Schnee would be able to clearly recognize this ability for what it was.

Aura, the manifestation of one's soul.

But the man facing her was clearly not from any of the Five Kingdoms- his clothing was utterly foreign.

As quickly as the aura has come, it left- quick enough that it was plausible it was a sleep-deprived hallucination.

This entire moment took place within 3 seconds.

The ginger-haired man didn't even seem to notice what exactly he had done.

He was more surprised by what he felt. It was almost as if he somehow had a warm blanket underneath his skin, constantly being heated.

Well for now, he had to push past the distractions. Noting her chosen weaponry of a rapier, he hesitated for a moment, looking at it again.

And just like he had thought, the blade was oddly mechanical, at least to his eyes.

"Hey, Ruby? You wouldn't happen to have another friend with white hair, would you?"

His job done, Childe began to nonchalantly walk back to the main lobby of this resting floor.

And yet, he didn't do quite a good job of covering up his true feelings. Someone excellent at reading people would easily be able to deduce that the Harbinger looked confused.

"Excuse me" He said politely, passing by the glitched Ice Queen.

@ThePotatoGod @Topless @Raynar Saassin

"Okay, Master Jean! If Klee sees any perverts, Klee will blow them up! What do perverts look like? Do they wear bunny suits and and have a bull-head? Mister Kaito and I fought one! We ka-boomed up a school and the pervert also! But he lived The man you told me is dangerous stabbed him a lot though, and everyone also helped!" Klee was now excitedly talking, as if blowing up a school was something to be championed about.

And also additionally building up the case again this mysterious Fatui.

"Oh, that was a weird dream.." commented a woman who looked as if she had recently passed 18. "Shirou, wh-"

She suddenly froze, taking in everything directly infront of her. This was a completely unfamiliar room, and she was in a completely unfamiliar bed. Needless to say, this was going great. Feeling her pockets, Rin felt the Azoth sword and an old compass that could detect mana in her pocket. When had she put those there? It didn't seem like whoever had kidnapped her (the only scenario that made sense) would have been for to arm her. Sighing in annoyance from not being able to recall anything apart from that strange light, she glanced downward at her hand…

And almost fell of the bed from shock. Sitting on her hand was a command mantra, blazing brightly red. For one, implusive moment, she attempted to reach out through the karmic link between a servant and master.


Nothing but the sound of static. It had been an improbable gamble, anyways.

So why was she so disappointed?

Regardless, it looked as if she had some investigating to do.

It was a rather well-kept room, all things considered. Some spare beds, an odd ceiling, a robot that wouldn't stop damn snoring, a bathr-

Waaaaaait a minute.

Pushing herself off the bed, Rin stared in suprise at the feminine robot. She clearly wasn't human…. So why did whoever build her make her snore so much?!?

Regardless, she was going to have to wake her up if she wanted to find any kind of an answer.

She wove her hand over the pink robots face, seeing if that would trigger a response. If nothing happened, she would attempt to poke the large heart on her forehead.


  • "Very well. Whatever decision Nero makes, I shall respect it. But know that if she agrees to make another contract with you, know this; Nero is quite an annoyance." To say that the Emperor of Roses is an annoyance is a bit of an understatement. Servants of Chaldea can attest to that compared to the equally annoying Elizabeth Bathory, who's singing is said to be MUCH worse than Nero's.

    @Kirie98 @ThePotatoGod

  • "Rise and shine, sleepyhead." Samson spoke sarcastically as Minako had awakened from her slumber. "Hey there. How long have you been here? A long time or...?" Filia would ask.

    @Raynar Saassin @Izanagi @ThePotatoGod

  • Looked like Childe has brought in someone that Ruby and Yang are familiar with, the former having a happy reaction and the latter somewhat gloom. Adam could only watch their tearful reunion as Childe made his exit. "Ahem..." He called for the girls' attention "So you two know this person? Nice to meet you Blake. My name is Adam." He said with a warm smile.

    @ThePotatoGod @Crow @SorryTM @Raynar Saassin
  • Ryuga Banjo - Room 4
    There'd be a moment of pause at the apology from Sento.
    And then a sigh. Tears and worry have long since scarred over, and all that remains is a dull ache from the info.

    Banjo would then pass the topic to the other parts and raises an eyebrow..."Misora Isurugi. Daughter of the guy who got hijacked by Evolto." ...There'd be a moment of pause before connecting the dots of bent genders and such... "Please don't tell me Bakamin is Mii-tan in your world, I don't think my head can take that idea."

    Gentoku's taste would only receive a nod in response. No need to elaborate. As for the fate of Evolto...Banjo would pause. He thinks of how to answer that question before he raises one hand.

    He raises up two fingers. "He was killed twice." A piece of good news, but underlying the factor of him reviving (Stageshow I am treating as canon for him).
    And then he raises a third. "He left after helping clean up the last of the Blood Tribe." And there's the bad news overall and the fact that he revived again.
  • Ken Kendraki - FLOOR 4-5
    There are only two reactions to a feast. One is to savor each bite and eat with elegance. Cleanly eating every dish with clean cuts and small portions.

    The other is obviously what the child does, but not quite. Devouring without hesitation is usually imagined to be massively messy as the lack of delay usually results in demolishing the food and some pieces being thrown aside.

    That, however, is what kids would call a skill issue. To speed up in eating is a balance of testing your boundaries and knowing how to manage the food to prevent the need for limit breaking in the first place. Chew thoroughly with a drink to keep food vanishing. Eat savory food first and leave sweets as desserts to prevent a sugar coma.

    Many may see the foodgasm-cooking genre with other tables, but few can say they know of the action-eating genre until they witness a professional in small size...who surprisingly isn't struggling with eating more food than what normally should be capable.
    (Hero Modification: Adaptation has pulled heavier work with things Ken put in his mouth than just volume and carbs. It's just Ken keeps testing and raising his limits with it)
Yuuji's eyes slowly opened, looking around the room, which was currently blurry. He groped around for his glasses, soon finding them on a side table. Putting them on, he looked around the room again in confusion. "Ooookay, this definitely isn't where we were..." he muttered under his breath, remembering how they had walked up those weird stairs, then...nothing. "Kaoru..?" he called out uncertainly, voice cracking a bit. "Sakuto..?" he said quietly, getting up and surveying the room warily.
Hearing Yuuji's voice, the pinkette jolted awake, then groaned at the headache. "Yuuji?" he said, looking at the green-haired male as he got up equally slowly, getting out of the bed and looking around at the now-empty room. "Where are we?" he tilted his head.
"I don't know..." Yuuji confessed.
"Well...Sakuto isn't here...so.." Kaoru hummed thoughtfully, before walking over to the door and opening it, the pair tensing, but the door merely innocently creaked open, before the two remembered.
"Oh...right..a 'rest stop'.." Yuuji muttered.
"Which means Sakuto is in...Room eleven if I remember correctly?" Kaoru finished, and the two began to walk down the hallway.

Sakuto woke up, sitting up quickly and looking around, rubbing his bleary eyes. "Fuck..." he cursed a few more times under his breath before jumping out of the bed, a few feathers fluttering to the floor. He jammed his hand in his pocket, finding his scythe. He sighed with relief before making his way to the door and coming out, seeing Yuuji and Kaoru coming down the hall.
He grinned, raising a hand before darting over to them. "Hey~" he sang out. Yuuji and Kaoru looked at each other before giggling, the three starting a conversation and beginning to walk around. Wonder if they would come across anyone?

  • Shinji Matou

    "Why can't you just form a contract with one of the other people around here?"

    Shinji butted into the conversation while still laying in his bed, scratching his neck as he tried to get comfy in it. "It's not like you gotta stick with her if she goes for the Red one. You seem quite real chummy with the other players here. I'm sure one of them will form a contract with you. Heck, even I would be open to forming a contract too, even if you're not as cool as my current Servant. Who wouldn't want two Servants anyways? That's like OP."

    From the point of view of someone who saw this as a game, there was a bit of a point to it. There were others that the Blue Saber could contract with as well, and they all seemed fairly allied for the moment. Then again, the take on the situation was coming from the Matou Hacker, who Hakuno would know did not take Servant/Master relations as strongly as any other contestant in the Holy Grail War.

    Shinji Matou - #aebaed

    Main Interactions in Floor 5
    @ThePotatoGod -Hakuno, 'Saber'
    @Topless - Saber

  • Blanc & Mami

    Blanc watched as Childe carried the teary-eyed Blake out of the room. She didn't really have anything more to add to it, and if the guy thought he had a good idea, good for him. She wouldn't back him up if things don't go as planned. She sighed, shaking her mind of the thought that things could go wrong, as she looked around the room to see if there was something to do.

    And... there really isn't other than to lay down and sleep. She wasn't particularly feeling tired, so despite Childe asking her to stay, Blanc set off out of the room, walking towards the Lounge to see if there was something nice to drink. She could go visit Rom, but she was sure that her sister would be alright without her there. Someday after all she or Ram would be taking leadership of Lowee, so letting her make friends on her own would be quite the skillset she needs.

    While there, she notice the Magi-Musketeer from earlier was sitting at a table, enjoying a cup of black tea while donning a school uniform this time around. 'It feels weird to see an actual Magical Girl. She almost completely fits the aesthetic in both forms.' Blanc thought. Sure, the CPUs transformed, but she didn't really think they fit the whole Magical Girl trope, with being a normal person in one life who fights evil in the other.

    "Mind if I join you?" Blanc asked, sitting with the girl as the Magical Girl nodded her head. "You may, of course. I'm always open to company. Well, aside from certain ones. You seem quite affable. Your showing in that battle below was quite excellent. You and your sister, If I'm right, worked well in tandem to defeat that enemy. She even transformed as well. You're quite strong Magical Girls. Speaking of her, where's your sister at the moment?"

    "She went to the room that she was assigned to. We got split apart into different rooms, but I think she'll do okay with some other people."

    "Ah, I see. It would be nice to chat with her as well." As Mami took another sip, she noticed something different. Did someone change here? There was a silver-haired woman who she hadn't previously seen in the room before. A man was missing too.

    Regardless, she wasn't going to investigate the mystery of it.

    Blanc - #9ce1f2
    Mami Tomoe - #ffd87d

    Mainly self-interaction, but open to anyone in the Lounge.

Jason Todd

The scarred young man nodded solemnly. The missing children were always a concern, being a parent gave him a different perspective than he once would have had about a situation about this. He took a few deep breaths, and whatever the situation, he knew he had to keep a level head. Easier said than done. He definitely wanted to be sure that the kids were found alive, well, and safe. He knew there was a high chance that the kids were harmed. But he dared not verbalize the thought, least he make it real somehow. He ran a hand through his hair.

"It is very nice to meet both of you. Now where should we start our search? Clearly the kids are not in this room. Do we all have the equipment we need?" Jason asked he looked between himself and the others. He was very nervous about the kids, but leaving under equipped would help no one.

Crow Hogan

Crow checked himself over, as well as his motor cycle and duel disk and checked his deck before nodding and looking up. "I have everything I need. So we are finding Richie and your daughter then?" He asks as he looks to the man next to them. "Do you have her name by any chance?" He asked a little too hopeful he was not quite aware of how protective parents could be of their kids or if this could be seen as too strong of a coming on.

Richard "Richie" Todd

The boy calmed down somewhat as the man who spoke to him offered to help him find his dad. He looked up through tears as he grabbed his beloved bear and sippy cup, sipping a bit on the refilled juice.

"Thank you Mister." The boy smiled as he sipped again. Then his expression changed. He looked around a bit confused. Sippy had run out of juice on the last floor, and his gear had been really dirty and a little ripped. Who fixed and washed his bear and refilled his sippy cup in addition.

All he saw in this room was people who had also just awakened, so it was not them. Who was he supposed to thank for this act of kindness? He didn't see his daddy so it sure was not him.

Interactions @ThePotatoGod @dark

  • Interaction: @SolsticeArcanum @noob13241 @Frozen Thyme @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kirie98

    "Woah, that looks good!" The first Kaito entered the lounge with his Kikainoid friend, Juran, spotting Ken's meal and couldn't help but find it appetizing. He soon turned to the black clad one on the counter and waved. "Mind if I order the same thing, Cafe Me?"

    "Very well." The Black Kaito nodded with a smile, "I'll have it brought to you...Customer Me." He said, as Kaito began to walk towards Mami's group.

    "You got used to that pretty quick." Juran remarked, "Thought you'd be more freaked out about it?"

    "I mean, it's like looking at another world's me, right? Like how we see Shige-san in almost every World we visit." Kaito recalled, prompting Juran to simply nod. "Pretty weird, but like, glad to see a familiar face, y'know?"

    "You know what, fair." Juran said, as the trio arrived at Mami's impromptu tea party. "Yo, Mamicchi." He greeted with a two-fingered salute, "You guys want me to order some food with that?" Juran asked, seeing as the pair only had tea ready.

    With everyone still eating, Haruka only brought Ken a pitcher of water due to how intense he's been eating.

  • Interaction: @Topless @Kirie98

    "Well…You haven't been with Nero-chan long enough to see her good side." Hakuno giggles at the remark as she gets out of bed, heading for the door. "I'm sure we can work something out." She says, right before hearing Shinji's remark. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?" She said as she opened the door. "Well, don't go killing each other now~" Hakuno says as she left the room.

    "...She couldn't possibly be talking about the Roman Emperor Nero Claudius, is she?" The only unnamed Saber asked, appearing to be ready her thicc brown book atop her own bed. "I never thought she'd qualify as a Heroic Spirit considering her history...Let alone look so similar to the Blue Saber." She glanced at Artoria, still curious about her identity. Moreso than her own.

  • Interaction: @Izanagi243 @Raynar Saassin @Topless

    "I…Can't tell." Minako shrugged as Filia asked how long she's been in this place. "This certainly isn't where I was, that's for sure." She answered, scratching the back of her head in a confused manner, before realizing something odd about the girl that spoke to her. "...Did you just greet me in a man's voice?" She asked about Samson's voice, not noticing anything off with Filia's hair.

  • Interaction: @SorryTM

    "That's…" Jean turned around upon hearing what Klee and Kaito had done to a School Floor of the Tower. "There's a School of Hilichurls here?" She was dumbfounded by Klee's description, thinking that whatever they fought was but a really different kind of Hilichurl. She's just glad Klee's fine after having to go through that. Jean might have to get in a few words with Goshikida Kaito while she's pursuing this mystery. Especially with how he's encouraging her behavior. "I sure do hope he's not letting you blow up every single thing the entire time." She says, with a look similar to when Klee's getting Detention; this time, aimed at the adult she knew.

  • Interaction: @noob13241

    "Now THAT's disturbing. Even for her." Sento groaned as Banjo wondered if Kazumi was Mii-Tan instead. Narcissism at its finest; one that probably wouldn't be Grease in any world if that were the case. "I won't bother answering who mine is, then. For our sake. Isurugi's nephew being a point of interest for Sawatari is accurate enough." She said before processing what happened to Evolt. "That old fart keeps coming back even after all that...?" She groaned, realizing that somehow, Evolt lived through being crushed between Worlds through and through. 'Tough Bastard' is the understatement of the century hearing that.

    "...I need to plan for that eventuality, if I ever get back home." Sento rubbed her chin before beginning to pack up every Fullbottle that laid on her bed, slotting them down certain pockets on her lab coat. "Speaking of which--and I should've started with this one--where are we?" She asked, knowing that Banjo was in this place first before her. "Some kind of…Interdimensional Rift like space?" She hypothesized, judging by how she was rudely kidnapped while she was asleep on her keyboard.

  • Interaction: @Topless @Crow @SorryTM @Raynar Saassin

    "Don't worry. He's not the same guy from the White Fang." Yang says as Adam introduced himself, whispering in Blake's ear. "He's just a weirdo." She reassures her, taking note of Adam's lack of tack that Ruby got used to, worried for her Sister's own safety, but for some reason, she feels a connection with him. Perhaps it's because he's literally the first man described in religious text? Though since none of those exist in Remnant, she'd never know for certain.

    "Hm?" Ruby turns to Childe as he asks if she knows someone with white hair. "I know a couple. Why'd you ask?" She says before she goes and follows him, taking note of a familiar figure walking down the hall. A figure in snow white and pale skin. Long white hair tied in a long ponytail behind her black and white cap. She exudes this air of familiar royalty; Someone that's the complete opposite of Adam.

    Completely dressed and sporting a dead eyed stare that visibly reacted upon the sight of Childe, noticing a hint of a strange Aura on him as well as his equally bizarre garb and Dust accessory. What she assumed to be Water Dust, cut and smoothened into a pearl-like shape with what she believed to be his insignia within. For someone his age and appearance, someone unlocking his Aura is quite rare. Considering that Huntsmen schools require its attendants to unlock their combat capabilities beforehand.

    "One moment, Huntsman." The woman spoke as Childe passed by her, assuming that by the way he's dressed, she was a young Huntsman. Her voice was as cold as looks; stoic, yet full with regal nobility. A familiar sort of tone that he'd hear from the likes of La Signora or the Tsaritsa herself. Excited with a little hint of genuine warmth and concern for his wellbeing; that much he can tell. "What's your name?" She glanced at him, intrigued by the state of his Aura, the least she could do is take note of him for later.

  • Interaction: @Foxes81_of_Anime

    The trio would catch bits and pieces of conversations along the hallway ranging from a group reunion of two sisters and a catgirl to the appearance of a white clad big shot like woman with a black rimmed cap. So far, nothing would seem to disturb them. Well, aside from the sinking feeling that something's got their eyes on them.

  • Interaction: @Gotham Knight Todd @Frozen Thyme

    As Jason deduced that their kids were not here. Daemian got a look around his bed and found a curiously large metal briefcase. Large enough for it to not be any normal gun. Well, maybe for a disassembled rifle. Though the way he carried it makes it look surprisingly light as he threw it onto the ground with a loud bang, kicking the case's latches open to reveal…

    A massive gun.

    Not just any gun, mind you. One that looks like it's supposed to be a mutated hybrid between a sword and a railgun. Daemian crouched as he lifted the somewhat heavy weapon with ease, rotating it around from most angles to check for any damages from potential mishandling of his beloved weapon.

    "There's no damage here...I think." Daemian reported, soon slamming the lid and lifting the case again, this time, carrying it over the shoulder. "We should be fine." He nodded as Crow asked for his Daughter's name. "Her name is Phym." He answered, his eyes narrowing slightly as he felt unsure if Crow would recognize his child. "...She's 10, so she's like, this tall." He added, though he knew that Crow wanted to help, he needed to ensure he knew how small he should expect her to be, using a hand to indicate that Phym's about waist height.

  • Interaction: @dark @Gotham Knight Todd

    Phym sat at the side of the bed as her eyes wandered around the room. Without her Father around, she's unsure on what exactly to do, who to bite and whatnot. But even then, looking around proved entertaining for the young Aragami; considering the skylight showed the technicolored rainbow that is the sk.

    "Is the sky always this pretty?" Phym couldn't help but ask, looking up at the ceiling window and staring at the colorful sky.

  • Interaction: @SorryTM

    As soon as Rin attempted to communicate with what she thought was her old Servant, something seemed to barely pierce the static wall between them.

    Í̴̯t̶̟̐͌ ̴̜͌̕t̷͙̎̀o̸̧͔̒õ̴̱͝k̵̗̐̅ ̷̢̡̿t̶͖̀h̵͈̘͗̀r̴̞̔͛e̸̩̎e̵̜̻̿̕ ̸̜͆b̷͍̈́e̵͔̙̾̌t̸̗̏r̶̖̍̕ͅa̴͇̿y̸̜͈̆a̸̲͍̋l̴̨͗s̴̖̅̚ͅ ̴̈́ͅf̴̲͈̋ö̴̢́̌r̸̼͙͘ ̶̬̈́m̷̘̆͘e̸͎̻͂ ̴͙̓̈t̵͇̻̑ö̶͚̹́ ̷̘̖̊͛f̶̻̈́ͅi̷̳̠͗ṅ̸͕͎̐ả̵̧̲͝l̶̻͛̇l̴̖̞̓y̵̢̍́ ̸̦̀̈́ụ̵̩̄ņ̶̾d̵̢̊͠è̶̫̹̀r̸̟͛͒s̴̼̉̿t̷͚̚a̵̘͐ͅn̶̟͑̌d̶̬̻͑̇…̷̼̼͒͐
    ̶̜͇͋T̵̬͛ḥ̴̤̍͌ė̴̜͌ ̶͍̽̚w̵̳̍̇o̷̪̮̓r̷͙͝ļ̷͕̈d̷̠͗͜͠ ̵͓̍́ḯ̷̜s̸̰͈̃ ̴̼̓j̷̺̳̏͂ü̴̱͕s̴̻̈̎t̴̫̆̋ ̴̡͙͂ä̸̭́̾n̴͉̔̈́ ̶͙͙͌͋e̴̢͋͆ĺ̷̝͎͗a̴͇̅b̴̦͛o̶̧̜̎̏r̴̰͌̏a̶͈͑t̷̖͖̃̂e̷̗͕̽̆ ̶̤̀̑ṫ̶̯̪a̴̝͊́p̷̲̲͒̐e̷̲͋̊s̶̨̲̐͝ṭ̶̝͌̕ṟ̷̂y̷͉̍̎ͅ ̶͍̜́o̸̼̤̓f̷͎͓͋͒ ̶̞̋̃l̵̲̊͝i̵̪̣̍͋e̸̖͍͋͗s̸̬͌͘.̷̞̍
    ̶̬͉͗͊M̴̰͝y̸͇͐̃ ̴̫͆f̵̧̈́͜u̷̥͝r̸̺̠̍̕y̷̡͆̽ ̶̞̠͘w̴̖͘͜ỉ̸͍l̷͖͊̆ḽ̵̑ ̶͎̑̓n̵̜͊̔ḙ̶̤̆͝v̷͈̍é̸̝r̴̮̈́͠ ̷͍̉b̶̜̓͒͜e̶̦̾̈ ̶̤͝q̸̲͔̀̃u̷͉̇e̴̻̣͛̀l̶͖̀l̷̗̭͑ḛ̵̑̓d̷̜̰̏.̷̥̻̋
    ̴̻̐͜͝T̸͖̃͘ḩ̵̛e̵̡̋ ̶͚̣̀̐f̴͚̔̀i̵̧͌̂r̸̥͐̆ͅș̵̦͗t̷̫͌ ̶̣̄͝ẗ̸̠͙̀o̵̗̎̇ ̶͕͋b̸̨̖̑̀e̴̼̿͝ț̸̛̕r̷̤̂̍ȃ̷̮͜y̷̠̩͌̓ ̷̠͔͒̾m̴̖̣̈́̈́e̸̛͈̭ ̴̹̀w̴̥͎̐͠a̵̙͊̉s̵͖̏͠ ̸̺͑͜ą̵͕̒̐ ̴͈̪̋̈g̷͖̐o̷̹̪̽͘d̵̙͂,̷͔̽͠ ̵̟̥̂̆m̸̺̤͌ỷ̷͍ ̶̝͒c̶̜͠r̷̢̎é̶̺̺ȧ̴̲t̵̪͂̽ỏ̸̩̈́r̷͔̅…̷͍̲̊͋
    ̸͚̆.̷̖̙̓.̷̩̯͐̄.̵͍̍ͅM̸̰̻͆̍ỷ̵͍̏ ̶̟͘͘m̷̳̎̋o̶̩̊͘t̷͔̗̓h̷̙͋̒ę̶͆͘ř̵̙̊ͅ.̸͍̓
    ̴̳̆V̸̡̍ȧ̷̙̣ḻ̸̙̈́u̶̜͐ĩ̸͕̒ṉ̴̂̚ğ̸̗ ̷̢̮̾̕ŝ̵̛̤̺t̴͕̳̓̌ȑ̴̫͝e̴̘̻͑̏n̵͚͛̓g̸͕̺̎ṯ̴̿h̷͕̋͠ ̸̤̀͝à̷̦̀b̶͉̍o̵̘͌͛v̷͚̍ē̶͙ ̸̧̮̓̀a̴̺͆̅l̵̛͎̂l̴̠̲̑͋,̴̣̙͋ ̸͓͓̏̍s̴̙̽̓h̷̺͎̆̈́ë̴̹̗́ ̶̣̂͝ś̵͕͒a̴̟͌w̵̝͙͊͘ ̶̪̃̍n̸̮͖̂ỏ̶͔̕͜ ̶̬͇͊͝ẅ̸̙̞́ơ̵͍͊r̴̺̼̉̊t̸̙̚ͅh̵̳͜͠ ̷̞̱̍i̴̬̅̕n̶̝̊͐ ̷̥͆m̴̜̫̃̒ĕ̸̲
    ̴̘͆͘a̴̬̚n̴͈̥̆d̵̼͗ ̷̖̇̑I̶͉̖̿ ̶̟̓͐w̵͎̓͜ä̶̠̼́̍s̶͓̞͝ ̶̟̈́̐d̴̜̯͆̈i̶̡̒s̶̢̜̏c̸̱͋̾a̷̘̐r̷͚̝͆d̵͓̲̎̑ë̴̡̖́͛d̴̘̮͐̊.̶͖͑̈́

    Amidst the elaborate static, Rin could barely make out a message being spoken. Like a broadcast muddled with disruptions, faintly heard and barely seen. Though one thing can be cleared up from this: this isn't the Archer she knew from the 5th Grail War. This isn't Shirou EMIYA. This is something else.

    "Nu!" Yelped the robot in a surprisingly human fashion as Rin poked her forehead, flinching as it rolled to the side away from Rin until it fell off at the edge of the bed, making a loud THUD. "Nuugh!" She groaned as it got up in a sitting position, rising from her slumber as she looked around. Confused. "W…What? Huh?!" She appears to begin panicking. Sweating liquid coolant and tiny gears. Somehow. "Um…W-where am I? Who are you?" She retreats down to the side of the bed, hiding from Rin.

    Guess she still has that scary look down pat.
  • Ryuga Banjo - Room 4
    There'd be a solid few seconds of Banjo staring at Sento after asking about the where of their situation. Sento's lack of social sense would probably miss it, but Banjo...is about as aware of the situation the two are in as she is. If only a bit better from occasional words from others.

    "Uhh...All I know is some big flash of light happened outside and now people found themselves in this place. Apparently, some kind of tower and we're supposed to climb to the top." He rubs the back of his head as he considers the other climbers with a bit of a grimace. "You probably already figured out the alternate world stuff, but uhh...folk here come from lot weirder places than other riders..."

    'Ignore what the other riders would be like in her world, ignore it.'
  • Ken Kendraki - FLOOR 4-5
    Haruka's aid would be unneeded as Ken proceeds to leave his seat with just his ice cream float...leaving naught but empty dishes behind.

    The child's power needs no crutches such as water to battle a full meal in one go in the time it takes others to finish their drinks casually. And again, his physicality as a monster only shows slight signs of the lack of heft in spite of the bulk he consumed.

    Regardless of his triumph, the child's conquest has left him with little to do. Him bothering others' feast doesn't really attract his attention much, so he exits the cafe to the hallway...
    Where he'd find himself behind the white-haired girl silently drinking, and then he looks around her to who she was talking to...and notices a familiar hand, notably attached to somebody this time.

    Connecting the dots, Ken proceeds to go back to standing behind her silently eavesdropping once again.
    (Note: Silent is subjective and Ken's sense of sound is terrible)

    And with his positioning...Childe's attempt to pass by Weiss as she goes to question him would test the question.
    An immovable object versus a stoppable force.

    Because while Ken's body might appear normal, his food doesn't just go nowhere (even if he's never found the need to use a restroom), and so...his body is dense. Combine that with his size and the Fatui's lack of awareness?

    Yeah, he's getting tripped.
    @Topless @Crow @SorryTM @Raynar Saassin
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