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Harley was becoming more and more inquizical as to why he was so nervous and decided she'd ask about it while they walked. "I'm not sure....here, can ya look at it?" She didn't know how to locate the rooms around here. "and...I was wondering why you're so nervous, Mista'," She didn't want people to be uncomfortable around her when she wasn't even trying to raise any hell this week. " I just wonder...does my bein' a villain throw ya off?" She was nervous about his answer...she thought maybe they could've been friends. But, some people can't handle the "big bad". "I mean, I know I'm a villain, but Mista J isn't even here and I'm just trying to get away for a while and I just thought, ya know, you were so nice and helpful...maybe we could make friends, but it's okay if not I just...I'm sorry...hahaha..I just am pretty nervous being here all alone and such." She wrang the leashes around her hands awaiting Ryker's response.


Gentiana, Luna's other side that wasn't Iris was taking some time off from her job as a messenger of the gods. The UN had paid for her to stay in the Grand hotel. Gentiana looked around the grand lobby. It reminded her of Altissia with its craftsmanship and architecture.


"Sure! That can definitely work, especially when it turns out there's way too many of these bugs for me to handle!"

For now, Blake had to focus on this whole mutant bug issue, and then he could try to figure out what Penelope meant by "Eliza." He knew who that girl was, but he had no remote interest for her. Was there some variation of him that fell in love with that girl? He wasn't sure on how it was like that, and that he wouldn't have any interest for this Eliza anyways.


"That's... weird of Blake. One day I see him with Eliza on a date... but now once we get here, he's like a whole different person. Like... he hit his head or something."

Penelope briefly commented on how Blake acted differently than what she remembered, confused by how that came to be. Out of everyone present, Penelope was most likely the most normal person present here, and had no idea that Blake had equipment meant for combat... that there was mutant bugs out of all things, and all of these strange faces she hasn't seen before. It was certainly a new experience for Penelope definitely.

Meanwhile, Blake wasn't sure on how to proceed with the swarms of bugs getting thicker, and was able to call for Senna to help... until a wooden sword would be thrown and impaling through the head of the mutated bug that was trying to latch onto him.


"What are you doing staring at the dead bug for? Use the sword!"

Gintoki would call over at Blake, since it was a no-brainer that the samurai had no access to flight while Blake did. Well... since Blake couldn't access his hardlight sword without getting rid of his projected wings, this could work out.


"Yeah... thanks person I don't even know! Senna, er... try to keep that one huge bug from taking my sis Rin away! Just so I can get close and get her out of there!"

Blake would call right back at Gintoki before pulling the wooden sword out of the dead bug that was rested against him, throwing the corpse off of him. Relaying a possible plan for him and Senna to take back Lapis, Blake sped forward to swing the wooden sword at the incoming bugs. He had to remember he had five minutes to pull this off before his projected wings would shut off, so there wasn't much room for mistakes here.

Meanwhile with Lapis...


"God this is disgusting... I need a shower after this... Ew ew ew..."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Midnight Maiden

As Inigo tried to sit up, Kiyo felt a tinge of worry come up.


"Um... maybe we should take you somewhere safe so you can rest easy. I don't want you to not be alright after all of that trouble..."

Thinking on what they can do, they could try and return to that hotel room... despite the condition it was in from the events that led up to fighting Jeanne Alter. Maybe Kiyo could speed up the process of getting him somewhere, she began the process of transforming into a dragon, small sparks of blue flames coming into light. Unknown to her, she was unintentionally using Inigo's mana to use her Noble Phantasm again, which wouldn't feel pleasant for Inigo in return.



"... Ah, then I shall not ask any further than that."

Despite saying that, Merlin could piece together on what went down, knowing about his plans on giving someone Excalibur... and what she had to go through later on. He knew what could happen and what couldn't, so Merlin didn't need to hear it come from someone who was a new face to the magus. Sure, this deviates from what Merlin knew, but it all ends the same...

Drifting away from that topic, the magus looked around to notice something off...

"A tad off-topic... but did you see a fair maiden in white wander off? She's accompanied with me... but it appears as if she went somewhere on her own once more..."


Being so enthusiastic about this task, Saber Lily was unaware of how uncomfortable Laslow sounded, and soon she noticed the commotion coming from the garden and the brief voices from there talking about "bugs."


"Aha! Up ahead is where we can eliminate this foes! C'mon, we have no time to waste away!"

Saber Lily exclaimed as she pointed her sword, Caliburn, in the direction of the garden, and then leading the way.



"B-But... I hurt Master with my fire... and this time... I... I can't call for help from Tear... she usually heals him up with her magic... and she's not here..."

The little guy just whimpered with all sorts of worry, going from panic to full-on worry. Luke, despite being unconscious, grumbled something in a near-silent voice.

@Crimson Spartan
As Kiyo began to do her transformation Inigo's eyes went wide as extreme pain went through his entire body.

"Stop, STOP!, STOP!, STOP!!!" Inigo started shouting as he clutched his torso bending forwards in an extreme amount of pain. A clear indication of his pain was that blood was beginning to leak from his mouth as he shouted in agony.

"S-Son.. W-what's wrong...?" Donnel was by his side in a moments notice trying to help his son out.



"......I did not...." Lon'qu spoke still seeming a little down.


"Would you.....like help in.....finding her...?" Lon'qu suddenly spoke offering to help Merlin find this maiden in white. Since Merlin had helped him out Lon'qu figured it was the right thing to do...



"Er..... Shouldn't we come up with a plan first...?" Laslow suggested as he followed Saber Lily.



"...Then I guess we'll just have to find help... " Well apparently the male had at least some sort of plan to get Luke help.

@Gummi Bunnies

Gentiana, Luna's other side that wasn't Iris was taking some time off from her job as a messenger of the gods. The UN had paid for her to stay in the Grand hotel. Gentiana looked around the grand lobby. It reminded her of Altissia with its craftsmanship and architecture.


"Stupid Hachiro, we were supposed to go shopping and he just wanders off? Ugh." a certain redhead groaned as she made her way into the lobby.


"Oh! Excuse me! Have you happen to see a guy about this tall dressed kinda ninja like with white hair and a blade similar to this by any chance?" Selena sighed as she held up the Keyblade Fenrir, which Hachiro didn't take back. :-|


"So Blake really was on a date with that girl? Are you... sure about that?" Senna questioned Penelope, unable to shake the look of disappointment on her face. She scrubbed one of her shoes against the ground and went quiet for a moment, again trying to figure out why she felt uncomfortable with the idea. Although she felt uneasy, maybe she didn't have to figure out why. Blake seemed a bit confused himself so maybe he didn't know that girl after all?

Nevertheless, Senna wouldn't have much time to figure these things out before she would hear Blake call out to her for help.

"Er, right! I'll be right there!"


Senna dashed forward, her spirit exiting her gigai body so she would have access to her soul reaper powers. Being a special gigai, it faded into a flurry of autumn leaves and she could summon it back later when she needed it. Now, normally, in her spirit form ordinary humans wouldn't be able to see her. However, let's say due to multiverse bullshit, everyone can see her for the purposes of this story. : |


"Bring them to the twilight, Mirokumaru!" Senna cried, releasing the power of her zanpakuto. The girl manipulated the air, creating a powerful whirlwind to try trapping the bug with. She hoped to keep it stuck in the air and unable to fly away with Lapis. "Okay, Blake, try and get to her! I'll keep the winds from blowing you back while you try to get close!"

@Gummi Bunnies @Midnight Maiden

"Er..... Shouldn't we come up with a plan first...?" Laslow suggested as he followed Saber Lily.



Blake gave a thumbs up over to Senna before rushing towards where Lapis was. With a single swing, Blake was able to whack the mutated bug away from her, grabbing onto her before she would fall.


"Blake, since when did you have this-"


"No time to explain, I got about a minute left before we go into a free fall, and it looks like there's more of those bugs coming."

Blake immediately brought this up as he noticed that there was a large swarm of those bugs coming towards them. With the limited resources they had at this time, it looked like a hopeless situation if there was so many! Even with Senna's usage of wind, there was simply so many that it wasn't even safe to get onto land yet.


"I think I have a method of defeating these airborne insects fast enough."

Saber Lily didn't seem worried that they were stepping into this situation with no actual bearing on what to do. From this, she drew out her sword, which bore a similarity to Excalibur... but was something else completely. Holding the sword's hilt with two hands, the knight took aim at the large horde of bugs swarming towards Blake and Lapis's direction.


"Sword of Selection, grant me power! Cleave the wicked! CALIBURN!!"

A golden light sparked into life from the sword, Caliburn, and with Saber Lily's exclamation, a ray of golden energy was shot towards the mutated bug horde from the sword. Once it made contact with one of the bugs, sudden bursts of that same golden energy began to engulf the bugs one by one until it appeared that all had perished to Saber Lily's Noble Phantasm.


"W-Whoa... did that girl just... wipe all of those bugs up?"

Lapis mumbled a bit in surprise... but soon realizing that it wasn't over yet. Just the sudden elimination of a large amount of bugs signalled for more to come in, but this time taking the areas on the ground. Due to Saber Lily's actions, the horde of bugs near the ground were focused on overwhelming her.

Well, this was a fine time to be in this part of the garden.

@Midnight Maiden @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crimson Spartan
As Kiyo began to do her transformation Inigo's eyes went wide as extreme pain went through his entire body.

"Stop, STOP!, STOP!, STOP!!!" Inigo started shouting as he clutched his torso bending forwards in an extreme amount of pain. A clear indication of his pain was that blood was beginning to leak from his mouth as he shouted in agony.

"S-Son.. W-what's wrong...?" Donnel was by his side in a moments notice trying to help his son out.



"......I did not...." Lon'qu spoke still seeming a little down.


"Would you.....like help in.....finding her...?" Lon'qu suddenly spoke offering to help Merlin find this maiden in white. Since Merlin had helped him out Lon'qu figured it was the right thing to do...



"...Then I guess we'll just have to find help... " Well apparently the male had at least some sort of plan to get Luke help.

@Gummi Bunnies


Kiyo snapped out of her transformation the moment she heard Inigo scream out in pain. By stopping the transformation that also acted as a Noble Phantasm for her, Kiyo had stopped using the very little mana that Inigo had at the moment, and then realizing on why he was suddenly in pain.

"I... I didn't mean to... I've forgotten that I use portions of your mana to... do certain things... like use a Noble Phantasm... I was planning to transform and bring you to somewhere safe quickly... but I hurt you more... How stupid of me..."


"Ah, why yes. That would be greatly appreciated. That young girl gets around to places fairly quick, and to think that she may be up to something..."

Just as Merlin began to think on where Saber Lily had gone off to, he heard distant explosions coming from the hotel's garden. Along with the vibrant bursts of golden light from those explosions, Merlin could feel the immense surge of mana being used there.

"Never mind that, I suppose that's a good indicator on where she's run off to."


On the search to get Luke medical help, someone happened to walk in on this mess.


"... L-Luke? Mieu? What happened here?"

Just as this woman walked in, the small creature, named Mieu, rushed over to her side, crying in the process.

"TEAAAAR! I burnt Luke by accident, and I don't know what to do! Pwease pwease pwease heal him!"

Well, that was fast.

@Crimson Spartan


Blake gave a thumbs up over to Senna before rushing towards where Lapis was. With a single swing, Blake was able to whack the mutated bug away from her, grabbing onto her before she would fall.


"Blake, since when did you have this-"


"No time to explain, I got about a minute left before we go into a free fall, and it looks like there's more of those bugs coming."

Blake immediately brought this up as he noticed that there was a large swarm of those bugs coming towards them. With the limited resources they had at this time, it looked like a hopeless situation if there was so many! Even with Senna's usage of wind, there was simply so many that it wasn't even safe to get onto land yet.


"I think I have a method of defeating these airborne insects fast enough."

Saber Lily didn't seem worried that they were stepping into this situation with no actual bearing on what to do. From this, she drew out her sword, which bore a similarity to Excalibur... but was something else completely. Holding the sword's hilt with two hands, the knight took aim at the large horde of bugs swarming towards Blake and Lapis's direction.


"Sword of Selection, grant me power! Cleave the wicked! CALIBURN!!"

A golden light sparked into life from the sword, Caliburn, and with Saber Lily's exclamation, a ray of golden energy was shot towards the mutated bug horde from the sword. Once it made contact with one of the bugs, sudden bursts of that same golden energy began to engulf the bugs one by one until it appeared that all had perished to Saber Lily's Noble Phantasm.


"W-Whoa... did that girl just... wipe all of those bugs up?"

Lapis mumbled a bit in surprise... but soon realizing that it wasn't over yet. Just the sudden elimination of a large amount of bugs signalled for more to come in, but this time taking the areas on the ground. Due to Saber Lily's actions, the horde of bugs near the ground were focused on overwhelming her.

Well, this was a fine time to be in this part of the garden.

@Midnight Maiden @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crimson Spartan
After using her attack, Senna kept her eyes on Blake and Lapis with the hopes that everything would go okay. The swarm of bugs did seem to be problematic though, and if Blake were to fall for some reason Senna was prepared to use her wind abilities to cushion his fall. Thankfully, however, Saber Lily came forth and eradicated part of the infestation. Having her help had been nice, but sadly it wasn't over just yet. Senna's amber eyes widened, surprised to see the bugs on the ground now posing a threat.


"Mirokumaru, bring them to the twilight!"

Harnessing more of her energy, Senna would command her tornado to attack the army of bugs on the ground, mowing over as many of the creatures as she possibly could.

@Gummi Bunnies @Midnight Maiden @Crimson Spartan
Ryker wondered if she was noticing how nervous he was being around her and it seemed that he got his answer for once. " I can certainly take a look at it. I have been here long enough to learn the layout of this whole hotel inside and out, it is actually kind of impressive. It's just that you remind me of someone from my past who I wasn't exactly on the best terms on with," he said, lying. Actually, he wasn't just lying. He was deflecting the fact that her being Harley Quinn and possibly one that knew him was the true problem. Harley Quinn didn't remember Ryker, but she certainly must have known Scooby... unless this wasn't the same Harley he met. It was possibly that they were two separate people and he was judging someone based on their past. He looked over at her. " I would like that, I don't have too many friends here to be honest. Nobody really notices me," he said. It felt weird admitting that little fact aloud to anyone actually.

"Stupid Hachiro, we were supposed to go shopping and he just wanders off? Ugh." a certain redhead groaned as she made her way into the lobby.


"Oh! Excuse me! Have you happen to see a guy about this tall dressed kinda ninja like with white hair and a blade similar to this by any chance?" Selena sighed as she held up the Keyblade Fenrir, which Hachiro didn't take back. :-|

Gentiana smiled at the red haired girl. "No, I have not seen him." She said calmly. "If I see him, I will find you and let you know."


Blake gave a thumbs up over to Senna before rushing towards where Lapis was. With a single swing, Blake was able to whack the mutated bug away from her, grabbing onto her before she would fall.


"Blake, since when did you have this-"


"No time to explain, I got about a minute left before we go into a free fall, and it looks like there's more of those bugs coming."

Blake immediately brought this up as he noticed that there was a large swarm of those bugs coming towards them. With the limited resources they had at this time, it looked like a hopeless situation if there was so many! Even with Senna's usage of wind, there was simply so many that it wasn't even safe to get onto land yet.


"I think I have a method of defeating these airborne insects fast enough."

Saber Lily didn't seem worried that they were stepping into this situation with no actual bearing on what to do. From this, she drew out her sword, which bore a similarity to Excalibur... but was something else completely. Holding the sword's hilt with two hands, the knight took aim at the large horde of bugs swarming towards Blake and Lapis's direction.


"Sword of Selection, grant me power! Cleave the wicked! CALIBURN!!"

A golden light sparked into life from the sword, Caliburn, and with Saber Lily's exclamation, a ray of golden energy was shot towards the mutated bug horde from the sword. Once it made contact with one of the bugs, sudden bursts of that same golden energy began to engulf the bugs one by one until it appeared that all had perished to Saber Lily's Noble Phantasm.


"W-Whoa... did that girl just... wipe all of those bugs up?"

Lapis mumbled a bit in surprise... but soon realizing that it wasn't over yet. Just the sudden elimination of a large amount of bugs signalled for more to come in, but this time taking the areas on the ground. Due to Saber Lily's actions, the horde of bugs near the ground were focused on overwhelming her.

Well, this was a fine time to be in this part of the garden.

@Midnight Maiden @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crimson Spartan



Kiyo snapped out of her transformation the moment she heard Inigo scream out in pain. By stopping the transformation that also acted as a Noble Phantasm for her, Kiyo had stopped using the very little mana that Inigo had at the moment, and then realizing on why he was suddenly in pain.

"I... I didn't mean to... I've forgotten that I use portions of your mana to... do certain things... like use a Noble Phantasm... I was planning to transform and bring you to somewhere safe quickly... but I hurt you more... How stupid of me..."


"Ah, why yes. That would be greatly appreciated. That young girl gets around to places fairly quick, and to think that she may be up to something..."

Just as Merlin began to think on where Saber Lily had gone off to, he heard distant explosions coming from the hotel's garden. Along with the vibrant bursts of golden light from those explosions, Merlin could feel the immense surge of mana being used there.

"Never mind that, I suppose that's a good indicator on where she's run off to."


On the search to get Luke medical help, someone happened to walk in on this mess.


"... L-Luke? Mieu? What happened here?"

Just as this woman walked in, the small creature, named Mieu, rushed over to her side, crying in the process.

"TEAAAAR! I burnt Luke by accident, and I don't know what to do! Pwease pwease pwease heal him!"

Well, that was fast.

@Crimson Spartan

"...Gods.... T-that was..." Inigo caused as he began having a small coughing fit now on his hands and knees.

"How about I just carry ya... We'll move quicker that way..." Donnel suggested as he only got a nod from Inigo.

As Donnel picked up Inigo he glanced at Kiyo for a moment with blood still dripping from his mouth. "D-don't blame yourself.... I should've been more careful... Then this wouldn't be a problem..." inigo spoke managing to choke this out as Donnel started back towards the hotel room motioning for Kiyo to follow.



"If that is true we'd better get moving..." Lon'qu spoke before he darted off towards the source with a surprising amount of speed.

After using her attack, Senna kept her eyes on Blake and Lapis with the hopes that everything would go okay. The swarm of bugs did seem to be problematic though, and if Blake were to fall for some reason Senna was prepared to use her wind abilities to cushion his fall. Thankfully, however, Saber Lily came forth and eradicated part of the infestation. Having her help had been nice, but sadly it wasn't over just yet. Senna's amber eyes widened, surprised to see the bugs on the ground now posing a threat.


"Mirokumaru, bring them to the twilight!"

Harnessing more of her energy, Senna would command her tornado to attack the army of bugs on the ground, mowing over as many of the creatures as she possibly could.

@Gummi Bunnies @Midnight Maiden @Crimson Spartan

"Suddenly I feel vastly under powered...." Laslow remarked in utter awe at both Saber Lily and Senna. Readying his silver sword he did engage any of the giant bugs that were missed using graceful looking yet very precise strikes to quickly deal with any that he came across.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Midnight Maiden


"Or... Help could find us..." The male spoke quietly before stepping away from Luke and looking at Tear.

"Since you know these two i'll just step back and let you handle this..." He spoke taking a few steps back. As he seem to reach for something in his jacket eventually taking out a harmonica.

@Gummi Bunnies
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Nathan Heywood/Citizen Steel, the Off duty Superhero

Nathan wondered how all his friends were doing, but he didn't want to dwell too much on that and he noticed that she had chuckled. Had he reminded her of something funny happening or was it just coincidental? He wasn't sure which one it was and he wasn't going to ask since he was nervous.

" I guess it really can't get too bad at a bar unless you get some really rowdy customers," he said.

Nathan was used to be being trapped in a place and enclosed places. He still wasn't sure why he had decided to come to the bar when he did. He wasn't too much of a drinker and there wasn't much else he could do. Normally, he would have gone to the library to get lost in some history books or books about archeology, but instead he had come into the bar and had seen half of the crazy things that were happening and was shocked that the waitress had managed to keep her calm and not lose it. He nearly lost it though.

Nathan wasn't sure where that strange fellow had come from, but he did realize that he had been the start of all the crazy things that happened out the bar from there out.

Of course, Nathan had noticed, they weren't the only agigators. There were others who had started a drinking game and the man who seemed to have had seven drinks and was still drinking. He wasn't sure, but he felt relieved when they had left the chaos of that area behind them. There were so many things that could have gone wrong if they stayed, but now, they didn't have to worry about any of those things happening. He bit down on his lower lip and looked over at her and he was silent.

He felt like he had a connection to the woman who he had asked for a tour, but his past romance had ended poorly. Well, poorly mostly because he had kept her future from her and they had to return her to the past. He missed the things they did together. He wasn't sure if he was ready to move on, but he had to take a chance.

He paused and stopped. What if she didn't want it? He didn't want to ruin a friendship. He waited to see if she would make the first move.
Sarah, the (Offduty) Hotel Waitress

Sarah smiled, and though she had taken her time, it would appear that she had finished her plate she had... But yet, she didn't seem in a hurry to get up and leave just yet. Instead, she moved her plate to the side, and finally looked up, making more or less direct eye contact with Nathan.

There was a long moment of silence, where she appeared to be contemplating something, a decision that might just change everything that she had once established here.

Ultimately though, she seemed to have come to a firm decision, suddenly leaning forwards... A slow, carefully executed gesture, that gave Nathan all the time he could possibly need to back out, should he choose to.

In either case, as she leaned closer and closer, it became more and more evident that she intended to kiss him... But it was a little hard to identify a particular reason why as of yet.​
Gentiana smiled at the red haired girl. "No, I have not seen him." She said calmly. "If I see him, I will find you and let you know."

Sighing, Selena nodded.

"Okay, thanks. Name's Selena by the way." she smiled before giving Gentiana a small bow at the waist.
Nathan Stone/Citizen Steel, the offduty superhero/Legend

Nathan noticed that she had finished her plate of food and she wasn't trying to leave or push them along to their next direction. He wasn't sure why he had noticed this, but he noticed that they made direct eye contact. It was the first time that had ever happened with anyone else in the world. He stared back.

He was also silent, not sure if she was going to kiss him or not. He wasn't sure if he should have made the first move. What if she didn't like what he was doing to her? What if it ruined everything?

Nathan noticed that she was leaning forward and he could back away, yet on the other hand, he didn't want to. He choose to stay where he was for the moment. What had ever caused this moment to happen to be shocking?

The closer and closer she leaned- he quickly realized that she intended to kiss him- he hoped that he had good breath today. Whenever she got there, he let her kiss him and he may attempt to deepen it if she wanted to.
Suddenly another figure walked into the hotel.


"What the hell is this place?"

Sighing, Selena nodded.

"Okay, thanks. Name's Selena by the way." she smiled before giving Gentiana a small bow at the waist.
Gentiana nodded at the bow, and then bowed herself. "It is nice to meet you, Selena. I am Gentiana, messenger and aide to Lady Lunafreya of Tenebrae."
Peter Quill had arrived here a few days ago and looked a little confused. Was that his buddy Rocket Racoon? How had he gotten here? He thought he had gone on this vacation alone. " Rocket, what are you doing here? This is a hotel by the way. I thought I left you back home far away from me."


Peter Quill had arrived here a few days ago and looked a little confused. Was that his buddy Rocket Racoon? How had he gotten here? He thought he had gone on this vacation alone. " Rocket, what are you doing here? This is a hotel by the way. I thought I left you back home far away from me."


What a coincidence! Rocket's 'ole buddy 'ole pal Peter Quill!

"Oh, you're here too, huh Quill? I was just dropped off by some people that I-" Rocket paused for a second. "That Drax pissed off. Totally wasn't me."

It was certainly a coincidence to Peter too. He hadn't expected to find Rocket.

" Well, I mean, as long as these people don't come back here looking for you, I am fine with it. Just you, though. How is the team holding up? Why does the universe hate me so much? Can't I even get two days without something going wrong?"

It was certainly a coincidence to Peter too. He hadn't expected to find Rocket.

" Well, I mean, as long as these people don't come back here looking for you, I am fine with it. Just you, though. How is the team holding up? Why does the universe hate me so much? Can't I even get two days without something going wrong?"

Rocket just stared at Quill and shrugged.

"They're fine Quill. It's only been two days, we haven't killed each other." He decided to hold off from telling him that a bunch of space pirates had stolen his ship, at least for now.

Quill was happy about the shrug that he gave.

" Good to know that you haven't killed each other after the first two days. I mean, it is actually good. How is my ship doing? Is she running well? Wait- who did you anger to be kicked off here?"

Quill was happy about the shrug that he gave.

" Good to know that you haven't killed each other after the first two days. I mean, it is actually good. How is my ship doing? Is she running well? Wait- who did you anger to be kicked off here?"

Rocket's eyes averted away from Quill as he nervously scratched his neck.

"Y'see, about that..."

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