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Cinder Fall
@Hospes @Ringmaster @Gummi Bunnies @Others?

Cinder cocked her head, considering Roman's request, then she shrugged.


"I'd love another drink." She said, crossing her arms.

It was hard to tell if she was being sarcastic or not, but that side-glance that she made towards the pile of glasses from a while back reminded her not to overdo it this time... But a drink's a drink, and Cinder reaaally needed one just about now. As she waited for a drink though, she eyed Roman as he approached her, trying to guage exactly what he was up to this time, but little did she expect him to straight up kiss her, the kiss was brief, but it might have just struck a nerve in her.

One could already see her eyes light up, and she raised her hand, contemplating if she should give Roman a good scalding with a small fireball, but suddenly... She realized she would probably be encouraging Roman if anything, knowing him, so she simply shrugged, a cocky smile crossing her face, as if she was challenging him.

"So, tell me, Roman. Do you like barbecues?" She asked.

Her innocent tone suddenly gave way to something more malicious, though it was hard to tell if she was messing with him, or not.​

Oh shit.

Ow. Ow. Owowowowowowowowowow, sonofabitch.

He leaned on his cane and threw a mild glare towards Mabel's direction before grinning and standing straighter, using the chair to sit down. One hand keeping it there as he rested and looked at Cinder.

"Incidentally, did you know you taste like sin?" :D

Your move. : |

@york @Hospes @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9
Lucifer looked at the scene and smirked.

Maizekeen sighed, she knew that Lucifer was going to do something.

"Lucifer, don't do something stupid for once in your life, this is someone else," she started to say, before she noticed the devil wasn't even listening to her and doing something that was going to incite some fun chaos into the matter too.

" I am simply going to push him in the right direction," he said to her.


He addressed this to Roman.

@Ringmaster @Hospes @Gummi Bunnies @york




Oh, now Mabel was boiling. Little sonofabitch Roman, with his stupid hat and cane, and that dumb fancy shmancy get-up. Not to mention that this ridiculous drunken wreck of a woman had his attention and, furthermore, hadn't even objected to his kiss. What was she, some whore? An ex, maybe? Mabel didn't know, but that didn't change the fact that the ravenette was so dead. And fish would be the only thing she'd be sleeping with, tonight. The Gleeful would make sure of that... Especially considering her brother had begun to walk away and wasn't there to hold her back.

Not to mention she'd make Roman suffer for it all, too. She'd never let him get away with treating her like this. Not without severe consequences and punishment.

For now, though, it was with a faint glow of her unnaturally blue eyes that she attempted to use her telepathic abilities once again to.... tip Roman's chair over to send him tumbling on his ass. Whether or not she was actually successful, she finally turned away from Add, instead sweetly clasping her hands behind her back with a cutesy smile. "Well, now that I've become more closely acquainted with you all," a wink and blown kiss tossed to Esper, "and this has become a bit more casual... I do think I'll take my leave. After all, it would appear a couple of you need some privacy."

And she had plenty of people she could get just the same with, which is likely why a small, taunting smirk was discreetly tossed at Torchwick before she continued. "I do so appreciate the offer for a meal, but I believe I'll just find something else to dine on. Ciao, loves~"

Turning to depart, she secretly planned to lurk and wreck the lot if they tried anything on her bitch. Yandere mode activated. :|

@york @Ringmaster @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 @Longue/bar​

Oh shit.

Ow. Ow. Owowowowowowowowowow, sonofabitch.

He leaned on his cane and threw a mild glare towards Mabel's direction before grinning and standing straighter, using the chair to sit down. One hand keeping it there as he rested and looked at Cinder.

"Incidentally, did you know you taste like sin?" :D

Your move. : |

@york @Hospes @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9
Lucifer looked at the scene and smirked.

Maizekeen sighed, she knew that Lucifer was going to do something.

"Lucifer, don't do something stupid for once in your life, this is someone else," she started to say, before she noticed the devil wasn't even listening to her and doing something that was going to incite some fun chaos into the matter too.

" I am simply going to push him in the right direction," he said to her.


He addressed this to Roman.

@Ringmaster @Hospes @Gummi Bunnies @york

"And you would be?"

" Lucifer Morningstar is the name," he said.




Oh, now Mabel was boiling. Little sonofabitch Roman, with his stupid hat and cane, and that dumb fancy shmancy get-up. Not to mention that this ridiculous drunken wreck of a woman had his attention and, furthermore, hadn't even objected to his kiss. What was she, some whore? An ex, maybe? Mabel didn't know, but that didn't change the fact that the ravenette was so dead. And fish would be the only thing she'd be sleeping with, tonight. The Gleeful would make sure of that... Especially considering her brother had begun to walk away and wasn't there to hold her back.

Not to mention she'd make Roman suffer for it all, too. She'd never let him get away with treating her like this. Not without severe consequences and punishment.

For now, though, it was with a faint glow of her unnaturally blue eyes that she attempted to use her telepathic abilities once again to.... tip Roman's chair over to send him tumbling on his ass. Whether or not she was actually successful, she finally turned away from Add, instead sweetly clasping her hands behind her back with a cutesy smile. "Well, now that I've become more closely acquainted with you all," a wink and blown kiss tossed to Esper, "and this has become a bit more casual... I do think I'll take my leave. After all, it would appear a couple of you need some privacy."

And she had plenty of people she could get just the same with, which is likely why a small, taunting smirk was discreetly tossed at Torchwick before she continued. "I do so appreciate the offer for a meal, but I believe I'll just find something else to dine on. Ciao, loves~"

Turning to depart, she secretly planned to lurk and wreck the lot if they tried anything on her bitch. Yandere mode activated. :|

@york @Ringmaster @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 @Longue/bar​
Cinder Fall
@Gospes @Ringmaster @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 @Bar Thing

Cinder stood up suddenly, appearing to be meeting the jab with... ... An chillingly calm gaze.


"Oh Roman... We both know we've all had our share of sin here..." She said, her voice having taken on a bit of an icy tone.

Hoo boy, hung over Cinder might not be the best Cinder to make jabs at, but only time will tell if she will cave in and duke it out with Roman, or something... Though for the time being, she seemed to draw a little entertainment from the interference he was getting by the girl nearby. Like she had spotted Emerald's little talent, she quickly picked up on the way Mabel's eyes glowed faintly, riiight before Roman's chair conveniently started to move at that moment... At least even when hung over, Cinder wasn't losing her touch with these things, just yet.

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Clawing his way from under a mound of empty glasses, a pale figure appeared, his eyes still not adjusted to the bright lights of the hotel. "...Where am I?" blinking wearily, and raising a hand to shield himself from the glaring lightbulbs in the room. "Oh...That's right." he mutters, glancing down at the heaped pile of empty bottles and glasses that littered the bar's surface, and the floor around him.

Apparently they'd overdone it, big time.

"What even happened?"

@Whoever wants to interact with Potato Brain​
"Kek... Let's have a little fun shall we...."


Psyker rushed Dlanor looking to punch her directly in the face while simultaneously attacking all over with his dynamos...



"Hmph... Trying to change the fight are we...? An interesting tactic throwing in insults to try and goad me into falling for your trap..... You see unlike my counterparts I am not so easily angered...."I will not be so easily fooled..." Raven rushed Erika again seeming faster then before...



"Hey er.... Other me.... I know we got off on the wrong foot and all... But right now we have a common goal in protecting Beatrice.... So we should work together..." Human Battler spoke still standing in front of Beatrice. He hadn't moved upon noticing how close she had gotten to him.

@Gummi Bunnies @DapperDogman

"Yes... I should hope that both of our groups are ok-...."


While on the outside Kurama seemed fine.... One the inside he was wondering why it seemed he always ended up in a weird situation every time he is brought here...


"Pardon me, but I believe that this has gone on long enough, you two."

Where the white-haired man had come from, it was unclear as he seemed to have slipped during the commotion. What was clear was the anger he spoke with, glaring between the two duelists known as Erika and Raven. However, Erika's glare was tempered somewhat with a bit of disappointment, as if he knew the girl and her reputation.

"Now then, I suggest you both settle down. I have little time to deal with two quarreling sides when I should be doing research with my daughter, especially when one of them is my wife."

Ah, that was it. It seemed there was an intimate relationship between the man cloaked in a purple shroud and the magical detective, and it was one that lent to his anger at the situation and at the combatants.

"Erika, you are better than this, something that you ought to be aware of. Whatever disagreement you have ought to be settled with words, not violence. Now then, stand down and allow me to clean up this mess you two have made."

With a snap of his fingers and flourish of a previously unseen book, whatever destruction had been caused by the duel was repaired. In the man's mind, it seemed rather beneath the need of magic but he was frankly tired to care to do it by hand. Once that was done, he turned to the man who was attacking Erika, his grip on the book's bindings growing tighter.

"As for you... I am Robin Tact, husband of Erika Furudo and Grandmaster Tactician for Exalt Chrom of Ylisse. Whatever conflict you have with my wife is over, ser, and do not attempt to test my patience for I am not in the mood after seeing this mess."

@Crimson Spartan @Gummi Bunnies

"Pardon me, but I believe that this has gone on long enough, you two."

Where the white-haired man had come from, it was unclear as he seemed to have slipped during the commotion. What was clear was the anger he spoke with, glaring between the two duelists known as Erika and Raven. However, Erika's glare was tempered somewhat with a bit of disappointment, as if he knew the girl and her reputation.

"Now then, I suggest you both settle down. I have little time to deal with two quarreling sides when I should be doing research with my daughter, especially when one of them is my wife."

Ah, that was it. It seemed there was an intimate relationship between the man cloaked in a purple shroud and the magical detective, and it was one that lent to his anger at the situation and at the combatants.

"Erika, you are better than this, something that you ought to be aware of. Whatever disagreement you have ought to be settled with words, not violence. Now then, stand down and allow me to clean up this mess you two have made."

With a snap of his fingers and flourish of a previously unseen book, whatever destruction had been caused by the duel was repaired. In the man's mind, it seemed rather beneath the need of magic but he was frankly tired to care to do it by hand. Once that was done, he turned to the man who was attacking Erika, his grip on the book's bindings growing tighter.

"As for you... I am Robin Tact, husband of Erika Furudo and Grandmaster Tactician for Exalt Chrom of Ylisse. Whatever conflict you have with my wife is over, ser, and do not attempt to test my patience for I am not in the mood after seeing this mess."

@Crimson Spartan @Gummi Bunnies

"Hmm... I see... I apologize for the destruction we've caused.... Beatrice, Battler, and Add...? Shall we leave this area...?" The Blademaster spoke us as he stopped his fight with Erika at the very same time Psyker stopped his assault just short of hitting Dlanor. Both of them backed off to standing directly in front of Beatrice.


"So c'mon Beato... Lets get out of here..." Battler spoke up trying to lead Beatrice away after seeing how pissed Robin was..

@The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies



Oh, now Mabel was boiling. Little sonofabitch Roman, with his stupid hat and cane, and that dumb fancy shmancy get-up. Not to mention that this ridiculous drunken wreck of a woman had his attention and, furthermore, hadn't even objected to his kiss. What was she, some whore? An ex, maybe? Mabel didn't know, but that didn't change the fact that the ravenette was so dead. And fish would be the only thing she'd be sleeping with, tonight. The Gleeful would make sure of that... Especially considering her brother had begun to walk away and wasn't there to hold her back.

Not to mention she'd make Roman suffer for it all, too. She'd never let him get away with treating her like this. Not without severe consequences and punishment.

For now, though, it was with a faint glow of her unnaturally blue eyes that she attempted to use her telepathic abilities once again to.... tip Roman's chair over to send him tumbling on his ass. Whether or not she was actually successful, she finally turned away from Add, instead sweetly clasping her hands behind her back with a cutesy smile. "Well, now that I've become more closely acquainted with you all," a wink and blown kiss tossed to Esper, "and this has become a bit more casual... I do think I'll take my leave. After all, it would appear a couple of you need some privacy."

And she had plenty of people she could get just the same with, which is likely why a small, taunting smirk was discreetly tossed at Torchwick before she continued. "I do so appreciate the offer for a meal, but I believe I'll just find something else to dine on. Ciao, loves~"

Turning to depart, she secretly planned to lurk and wreck the lot if they tried anything on her bitch. Yandere mode activated. :|

....Did he go too far?

Naw. If anything, he just gave her a taste of her own medicine. That was the problem when you cared both ways, you knew the best ways to get under the others skin. And from the looks of it, he had succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. Now if he knew his little spitfire well enough? She was going to be lurking to see if he did anything, while planning bloody murder to Cinder.

A neat little side effect.

Even if he was lying on the floor due to her pettiness.

He raised his eyebrow at Cinder, before smirking once as he winked and clicked his tongue, getting up as he brushed himself off.

"Of course. And really, Cindy?"

He deliberately invoked a nickname, where he wouldn't have dared before. Mostly because he had already seen bigger fish out there and survived, before winking slyly.

"Would we really have it any other way?"

@york @Gummi Bunnies @Hospes @LuckycoolHawk9

"Hmm... I see... I apologize for the destruction we've caused.... Beatrice, Battler, and Add...? Shall we leave this area...?" The Blademaster spoke us as he stopped his fight with Erika at the very same time Psyker stopped his assault just short of hitting Dlanor. Both of them backed off to standing directly in front of Beatrice.


"So c'mon Beato... Lets get out of here..." Battler spoke up trying to lead Beatrice away after seeing how pissed Robin was..

@The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies

"Yes, that would be best... Battler, Beatrice, good to see you again. Perhaps keep your Pieces under control next time?"

With that taken care of, Robin turned his eyes back to Erika. The usual joy he would have that finding his wife once again was gone, replaced with an inquisitive, judgmental stare.


"So then, would you like to explain yourself? I would perhaps expect shenanigans like this from our daughter, but from you, Erika? You're a Witch, a being of great power and a duty to use that power responsibly."

He sighed as he pulled up his hood once again, shaking his head in abject disappointment.

"And here I thought you and I could spend some time with Morgan without any trouble starting up... It seems like every time I find a free moment, someone is stirring up trouble with a Murder Game or worse, you're picking a fight with another Witch..."

@Crimson Spartan @Gummi Bunnies
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"That's not good. You must drink other items to stay healthy... do you like whistles?" Whistler said holding up another whistle in hand. "They sound nice."

Train - Bar/Game Room - Whistler/Ritona


Train lifted his head off the bar and gave the boy a questioning look before shrugging. "Never thought much of them before, to be honest. What makes you like whistles so much?" he asked, drumming his fingers on the bar in front of him while he waited for the bartender to show up so he could order his milk. Ugh, what was taking so long? He was thirsty, dammit!

@ShiroKiyoshi @Kaykay
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With a flash, someone came through the portal, bags in hand, and sunglasses pulled up to her forehead. Long dark hair was pulled into a braid on the right side, and her eyes glowed orange for a moment. "Well, vacation time. Hopefully this is better than trying to get peace in Brierwood." She grumbled to herself, ruffling the front of her hair. With one swift move of her hand, the girl named Anari flipped up her suitcase over her shoulder. "This better be good." She grumbled, looking around. "Hello? A soul in sight? Maybe you have some meat?" She asked loudly, looking at him.
"Kek... Let's have a little fun shall we...."


Psyker rushed Dlanor looking to punch her directly in the face while simultaneously attacking all over with his dynamos...



"Hmph... Trying to change the fight are we...? An interesting tactic throwing in insults to try and goad me into falling for your trap..... You see unlike my counterparts I am not so easily angered...."I will not be so easily fooled..." Raven rushed Erika again seeming faster then before...



"Hey er.... Other me.... I know we got off on the wrong foot and all... But right now we have a common goal in protecting Beatrice.... So we should work together..." Human Battler spoke still standing in front of Beatrice. He hadn't moved upon noticing how close she had gotten to him.

@Gummi Bunnies @DapperDogman

"Yes... I should hope that both of our groups are ok-...."


While on the outside Kurama seemed fine.... One the inside he was wondering why it seemed he always ended up in a weird situation every time he is brought here...


"Pardon me, but I believe that this has gone on long enough, you two."

Where the white-haired man had come from, it was unclear as he seemed to have slipped during the commotion. What was clear was the anger he spoke with, glaring between the two duelists known as Erika and Raven. However, Erika's glare was tempered somewhat with a bit of disappointment, as if he knew the girl and her reputation.

"Now then, I suggest you both settle down. I have little time to deal with two quarreling sides when I should be doing research with my daughter, especially when one of them is my wife."

Ah, that was it. It seemed there was an intimate relationship between the man cloaked in a purple shroud and the magical detective, and it was one that lent to his anger at the situation and at the combatants.

"Erika, you are better than this, something that you ought to be aware of. Whatever disagreement you have ought to be settled with words, not violence. Now then, stand down and allow me to clean up this mess you two have made."

With a snap of his fingers and flourish of a previously unseen book, whatever destruction had been caused by the duel was repaired. In the man's mind, it seemed rather beneath the need of magic but he was frankly tired to care to do it by hand. Once that was done, he turned to the man who was attacking Erika, his grip on the book's bindings growing tighter.

"As for you... I am Robin Tact, husband of Erika Furudo and Grandmaster Tactician for Exalt Chrom of Ylisse. Whatever conflict you have with my wife is over, ser, and do not attempt to test my patience for I am not in the mood after seeing this mess."

@Crimson Spartan @Gummi Bunnies

"Hmm... I see... I apologize for the destruction we've caused.... Beatrice, Battler, and Add...? Shall we leave this area...?" The Blademaster spoke us as he stopped his fight with Erika at the very same time Psyker stopped his assault just short of hitting Dlanor. Both of them backed off to standing directly in front of Beatrice.


"So c'mon Beato... Lets get out of here..." Battler spoke up trying to lead Beatrice away after seeing how pissed Robin was..

@The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies

"Yes, that would be best... Battler, Beatrice, good to see you again. Perhaps keep your Pieces under control next time?"

With that taken care of, Robin turned his eyes back to Erika. The usual joy he would have that finding his wife once again was gone, replaced with an inquisitive, judgmental stare.


"So then, would you like to explain yourself? I would perhaps expect shenanigans like this from our daughter, but from you, Erika? You're a Witch, a being of great power and a duty to use that power responsibly."

He sighed as he pulled up his hood once again, shaking his head in abject disappointment.

"And here I thought you and I could spend some time with Morgan without any trouble starting up... It seems like every time I find a free moment, someone is stirring up trouble with a Murder Game or worse, you're picking a fight with another Witch..."

@Crimson Spartan @Gummi Bunnies
"... er, I can explain... Robin-kun."

Erika was just unsure on what to do on how to say things as Robin had appeared.

Beatrice, on the other hand, was keeping close to Battler, not even realizing that this whole thing had died down.

@Crimson Spartan @The Tactician @shitpost​
"... er, I can explain... Robin-kun."

Erika was just unsure on what to do on how to say things as Robin had appeared.

Beatrice, on the other hand, was keeping close to Battler, not even realizing that this whole thing had died down.

@Crimson Spartan @The Tactician @shitpost​

"Oh, I'm sure you can, I'm sure you can. Perhaps you would love to explain why you were harassing these gentlemen and lady, two of whom are our friends? Specifically, two who if I recall the events of Bernkastel's game correctly are perhaps our closest allies among the Witches? It seems rather pedantic and brash to attack them, but I'm sure you can explain it just fine."

As he wrapped up his response, Robin paused for a moment to await Erika's rebuttal. However, after a moment, he turned his head towards Dlanor and nodded with a smile.


"Oh, and a nice day to you as well, Dlanor."

@Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty



Oh, now Mabel was boiling. Little sonofabitch Roman, with his stupid hat and cane, and that dumb fancy shmancy get-up. Not to mention that this ridiculous drunken wreck of a woman had his attention and, furthermore, hadn't even objected to his kiss. What was she, some whore? An ex, maybe? Mabel didn't know, but that didn't change the fact that the ravenette was so dead. And fish would be the only thing she'd be sleeping with, tonight. The Gleeful would make sure of that... Especially considering her brother had begun to walk away and wasn't there to hold her back.

Not to mention she'd make Roman suffer for it all, too. She'd never let him get away with treating her like this. Not without severe consequences and punishment.

For now, though, it was with a faint glow of her unnaturally blue eyes that she attempted to use her telepathic abilities once again to.... tip Roman's chair over to send him tumbling on his ass. Whether or not she was actually successful, she finally turned away from Add, instead sweetly clasping her hands behind her back with a cutesy smile. "Well, now that I've become more closely acquainted with you all," a wink and blown kiss tossed to Esper, "and this has become a bit more casual... I do think I'll take my leave. After all, it would appear a couple of you need some privacy."

And she had plenty of people she could get just the same with, which is likely why a small, taunting smirk was discreetly tossed at Torchwick before she continued. "I do so appreciate the offer for a meal, but I believe I'll just find something else to dine on. Ciao, loves~"

Turning to depart, she secretly planned to lurk and wreck the lot if they tried anything on her bitch. Yandere mode activated. :|

@york @Ringmaster @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 @Longue/bar​

Cinder Fall
@Gospes @Ringmaster @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 @Bar Thing

Cinder stood up suddenly, appearing to be meeting the jab with... ... An chillingly calm gaze.


"Oh Roman... We both know we've all had our share of sin here..." She said, her voice having taken on a bit of an icy tone.

Hoo boy, hung over Cinder might not be the best Cinder to make jabs at, but only time will tell if she will cave in and duke it out with Roman, or something... Though for the time being, she seemed to draw a little entertainment from the interference he was getting by the girl nearby. Like she had spotted Emerald's little talent, she quickly picked up on the way Mabel's eyes glowed faintly, riiight before Roman's chair conveniently started to move at that moment... At least even when hung over, Cinder wasn't losing her touch with these things, just yet.

Clawing his way from under a mound of empty glasses, a pale figure appeared, his eyes still not adjusted to the bright lights of the hotel. "...Where am I?" blinking wearily, and raising a hand to shield himself from the glaring lightbulbs in the room. "Oh...That's right." he mutters, glancing down at the heaped pile of empty bottles and glasses that littered the bar's surface, and the floor around him.

Apparently they'd overdone it, big time.

"What even happened?"

@Whoever wants to interact with Potato Brain​


"Pardon me, but I believe that this has gone on long enough, you two."

Where the white-haired man had come from, it was unclear as he seemed to have slipped during the commotion. What was clear was the anger he spoke with, glaring between the two duelists known as Erika and Raven. However, Erika's glare was tempered somewhat with a bit of disappointment, as if he knew the girl and her reputation.

"Now then, I suggest you both settle down. I have little time to deal with two quarreling sides when I should be doing research with my daughter, especially when one of them is my wife."

Ah, that was it. It seemed there was an intimate relationship between the man cloaked in a purple shroud and the magical detective, and it was one that lent to his anger at the situation and at the combatants.

"Erika, you are better than this, something that you ought to be aware of. Whatever disagreement you have ought to be settled with words, not violence. Now then, stand down and allow me to clean up this mess you two have made."

With a snap of his fingers and flourish of a previously unseen book, whatever destruction had been caused by the duel was repaired. In the man's mind, it seemed rather beneath the need of magic but he was frankly tired to care to do it by hand. Once that was done, he turned to the man who was attacking Erika, his grip on the book's bindings growing tighter.

"As for you... I am Robin Tact, husband of Erika Furudo and Grandmaster Tactician for Exalt Chrom of Ylisse. Whatever conflict you have with my wife is over, ser, and do not attempt to test my patience for I am not in the mood after seeing this mess."

@Crimson Spartan @Gummi Bunnies


"Hmm... I see... I apologize for the destruction we've caused.... Beatrice, Battler, and Add...? Shall we leave this area...?" The Blademaster spoke us as he stopped his fight with Erika at the very same time Psyker stopped his assault just short of hitting Dlanor. Both of them backed off to standing directly in front of Beatrice.


"So c'mon Beato... Lets get out of here..." Battler spoke up trying to lead Beatrice away after seeing how pissed Robin was..

@The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies

....Did he go too far?

Naw. If anything, he just gave her a taste of her own medicine. That was the problem when you cared both ways, you knew the best ways to get under the others skin. And from the looks of it, he had succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. Now if he knew his little spitfire well enough? She was going to be lurking to see if he did anything, while planning bloody murder to Cinder.

A neat little side effect.

Even if he was lying on the floor due to her pettiness.

He raised his eyebrow at Cinder, before smirking once as he winked and clicked his tongue, getting up as he brushed himself off.

"Of course. And really, Cindy?"

He deliberately invoked a nickname, where he wouldn't have dared before. Mostly because he had already seen bigger fish out there and survived, before winking slyly.

"Would we really have it any other way?"

@york @Gummi Bunnies @Hospes @LuckycoolHawk9


"Yes, that would be best... Battler, Beatrice, good to see you again. Perhaps keep your Pieces under control next time?"

With that taken care of, Robin turned his eyes back to Erika. The usual joy he would have that finding his wife once again was gone, replaced with an inquisitive, judgmental stare.


"So then, would you like to explain yourself? I would perhaps expect shenanigans like this from our daughter, but from you, Erika? You're a Witch, a being of great power and a duty to use that power responsibly."

He sighed as he pulled up his hood once again, shaking his head in abject disappointment.

"And here I thought you and I could spend some time with Morgan without any trouble starting up... It seems like every time I find a free moment, someone is stirring up trouble with a Murder Game or worse, you're picking a fight with another Witch..."

@Crimson Spartan @Gummi Bunnies


"Oi, you don't look too good, mate."

Birdie took a seat at the bar, next to some guy passed out-or, who had been passed out. Tempting as a brawl was, as it had seemed there'd been one earlier, the many, many drinks (and, hopefully, food) offered at this bar were even more tempting. "Whatsa matter? Can't hold your liquor?"

With a flash, someone came through the portal, bags in hand, and sunglasses pulled up to her forehead. Long dark hair was pulled into a braid on the right side, and her eyes glowed orange for a moment. "Well, vacation time. Hopefully this is better than trying to get peace in Brierwood." She grumbled to herself, ruffling the front of her hair. With one swift move of her hand, the girl named Anari flipped up her suitcase over her shoulder. "This better be good." She grumbled, looking around. "Hello? A soul in sight? Maybe you have some meat?" She asked loudly, looking at him.

"Meat? Huh?" Having stepped through a portal only a little bit before Anari, Ibuki Mioda was still getting accustomed to her new surroundings. And here was someone who could help her! Even if this girl had no idea what this place was like, just like Ibuki at this time, there had to be hope for their situation! ...whatever their situation was.

Anyway, this was not the time for rambling! It was the time for introductions!!


"Well, Ibuki maybe can't provide you some M-E-AT, but I CAN provide a M-E-E-T! Meet me, Ibuki Mioda!!!"


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Anari turned at the sound of a voice speaking up behind her. Looking through the portal, she cocked her head and stared down the female in front of her. Odd hair choice, why the hell did she have it in cones upon her head? She did like the piercings though. Spiky.

"Names Anari." She said gruffly, nodding her head. "But that was a terrible joke. You are gonna have to do better than that to win me over, Ibuki." She said, the name rolling off her tongue swiftly.

"Oh, I'm sure you can, I'm sure you can. Perhaps you would love to explain why you were harassing these gentlemen and lady, two of whom are our friends? Specifically, two who if I recall the events of Bernkastel's game correctly are perhaps our closest allies among the Witches? It seems rather pedantic and brash to attack them, but I'm sure you can explain it just fine."

As he wrapped up his response, Robin paused for a moment to await Erika's rebuttal. However, after a moment, he turned his head towards Dlanor and nodded with a smile.


"Oh, and a nice day to you as well, Dlanor."

@Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"Well... f-first off, Battler and Beato, right there? They aren't really... er, the actual Battler and Beato we know. Gets real complicated when it comes to alternate Metaworlds... huh?"

Erika honestly didn't like being put into situations where she was definitely going to be looked down upon by her beloved Robin. With an explanation like that, the detective was well aware of what he was going to say next, and she had a minor feeling that Dlanor would turn the tables and prove the detective wrong as well. But maybe in a way to save her from saying any more, someone squealed out rather abruptly.



Rena happens to run towards Erika, attempting to glomp the rather short detective.


"H-Hey! Back off!!"

Erika managed to cry this out before being toppled over by this girl. It was like everyone had assumed Erika to be little more than a flamboyant child!


"Good day to you too, ROBIN. I see that Lady Erika had put herself into a grave scenario, if only she were to listen to my warnings before she jumped into CONCLUSIONS."

Dlanor simply greeted the tactician back, idly glancing over at the sight of Rena nuzzling her face onto Erika's. Oh boy...

@The Tactician

"Well... f-first off, Battler and Beato, right there? They aren't really... er, the actual Battler and Beato we know. Gets real complicated when it comes to alternate Metaworlds... huh?"

Erika honestly didn't like being put into situations where she was definitely going to be looked down upon by her beloved Robin. With an explanation like that, the detective was well aware of what he was going to say next, and she had a minor feeling that Dlanor would turn the tables and prove the detective wrong as well. But maybe in a way to save her from saying any more, someone squealed out rather abruptly.



Rena happens to run towards Erika, attempting to glomp the rather short detective.


"H-Hey! Back off!!"

Erika managed to cry this out before being toppled over by this girl. It was like everyone had assumed Erika to be little more than a flamboyant child!


"Good day to you too, ROBIN. I see that Lady Erika had put herself into a grave scenario, if only she were to listen to my warnings before she jumped into CONCLUSIONS."

Dlanor simply greeted the tactician back, idly glancing over at the sight of Rena nuzzling her face onto Erika's. Oh boy...

@The Tactician

"Oh Naga, dammit all... She's supposed to be the expert on these Metaworlds, yet she's the one causing chaos and confusion regarding them and their inhabitants. Sometimes, Dlanor, I wonder if marriage is more like babysitting an adult rather than an equal partnership of love and respect..."

Robin pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation before noticing how the redhead child had tackled and currently hugged his wife. For a moment, he watched with a smirk appearing on his face, taking joy in Erika's 'punishment' by the forced affection. He made a mental note to ask Morgan to help him find a spell to extract memories and turn them into pictures as this was too priceless before finally stepping in to help.


Tapping the new girl on the shoulder, he offered her a grin to show he meant no harm, wanting only to speak to her.

"Excuse me, young lady, but while I agree with you that my wife is quite adorable, I can't allow you to take her home with you. You see, our daughter and myself were supposed to have a nice family outing with her now that we all three have some free time together. Not to put a damper on your enthusiasm, but we thus require Erika's presence so that the family is complete..."

He paused a moment, letting his request sink in, before grinning ever wider as he made a teasing comment, "Though as a word of advice, she prefers one to nuzzle her neck. It tends to illicit quite the reaction from her."

@Gummi Bunnies @AnyonewhowantstolaughatErika'spain

"Oh Naga, dammit all... She's supposed to be the expert on these Metaworlds, yet she's the one causing chaos and confusion regarding them and their inhabitants. Sometimes, Dlanor, I wonder if marriage is more like babysitting an adult rather than an equal partnership of love and respect..."

Robin pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation before noticing how the redhead child had tackled and currently hugged his wife. For a moment, he watched with a smirk appearing on his face, taking joy in Erika's 'punishment' by the forced affection. He made a mental note to ask Morgan to help him find a spell to extract memories and turn them into pictures as this was too priceless before finally stepping in to help.


Tapping the new girl on the shoulder, he offered her a grin to show he meant no harm, wanting only to speak to her.

"Excuse me, young lady, but while I agree with you that my wife is quite adorable, I can't allow you to take her home with you. You see, our daughter and myself were supposed to have a nice family outing with her now that we all three have some free time together. Not to put a damper on your enthusiasm, but we thus require Erika's presence so that the family is complete..."

He paused a moment, letting his request sink in, before grinning ever wider as he made a teasing comment, "Though as a word of advice, she prefers one to nuzzle her neck. It tends to illicit quite the reaction from her."

@Gummi Bunnies @AnyonewhowantstolaughatErika'spain

"O-Oh! Um... I didn't know... that. I'm sorry!"

Immediately getting off of Erika, Rena did an apologetic bow out of embarrassment, a bit surprised to know that this adorable girl was married already. She must be lots older than her then!


"Eh... sure, just don't do that again. Besides, Robin-kun, I'm not the know-it-all with the Metaworld to the point where I know every little detail about it. I'm not entirely at fault there either."

Though, the detective went all red when Robin had mentioned something to Rena about nuzzling her neck.


"What are you trying to do?! Give this random girl ideas on how to become an annoyance to me or what?"

As Erika sounded quite annoyed with that in the first place, Rena had froze up at those words, as if it were triggering some strange memories.


"... her neck? Doing that... stirs up a reaction from her... just like me..."

Being somewhat oblivious to Rena's sudden attitude change, Erika backed away and kept herself close to Dlanor and Robin as Rena took a step forward, thinking that the girl was just going to nuzzle her more.


"See? Now she's going to try and do just that!"

@The Tactician

"O-Oh! Um... I didn't know... that. I'm sorry!"

Immediately getting off of Erika, Rena did an apologetic bow out of embarrassment, a bit surprised to know that this adorable girl was married already. She must be lots older than her then!


"Eh... sure, just don't do that again. Besides, Robin-kun, I'm not the know-it-all with the Metaworld to the point where I know every little detail about it. I'm not entirely at fault there either."

Though, the detective went all red when Robin had mentioned something to Rena about nuzzling her neck.


"What are you trying to do?! Give this random girl ideas on how to become an annoyance to me or what?"

As Erika sounded quite annoyed with that in the first place, Rena had froze up at those words, as if it were triggering some strange memories.


"... her neck? Doing that... stirs up a reaction from her... just like me..."

Being somewhat oblivious to Rena's sudden attitude change, Erika backed away and kept herself close to Dlanor and Robin as Rena took a step forward, thinking that the girl was just going to nuzzle her more.


"See? Now she's going to try and do just that!"

@The Tactician

"Well, you are the Witch here, it seems strange for you to not be aware of such things."

He paused for a moment, his grin becoming more of a sly smirk as Erika grew upset over his advice. And Morgan wonders why I say we don't need those strange televisions for all of our entertainment.

"Funny, you seemed quite enamored with the concept last I committed to it. In fact, I believe it caused the cutest noises I've heard you utter..."

Yes, this is definitely more amusing than any sort of mass televised garbage.


"Well, would you prefer if I did it? This is a hotel, so I am quite sure there is somewhere for us to see if you do..."

Was Robin having too much at Erika's expense? Probably.

Did Robin care? Not a damn bit.​

Anari turned at the sound of a voice speaking up behind her. Looking through the portal, she cocked her head and stared down the female in front of her. Odd hair choice, why the hell did she have it in cones upon her head? She did like the piercings though. Spiky.

"Names Anari." She said gruffly, nodding her head. "But that was a terrible joke. You are gonna have to do better than that to win me over, Ibuki." She said, the name rolling off her tongue swiftly.

"Yeesh, tough crowd..."

But that was okay! She was used to those, which was why it was so easy to bounce back.


"How about Ibuki and Anari-chan look for meat together? Hopefully we didn't wind up in a vegetarian hotel!"

"Oi, you don't look too good, mate."

Birdie took a seat at the bar, next to some guy passed out-or, who had been passed out. Tempting as a brawl was, as it had seemed there'd been one earlier, the many, many drinks (and, hopefully, food) offered at this bar were even more tempting. "Whatsa matter? Can't hold your liquor?"
Pointing to the large pile of empty bottles that spilled from the surface of the bar onto the floor, the pale man shrugs "I'm not sure how it compares, but me and an...acquaintance drunk all of that."
Stiffening himself out, the male rubs his eyes gently "She's probably around here somewhere. Out of the two of us, she's almost certainly better conversation"

It was taking everything he had to maintain his control of his body, it felt so heavy and sore. Was this what humans did for fun?

@Yun Lee
Train - Bar/Game Room - Whistler/Ritona


Train lifted his head off the bar and gave the boy a questioning look before shrugging. "Never thought much of them before, to be honest. What makes you like whistles so much?" he asked, drumming his fingers on the bar in front of him while he waited for the bartender to show up so he could order his milk. Ugh, what was taking so long? He was thirsty, dammit!

@ShiroKiyoshi @Kaykay
"Thank god," Ritona sighed as she set her empty glass down when Train confirmed he wasn't planning to discuss aliens or something. Just making sure she'd come to a bar, and not some sort of asylum.

"Children often enjoy the simple things."

@KlutzyNinjaKitty @ShiroKiyoshi @Bar​
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