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The ghost knocked back a couple more shots, his shoulders slouching as he tips his head back slightly "Pfff, as if killing ever bothered you" He pauses "I can tell, from what I've heard of you, you're not bothered with keeping your hands clean"
He knocks back another shot
"You're the kind of person who acts like hiring minions to murder people lets them dodge the blame"
Another shot
"You're the kind of person who'd host a murder game"
One last shot
"You're the kind of person I just can't stand"
The ghost's aura took on a deathly chill, as the mild mannered, gentle mannerisms of the ghost vanished entirely, the glasses on the bar actually frosting up from the sudden coldness
"If I were you, I'd mend my ways...before you do something you regret"
"If you, or one of your allies hurts Yang, or her sister...I'll do to you, what you do to them..."

Cinder Fall


It was uncertain if Cinder was listening or not... But, she sure as hell was drinking... Alot. Despite the sudden chill of sorts creeping into PB's aura, she seemed unperturbed... Maybe she was used to it? Or... Maybe she was too drunk to care? In either case, she had amassed quite a few empty cups around her by now, looks like whatever had happened to her back in Murder Game IX had triggered some sort of change in her... Call it a butterfly effect, or, an epiphany... But, ever since that day... Despite all her powers, that had allowed her to lead so many, she was powerless against all that evil that had enevloped her that fatefull day... Dream or not, it almost seemed to drive her mad to think about the fact that there existed much greater forces outside of Remnants... Ones that could one day surpass the threat the Grimm, or... Even she herself posed. It was uncertain if it was just the alcohol, or something else, but, suddenly, the "flames" that almost appeared to be in her eyes burned a little brighter, it wasn't sure if it was annoyance, or, just curiousity... But, it almost felt like she was staring through him, before she finally turned her gaze away, that burning look seeming to disappear for the moment.

"You speak like you know me... Even if... This is the first time we properly... Spoke." Cinder said, she idly waited, going silent for the moment as she let the bartender fill her a new cup of rather... Strong alcohol, she took another sip almost idly... But, she looked almost hurt at this notion, really... Or, at the very least, uncomfortable... But, it was really difficult to tell with someone like her; the few expressions she showed never seemed to reveal too much to work with...

The whip would meet the giantdad's back, lashing against a previously hidden item in his arsenal, his shield!
The shield would take the brunt of the force, being slashed apart by the whip's attacks

The hulking male would turn, throwing a ball of black fire toward the foe with the whip, hoping to burn the weapon away!

@Crimson Spartan @The Great Detective
Kurama made his move to dodge though his whip for the most part was caught and incinerated with him only holding onto a small amount. He dropped it but before it even hit the ground he had another rose. Just where the hell did he even get these roses...?


A small smile appeared on his lips as he held that rose. "That attack... Reminds me of a friend... If only he were here to see..." He spoke before his smile fades. His rose was swiftly made into his rose whip again.

"Still you must be defeated for the threat you pose towards me and that girl." Well guess he had his own reason for joining the fight as he saw Giantdad as a threat not only to him but to others specifically Lady Maria currently.

@The Great Detective @DapperDogman
The giant would stop in his tracks, the bullet glancing off the thick armour he donned "What on earth was that?" he grunts, eyeing the gun for a moment, before continuing in, her thrust catching his side as he reels his weapon backwards, slamming it down at the spot she was occupying, before swiping to the side, hoping to catch her if she were to attempt a dodge

He was much slower, and lacked as many powers as her, but his thick, near impenetrable armour certainly proved an obstacle that would require work to pierce

@The Great Detective @Crimson Spartan


"..." So he really was hiding something after all. Well at least he was supposedly on Lady Maria's side.

While the Giantdad focused on Lady Maria Kurama struck with his whip.


He looked to strike many different places at a rapid pace hoping to find a weakness in Giantdad's armor. His rose whip being strong enough to cut through most metals like butter.

@The Great Detective @DapperDogman


"Is she actually tolerable...?" Raven asked having already met Nobless Lu....

@The Great Detective
The whip would meet the giantdad's back, lashing against a previously hidden item in his arsenal, his shield!
The shield would take the brunt of the force, being slashed apart by the whip's attacks

The hulking male would turn, throwing a ball of black fire toward the foe with the whip, hoping to burn the weapon away!

@Crimson Spartan @The Great Detective
Kurama made his move to dodge though his whip for the most part was caught and incinerated with him only holding onto a small amount. He dropped it but before it even hit the ground he had another rose. Just where the hell did he even get these roses...?


A small smile appeared on his lips as he held that rose. "That attack... Reminds me of a friend... If only he were here to see..." He spoke before his smile fades. His rose was swiftly made into his rose whip again.

"Still you must be defeated for the threat you pose towards me and that girl." Well guess he had his own reason for joining the fight as he saw Giantdad as a threat not only to him but to others specifically Lady Maria currently.

@The Great Detective @DapperDogman

Taking the glancing hit as she backstepped away, the hunter watched as her red blood splattered in certain places. Not that she was concerned with it, but it was beginning to become clear that her Rakuyo wasn't going to do much. ...On it's own, however.

Distancing herself away, Lady Maria held out the dagger and saber outwards. At first, it appeared that she was going to take another jab and thrust at the giant again. Instead... however, she did so, but in the opposite fashion you would expect her to do so... impaling herself with her own weapons... impaling herself through her own heart.


A blow like this would be fatal to a normal human, an average hunter... but Lady Maria was no means an "average hunter." Pulling out her blades from her chest, an aura of blood surrounded her blades and herself.

"... if you wish to continue this, which you apparently do, I see no other option than to liberate you from your wild curiosities... A honest death... is what will cure you from those... curiosities."

Despite the large amount of range between herself and Giantdad, Lady Maria began to swing her Rakuyo blades in horizontal manners at the air, and with a half-second delay, large and wide slashes made out of solid and piercing blood threatened to make contact with the hulking opponent.

@Crimson Spartan @DapperDogman

Taking the glancing hit as she backstepped away, the hunter watched as her red blood splattered in certain places. Not that she was concerned with it, but it was beginning to become clear that her Rakuyo wasn't going to do much. ...On it's own, however.

Distancing herself away, Lady Maria held out the dagger and saber outwards. At first, it appeared that she was going to take another jab and thrust at the giant again. Instead... however, she did so, but in the opposite fashion you would expect her to do so... impaling herself with her own weapons... impaling herself through her own heart.


A blow like this would be fatal to a normal human, an average hunter... but Lady Maria was no means an "average hunter." Pulling out her blades from her chest, an aura of blood surrounded her blades and herself.

"... if you wish to continue this, which you apparently do, I see no other option than to liberate you from your wild curiosities... A honest death... is what will cure you from those... curiosities."

Despite the large amount of range between herself and Giantdad, Lady Maria began to swing her Rakuyo blades in horizontal manners at the air, and with a half-second delay, large and wide slashes made out of solid and piercing blood threatened to make contact with the hulking opponent.

@Crimson Spartan @DapperDogman
"What the..." before the giant could react, his hulking form would be sent skidding backward, the floor under his feet buckling and being pushed up
The forces colliding here were indeed strong

"Perhaps I had underestimated you...You're certainly not just another Chosen Undead, I've killed many of them in my years..."
He pauses, his stance adjusting to become upright again
"But you. You're different...You're a new kind of foe"

"Perhaps after thousands of years, the Father of Giants has met a worthy foe..."
Her fiery attacks reminded him of the one man to best him in battle. Lord Gwyn, the king of Sunlight
"We shall see"

With that, he'd reach into his pocket, rubbing a strange, sap-like substance onto his blade, before it would crackle with power
He'd begin his charge toward her once again, seemingly wanting to end this battle with a final clash. He ignored the whipping from her ally for now, she'd captivated his attention. Something not many of his foes could say

Shiva, Laurtrec, even Solaire, those who would aid the Chosen Undead, he'd fought their spectres, and slain them, many times
Lady Maria, of the Astral Clocktower, was a hunter who commended respect from even him, the Father of Giants

The one being who remained no matter what befell the lands

The Undead were wiped out all the time, dragons could be slain, even the hollows would cease to be, given time. Lordran was a distant memory when Drangliec was built, and he lived to see both of them rise and fall

This lady, this huntress, she was a foe worthy of a true immortal's respect

@The Great Detective @Crimson Spartan
Cinder Fall


It was uncertain if Cinder was listening or not... But, she sure as hell was drinking... Alot. Despite the sudden chill of sorts creeping into PB's aura, she seemed unperturbed... Maybe she was used to it? Or... Maybe she was too drunk to care? In either case, she had amassed quite a few empty cups around her by now, looks like whatever had happened to her back in Murder Game IX had triggered some sort of change in her... Call it a butterfly effect, or, an epiphany... But, ever since that day... Despite all her powers, that had allowed her to lead so many, she was powerless against all that evil that had enevloped her that fatefull day... Dream or not, it almost seemed to drive her mad to think about the fact that there existed much greater forces outside of Remnants... Ones that could one day surpass the threat the Grimm, or... Even she herself posed. It was uncertain if it was just the alcohol, or something else, but, suddenly, the "flames" that almost appeared to be in her eyes burned a little brighter, it wasn't sure if it was annoyance, or, just curiousity... But, it almost felt like she was staring through him, before she finally turned her gaze away, that burning look seeming to disappear for the moment.

"You speak like you know me... Even if... This is the first time we properly... Spoke." Cinder said, she idly waited, going silent for the moment as she let the bartender fill her a new cup of rather... Strong alcohol, she took another sip almost idly... But, she looked almost hurt at this notion, really... Or, at the very least, uncomfortable... But, it was really difficult to tell with someone like her; the few expressions she showed never seemed to reveal too much to work with...

"You're the leader of a rebellion that threatens my girlfriend, her sister, all her friends, and everyone she knows" He murmurs cooly, his eyes scannng her as she seems to take offence to his words "Word gets around, let's say that. I might not know you, and I may have refrained from reading your memories, but I know enough from recounts of what you've done, you're not the best person"

He pauses, sighing

"I'm guilty of my own sins, and I'm sitting here now, acting like a hero..." he shakes his head, the alcohol starting to affect him slightly, a feeling he'd never felt before "Perhaps you've changed since then"
"Who'm I to judge when it's too late to change? Is it too late after killing one person? How about a dozen? A hundred people? A thousand? Where do you draw the line and say someone can't be saved?"

"If you've changed, then all the more power to you, do what good you can to make up for the evil you've done, balance the scales. Mend your wrongdoings"

"I don't expect forgiveness from all the people I've hurt, I only seek to do some good with what I have left of my existance, to make things right with whatever god there may be"

"What the..." before the giant could react, his hulking form would be sent skidding backward, the floor under his feet buckling and being pushed up
The forces colliding here were indeed strong

"Perhaps I had underestimated you...You're certainly not just another Chosen Undead, I've killed many of them in my years..."
He pauses, his stance adjusting to become upright again
"But you. You're different...You're a new kind of foe"

"Perhaps after thousands of years, the Father of Giants has met a worthy foe..."
Her fiery attacks reminded him of the one man to best him in battle. Lord Gwyn, the king of Sunlight
"We shall see"

With that, he'd reach into his pocket, rubbing a strange, sap-like substance onto his blade, before it would crackle with power
He'd begin his charge toward her once again, seemingly wanting to end this battle with a final clash. He ignored the whipping from her ally for now, she'd captivated his attention. Something not many of his foes could say

Shiva, Laurtrec, even Solaire, those who would aid the Chosen Undead, he'd fought their spectres, and slain them, many times
Lady Maria, of the Astral Clocktower, was a hunter who commended respect from even him, the Father of Giants

The one being who remained no matter what befell the lands

The Undead were wiped out all the time, dragons could be slain, even the hollows would cease to be, given time. Lordran was a distant memory when Drangliec was built, and he lived to see both of them rise and fall

This lady, this huntress, she was a foe worthy of a true immortal's respect

@The Great Detective @Crimson Spartan


Watching him close the distance between them, Lady Maria immediately had her Rakuyo form back into it's two-bladed form. Aiming precisely at the charging giant, the huntress unleashed a staggering move with a simple thrust to the air. A half-second after doing so, a rushing spear of blood threatened to pierce through him as if her earlier slashes weren't signs enough. But that was not all.

Regardless if she got that hit in or not, Lady Maria transformed her weapon again, dual wielding the blood-infused dagger and saber. It was happening at the blink of an eye, the huntress using some sort of paper on her weapons before tossing the useless paper sheet to the side. Slashing horizontally to the left then to the right, blood that followed the slashes was not all... Overlapping these slashes of blood... vibrant flames that were a result from the paper she used...


Even if someone were to challenge her, she would not go to these far lengths... meaning that this was no foe she's fought before. Different from the First Hunter Gehrman... Different from the Hunter that met her in the Nightmare... Different from those fools hailing from the Healing Church. It was all different here... and she wasn't going to let up until this reached a conclusion.

@DapperDogman @Crimson Spartan
The giant wouldn't stop his charge, lowering his weapon he'd block the piercing beam of blood, the Bass Cannon, legendary weapon of the Giantdad, would shatter on impact, absorbing the blows from all the attacks. A loud, bassy sound reverberating through the whole hotel as the immense power would be released

But he didn't stop there, he'd continue to charge, his fists blazing with black fire as he'd aim to close the gap and engage her with nothing but his hands

The heavy armour he wore was no doubt an indication of his immense strength, and should he hit, not only would she feel that immense power, but he'd infused his punches with Abyssal Flames, adding more power and a fiery kick to his attacks



With a fearsome bellow, he'd attempt to pummel her with his gauntleted fists

@The Great Detective @Crimson Spartan
Even if she were skilled with her blades, Lady Maria knew that her Rakuyo wouldn't last against this. At the last second, she tried to avoid the fists, only to be left vulnerable to take one hit to knock her off her feet. Yet, she recovered from that blow, and because of that, she went on the move again.

Leaping into the air, Lady Maria had her blades become covered in blood and fire as she went for a spinning blow while diving down.

@DapperDogman @Crimson Spartan
The giant would limp a few steps forward, toward his foe, only to feel his might armour buckling and falling beneath her slash

Such strength, he was impressed

The hulking beast would collapse to his knees, wounded by her last attack, and without a weapon or shield, he'd finally met his match

The flames on his hands would snuff themselves out as he'd rest, his chest heaving within the now rended armour, the gaping hole showing the scarred, but heavily muscled body within

"You're truly an impressive foe..."
"Before I go, at least let me know your name, proud warrior"

That was his only request, he expected no mercy, and so he did not waste his breath begging for it, nor did he expect her to pity him and spare him
He knew she would either answer, and then kill him, or simply kill him. No matter what, she'd earned his respect in full

@The Great Detective @Crimson Spartan
The giant would limp a few steps forward, toward his foe, only to feel his might armour buckling and falling beneath her slash

Such strength, he was impressed

The hulking beast would collapse to his knees, wounded by her last attack, and without a weapon or shield, he'd finally met his match

The flames on his hands would snuff themselves out as he'd rest, his chest heaving within the now rended armour, the gaping hole showing the scarred, but heavily muscled body within

"You're truly an impressive foe..."
"Before I go, at least let me know your name, proud warrior"

That was his only request, he expected no mercy, and so he did not waste his breath begging for it, nor did he expect her to pity him and spare him
He knew she would either answer, and then kill him, or simply kill him. No matter what, she'd earned his respect in full

@The Great Detective @Crimson Spartan

"Lady Maria... of the Astral Clocktower... that is the name... of the one that has beat your challenge."

Maria spoke this as she stabbed her swords into her opponent.


"Now... I'll liberate you..."

@DapperDogman @Crimson Spartan @shitpost rushed wooo​
(If it doesn't automatically do it, skip to 1:35)

The giant would fade away, his body becoming dust on the wind, as the shards of his broken sword would glitter and disappear too

It seemed he wasn't lying, as there was no Soul of his own Left behind, merely the massive collection of souls he'd taken from others, along with a fair amount of Humanity

Though, to her, these items meant little, she wouldn't even know what to do with them, after all

Taking a closer look, a single, small object would remain

@The Great Detective @Crimson Spartan

"I see I was not needed for this fight after all..." Kurama commented having kept his stance but did not join back in after seeing some of the attacks used. His whip had simply reverted back into a rose.


"I'll see if I can find some medical personal to aid you. You are wounded after all.." Kurama said to Lady Maria turning on a heel to go and try to find some medical personal unless otherwise stopped by her or someone else.

@The Great Detective


"... well, she's... something else."

As Ciel would say this, a brief but loud thrashing about could be heard, as if someone or something was wrecking havoc by the garden. Oh boy...

@Crimson Spartan

"...Don't tell me she turned out like my counterpart who gave into his nasod arm." Blademaster has had enough of these shenanigans.
"...I extend my thanks to you... as much as I have no need for medical assistance. I can help myself."

Looking over, Lady Maria took a moment to examine a shard before pocketing it for later. After that, she took out what seemed to be a blood vial, and simply crushed it in her hand. Some strange essence surrounded her, healing her self-inflicted wounds almost instantly.


Before Ciel could answer, he would be immediately tackled down by a particular Chiliarch.

"Ciiiiiieeeeeellllll!!! I found youuuuuuuuuuuuu"

Oh god...

@Crimson Spartan
  • Useful
Reactions: DapperDogman
"...I extend my thanks to you... as much as I have no need for medical assistance. I can help myself."

Looking over, Lady Maria took a moment to examine a shard before pocketing it for later. After that, she took out what seemed to be a blood vial, and simply crushed it in her hand. Some strange essence surrounded her, healing her self-inflicted wounds almost instantly.


Before Ciel could answer, he would be immediately tackled down by a particular Chiliarch.

"Ciiiiiieeeeeellllll!!! I found youuuuuuuuuuuuu"

Oh god...

@Crimson Spartan

"...I see.... By now you must know that I left out some details about me.... I wasn't lying when I said I was a student but you see that only covers part of who I am.... I am Kurama and I strive to protect the world I now live in with my friends..." Kurama spoke to Lady Maria. The way he spoke now would give off the impression that he wasn't even human.

Before Ciel could answer, he would be immediately tackled down by a particular Chiliarch.

"Ciiiiiieeeeeellllll!!! I found youuuuuuuuuuuuu"

Oh god...

@Crimson Spartan

"..." Raven was done :/

@The Great Detective

"...I see.... By now you must know that I left out some details about me.... I wasn't lying when I said I was a student but you see that only covers part of who I am.... I am Kurama and I strive to protect the world I now live in with my friends..." Kurama spoke to Lady Maria. The way he spoke now would give off the impression that he wasn't even human.

"... a valiant goal to pursue... so you aren't a simple student. Talk like this... and what you have shown through battle... you are not human... correct?"

Something about this, it sounded something that she would say... what Gehrman would say as the first nights of the hunt began. Even as the putrid hunt would become known through the streets of Yharnam, many of the first hunters... the old hunters... they thought that they were fighting a justly cause: to eliminate the beastly scourge that threatened to kill them all. Instead... it turned out that they were only carrying the burden of cleaning up the mistakes of the founders of this tradition... Such a revelation, it beckoned Lady Maria to try and abandon the falsely hopeful cause... So to hear this goal of protecting the world, it only felt like an unreachable fantasy, because Lady Maria saw fellow innocents... fellow hunters... fall prey to the sins of the Healing Church's forefathers...

The huntress would only look upon Kurama, awaiting his answer.


"..." Raven was done :/

@The Great Detective

"Huuuuuhh? Raven, what's with the weird get-up?"

Pouncing off of Ciel and landing on her own two feet, the Chiliarch would look up at the Blademaster like a curious child. Compared to Noblesse, this version of Lu seemed to retain her innocent childish nature, but handling much more power than the other.

"Oooooh. Your arm looks different Raven, can I see it? Pleeeaseeee!"

While Chiliarch Lu was pretty much being terrifyingly adorable, Dreadlord Ciel was... well, knocked the fuck out from her earlier tacklehug.

@Crimson Spartan

"... a valiant goal to pursue... so you aren't a simple student. Talk like this... and what you have shown through battle... you are not human... correct?"

Something about this, it sounded something that she would say... what Gehrman would say as the first nights of the hunt began. Even as the putrid hunt would become known through the streets of Yharnam, many of the first hunters... the old hunters... they thought that they were fighting a justly cause: to eliminate the beastly scourge that threatened to kill them all. Instead... it turned out that they were only carrying the burden of cleaning up the mistakes of the founders of this tradition... Such a revelation, it beckoned Lady Maria to try and abandon the falsely hopeful cause... So to hear this goal of protecting the world, it only felt like an unreachable fantasy, because Lady Maria saw fellow innocents... fellow hunters... fall prey to the sins of the Healing Church's forefathers...

The huntress would only look upon Kurama, awaiting his answer.

"Your assumption is mostly correct... You see this body before you is human... I have a human mother but the real me..... Is a demon...." He stood there leaving her with that while he held his rose in his hand still.


"Huuuuuhh? Raven, what's with the weird get-up?"

Pouncing off of Ciel and landing on her own two feet, the Chiliarch would look up at the Blademaster like a curious child. Compared to Noblesse, this version of Lu seemed to retain her innocent childish nature, but handling much more power than the other.

"Oooooh. Your arm looks different Raven, can I see it? Pleeeaseeee!"

While Chiliarch Lu was pretty much being terrifyingly adorable, Dreadlord Ciel was... well, knocked the fuck out from her earlier tacklehug.

@Crimson Spartan


"You also look different and no.... It's dangerous after all..." Cue Raven being protective of his Nasod arm.

@The Great Detective

"Your assumption is mostly correct... You see this body before you is human... I have a human mother but the real me..... Is a demon...." He stood there leaving her with that while he held his rose in his hand still.

For a moment, the huntress had to take this in. Sure, she knew of the origins of the old blood... coming from the Great Ones. However, she never thought of the chance of finding demonic traces in these parts. Still, it seemed like she was taking this in pretty well.

"... a demon? It may not be my place to ask... but how so?"

"You also look different and no.... It's dangerous after all..." Cue Raven being protective of his Nasod arm.

@The Great Detective
"But but but but! I'll be fine! I just wanna see it! Pweeeeeasee!"

While it was good that this Lu wasn't as snobby, Chiliarch was still annoying in a childish way.

@Crimson Spartan

For a moment, the huntress had to take this in. Sure, she knew of the origins of the old blood... coming from the Great Ones. However, she never thought of the chance of finding demonic traces in these parts. Still, it seemed like she was taking this in pretty well.

"... a demon? It may not be my place to ask... but how so?"

"I was at one point know as the 'Legendary Demon Fox Bandit Yoko Kurama'.... However after growing up through the eyes of a human I have come to care for those around me... namely my human mother an friends... An i'll be damned if anyone tries to stop me from keeping them safe..." Kurama spoke revealing just what kind of demon he was. He stared at her with those blank eyes of his with that rose at the ready should she try anything.

"But but but but! I'll be fine! I just wanna see it! Pweeeeeasee!"

While it was good that this Lu wasn't as snobby, Chiliarch was still annoying in a childish way.

@Crimson Spartan

"I told you no Lu..." Still being protective of his arm... Especially with Add around...

@The Great Detective

"You're the leader of a rebellion that threatens my girlfriend, her sister, all her friends, and everyone she knows" He murmurs cooly, his eyes scannng her as she seems to take offence to his words "Word gets around, let's say that. I might not know you, and I may have refrained from reading your memories, but I know enough from recounts of what you've done, you're not the best person"

He pauses, sighing

"I'm guilty of my own sins, and I'm sitting here now, acting like a hero..." he shakes his head, the alcohol starting to affect him slightly, a feeling he'd never felt before "Perhaps you've changed since then"
"Who'm I to judge when it's too late to change? Is it too late after killing one person? How about a dozen? A hundred people? A thousand? Where do you draw the line and say someone can't be saved?"

"If you've changed, then all the more power to you, do what good you can to make up for the evil you've done, balance the scales. Mend your wrongdoings"

"I don't expect forgiveness from all the people I've hurt, I only seek to do some good with what I have left of my existance, to make things right with whatever god there may be"

Cinder Fall


Cinder was almost studying him this time... Though, that intense look on her face had faded away somewhat, replaced by a more curious expression... She was still rather difficult to read, of course... But, well, it looks like while she wasn't flat out drunk, the alcohol seemed to have broken down her usually... Curt demeanor. What PB had said almost reminded her of what she was feeling at the moment, though, she would never admit it "There was once a time... Where everything I wanted came so easily." she said, she looked more thoughtfull than anything as she remembered just how easily her carefully laid plans used to fall in place... No crazy superhero with a cape or something would intervene with something they weren't even aware of after all... And besides, a hero like that seldom, if ever, truly existed in Remnant. Though... Lately, things have taken an odd turn... It had all started with the strange rumors surrounding Ruby, and Yang... And the strange friends they had brought home... PB being one of them... Then, Adam's strange disappearance... And, Neo's odd behavior... Before she herself was pulled into these murder games... What in the world had this criminal mastermind gotten herself into? Really though... She had to reflect a while on the somewhat tipsy ghost's words for a moment, actually pondering for a moment... She would have once considered herself heartless, through and through... But, who knew all it takes to change one's perspective on the world, was to drown in the essense of evil itself... Unable to do anything? Not just that, but, apparantly... She had a new body now, after the events of that murder game she had participated in... Only Kotomine would know what happened to her old one really. With a sigh, she downed her drink in one fell swoop, turning over the cup... Looks like something happened to her, probably thanks to the insane amounts of alcohol in her system... Any normal human being would most likely have had lost consiousness, but, she just felt her swirling thoughts settle down, at least somewhat, though she seemed to have a slight bit of trouble lifting her head... Oddly enough, she seemed to smile a little, in a wry, and maybe... Somewhat regretfull manner.

"Pfft... Sometimes... I wish good and evil was a black and white matter... Like it used to be..." Cinder said, she shook her head, propping herself up with one hand, idly jabbing at her most recently emptied glass, as she waited for the Barrista to come around and fill it up again. "You know... When it was just me... And the world in my hands..." She said, she looked away for a moment, her gaze wandering towards the ceiling, as if she had zoned out a little. "No multiverse... No missing Adam... When things were... Simple." She added, she turned back towards PB suddenly, her expression became more serious again, as if she was a little frustrated.

"Just between us... That little revolution I was planning?... Not happening. We lost our most important piece... Adam." She said, crossing her arms a little... Her gaze again seemed to wander towards the ceiling... Was the alcohol's effects really that strong? Or... Maybe it had just loosened her tongue somewhat... In either case, it was evident Cinder was conflicted... About many things really, though, well, there was most likely alot she wasn't letting slip so easily...​
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