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"Uhh yeah. You two were kinda doing that in the middle of the room." She would pause for a second before grinning. "But don't worry. That was hella cute." Chloe stated, opting to leave out the part where she said that she recorded all of it and sent it to Max.

@Midnight Maiden

Silently, Winter glanced around, lips pursed tightly as she observed the room.

"I see."

Maybe she could find a nice glass of bleach somewhere.


Silently, Winter glanced around, lips pursed tightly as she observed the room.

"I see."

Maybe she could find a nice glass of bleach somewhere.


A few moment's later, Qrow would return to the lobby with a flask full of alcohol.


"Nice to see that you two are gettin' along." Qrow mused before standing next to Winter. "Y'know, since we're datin' and everything now, I think that it's about time that you try some'a this stuff." He said before tipping the flask out to Winter.

@Midnight Maiden

A few moment's later, Qrow would return to the lobby with a flask full of alcohol.


"Nice to see that you two are gettin' along." Qrow mused before standing next to Winter. "Y'know, since we're datin' and everything now, I think that it's about time that you try some'a this stuff." He said before tipping the flask out to Winter.

@Midnight Maiden
Winter's expression upon being told that they were 'getting along' was unreadable, her eyes blankly darting to Chloe with a blatant lack of amusement before looking away with an internal scoff. Mannerless punk's were hardly a type she desired to associate with, and she was quick to remove Chloe's hand from where it had been on her shoulder.

That out of the way, she regarded Qrow quietly, eyes darting over him for just a moment before his words and presentation of his flask to her really hit her. "...Excuse me?" she suddenly replied, looking at him with disgust. "Hardly. And even if it were, I'd have no desire to use a container you've been gulping from." Yeah. 'Cause that was so much worse than kissing him.

Winter's expression upon being told that they were 'getting along' was unreadable, her eyes blankly darting to Chloe with a blatant lack of amusement before looking away with an internal scoff. Mannerless punk's were hardly a type she desired to associate with, and she was quick to remove Chloe's hand from where it had been on her shoulder.

That out of the way, she regarded Qrow quietly, eyes darting over him for just a moment before his words and presentation of his flask to her really hit her. "...Excuse me?" she suddenly replied, looking at him with disgust. "Hardly. And even if it were, I'd have no desire to use a container you've been gulping from." Yeah. 'Cause that was so much worse than kissing him.


"That's your excuse? You already kissed me twice, Snowbird." He said with a sly grin. Qrow then made his way over to Winter and putting his arm around her shoulder nonchalantly. "Also, you think you might wanna go somewhere else in the hotel? We kinda destroyed this whole area with our little cat fight from earlier."

@Midnight Maiden

"That's your excuse? You already kissed me twice, Snowbird." He said with a sly grin. Qrow then made his way over to Winter and putting his arm around her shoulder nonchalantly. "Also, you think you might wanna go somewhere else in the hotel? We kinda destroyed this whole area with our little cat fight from earlier."

@Midnight Maiden

"...Hmph," she muttered, suddenly looking embarrassed once again as she averted her eyes. "I believe you are the one who kissed me," she insisted, still in apparent denial of his claims. "Besides, even if I were to have been the one to kiss you, I didn't have to worry about your disgusting backwash or contamination via your tongue," she remarked, matter-of-factly.

...But Qrow had a point on the latter statement.

"..Perhaps that wouldn't be a bad idea," she muttered, glancing at the rubble around them. Hah. Oops.


"...Hmph," she muttered, suddenly looking embarrassed once again as she averted her eyes. "I believe you are the one who kissed me," she insisted, still in apparent denial of his claims. "Besides, even if I were to have been the one to kiss you, I didn't have to worry about your disgusting backwash or contamination via your tongue," she remarked, matter-of-factly.

...But Qrow had a point on the latter statement.

"..Perhaps that wouldn't be a bad idea," she muttered, glancing at the rubble around them. Hah. Oops.


"Who says I have backwash?" Qrow said with a smirk. Now, he did indeed have backwash, but the huntsman surely wasn't about to admit that outloud. Still keeping his arm securely placed around her shoulder, Qrow would pull her in close and grin. "You got any ideas of where to go? Or do you just wanna walk around the hotel like the jackasses we are?"

@Midnight Maiden

"Who says I have backwash?" Qrow said with a smirk. Now, he did indeed have backwash, but the huntsman surely wasn't about to admit that outloud. Still keeping his arm securely placed around her shoulder, Qrow would pull her in close and grin. "You got any ideas of where to go? Or do you just wanna walk around the hotel like the jackasses we are?"

@Midnight Maiden
"I do, obviously," she replied, bluntly. "Did you not hear me the first time?" Yeah, he wasn't going to get anywhere with that. "You're a slob. It's a given for your sort." Ouch. In any case, she let up on him, letting his arm remain around her while she pondered his inquiry at first... Only to elbow him harshly with annoyance upon his jackass comment. "I recommend refraining from using such disrespectful titles," she huffed. "As for a destination... I am flexible."

"I do, obviously," she replied, bluntly. "Did you not hear me the first time?" Yeah, he wasn't going to get anywhere with that. "You're a slob. It's a given for your sort." Ouch. In any case, she let up on him, letting his arm remain around her while she pondered his inquiry at first... Only to elbow him harshly with annoyance upon his jackass comment. "I recommend refraining from using such disrespectful titles," she huffed. "As for a destination... I am flexible."

"I may be a slob, but I'm your slob now." He said as he continued to smile. That is until he was elbowed in the shoulder. It didn't really hurt, but Qrow still turned to Winter nonetheless. "Hey, I was calling both of us jackasses, thank you!" He said as he pretended that the jab hurt by actually rubbing his shoulder.

@Midnight Maiden
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"I may be a slob, but I'm your slob now." He said as he continued to smile. That is until he was elbowed in the shoulder. It didn't really hurt, but Qrow still turned to Winter nonetheless. "Hey, I was calling both of us jackasses, thank you!" He said as he pretended that the jab hurt by actually rubbing his shoulder.

@Midnight Maiden
"Sadly," Winter sighed, shaking her head at his claim he was her slob. It was true now, she supposed, but that didn't make it pleasant. "As for your conjoining of us in the use of that title, I hardly care to be grouped in such a category. And I expect respect, at that," she added with a pointed glare, not seeming to buy into that the jab had truly hurt.

"Sadly," Winter sighed, shaking her head at his claim he was her slob. It was true now, she supposed, but that didn't make it pleasant. "As for your conjoining of us in the use of that title, I hardly care to be grouped in such a category. And I expect respect, at that," she added with a pointed glare, not seeming to buy into that the jab had truly hurt.

"You're the one who agreed to it." The drunkard said as he deadpanned, a faint grin still present on his face. Eventually, the two did come across a balcony. One which, when they sat outside, there was just a simple bench for the two to rest on and enjoy the perfect view of the starry night sky and the beautiful full moon.

"This looks relaxing enough." Qrow stated before taking a seat on the bench, allowing enough room for Winter to sit down and totes snuggle beside him.

@Midnight Maiden
Meanwhile at the bar, Liam, Archie and Jughead had woken up from being knocked out. Link, meanwhile awardly stared at everyone, not sure if anyone was mad at him. Link meanwhile use Navi to Z-target the bar denizens.

He first targeted Lucifer. " Lucifer Morningstar, devil. Known weakness: Woman on his lap, holy and hell weapons," Navi said.

"You're the one who agreed to it." The drunkard said as he deadpanned, a faint grin still present on his face. Eventually, the two did come across a balcony. One which, when they sat outside, there was just a simple bench for the two to rest on and enjoy the perfect view of the starry night sky and the beautiful full moon.

"This looks relaxing enough." Qrow stated before taking a seat on the bench, allowing enough room for Winter to sit down and totes snuggle beside him.

@Midnight Maiden
"So I am," Winter mused after a thoughtful pause, actually offering a smile for once. But it was short lived as Qrow led on, the maiden only able to gaze about their surroundings with very mild interest. Until, of course, they reached the balcony, Winter actually pausing to admire the stunning view.

....That didn't mean Qrow.

As he took a seat, she, herself, sat on the arm of the bench, staring up at the sky. "...The moon here. It's different," she observed, noting it had not shattered as the one she knew so well since her childhood. "How peculiar."

"So I am," Winter mused after a thoughtful pause, actually offering a smile for once. But it was short lived as Qrow led on, the maiden only able to gaze about their surroundings with very mild interest. Until, of course, they reached the balcony, Winter actually pausing to admire the stunning view.

....That didn't mean Qrow.

As he took a seat, she, herself, sat on the arm of the bench, staring up at the sky. "...The moon here. It's different," she observed, noting it had not shattered as the one she knew so well since her childhood. "How peculiar."

"Yeah... it is, isn't it?" Qrow said aloud as he took a sip out of his flask. The huntsman would admire the view with a grin, taking a few sips out of his flask here and there. Winter could break he silence, or she could continue the conversation. Qrow would be fine either way.

@Midnight Maiden
"Yeah... it is, isn't it?" Qrow said aloud as he took a sip out of his flask. The huntsman would admire the view with a grin, taking a few sips out of his flask here and there. Winter could break he silence, or she could continue the conversation. Qrow would be fine either way.

@Midnight Maiden
After a long few moments of silence, Winter's eyes fell away from the sky, instead landing on Qrow. Observing him, pondering just what about that aggravating drunkard was so frustratingly captivating.

...Perhaps that was it.

Captivation. Cages. Chains. For all of her life, that was all Winter had known, she mused to herself as she hesitantly took a seat right by his side. Closer than she typically cared to be to anyone, really, but she felt drawn in. But she digressed. She had joined the army to escape her bonds, but found no solace even there, only having new ones wrapped around her.

And then there was Qrow.

While Winter was a caged bird, Qrow was a free one. He did as he pleased and no one tried to tell him to do otherwise, aside from perhaps her and maybe Ironwood. He got to do as he wished with no strings on him being pulled by some horrible puppetmaster that could hardly be called human, and on some level? She supposed she envied that. All of her life, she wanted freedom, and just maybe, she thought, hesitantly leaning her head against his shoulder?

She had found it.

After a long few moments of silence, Winter's eyes fell away from the sky, instead landing on Qrow. Observing him, pondering just what about that aggravating drunkard was so frustratingly captivating.

...Perhaps that was it.

Captivation. Cages. Chains. For all of her life, that was all Winter had known, she mused to herself as she hesitantly took a seat right by his side. Closer than she typically cared to be to anyone, really, but she felt drawn in. But she digressed. She had joined the army to escape her bonds, but found no solace even there, only having new ones wrapped around her.

And then there was Qrow.

While Winter was a caged bird, Qrow was a free one. He did as he pleased and no one tried to tell him to do otherwise, aside from perhaps her and maybe Ironwood. He got to do as he wished with no strings on him being pulled by some horrible puppetmaster that could hardly be called human, and on some level? She supposed she envied that. All of her life, she wanted freedom, and just maybe, she thought, hesitantly leaning her head against his shoulder?

She had found it.

Qrow nearly jumped out of his seat whenever he felt something land on his shoulder. It was so peaceful out here that he had just been lost in the starry night sky. The moon was absolutely breathtaking; definitely better than the shattered moon that he knew back in Remnant. So he was caught off guard by the sudden feeling of something laying against his shoulder. He relaxed when he realized that it was just Winter laying her head down on his shoulder.


Whenever she did this, Qrow put his arm around the maiden's shoulder and pulled her in closer to him. He then reached down and planted a kiss directly on her forehead.

"Looks like this drunk huntsman managed to melt the Ice Queen's heart in the end after all." He said warmly before gently laying his own head down on Winter's.

@Midnight Maiden

Qrow nearly jumped out of his seat whenever he felt something land on his shoulder. It was so peaceful out here that he had just been lost in the starry night sky. The moon was absolutely breathtaking; definitely better than the shattered moon that he knew back in Remnant. So he was caught off guard by the sudden feeling of something laying against his shoulder. He relaxed when he realized that it was just Winter laying her head down on his shoulder.


Whenever she did this, Qrow put his arm around the maiden's shoulder and pulled her in closer to him. He then reached down and planted a kiss directly on her forehead.

"Looks like this drunk huntsman managed to melt the Ice Queen's heart in the end after all." He said warmly before gently laying his own head down on Winter's.

@Midnight Maiden
Admittedly, there had been much hesitation in Winter's attempt of the seemingly simple gesture of lying her head on his shoulder. Her mind told her not to do it, that it was silly, or perhaps would be rejected. But eventually, she managed, trying to silence such thoughts before they could overcome her and further discourage her already hesitant heart. And in the end? She was glad she did so, finding peace in her position against him, flinching only slightly as he wrapped his arm around her to draw her closer and place a kiss on her forehead. It was a... Nice, feeling, to be held like this. One she had never known before now. Sure, she had held Weiss and Whitley before, defending them in their young years against her father's abuse. Especially the former of the two, Whitley seeming to have something his father admired too much to act out on him. But never had she been held like this- loved like this, or at all, for that matter -before.

"...Do not be so sure," Winter remarked with mild amusement in response. "I can't quite say you've melted me just yet, or will any time soon." ...Wait. Was that-- Was that a joke? Since when did she make those?

Admittedly, there had been much hesitation in Winter's attempt of the seemingly simple gesture of lying her head on his shoulder. Her mind told her not to do it, that it was silly, or perhaps would be rejected. But eventually, she managed, trying to silence such thoughts before they could overcome her and further discourage her already hesitant heart. And in the end? She was glad she did so, finding peace in her position against him, flinching only slightly as he wrapped his arm around her to draw her closer and place a kiss on her forehead. It was a... Nice, feeling, to be held like this. One she had never known before now. Sure, she had held Weiss and Whitley before, defending them in their young years against her father's abuse. Especially the former of the two, Whitley seeming to have something his father admired too much to act out on him. But never had she been held like this- loved like this, or at all, for that matter -before.

"...Do not be so sure," Winter remarked with mild amusement in response. "I can't quite say you've melted me just yet, or will any time soon." ...Wait. Was that-- Was that a joke? Since when did she make those?

Qrow could only smile at Winter and her vulnerability. This was a new side of Winter; one that he himself had never seen before. He didn't fully know what she had gone through, and he probably wouldn't understand it either. He had a loving family. From Yang and Ruby to Taiyang, hell even Raven had always been there for him to an extent (though in her own ways, of course.) Though he couldn't sympathize with her, he sure as hell can and will empathize with her.

Qrow could only smile a bit wider when he heard Winter tell an actual legitimate joke.

"Do my ears deceive me?" He asked as he peered down at her, the smile never leaving his face. "Or did Winter Schnee, badass stoney faced Winter Schnee, just tell an actual joke?"

@Midnight Maiden
Qrow could only smile at Winter and her vulnerability. This was a new side of Winter; one that he himself had never seen before. He didn't fully know what she had gone through, and he probably wouldn't understand it either. He had a loving family. From Yang and Ruby to Taiyang, hell even Raven had always been there for him to an extent (though in her own ways, of course.) Though he couldn't sympathize with her, he sure as hell can and will empathize with her.

Qrow could only smile a bit wider when he heard Winter tell an actual legitimate joke.

"Do my ears deceive me?" He asked as he peered down at her, the smile never leaving his face. "Or did Winter Schnee, badass stoney faced Winter Schnee, just tell an actual joke?"

@Midnight Maiden
Winter could feel his eyes on her, undoubtedly noting how unusual it was to see this side of her. A side that, well, she had never shown anyone before. A side that wasn't ravaged by harshness, tainted by cold reality, made to be bitter and harsh as the season for which she was named. But for whatever reason, she didn't care. If his claims of loving her had been true, as she hoped they were? He wouldn't care. And if he did, judged her or demeaned her or turned out to be doing all of this as a huge joke? She would simply kick his ass and deny all of this, if it came to it.

She hoped it wouldn't.

"Don't get used to it," she quipped, her hand coming to rest on his own. "I won't make a habit of this, not even for you." So she said, now.

Winter could feel his eyes on her, undoubtedly noting how unusual it was to see this side of her. A side that, well, she had never shown anyone before. A side that wasn't ravaged by harshness, tainted by cold reality, made to be bitter and harsh as the season for which she was named. But for whatever reason, she didn't care. If his claims of loving her had been true, as she hoped they were? He wouldn't care. And if he did, judged her or demeaned her or turned out to be doing all of this as a huge joke? She would simply kick his ass and deny all of this, if it came to it.

She hoped it wouldn't.

"Don't get used to it," she quipped, her hand coming to rest on his own. "I won't make a habit of this, not even for you." So she said, now.

Qrow chuckled at her retort and shook his head slightly. Whenever she rested her hand on his own, Qrow would just smile as he took went the extra mile and took hold of her hand, interlacing her fingers with her own.

"We'll see about that, Snow White." The huntsman remarked.

@Midnight Maiden
Qrow chuckled at her retort and shook his head slightly. Whenever she rested her hand on his own, Qrow would just smile as he took went the extra mile and took hold of her hand, interlacing her fingers with her own.

"We'll see about that, Snow White." The huntsman remarked.

@Midnight Maiden
Surprisingly enough, Qrow's comment actually earned a laugh. Nothing forced or condescending or even sarcastic, no, but something seldom heard from Winter, if ever. Something.. sincere.

But as quickly as it came, it went, leaving her to merely tilt her her head to gaze at him with a short-lived, fond smile.


"All I'm saying," she began, gently squeezing his hand as she spoke, "is that you should not get your hopes up, Branwen. I wouldn't want to crush them," she jabbed, teasingly, staring up at him. For just a moment, she found herself beginning to lean her face in closer towards his, as though she intended to kiss him. But as soon as she realized what she was doing, she suddenly drew back, playful air fading and being replaced with embarrassment. What was she thinking, even considering initiating a kiss with him for that split moment? No. Even the thought brought far too much embarrassment. Yet at the same time, the desire was frustratingly intense. It was all she could do to look away and hope it would fade if she just didn't look at him.

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