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Shizuo glared at the man, "You're pushing your luck, old man... I already have to deal with insults enough back home." Sitting down and rolling up his pants' leg, he showed off the knee that Elliot had fractured earlier, "I may be walking fine with it, but trust me, doc, that's only because I'm used to pain."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @BarrenThin

"Really? Are you sure you haven't earned any insults, then?" With that, he started to feel the knee, trying to tell how bad it was. It would hurt, of course, and House had no way to treat it... but he needed to see just how bad it was. It might not be good for the man to walk.

@The Tactician
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
(I'll just say the button was pressed automatically, or it detects the Pip-Boy or something.)

Entering into the hallway, you see three directions you could go:

The Clinic, where you hear a soft sobbing sound,

The Atrium, where you hear a screeching sound, and

The Apartments where everything seems fairly calm.

The doors to the Downstairs remain locked.

Another Audio Recording "I'm hiding in The Entrance, but I know the Overseer has pieces of a keycard passcode hidden in The Atrium, The Clinic, and the Apartments. This key ode will unlock the door to the Downstairs, which is where his office is. Several other survivors of his "experiments" have gathered in the Clinic, where they are led by the doctor there. Not the first time in this area a doctor has led a rebellion in a vault."

Your Pip-Boy's Screen lights up, updating your quest objectives:

•Get Keycode from the Atrium

•Get Keycode from the Apartments

•Get Keycode from the Clinic.

Everyone know has several options:

Go to the Atrium

Go to the Clinic

Go to the Apartments

Which do you choose?

@TheColourlessRainbow @Gummi Bunnies @Unlimited RP Works @TheBlueBurch @Thuro Pendragon @Group 3
The Rookie, without hesitation, started to make his way to the atrium, drawing his pistol as he did, silently hoping for the best, and not to find some innocent being eaten alive or anything like that

Though in all honesty, he'd seen some shit in his years, he'd probably do just fine if it was someone being eaten aliv

One thing that the group would likely notice was that there were bodies littered almost everywhere.. Some even had one of the zombie-like people crouched over them, seeming to be.. Were they..?

Oh, yup. They were eating the bodies. Hooray for cannibalism.

Luckily, it did seem that some of the fallen buildings could at least provide a little shade. Maybe even shelter.

...But it looked like the group may have to do some fighting to get to the buildings, because there seemed to be a few small groups of them lingering around most of the buildings..

@Atomyk @TheBlueBurch @Kaykay @Verite @york @Group 2​
Marie Korbel
@Atomyk @TheBlueBurch @Kaykay @Verite @york @Everyone in Group 2

Marie, upon noticing the bodies attempted to make them rise using the Skullheart's power; it would definitely be usefull to have a few minions around, though... One could not be certain if she was capable of this here, though, she had to find out one way or another, right?​
"Really? Are you sure you haven't earned any insults, then?" With that, he started to feel the knee, trying to tell how bad it was. It would hurt, of course, and House had no way to treat it... but he needed to see just how bad it was. It might not be good for the man to walk.

@The Tactician
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"When you can't control your own strength or anger, people tend to get the wrong idea about you..." Shizuo grumbled, not wincing as House poked and prodded at his knee. One too many evaluations by Shinra and accidental self-inflicted injuries had numbed his reaction to pain, so he could only guess at what it was, "I don't feel much pain done there, but I can guess that what is doing it is maybe a fracture or something."

@BarrenThin @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"When you can't control your own strength or anger, people tend to get the wrong idea about you..." Shizuo grumbled, not wincing as House poked and prodded at his knee. One too many evaluations by Shinra and accidental self-inflicted injuries had numbed his reaction to pain, so he could only guess at what it was, "I don't feel much pain done there, but I can guess that what is doing it is maybe a fracture or something."

@BarrenThin @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

House paused and looked at the man quietly for a few seconds before nodding with understanding. The cripple had no intention of poking at someone that already had it hard... unless he acted like an idiot, anyways. "It's just a fracture... not a full break. We can get some ice later- if we find any- or..." Downing one himself, he offered Shizuo a Vicodin.

@The Tactician
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Penny stopped at the remark. "Someone's cooking? This isn't probably the best time to do that..." Though she quickly forgot about it once Ridley reassured her about Jojo. "Yeah! I shouldn't worry! He's big, strong and has a good head on his shoulders!

...And a talented butt!"


Oh, Dear Lord. It was taking an unbelievable amount of willpower for Ridley to hold back from losing her composure and snapping at Penny for being so naive. But, then again, she'd put up with worse and kept the nice act up in the past before. "No. Nobody's cooking, Redhead.. It's a metaphor," she explained, boredly. Seeing as the wall didn't have much to offer... "Whaddya say we go see what the others have found, kid?" she suggested, looking at Penny through her dark sunglasses.

Never thought she'd say that in her life.

The struggle got worse when Penny continued about Jojo. The girl wantes to gag. "Yeah, righttt... Regardless: my butt is much better," she replied, throwing a flirty wink.

@Jeremi @GROUP ONE​
"Dynamo, search vent," Add spoke out, giving the command to his weapons. Two of his Dynamos hovered over to the vent, briefly staying stationary before attempting to open up the vent itself.

@The Silver Paladin @Group 3​

In the vents, the Dynamos find:

Three Stimpaks, a Nuka Cola Quantum, and...

A Holotape.

The Holotape, it seemed, went into the Pip-boy, and you could read or listen to it, like you did the others. The Stimpaks would heal any wounds almost instantly, and the Nuka Cola Qunatum...

Never mind.

They would see no sign of life from within, but they would see Heat Signatures leading up to the Atrium.

It seemed to be empty of anything of use besides what was seen.

@DapperDogman @Group 3 @Atrium
House paused and looked at the man quietly for a few seconds before nodding with understanding. The cripple had no intention of poking at someone that already had it hard... unless he acted like an idiot, anyways. "It's just a fracture... not a full break. We can get some ice later- if we find any- or..." Downing one himself, he offered Shizuo a Vicodin.

@The Tactician
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

His face scrunched up at the sight of the medication bottle, "Sorry, doc, but I tend to keep away from medicine." Before House could respond, Shizuo shook his head, "And it's not because I believe in that new age medicine bullshit. A friend of mine is an underground doctor and let's just say I've gotten paranoid about him slipping something into anything he prescribes to me," Well, that was one way to explain it, though it was actually mostly Izaya fault that Shizuo didn't take much medicine in pill form.

"Anyways," He rolled his pants leg back down and eased himself up, "Thanks for looking at it, doc. I'll keep an eye out for baggies and packets of ice as we go along."

@BarrenThin @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @TheColourlessRainbow
"Well, shelter first. Jeez, is this what it's like to be in a movie? Feels like it. Heh, I need ta' take notes for this! I've even got the perfect name; Night of the Living Dead! Now, I need to come up with an alias just in case it flops embarrassingly badly... Ooh, I'll use my father's name George, and then--" He began to ramble out of nowhere, before stopping upon seeing Krauser go ahead and make his way towards one of the buildings on the side.

"Well... ignoring the creepy cannibal people, we should follow that guy! Let's go, team!"

Since when was he taking charge of where people went and what they did?

With the lack of subtlety he continued to show, considering he was... almost yelling every word he spoke, it was a miracle he hadn't attracted all of the cannibals in the town to him. Still, he followed Krauser, signaling for the others to follow.

@Hospes @Atomyk @york @Kaykay @TheBlueBurch @Group 2​
Mom felt uncomfortable with all the prying eyes surrounding her, even if the majority of them were likely past conscious thought. A part of her wished to learn more about whatever ailed these people, her inquisitive side always hungering for answers. It was easy for her to squash the thought down when she thought on how similar to BOWs they seemed, at least at first glance. The senior Lalonde had seen enough viruses and mutations to last her a lifetime. Nothing would ever be as cute as the paradox cat she'd made in the lab.

Sighing, Mom reluctantly removed her scarf for the moment, finding it too hot to continue wearing it. Fashion was supposed to trump practicality. That was true gracem after all. "No need to be so haughty," she said in regards to Noel. "Krauser's suggestion is a fair one, though what we should be looking for as our focus is a means of communication. I doubt we will be able to sustain ourselves here for long." She crossed her arms and looked disapprovingly upon Noel's choice of aggression. She offered a brief glance to JoJo as well and smiled, though she had no idea if he was actually making a joke or not.

"Dear, I imagine you get lost inside your own head a lot, don't you?" Her demeanour was cool despite the arid heat, as if the harsh surroundings didn't affect the mother at all. "I would suggest you stick by Krauser and I, if safety is your concern."

@TheBlueBurch @Verite @Kaykay @Hospes @Group2
Hooray, shelter!

...Oh no, cannibals!

"Eek!" Ignoring JoJo's rambling about movies or something, she tried to run through to the buildings.

"Get away get away get away get away!"


She opened fire at the people in her way, not wanting to wait for them to jump at her first.

"Geez, who put you in charge? And when did we become a team?" Regardless of her complaint, she followed, since that was her plan anyway.

@york @TheBlueBurch @Verite @Hospes @Atomyk @Group 2​
"Ohh, monsters!"

With that, Angelic Buster used her Soul Shooter to blast energy towards the zombies.

"Pew, pew, pew!"

@Atomyk @TheBlueBurch @Kaykay @Verite @york @Hospes @Group 2​

It looked like, through the combined attacks of Noel and Buster, the small group that had been hanging around the building by the fallen skyscraper was quickly cleared out. Hooray, shelter!

...Maybe.. There was an eerie sensation by the building.. Almost like the group was being watched...

@york @Kaykay @TheBlueBurch @Atomyk @Verite @Group 2​
The Rookie, without hesitation, started to make his way to the atrium, drawing his pistol as he did, silently hoping for the best, and not to find some innocent being eaten alive or anything like that

Though in all honesty, he'd seen some shit in his years, he'd probably do just fine if it was someone being eaten aliv
In the vents, the Dynamos find:

Three Stimpaks, a Nuka Cola Quantum, and...

A Holotape.

The Holotape, it seemed, went into the Pip-boy, and you could read or listen to it, like you did the others. The Stimpaks would heal any wounds almost instantly, and the Nuka Cola Qunatum...

Never mind.

They would see no sign of life from within, but they would see Heat Signatures leading up to the Atrium.

It seemed to be empty of anything of use besides what was seen.

@DapperDogman @Group 3 @Atrium
"Hm..." Add sighed as he had the Dynamos retrieve the items for him. As for how he'll store the stimpaks and the Nuka Cola Quantum, he simply whisked them away into his storage cube. Following the Rookie into the Atrium, Add decided to see what the Holotape had to offer, as well as that PA thing that popped up as he was headed for the Atrium.

@The Silver Paladin @DapperDogman @group 3​

It looked like, through the combined attacks of Noel and Buster, the small group that had been hanging around the building by the fallen skyscraper was quickly cleared out. Hooray, shelter!

...Maybe.. There was an eerie sensation by the building.. Almost like the group was being watched...

@york @Kaykay @TheBlueBurch @Atomyk @Verite @Group 2​
"Let's go!" Angelic Buster quickly said as she went skipping into the building.

@york @Kaykay @TheBlueBurch @Atomyk @Verite @Hospes @Group 2​

Oh, Dear Lord. It was taking an unbelievable amount of willpower for Ridley to hold back from losing her composure and snapping at Penny for being so naive. But, then again, she'd put up with worse and kept the nice act up in the past before. "No. Nobody's cooking, Redhead.. It's a metaphor," she explained, boredly. Seeing as the wall didn't have much to offer... "Whaddya say we go see what the others have found, kid?" she suggested, looking at Penny through her dark sunglasses.

Never thought she'd say that in her life.

The struggle got worse when Penny continued about Jojo. The girl wantes to gag. "Yeah, righttt... Regardless: my butt is much better," she replied, throwing a flirty wink.

@Jeremi @GROUP ONE​

"But can it do art like Jojo's?" She asked curiously before looking up at the wall and finding the note. "Wait I wanna read this..."

@Anybody who went to the wall

It was clear that the wall was high, so high in fact that you could barley even see the top. As you approached the wall, a small piece of paper was taped to its steel pillars.

This is a safe haven, but only for those who are immune to the sickness. If you are not immune, you may only enter if you find a way to cover your mouth and nose.

thus was the end of the note on the wall. They're didn't appear to be a way inside, so they're wasn't much you could do. However, you could go back to the cars and look for something to cover your face. Or you could look around the walls and tall grass to try to find something.


@Anybody who went to the FarmHouse


As you got closer to the Farmhouse you noticed how creepy the building was, there was no glass in the windows, the outside looked dirty and down right disgusting, and even the the front door was missing. The inside of the building was dark, even with the sun at the highest point of the day, but you managed to see just a slight glimpse of a shadowy firgure moving inside.

Do you go inside? Or do you turn around and walk away?

Danger Level: Medium

Injury Level: Medium

Death Level: Medium

@Anybody who searched the cars

It seemed most of the cars were empty, while others had some bloody bandages and clothing, some had barley a single thing. You managed to come across a car with 2 small hospital masks.


Do you take them? Or do you leave them?

"Huh, sickness? I dunno if I'm immune or not so we better not risk it." She turned back towards Ridley. "Let's get back to the others, maybe they've found something else?"

@TheColoroulessRainbow @Hospes
  • Love
Reactions: Midnight Maiden

His face scrunched up at the sight of the medication bottle, "Sorry, doc, but I tend to keep away from medicine." Before House could respond, Shizuo shook his head, "And it's not because I believe in that new age medicine bullshit. A friend of mine is an underground doctor and let's just say I've gotten paranoid about him slipping something into anything he prescribes to me," Well, that was one way to explain it, though it was actually mostly Izaya fault that Shizuo didn't take much medicine in pill form.

"Anyways," He rolled his pants leg back down and eased himself up, "Thanks for looking at it, doc. I'll keep an eye out for baggies and packets of ice as we go along."

@BarrenThin @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @TheColourlessRainbow

House tilted his head. "Fine. If you'd rather deal with the pain, go ahead. Tell me if it gets worse."

Where was Cameron when he needed her? Or any of those lackeys? He could just be lazy, if they were here.

@The Tactician
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Let's go!" Angelic Buster quickly said as she went skipping into the building.

@york @Kaykay @TheBlueBurch @Atomyk @Verite @Hospes @Group 2​
Uh oh. When Buster tried to enter, she'd very quickly find the building was occupied!

A small black creature with red eyes and glowing gold stripes leapt out.. And was quickly followed by a terrifying and large hound with horns!


In the blink of an eye, the hound bad lept and Buster.. And tried to clamp its large jaws down on her arm; with clearly no intentions to let go!​

Hooray, shelter!

...Oh no, cannibals!

"Eek!" Ignoring JoJo's rambling about movies or something, she tried to run through to the buildings.

"Get away get away get away get away!"


She opened fire at the people in her way, not wanting to wait for them to jump at her first.

"Geez, who put you in charge? And when did we become a team?" Regardless of her complaint, she followed, since that was her plan anyway.

@york@TheBlueBurch@Verite@Hospes@Atomyk @Group 2​
It looked like, through the combined attacks of Noel and Buster, the small group that had been hanging around the building by the fallen skyscraper was quickly cleared out. Hooray, shelter!

...Maybe.. There was an eerie sensation by the building.. Almost like the group was being watched...

@york @Kaykay @TheBlueBurch @Atomyk @Verite @Group 2​
"Tch, and you say I need to be more subtle!" He said to Noel.

Did she ever say that?


As they would make their way into the building, Joseph would cross his arms, looking around the place. Never mind the creepy, eerie feeling. He could deal with that when the time came. Hmm... what to do, where to go, what to make use of. Who knows how long they were gonna be here? May as well make the most of their situation... if they could even find anything worth something to begin with.

@Hospes @york @TheBlueBurch @Atomyk @Kaykay
"But can it do art like Jojo's?" She asked curiously before looking up at the wall and finding the note. "Wait I wanna read this..."

"Huh, sickness? I dunno if I'm immune or not so we better not risk it." She turned back towards Ridley. "Let's get back to the others, maybe they've found something else?"

@TheColoroulessRainbow @Hospes

This part earned a grin. "Well, I mean.. Being sexy is an art. So yes," she answered. Jeez.. She could say anything and this kid would believe it, huh?

"Right.. Lead the way, Redhead."

@Jeremi @GROUP 1​
"Let's go!" Angelic Buster quickly said as she went skipping into the building.

@york @Kaykay @TheBlueBurch @Atomyk @Verite @Hospes @Group 2​

"Ah! W-wait!"

It seemed the "superhero" didn't mind the odd sensation in the building.


She slowly stepped into the building, looking around rapidly for whatever she felt was watching them.
"Tch, and you say I need to be more subtle!" He said to Noel.

Did she ever say that?


As they would make their way into the building, Joseph would cross his arms, looking around the place. Never mind the creepy, eerie feeling. He could deal with that when the time came. Hmm... what to do, where to go, what to make use of. Who knows how long they were gonna be here? May as well make the most of their situation... if they could even find anything worth something to begin with.

@Hospes @york @TheBlueBurch @Atomyk @Kaykay

"B-but I never even said that..."

No, no she hadn't.
Uh oh. When Buster tried to enter, she'd very quickly find the building was occupied!

A small black creature with red eyes and glowing gold stripes leapt out.. And was quickly followed by a terrifying and large hound with horns!


In the blink of an eye, the hound bad lept and Buster.. And tried to clamp its large jaws down on her arm; with clearly no intentions to let go!​

Not again! "Aah!" she screamed, immediately unloading her guns at the dog-like creature.

@york @TheBlueBurch @Verite @Hospes @Atomyk @Bomb @Group 2​
(I'll just say the button was pressed automatically, or it detects the Pip-Boy or something.)

Entering into the hallway, you see three directions you could go:

The Clinic, where you hear a soft sobbing sound,

The Atrium, where you hear a screeching sound, and

The Apartments where everything seems fairly calm.

The doors to the Downstairs remain locked.

Another Audio Recording "I'm hiding in The Entrance, but I know the Overseer has pieces of a keycard passcode hidden in The Atrium, The Clinic, and the Apartments. This key ode will unlock the door to the Downstairs, which is where his office is. Several other survivors of his "experiments" have gathered in the Clinic, where they are led by the doctor there. Not the first time in this area a doctor has led a rebellion in a vault."

Your Pip-Boy's Screen lights up, updating your quest objectives:

•Get Keycode from the Atrium

•Get Keycode from the Apartments

•Get Keycode from the Clinic.

Everyone know has several options:

Go to the Atrium

Go to the Clinic

Go to the Apartments

Which do you choose?

@TheColourlessRainbow @Gummi Bunnies @Unlimited RP Works @TheBlueBurch @Thuro Pendragon @Group 3
Desmond looked around, and shook his head. The Murder Games. What a joke. They had all been worried about these little games where maybe forty people died at a time, and they had missed the larger point. The real danger.
Funny how life was like that sometimes.

He headed to the atrium.
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