The Legend of Heroes: Tales of the World OOC

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What's everyone's favorite boss battle themes? I was thinking about it last night/this morning and gosh there's so many so I'm posting some random ones off the top of my head:
Huh what who huh Pach coming in and ending the competition before its even started?


Oh and this comes in a close second

The game was meant for boss music and boss music alone

(I'm gonna have fun listening to all of these 8])

Get all of the tattoos Danni! 8D All of them!
Also Pachu that was Telltale's problem with TWDG in general. You spend any time with any character, and it being a zombie game, you know half of it (or more) doesn't matter in the end hahaha
Yeah, it's rubbish. I never got that impression from Wolf Among Us on the other hand. I was completely satisfied with that game c:
Don't you fucking tempt me.

Be tempted.

As for Battle Music? Uh...
Does this count?
Stop asking me for music. I suck at finding music lol. But y'all have a gift.

And I really want to get all of the tattoos, but I first need to find a good place lol. But seriously, stop trying to live vicariously through me :P

(And I totes should get a Nightwing tattoo cause he's like my favorite ever so ugh)
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So I know it's a bit early for me, but I'm gonna do my post now. Got a hair appointment later so wheeee!
I'm going to be home in 45 minutes (2pm PST) so I'd like to preemptively call the next post at that point c: If anyone's writing at the moment feel free to continue!
Right guys, I've been asked to move things on (which Tae has pretty much done already lol, but I'll flesh that out a bit). I did skype Rapid warning him in case he wanted to get in there first but either he ain't seen it or he's too busy. Sorry Rapid!

I'll try and get this up for midnight my time but geez my attention span is fried.

BOOM done woop woop woop!

Right I should be good to post tomorrow! I'm doing a normal shift so I can take my mum hospital (don't worry, it's really minor surgery, they won't even need to knock her out for it) since my dad can't drive anymore. I will however be working late on Thursday instead as I must always do a late night once a week, so no guaranteed posts then. I'll try my best though!
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And done~ Looks like it's nap time again x_x
/says the chica who takes "naps" at 9pm, wakes up at 1am to brush teeth/turn off lights, then goes back to sleep again like 4x a week

EDIT: Hope my post is okay~ Please hmu if there's anything I need to change! cx
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Guess who got burnt out after work today? Twas I, who passed out early and everything. Then woke up early.

I'll post after like Kei and Pach and such later today.

Edit: Later today is not a set time. I have not called any posts.
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Just learned that Stanley Tucci got confirmed for the 2017 live-action Beauty & the Beast - as a PIANO. Yo I wasn't planning on seeing it honestly but now I have to.

What movies you guys looking forward to? It looks like the lineup for this year and next are getting pretty exciting cx
I'll have to post much later. Issues with our SocSciyaw performance on Friday, not to mention that I'm trying my best not to murder/spark a war with an asshole.
*wheezes* Wish me luck on my group presentation!

Hope everyone has a great day today and stuff goes smoothly and any assholes shove off <3
Super busy atm with being kept on hold in a phonecall to a travel agency about one of my flights being changed and just confirming things. I think things are okay, but for safety sake. I've been waiting for fucking ever though, geez, so my posting won't happen for a while.

Good luck to everyone today with work, school, and all your other obligations, folks! You'll all do fine, I'm sure c:

As for movies, I *may* be seeing Age of Ultron tomorrow. We'll see. c: Other then that no movies have caught my eye XD
I'll go post. :/
Happy Wednesday all! Hmm, movies. Aside from Age of Ultron, there's nothing really that's sticking out to me. Which is strange cause I have the nagging feeling that I'm forgetting a movie that I'm interested in...

Oh, it'll come to me eventually.
Thanks guys, it went well c: Looking forward to posting when I get home in an hour!

I can't think of any movies I'm interested in atm D; I was looking forward to that new DBZ movie but I heard it was kinda rubbish and the character designs infurinate me |D
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