The Legend of Heroes: Tales of the World OOC

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I'll post! No definite time haha.

Also, so far on my list: Anything with a superhero on it. Bats v Supes, Avengers, Ant-Man, etc etc YES ALL OF THEM. I can do what I want >:c Even if I have to wait to watch it illegally.

Oh and Jurassic Park mainly because Chris Pratt is in it.
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Also, so far on my list: Anything with a superhero on it. Bats v Supes, Avengers, Ant-Man, etc etc YES ALL OF THEM. I can do what I want >:c Even if I have to wait to watch it illegally.

Oh and Jurassic Park mainly because Chris Pratt is in it.
But….Bats V Supes looks so bad! I mean, I'm probably gonna see it, but I don't want to see it.
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Eh, if I watch it illegally I don't have to pay for anything.

But still. I'm going to see it. For critique purposes.

And what if it turns out amazing? (Ha, I kinda doubt it.) Like they don't give out the good trailers and tell the whole story. (Honestly Avengers has given one too many trailers. Excited as I am, I could've waited for some of those amazing scenes.)

Edit: Think of it like this: I want a reason to dislike it. I'm not just going to hate it because of one trailer and others' opinions. That would be silly to do.
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Eh, if I watch it illegally I don't have to pay for anything.

But still. I'm going to see it. For critique purposes.

And what if it turns out amazing? (Ha, I kinda doubt it.) Like they don't give out the good trailers and tell the whole story. (Honestly Avengers has given one too many trailers. Excited as I am, I could've waited for some of those amazing scenes.)

Edit: Think of it like this: I want a reason to dislike it. I'm not just going to hate it because of one trailer and others' opinions. That would be silly to do.
That makes sense. Honestly, though, a large part of why I have no hope for Bats V Supes is because I hated Man of Steel. And since it looks like they are sticking to the same style, themes, and motifs, I have a hard time coming up with a reason to have faith in it. Plus, that whole "Do you bleed? You will" thing was so ridiculous lol.
Plus, that whole "Do you bleed? You will" thing was so ridiculous lol.
I laughed. I was like "Batman ssh no you're losing cool points."

There was a picture on tumblr where he asked WonderWoman that and she was like "Uh yeah, 5 times a month..." And Bats is like "...oh."

Also yeah. M.O.S was purdy bad. But again, I'll judge it after I see it.
I haven't watched MOS, for the same reason I avoid Batman these days. I like my superhero flicks with a little bit of campy cheese on the side, which neither really does. Hey ho. If someone offered to show me MOS I'd probably choose it over Batman though.

Sorry, but you can't beat 60s Batman. You just can't. Who remembers my original avatars back on RPG?

Anyone writing at the moment? I kinda want to wait for Pach since he's got control of Don, my characters don't have anything to do until the Gaston song that's coming up next :]
Horas all!

I'm not going to post quite yet, I'm just about to eat dinner first, but as soon as I'm finished with it I'll be free to start catching up. If you want Tae, I don't mind you controlling Don if you need him for anything ^^

I managed to get all my flight stuff sorted so I'm happy :D

Also... it looks like for some people today's been kinda stressful and craps. So... WE NEED SOME POWERMETAL


Also lol Batman vs Superman
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Looooove iiiiit.

My mom just texted me so I think she's gonna call soon, and after that I'm gonna venture back out and grab my favorite burrito as a reward to myself :'D I'll probably be free to post in a couple hours then~
8D Have some more

I hope you have fun talking to your mum and enjoy a tasty burrito! :D I'm going to start writing now, and I'd like to apologise to everyone for the inconvenience and awkwardness that it's caused today. I can't believe I finally have free time to relax today and it's already 9pm. :| Two hours and then I'll be asleep and the daily grind begins again tomorrow. *cries*

Everyone's posts have been utterly sublime and exquisite. I think you guys have all got a terrific hang on the play and pacing and stuff now. Really impressed by how well you all led on from each other. Fun stuff.

I'm looking forward to Act 2. ^^ We've got some really exciting stuff planned... >8D
Hey, I got a question for the timeline here - is there going to be a couple rounds for intermission, are we rolling right ahead? Just wondering what should be happening next.
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It's hard to say. Ideally I'd like Kei to say, but she'll be asleep at the moment so unable to respond right away. ^^

Act 2 begins with the Gaston song, so maybe we could have a couple of posts up until Rapid's post be a small intermission before he's able to write that? I don't know. I'm also aware that Dylan's in the role of Le Fou... if you want Danni, I think we could leave it up to your discretion. I don't think you could go wrong either way.

Also Rapid, I want to make a small reminder about your posting activity and consistency. It's been pretty bad this chapter, and I'd appreciate it improving sil vous plais? :/
Well, my gut instinct is to go with a brief intermission. That's how pretty much all plays work. I'll figure it out in my post - which I call now. :)
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So after applying eleven unhealthy servings of antibacterial soap to every inch of my hands, lemme be the first to tell you guys that you should be grateful your pet does not shit him- or herself, scoot in said shit so it gets embedded into their skin and paw pads, and that you don't have to clean it out with your fingernails.


Butt problems and being unable to bathe your smellyass pet is the worst.


Calling after Buns posts! Unless Tae you wanna go first, in which case, feel free & I'll go after ^^
Oh there's a line of posters?

-raises hand- Can I jump ahead of some so I can get back to mah school stuff?

Edit: Thanks Buns! And sorry for skipping. Just hectic schedules and all.

Tell me if I rushed and need to edit something. Tho I honestly might not see it till later later.
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Yes, sorry about the inconsistency. I'll go ahead and write the opening of act 2 tonight, let's say around 10 EST, to afford anyone who wants to write for the intermission do so (about 2 and half hours from the time of me posting this).
Ack I didn't realise people were waiting on me til Aki PMed me hahahahaha! Woops.

I deffo needed some powermetal today. Been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster one way or the other. Mum's fine btw! She's just got this wocking great plaster on her face now. She was all like "Don't go telling people your wife is a mess," to my dad and he was like "...well..." because he's an arsehole sometimes.

Anyway I'm gonna go bed and have a lie in hahaha! I reckon I need one lololololol

(I need to stop this nervous habit of putting laughs repeatedly though my OOC posts geez these posts aren't letters to the Queen)
Whoop, sorry it's a bit long, but I hope you guys have fun with it!
geez these posts aren't letters to the Queen)
Honey we're all queens, you stop pretending otherwise.
Glad to hear your mum's doing all right though! :)
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