The Last Thing You Texted is What You Shout Out During Sex

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The fact that your avatar is Spike from Cowboy Bebop sells this line.
I almost spat out my food laughing at that. I hadn't even put it together and now it's much funnier.

Whatever happens, happens. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
"I feel fat now"

Pity sex.
Thank you mama
"Tell my daddy Bryn's boss said he'd be happy to hire him, so now there's no excuse for not moving here!"

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"Pull up your stockings, tighten your thong, and come up like a man!"
Veni, Vidi, Vici.

Strange, but I'll take it.
"Lie back and think of Britain."

I swear context makes this sound a lot better. Really.
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My last text?



Does this count?

My dad sent this to me talking about how he felt about a lecture...

And I felt compelled to send this to my friends...


"I'm okay just pretending to work. How are you?"
Okay, goodnight then. Love you. And feel free to text anyway, I'll read when I get my phone back :3 I wanna hear about your day.

Must be super slow or boring sex if I've got enough breath for all that O,O
"I'm feelin kinda dizzy"

Doing it on a rolly chair!
"It's not my fault you didn't pick up the phone!"

That could be taken in so many ways......
Bro, seriously, I will never have sex.

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