The Knight's Wanderer

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Joseph rubbed her back to ease the coughing fit, smiling to the other knights. "We should have her rest for now until her body recuperates from the time without oxygen. But worrying won't do any good either, so be at ease. She'll be fine....And hopefully won't be the object of another ghoul's affection anytime soon."
The knights nodded, picking up their armor and putting it back on, feeling helpless. Several patted Joseph on the back in appreciation for saving Eliza. "Boss, we should get you home." Jim said, a worried frown on his face.

Eliza chuckled, "At least everyone's sober now...not exactly the type I was looking for but oh well."
"Well that's the spirit, I suppose." Joseph mused. He looked to the knights curiously. "I can take her home- I was planning to head back to the inn anyhow, so it's on route. I saw her leave this morning, so I know where it is. I'm sure you're all still busy, right? Though if you'd rather, you can take her home instead. Just an option."
The knights shook their heads. "You go ahead and take her home..." they wandered off. Eliza sar shivering.
He took his cloak and wrapped it around her shoulders, watching the other knights leave. "Let's get you home to rest. Keep this on to keep warm, alright?"
Eliza's teeth chattered and she pulled the cloak tighter around herself. "I'll have to get my armor and sword." She stood shakily. "They are all afraid to come to my place." She chuckled, walking over to grab her armor and try to get her cold fingers to pull it on.
He shook his head, holding her steady. "Are you sure you should be wearing such heavy things in your condition? It's better we get you home to get into proper, dry clothes."
Eliza moaned, "I can't even get it on. My fingers..." She stopped, knowing that admitting to something was admitting a weakness. She was the leader, she should never admit a weakness.
He sighed, picking the armor up- it was certainly heavy, but Joseph had to endure it for the time being. "You can't wear it in that state. Let's get you home. I'll carry it as much I can."
Eliza sniffed, sneezing as she bent to pick up the rest of her armor. "Thank you..."
Helping her carry the armor best he could, he began to lead the way back to her home. "We should get some warm tea into you too, when we get there. Looks like you might be coming down with a cold."
"I don't get sick." Eliza sniffed, hurrying after him and opening the door to her home. She dropped the armor she had been trying to carry on the table, sneezing before saying. "I'm sorry my men did not help you. There is this superstition that if the squadron carries their captain home it will lead to death. This happened with the last captain of their squad."
He smiled weakly as he listened to the story- it was interesting, but he wasn't sure he should use it in the future- but he made sure to remember it also for the sake of being careful. "It's fine. I'm more than happy to help. You've done quite a bit for me, you know...Now go get changed into some dry clothes. I'll prepare the tea- if not to keep you from getting a cold, then to keep you from getting a chill. Alright?"
Eliza ran to the other room and stripped out of her wet clothes, pulling on a dry set and coughing wretchedly. She made her way back to the living room and sat on the couch in her living room. "Thank you...if you wish you can stay here tonight." She put her chin on the arm of the couch, her wet hair draping across is. "It gets"
He watched her curiously, finishing in the kitchen with the tea- he'd found it fairly easily so that he could make it. Pouring some into two mugs with the stove flame off, he made his way to the couch to sit next to her, unsure of her words were the chill or pure emotions speaking. As he sat, he held a cup to her, smiling. "Drink this- it'll warm you up more. As for staying the night...I may have to take that offer just from my concern alone."
She glanced at the tea then back at him, taking the tea and sipping it, setting it on the endtable. She sighed, coughing as she closed her eyes. "Sounds good...I have a guest room for when my men are sick." She pointed lazily up towards the second story. The first door led to her own room, the second to her guest bedroom. It was obvious how well-kept and neat she kept everything.
He put a hand on her shoulder, concerned as she continued to cough. "Let's get you to bed to rest. Your cough is rather bad...You say you don't get sick, but there's a first time for everything, Miss Eliza." He smiled weakly, clearly concerned. "I'll worry about myself afterwards."
Eliza shook her head. "I can stay here...." She closed her eyes. "I find myself incredibly tired."
"Then I'll stay here as well to keep an eye." He mused, smiling lightly. He took a sip of his tea before setting it down, leaning back against the couch. "But to remind you, the couch can be bad for your back...Ah- a blanket...I should get you a blanket."
Eliza nodded. "You should go sleep in the guest bedroom. I shall be alright." She curled onto the couch, yawning.