The Knight's Wanderer

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He frowned lightly as she explained the pain, but was able to easily move to the kitchen to prepare food that would have medicinal qualities. Most of it was herbs he used in the soup, as soup was the best thing for most bugs he'd learned- and when he finished, he was quick to return, putting the soup next to him on a nearby table, rubbing her head to check her temperature with his hand once more.
She woke again as he rubbed her head and blinked at him. "Hey there mister." She smiled lightly. "Sorry for falling asleep..."
"Not at all. It's good for you to get enough rest." He smiled easily, not minding much at all. "I made you some soup that should fill you up and help at least a bit. Are you up to eating right now?"
Eliza sat up. "Uh, I suppose I should eat to get my strength up." She winced, moving her leg out from under the blanket to look at the bruise. "I've been marked." Her face took on an alarmed expression.
Unaware of the meaning, he frowned. "It looks like a plain bruise to me. Should I get some ice for it? Or is it a special kind that needs to be taken care of a special way?"
She looked at him. "Surely, in your tales you have heard of the marking of a ghoul?" Eliza looked at the bruise with a frown. "I...I...."
He frowned as well- unfortunately, none of the tales he'd heard had to do with ghouls. "Ghoul tales aren't very common. I've yet to find one- not one that does more than note their tendency to bully and be menacing towards those in their area. They tend to stay separated from one another similarly."
Eliza shook her head. "Then you have missed out..." She coughed, bending forward. Stopping after coughing she looked at him. "It is said that the mark of a ghoul condemns you to death...first you grow ill, whichever way the ghoul tried to get you in the first place. You experience it day after day until one day you can't take it anymore and you succumb. They replace themselves as a ghoul by making you one..."
"A flu is not drowning...And what happens to them if you take their place?" His confusion showed well on his face as he kept a close eye on her, clearly still worried either way for her safety.
Eliza shook her head, "I'm not sure...I think they take your place?"
He was a bit confused, pondering it. "But...The saying goes, no one can take another's place."
Eliza groaned and leaned back. "I'm not sure...I'm not thinking straight."
He wrapped an arm around her neck lightly, smiling. "Well, I'm sure. No one will replace you. Not to your men, and not to me." Letting her rest, he moved his arm and stood. "Shall I get you something? Another blanket?"
Eliza shook her head, curling under the blanket she already had on the couch. Soon, she had dozed off, awakening a half hour later to a coughing fit. She sat up, every muscle in her body protesting.
He'd fallen asleep nearby, but woke up from the sound of her coughing. Rushing to her side, he hugged onto her, patting her back to try to get anything stuck inside out- gas, water, or anything else. "Stay calm."
She stopped in her coughing, drawing a deep breath and looking at him. "I am calm. Merely annoyed at such trivial things..." She growled, her usual spunky self coming back in a torrent of emotion and raw energy. "Drowned? Drowned?! That stupid ghoul will rue the day that it messed with me!" She stood, staggering over to a chest by the wall and throwing the lid open.
He followed her as she staggered, grasping her arm lightly. "You should be wary in this state not to push too much."
She smiled at his grip on her arm, bending over the chest to lift out a sword that glowed a faint purple. "Oh, it is the ghoul that will be alarmed!"
He looked at her with a faint concern, but the smile he'd seen on her face did relieve her some. "What are you planning to do?"
She looked at him, flabbergasted he asked her that. "Kill the ghoul. If I kill the ghoul before she kills me then certainly she can't take my place."