The Kitten and the Horse

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"Oh shut the hell up, will ya? I treat him better than I ever treated you, which is why he stays."
"And you wonder why I left." He snapped, his cheeks flushed in raising anger. "You mistreated everyone."
"Not him, not Aime. He's different from you whores." He hissed, leaving the money and taking the drink.
"But he's still a little puppet to your fucking whorish nights!" He hissed, having to let his anger simmer for the sake of the club.
Flipping him off, he walked away and gave Aime the juice.

Momo walked up to the bar, checking to see if he was okay.
Digging his nails into the table, he tried to turn his focus on cleaning. "I fucking hate him, Momo. He just HAS to fucking ruin EVERYTHING."
Cupping his cheels, he b pulled him into a quick kiss to calm him.
"M-Momo, not at work..." He muired, though it did calm him enough as he eased against the counter
"Baby...Fuck him alright? Don't even think about him. He doesn't exist any more, kay? He's a douche and you are too god for him." Momo placed another kiss on his forehead after his speech, and smiled. "If you want, we can leave work early."
"...Yeah, that would be nice." He admitted, taking his hand in his- which, wuthout really exoecting it, caused a few women away to quietly swoon. Unlike Momo and the other's, he wasn't one to handle people. He just, made drinks and generally kept to himself after all... So hearing the noise, the centaur's face changed to a deep red in embarrassment
Hearing another round of noise, the beetroot red centaur slowly sank under the counter to hide his embarrassment while covering his face. "..."
"Don't... D-Don't you have work?" He squeaked, his cheeks only growing deeper the second. "Those girls are your costumers, right?"
"We're going home, remember? Come on, let's get your coat, and go."
"I didn't think you meant this early, is it okay?" He asked, the centaur finally calming his burning cheeks. "I mean.... I don't want you to get in trouble."
"Baby its fine. Come on, let's just go." He smiled and kissed his cheek
Letting out a sigh, he shot a glance at Eric before shimmying on his coat. "Yeah, mm.... I just want to get home and take a nice dip, then sleep."
"Maybe we can add something else to the mix~ Like a little kissing and cuddling~" Momo said with a purr to his cute little voice. Udging, him with his hip he led him out, while Eric didn't pay them any mind.
Once behind the club, he easily changed his form with a happy groan, stretching out his legs. "Come on, now. I know you complain when we walk to far, so you can just ride me."
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