The Kingdom of Evertrue - Sign Up/OOC Thread

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Commitment? *looks around suspiciously* I have absolutely no Idea what you are speaking of :p

Anyways, I'm not really that committed to counting, as I have forgotten a couple days and confused myself when I forgot(I hate non-digital calenders), and I kinda offed the character I had planned when I started my counting...well...less offed them, and more just got a better Idea and altered them to a better, different character XD
I could come up with a good character if I put my head to it, I just don't know if its worth the extra posting commitment.
That's understandable, a good way to determine if it's worth it is make the character, then see if you actually have any muse to post for them, if you don't then just don't post the character ^.^

On a completely random note, my two year old niece is sexist. If someone is listening to music and there's a male singer she throws a fit, but is instantly happy again if the music changes to a female singer XD I've confirmed this, while using music as a muse for my character I'm working on(though they will be stuck on my notepad for 16 days)
That's understandable, a good way to determine if it's worth it is make the character, then see if you actually have any muse to post for them, if you don't then just don't post the character ^.^

On a completely random note, my two year old niece is sexist. If someone is listening to music and there's a male singer she throws a fit, but is instantly happy again if the music changes to a female singer XD I've confirmed this, while using music as a muse for my character I'm working on(though they will be stuck on my notepad for 16 days)
Have you tried this with singers who don't sound male or female? Or men who sound like women, or women who sound like men? That could make for an interesting experiment. The guy in the new Macklemore song, for example, Downtown - I was entirely convinced he was a woman until I saw the video, and even then I didn't believe that it was him...
Luckily she doesn't really notice if they sound like they're female, she just hates music that sounds like it has a male singer. (this was part of my testing. xD)
probably because her mother mostly listened to female singers, as do I, so being a 2 year old use to one thing, she's gonna throw a fit about it when it's 'wrong' xD
That makes sense. When Princess gets back online ask her about when she was a baby and Shania Twain came on the TV... ;)
How come the Cast List and Updates got removed?
How come the Cast List and Updates got removed?
The staff posted the other day a thread detailing steps that GMs should take to prepare their RPGs for the update coming on Valentine's Day. Princess posted later saying that she would be renovating the RP to follow their instructions. The cast list is in the first post of the IC thread still, so you can go see it there if you need to. I think Princess did a good job organizing it and making it look pretty on such short notice :yes:
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This is probably a stupid question: but who's Shania Twain?

Also, the cast list and such were not removed, simply moved. check the very first post of the IC thread ^.^ (Ignore me, I am slower than fish xD)
You don't know Shania Twain???
Don't let Princess find out :O
okay. *throws a blanket over previous post* I totally know who-ever that person is :3
Shania Twain's a Canadian country-pop singer and Princess's first-ever hero.
oh? country pop-singer? well now I really feel stupid because I listen to a lot of music...I should totally know who that is.... XD I'm gonna youtube search them later today. :3
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If a fishy made an RPG, would there be much interest in it? I would likely use the same open-world concept as Evertrue, though it'd be less high-maintenance since I'm way less active than Princess - there would be no money system, for example. I'd make a pretty map using the same program she used, and we'd say it was in the same world as Evertrue...thoughts?
You could count Me-ow in =^.^= (I'm not entirely sure this cat-speak thing works as well on a forum as it does in an anime or reality.... xD)
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Morning. I think I might do some more drawing today, since I still can't draw the squad like I want to...any requests?

Oh, I should note its still Charlie and Aros pictures only. Until I can draw them properly.
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