The Human and Divine

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Nithya paused, listening to Aiko before she nodded softly. "I will keep and eye out in case her name appears upon my list. I will also get Naeve to help in working out what will occur." she added before sighing. It took her a few seconds to get her thoughts together. " I will protect Zora-san in case anything occurs before her natural time" Nithya whispered before releasing the barrier. " Specially since we only appeared believing she was not worthy ." She whispered feeling guilty before she headed over to the others. "Excuse me, I have to return to my shrine. You are all free to visit when you wish." with that, death too was gone.
Tenma was standing there, suspended in the air. He could see the entire shrine, though he made sure no one could detect him, unless they gazed towards his direction. He could see Aiko, the Goddess of Love and her "daughter", along with a few others. Each and everyone was quite familiar, except a boy with white hair. However, his interest was piqued. A unique bunch was standing there, though he did not expect Nithiya or her sister to be present, but didn't think to much of that.

For now, Tenma, the God of Calamity would observe. It was important for him, especially now that her child was about to become the next Goddess of Love. Using her to his own benefit would be useful, atleast for now. Seconds later, two of his regalia's appeared, though behind him. They were both wearing masks. He tilted his head backwards, showing no emotion. His hazel eyes narrowed down, looking at the both of them. "Akira.." He whisperd, before looking at his female regalia. "Saya..." Before he continued, he took a small pause.

Glinting at the both of them, he simply asked them one question. "What is it?" His voice was strong and commanding. His simple words could put fear into them. Tenma's black hair snuck out of his clothing, fluttering with the wind. His eyes were piercing down on the both of them. Akira, his male regalia, had mid-length but crimson red hair, with blue eyes. Saya, on the other hand, had purple eyes with lengthy blue hair. They were both suspended in the air, but kneeling before the God of Calamity.

"Tenma-sama, like you ordered, we've made the neccessary preparations" He explained. Tenma's eyes moved over to Saya. "Yes, we're ready to move at your command..." Not a single response came out of Tenma's mouth. His expression did not change. He walked in between and past them. His back was now against both of his regalia's. His face was almost hidden, but behind it, a grin marred his lips.

"Good.." He uttered, before both Akira and Saya, nodded and complied, before vanishing into the air. Tenma stood there for a few moments. Minutes later, he turned around, gazing down at the Shrine, noting how the sisters had disappeared.

"Change.. is good..." He whispered to himself, though his eyes were locked on the Goddess of Love. It was only a matter of time before Tenma appeared before them, however, now was not the right time. Before he left, he decided to observe the situation a bit longer. Prolonging the inevitable would not be a setback for his plan. Everything was going smoothly.
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Soul couldn't move. He could t speak, he couldn't think. When he finally managed to say something it was barely audible. "I-I don't know. I....I really don't know..." Soul's voice trailed off. The thoughts were flooding his mind now. They would come and begone again and again. He couldn't bring himself to move more than to collapse. So he did. He fell to his knees, his arms limp. It made sense, he always was different from everyone. He had chalked it up to his upbringing and the fact that no two people are the same. But he always had nagging doubts. And the people from the village....They hated him, shunned him, feared him. He had few friends, and fewer true ones. He couldn't think. He found it hard to breath. He stared at the spot were Aiko had stood before she walked off to speak with Death. His mind half in reality, the other half lost in thought.
After Aiko's talk with Nithya she headed back to the others, finding Soul on his knees. "There is nothing wrong with being who you are." She said, taking a seat again and meeting the boy with her calm gaze. "So, you are different from others. Take that as a gift not as a curse. And remember, there are others like you or even others who have differences like you. Even people in this room." She took a look over at Zora.

Zora bent down to Soul and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I don't think you being half God is bad. It just makes you fit in better with us." She admitted. It wasn't usually a normal group to have a demon, dating a human, two gods, and a human who was going to be turning into a god to be friends.
"It's not that I'm different. I don't care about that. It's that all those who hated me were right. That to some people I only represent is pain." Soul was playing it up, but only a little. Most of what he was saying true. He didn't care that he was different. He always was. But by saying what she said, she had confirmed both the opinions of the people of his village and that he might not be able to escape the life he had attempted to leave behind. He might turn out to be an untamed killer. He shook the thoughts from his head violently, gritting his teeth. He stood, and spoke. "I'm okay. Thank you both. So much." He then walked to stand beside Yui and Aria. He still felt a mix of emotion that he might not be able to give up. He crossed his arms once more, tapping his foot repeatedly.
Yui was frightened. Aria could see that Yui was frightened. In cases like this, there was only one thing for Aria to do: stop what was frightening Yui. When Soul came back, he reached up and slapped him across the cheek. Not hard, but enough to be felt. "Dude, you've gotta stop being an idiot. Your dad might've been a Kami; so what? Does that mean you're somebody different now than you were this morning? If our parents were what defined us, I wouldn't be here. I'd be back in Tokyo telling rich ladies to buy sexy lingerie. I might even be wearing pants. Do you seriously think this makes you any different?"
Soul smiled at Aria after being slapped. "I know that. And the only reason you still have that hand is because maybe you didn't see of hear anything that just happened. And because Yui would be upset. Thank her. And never touch me again." His tone was calm and serious, just as his facial expressions were. Soul walked out of the shrine and leaned against an exterior wall, sighing heavy-heartedly. He slid down to a sitting position, his back still against the wall. He wanted to go back in and apologize. But he couldn't. Aria wasn't wrong to repeat what Soul had already been told by Aiko and Zora. He almost wanted to disappear, so he wouldn't hurt anyone else.
Soul walked out. Aria was fine with that. "Aiko-sama, he already surrendered his humanity. And half his brain, but that's not important." Yui might have objected, but she couldn't find her voice. She was trembling. Aria didn't blame her in the least. He wrapped his arms around her, not only to console her but to comfort himself as well. Aria kept his eyes locked with Aiko's as he asked, "You saw it, right? His eyes. He's a murderer."
Zora was surprised that Aria smacked Soul, but she guessed that it got the point across. Though she wondered if Aria would really loss his hand, after all, he was a demon whether he seemed like it or not. They would probably have an interesting fight.

Aiko sighed. "He may have it in his eyes, but that doesn't mean he can't change Aria. Remember, anyone can change." She stated. "We will all just watch him, perhaps being with all of us will help him.

Zora was cut from her thoughts when she heard Aria and Aiko begin to talk. Murderer? Was Soul really one? He didn't seem that terrible to her, but maybe she just couldn't sense all of that yet. She was slowly starting to get divine power, but she still didn't have a whole bunch. "Mom's right." Zora replied. "Maybe we can all help Soul."
Soul let his face fall into his hands. He didn't want those evil little pricks from his village to be right, but what if he didn't have the choice. What if he really was a monster? What if he was destined to end the lives of all those close to him. He wanted to break something, he wanted to put someone through a wall. But more importantly he wanted to die. He wanted to disappear. Then he remembered why he came here in the first place. He came to kill Zora. He hated himself for that. How could he have accepted a job to kill a person so kind? Of course he didn't know what she was like before hand. He decided he most deffinetly wasn't going to do it. He stood, walked back inside, but stayed a distance away from the rest of the group. He pretended not to have heard Aria's words as he slid the door open when he entered, but where they true? He couldn't know. Not now anyways.
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"I mean no disrespect, Aiko-sama, but you are the Kami of Love; I am a demon of Sin. He is dark, darker than my home was. I ended with a question--a yes or no question, even--yet as soon as I touched his face he became unable to form an answer. He lost his reasoning, his higher thought; it was only his survival instinct that held him in place. He will hurt someone. It might not be me, it might not be Zora or Yui, but that monster would kill without a thought. Knowing that, can you still say it's safe to let him remain near people?"

The door slid open, and Soul rejoined them inside. He kept himself removed, but Aria would hold his tongue now nonetheless. Still holding Yui in his arms, one of his hands reached up to toy with a ribbon.
Aiko continued to smile at Aria. "You may be right, I am the goddess of love and like to see the good in everything but that doesn't mean I am wrong either." She stated. She turned back to see Soul re-entering the shrine.

Zora sighed once Soul was back, she didn't want him to be so upset. She understood that it would be hard for him. She took a good look at him, she just couldn't see it. She couldn't see that darkness in him. Maybe she just wasn't good enough to know yet. She smiled at him.
Soul saw Zora's smile, but didn't smile back. His face was no longer showing any sort of emotion. Neither was his voice when he spoke. "Miss Aiko. It has come to my attention that presently Death is in the room, But Nithya hasn't. Even Death for long has she?" But his thoughts weren't only of this question. In his mind he saw Yui shaking with fear, and how he wanted to apologize. And he would. He would make it all right, but not until he got the answer to this last question.
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"Excuse us, Aiko-sama. I'm going to help my mom with dinner tonight, so I should hurry back." Yui had regained her voice, though it was still a little shaky. She turned out of Aria's arms and bowed respectfully. Aria followed suit, but when he picked his head up again he gave Aiko a concerned look that said "don't take your eyes off him." Then the pair turned and left. Aria was between Soul and Yui when they exited the building, and he kept one arm around her shoulders until they were down the steps.

Finally Aria felt like he could breathe again. But Yui was still shaking. "I'm... I'm sorry." Her words surprised Aria, truly. He didn't see what she should be sorry for.

"You didn't..."

"I'm sorry for being so selfish. I was scared, so I ran away and took you with me. Even though Zora-chan is still there, I..." Yui buried her face in her hands, large teardrops falling between her fingers and crashing to the ground.

Aria felt his heart tear. He couldn't fix this situation, no matter what he tried. But he'd be a failure if he didn't do anything. "It's alright, Yui. You did right. Aiko-sama is there, so nothing will happen to Zora-chan." But that wasn't really the problem here, was it. "I'm sorry, too. I'm sorry for bringing you into this terrifying world. But whatever happens, I'll... keep you safe." I'll protect you, he wanted to say. But it was too late for that; Yui was a part of a dangerous world, and she had already been subject to the terror that comes with it. He couldn't shelter her completely without distancing himself from her. But he would do everything in his power.

Aria could only pray that would be enough.
At the shrine to Naeve and Nithya, both twins were outside currently. Naeve was kneeling by the plant life to both make it flourish and grow while Nithya was sitting on the wooden platform of the shrines building. Both seemed peaceful as they conducted individual tasks.

Eventually Nithya observed as small threads of white escaped Naeve, winding like branches as the girl at with closed eyes. "Naeve, why are you looking into peoples lives?" she asked, letting her head fall to one side. She only received a shrug. "Observation and knowledge on who I should watch" was the answer received.

There was a silence before Nithya placed her hand upon her stomach, eyes watering as she leaned forwards in what seemed like agony or discomfort. Naeve ceased get ability to glance worriedly at her. "Nithya?" the other shook her head, sitting normally after a second. " Im fine...just had a bad feeling." She told the other before her hands glowed and a large book settled upon them, one she opened instantly.

Seeing her sister return go to her work, Naeve continued to pick out random humans and look at parts of their lives.
Aiko took a look at Soul. "What do you mean?" She questioned Soul, though Aiko would never seem to not smile.

Zora watched Aria and Yui leave, "Bye. See you tomorrow at school." She said to them as they left. She turned her attention back to Aiko and Soul, he seemed to be asking her some more questions.
"I known that Gods and Goddesses can die. I also know they can just resign their positions. So how long has Nithya been theGoddess of death?"
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"Well, I can't tell you exactly. You would have to ask her." Aiko said. "Though it had been a very long time. Though I have been around longer than them. I suggest asking her yourself. If you don't feel comfortable going then Zora can come with you. It seems the twins like her." Aiko giggled a bit.

"I would come and help if you want me too." Zora cut in after Aiko suggested that Zora could go with him to find out. If he wanted to know, it would be better to ask Nithya in person.
Tenma decided to disappear from the sight. Now was not the right time to appear before the Human child and the Goddess of Love. Rather, the God of Calamity needed to visit someone else. The sisters. Nithiya and Naeve. He turned around, and took a few steps, distancing himself further away from the Shrine. The conversation was to no interest for him. Moments later he vanished, disappearing into the air.

Not so long after, he appeared before the Shrine of both Nithiya and Naeve. 'So.. This is where they are..' He thought to himself. Seconds later, he decided to walk up the tall and long stairs that lead up to their Shrine. However, on his way there, his entire nature let out an ominous aura around the area. It could be felt by any God, Demon, Goddess or anyone else, except the humans. It was his own way to let the sisters know that he had appeared. He slowly ascended the stairs, before stopping just by the entrance to their home.

He showed no emotion. His feelings, motive or his thoughts were masked.
Soul shook his head. "No I'm fine. I actually need to find a place to stay." Safer for her if she stayed as far from him as possible. And he really did need to find a place to stay. Even more than he needed answers.
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