The Hero Club's Misadventures! SESSION REI | 勇者部の災難! S0 | Yuushabu no Sainan! S0 | Out of Character

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Klutzy little sister and Responsible big sister. Talk about parallels.

Everyone can go ahead and post as per normal now.

Akane's glad to get a fifth member. Now she just needs to register the five members.

Like the previous incarnation, the school is in Shibuya.
Don't suppose you could change the name of the IC thread, could you? On my alerts it's hard to tell which is the OOC and which is the IC since the names are identical.
Good point. I guess I'll do just that.
Something tells me it'll soon be time for Akira's ultimate attack.

That early? I too, did not expect it to be used to soon.
And there we go.

1st page and we already have a fight broke out. GJ guys, GJ


Oh and @Unyielding my character's name is Jonathan Lionheart.

And Akkuchi haven't introduced herself.
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Because literally no one's thinking of joining at this point, I'm removing the 'no reserves' rule, only to add it back when Season 2 comes.

In addition to the above rule, two reserves have been placed - Mahou Shoujo and Unstated.
While a character may not have introduced themselves, it's OK to type as if they have for declaration of who is who, if only to make it easier. As long as it's evident in speech that the character doesn't know their name, I don't have a problem with it. If you were writing in first person then it'd be different because everything you wrote would be from the point of view of the character, but the narrators can use meta knowledge because they're outside the 4th wall to begin with.
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I know that most of the Occult Society members are on the chaotic side but damn someone's going to trip on those scattered cards.

I didn't expect a fight this early. You guys continue exchanging fists or something. In the first incarnation if was some guy in the Hero Club making a commotion due to paranoia.
I didnt intend to start one either :D It was an effective way to make Akira aware of magic though.
I was kinda trying to avoid Akane and Akira from being aware of the oddities of their members at first. Hmmm... I guess there isn't a way to make Akira forget that this ever happened, huh? Wink wink.
Ah, sorry, from the description I thought you wanted them to learn in an abrupt manner... I suppose nano bots could be used to erase her memories of the event, assuming Rei can control them externally.
The Hero Club has it easier in that regards.

After all, heroes are used to laying low, while the villains tends to go out and wreck havoc.
I dunno, I often find myself finding the most fun heroes are the ones that don't hide their abilities.

Also, it's wreak havoc, not wreck havoc. Something you probably would never know you were even getting wrong because so few people learnt the written form before the spoken one.
Oh right, wreak. Almost 2 AM here, can't even type properly, yet i still need to do a paper.
Ah, sorry, from the description I thought you wanted them to learn in an abrupt manner... I suppose nano bots could be used to erase her memories of the event, assuming Rei can control them externally.
She can control the nanobots externally however she does not understand the human brain enough to preform that kind of memory wipe.

Why not just have the girl faint and wake up thinking it was all a dream.
Or we could always throw her down a staircase. That always causes amnesia in anime.

Also causes being impaled, so maybe confiscate any umbrellas before throwing her down the stairs.

Hammer time!

But really guys, traumatizing a kid isn't the best idea.​
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