The Hero Club's Misadventures! SESSION REI | 勇者部の災難! S0 | Yuushabu no Sainan! S0 | Out of Character

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[glow=red]Ribōn aka ''REBORN"[/glow][glow=red][/glow]
[glow=red]Occult Society Fantasy[/glow]
[glow=red]Summary [/glow][glow=red][/glow]
Reborn wears a black fedora with a thick orange stripe running across the sides of the cone. He has black eyes, black hair, curly sideburns and wears an all-black suit with black boots and a red long sleeved shirt with a blue necktie underneath. His adult form, however, wears a yellow long sleeved shirt. Reborn has also worn many various costumes that vary in design and creativity. He is always seen with his pet chameleon Leon on the brim of his hat along with his Sun Acrobaleno Pacifier. Reborn is usually sadistic and comedic rather than psychotic which separates him from the other members of the society. He is known to have many students whom he still teaches even today and although his methods are weird and strange due to his sadistic motives most of his lessons are meaningful and productive.

Regardless of his size, no matter if he transforms into a 5 year old kid or remain a adult his strength and speed does not change making him a very worthy opponent. His actual age is unknown, however in appearance most people could guess around late 20s or even in early 30s. Reborn is known as a human with odd powers that mostly emit from a gun, although he is able to produce aura like effects.
[glow=red]Abilities & Prowess[/glow][glow=red][/glow]
Reborn is usually seen with a small companion green lizard called ''Leon'', this lizard is special for it transforms into his gun. When in kid form his gun is green, however in conjunction to his kid form when in adult form his gun is silver. The guns bullets aren't normal ones for each bullet immediately change the stats of whoever it touches, due to his powers he is not required to change clips every time he wants to change bullet types, however after 5 bullets have been fired he is required to change clips due to loss of ammunition. Every bullet has its own aura, however it is a bullet made of glass like material that can be easily broken via weapons or shields which in return will not effect the target unless it directly hits the body. These bullets can only change the targets prowess to either decrease or increase in certain categories depending on the aura of the bullet.

[glow=red]Bullet Types[/glow][glow=red][/glow]
  • Blue - This bullet decreases magic of all kinds, however due to the aura this bullet specifically disables ice magic as well.
  • Red - This bullet decreases magic of all kinds, however due to the aura this bullet specifically disables fire magic as well.
  • Green - This bullet slowly poisons you, ultimately making you die unless you can heal yourself or have armor.
  • Yellow - This bullet increases the speed of the one it hits.
  • Orange - This bullet decreases the speed of the one it hits.
  • Silver - This bullet decreases magic of all kinds, however due to the aura this bullet specifically disables wind magic as well.
  • Brown - This bullet disables movement for 5 seconds of the one it hits.
  • Pink - This bullet decreases the strength of the one it hits.
  • Purple - This bullet increases the strength of the one it hits
  • Black - This bullet is by far the most powerful for this bullet is essentially a solid explosive that is powerful enough to create medium sized craters if it hits a surface, however if this bullet hits a person then it merely blinds them for 5 seconds.
Reborn can emit a aura of his own which can only push back the opponent once per 30 minutes between usage. This aura is strong enough to stop a frontal attack, stop a rapid sprint immediately, or even negate weak magic. This force push emits from all sides of Reborn making it almost impossible to touch him when he uses it, although due to the massive cool down time he has only been seen using it once per battle. Not only does Reborn wield a gun but Leon can also transform into a baton.

[glow=red]Known Weaknesses[/glow][glow=red][/glow]
For those people who wanted to know.
  • Reborn is human, due to this fact he can be hurt and killed like any other.
  • Reborn has limitations that he can due similar to any human, however he is normally only a small amount more stronger and quicker than a regular human.
  • He can only fire 5 shots out of his gun before reloading
  • His special push ability has a huge cooldown system
  • Although Reborn isn't easily defeat able he is a good opponent to test your skills with which in the long run makes this a weakness due to the fact that his enemies only get stronger when he cannot
  • Reborn is strongly dependent on Leon, however he knows some combat skills without him which is displayed in the history section
  • If you are able to connect a hit then Reborn will essentially lose automatically due to him being so dependent on his current skills defense isn't something that this Reborn knows a lot about
  • If you are able to remove Leon from him then you essentially win, his main source of power is his shape shifting lizard which removed from his possession only leaves him with his fists to fight with and his special power which he can only use once or twice depending on how long the fight carries

[glow=red]Personal Information[/glow][glow=red][/glow]
Reborn was originally featured in the anime called ''Katekyo Hitman Reborn'', However this Reborn is only featured in a alternative anime called ''REBORN: Extinguished Flame'' which focuses more on the role of Reborn making him the main protagonist of the story. Due to his persona in the anime he is also the main antagonist, he is revealed to be the destructive hitman who essentially whipped out magic in his world.

Reborn's voice in child form represents a 5 year old well, without any low pitch interruptions or a single overflowing high pitch sequences. His adult form has a mature tone with a low pitch, his voice can also be described as a bit evil but highly charming as well.

[glow=white]REBORN: Extinguished Flame[/glow][glow=white][/glow]

This story begins in another world where time seems to go slower, 100 years behind the original and all decisions rewritten. Our journey begins in Italy, 1980s on October 21st, Sunny days seem mildly hot but nothing anyone couldn't bare. We start off with 8 characters in one room located near the far east of the capital, All characters different in their own way and everyone has their own perspective. First off, Colo who is a bandanna wearing guy who practically screams ''ill do what i want''. Fon, someone of traditional aspect and always seems to be polite. Viper, Anonymous with the hood in all but practically weird in my opinion. Luce, sweet girl. Skull, Do i need to say anything? Uni, sweet girl, practically another luce if you think about it. Verde, Someone of the scientist category, he puts work first before anything. And we come to the conclusion.. Me, Reborn the tutor of the Vongola Family and the strongest mafia hitman in the world.

The table that everyone was sitting at was made of oak wood and simply built, Luce was giving everyone some tea as all of us independently performed singular tasks whether it be writing a story or studying concepts or watching TV. Everyone essentially accepted the offer from Luce except Verde who was too deep into study that he couldn't even answer yes or no. As Reborn quietly drank his tea he replayed the order that he was given by the Godfather of Vongola which was outstanding the least, however in this time time reborn isn't the good guy so this mission was only a simple objective to him and nothing else. ''Eliminate those friends of yours, They aren't who they say they are.'' Reborn thought about the idea and for a while he thought perhaps it was more than evil to perform such dramatic and sudden action against friends but on the other hand if he doesn't obey by the rule of his family than what would happen then? He had no choice in the matter and it was clear to him that he had to do it now since everyone is together or not at all, Before taking action Leon, His pet lizard crawled down to his right hand and formed into his signature pistol.

Reborn finished his cup of tea as Luce took a seat near Uni who sat across from him, After sitting the cup down on the table he thanked Luce ''Thanks for the tea, it was good'' It was clear in his voice that he had something bothering him however he didn't hesitate any longer for the others to figure out the reason. Within the same motion he fired a yellow bullet into his thigh as the same leg extended and kicked the table upwards as the table flipped forward away from Reborn. Reborn twisted his waist and tilted his leg preparing to swing it in a ark like fashion. His leg caught the leg of the chair he was in and whilst swiping downwards and than upwards in a ark dragging the chair caused the chair to fly upwards behind Reborn in a rotating momentum. Reborn was now standing in front of Verde who was sitting beside him near the right whilst the chair he had spun up in the air with his leg now blocking his back side preventing Fon from interfering. He had previously bought a revolver from the gun shop do successfully do this mission due to the fact that his signature weapons didn't kill anyone, Reborn transformed Leon into a baton as he swung it towards Verde which ultimately connected to his head causing him to be knocked out cold. Due to the yellow bullet he fired upon himself earlier he was so fast that the others couldn't even get up from their chairs quick enough to react or even process what was suddenly happening that the others never thought would happen. Fon, who was usually someone who looked like he could handle in unarmed combat was beginning to get up from his chair which meant bad news for Reborn, He looked behind him to notice as Fon had already got up from his chair but was unable to do anything further due to the chair. Reborn turned around and with the already swinging momentum of his body he thrusted the end of the baton to the chair that was still in the air in front of Fon, The push of the baton caused the chair to slam into Fon as he was forcefully pushed back into the wall, his head hit the hard surface that essentially caused him to be knocked out. At this time Colo, Skull, And Viper ran at him as viper jumped over the table and the other two ran around it. Due to the yellow bullet effect Reborn was able to swiftly transform Leon into a gun and shoot a black bullet at the table right after viper jumped over the table, luckily Viper jumped high so the bullet just flew straight to the table causing a huge explosion that sent Colo and Skull flying towards the wall knocking them out similar to Fon. Viper on the other hand died instantly as the head hit the ceiling with immense force that caused the skull to break and the brain to be damaged to the point of no return. The other girls attempted to run away but was instantly shot down by Reborn before they opened the door, After shooting the girls dead he went around putting one bullet each in everyones head.

Everything went silent for a while as the only thing that was to hear was the blood flowing across the wooden floors into the cracks essentially dripping from the cracks down into the basement emitting a splat sound. Reborn looked at the gun he used to kill them and then threw it violently away from him, the gun hit the wall than fell down on the wooden floorboards. ''It's done'' He said as he turned around to see a few suited guys with tommy guns pointed at Reborn. ''What is this?'' He questioned as he looked around the room to see 10 individuals lined up, Before he could think of a counter attack of some sort he was gunned down and left to die. He was later rescued by the Yakuza who was surprisingly posted up in Italy for business purposes with another Mafia. Later that night he thanked the small group who helped him and traveled to the Vongola hideout where he knew those thugs who shot him came from. Reborn sneaked inside the base and located the boss where he was then assassinated by his own gun, Reborn had took his gun and shot him in the head as he slept. It was rough getting away but before he got away he stole the rings of flame boxes that comes with them and left to a secluded area where he than destroyed them. Reborn had prevented any further magic in this era, however it was only for a small while. Even to this day no one knows why he did it but some say he didn't want anyone having the power that he currently possesses. The last known documented status of him is said that he had traveled to a school to get away from the heat of the Mafia world....

VOL.1 End



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Right feeling better, I will be making an IC post tomorrow... Or well you know later today.
Ara ara~ I did not expect this coming. A rather particular rule might nullify a rather large portion of this application.

That picture you displayed was a hint for such I guess. I honestly thought your character merely looked like that.
Ara ara~ I did not expect this coming. A rather particular rule might nullify a rather large portion of this application.

That picture you displayed was a hint for such I guess. I honestly thought your character merely looked like that.
If your talking about my character that i submitted than its not practically canon since all of the powers i gave him was from my imagination. Plus the story i made up and the title is a alternative to the canon which means its practically not canon similar to the abilities. If you think about it the only thing that is canon about my character is the looks, name, and the weapons he uses which doesn't effect anything at all if you ask me. Regardless of your decision i really hope you don't decline it seeing how this whole thing took me a long ass time, essentially all day to make. This CS is also the very first one i actually gave my all in but i hope that doesn't stop you from making the right decision.
While the character itself is kinda 'original', there is some problem with it.

Aside from the looks and name of course.

Is there no limitation to the bullets? I mean, he doesn't need to change clips, so he can just spam it all. Plus it's a gun that shoots bullets that evaporates once it hits, therefore making it hard to avoid and can't be blocked, except the poison one.

From the anime as well, Reborn is small, and moves fast, real fast. Now combine that with bullets. In the Anime it's fine because he's the 'mentor' type, the one that always excels in everything.

Then there's this problem where there's no listed weakness. I know he's the strongest hitman or whatnot, but that's kinda gary-sue ish.

And then there's another problem with bringing guns to a sword fight. The counterpart, Two, is wielding double blades. Now put them in the same battlefield.

So yeah, i can see why it can't be accepted in it's current state.
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I don't think guns vs swords will be much of a problem.

But yeah, I'll have to decline due to the reasons I have implied. If you wish to modify your application to fit the conditions, I'll look over it once again for signs of whether it needs nerfing and such, particularly the poison part. I do find his abilities an intriguing round of buffs and debuffs though. But yeah, like Shirou said, bullets, even, or especially those of buff and debuff natures, need some sort of limitation.

Additionally, while modifying your stuff heavily is somewhat alright, it isn't if you end up missing out certain important parts of the original application.

Hmmm... 1:06PM my time. It must be 1:06AM her time then. At this point of time, Iwaku tends to start its inactivity.
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I don't think guns vs swords will be much of a problem.

But yeah, I'll have to decline due to the reasons I have implied. If you wish to modify your application to fit the conditions, I'll look over it once again for signs of whether it needs nerfing and such, particularly the poison part. I do find his abilities an intriguing round of buffs and debuffs though. But yeah, like Shirou said, bullets, even, or especially those of buff and debuff natures, need some sort of limitation.

Additionally, while modifying your stuff heavily is somewhat alright, it isn't if you end up missing out certain important parts of the original application.

Hmmm... 1:06PM my time. It must be 1:06AM her time then. At this point of time, Iwaku tends to start its inactivity.
So just the skills need changing?
Make your character 'more original' as I would say, and yeah change those parts of the abilities and prowess too, don't make him too trigger-happy.

Plus add the missing information to your application. After that I will tag TK and see what he has to say.
Make your character 'more original' as I would say, and yeah change those parts of the abilities and prowess too, don't make him too trigger-happy.

Plus add the missing information to your application. After that I will tag TK and see what he has to say.
I don't think im missing any information because i was looking at the CS sheet the whole time i was making this, tell me what you think is missing and i will point out where it is.

Also... well i don't know how to make my character more original than he already is, most originality came from the history and abilities which well i thought was enough but may you give me examples i will fix accordingly.

Plus i will make him have more weaknesses and the bullets are able to be blocked like kurosawa said.
He is still kinda based off an existing character. Even the implied original series name, character name, and character appearance are based off an official work. The Illya in Prism Illya is a pretty different individual, but she's still based off the Illya in the primary Fate/Series. The Nanoha in Lyrical Nanoha was based off some character from an eroge whose name I can't remember, and while original in her own way, she's still based off that character and Lyrical Nanoha is still a spinoff, even if the series it spun off from is more obscure than said spinoff. It's kind of hard to explain, really.

That's what I primarily wish to avoid at most or all costs. Well to be fair there are like one or two or three or four guys with pictures based off an actual character *cough*cough*cough* which I myself try my best to avoid unless as a last resort. Was it four? I think it was four. That was the primary reason why I didn't say anything about the picture you displayed via PM despite it being from a little peek of a manga page.

Age. Grade. Species. Specific Descriptions of appearance. I'm going to assume you fused 'Skills' and 'Abilities' together. Yeeeeaaaah.
Well there's not that many original characters floating around that fits certain description after all, so most of the time, taking picture from existing character isn't a problem.

Then again i didn't actually search the character's name. Just some traits. So yeah.

In a sense, why not just use the original format? So Crow can check which one is wrong and which is not.
I have quite a few problems with the bullets, to be honest. There aren't actually any fire/ice/wind users, but if there were this guy could disable an entire character with a single bullet. As for the other ones, what's to stop him shooting them with a brown bullet and then just alternating between green and brown, or green and magic suppression? It's the kind of character where beating him is very easy but very boring - just put up a shield and he can't hurt you, but then the fight dissolves into OOC arguments about whether the shield can block the bullets or not. Even the most fair players who would usually be great at balancing shield use can't back down in this situation because the moment the bullets can pass through the shield, they've lost.
Three Kingdoms the Board Game is basically when Monopoly had sex with Game of Life.

And it takes place in Ancient China.

Yeeeeaaaah this explanation sounds simple.
Oops, I forgot about my own tarot user... I'll get a post up for her in a few hours.
Is it based on the real Three Kingdom stuffs?

P.S. Is this Akira's true power? O-O
Yeah, I guess you could say that.
So she has more power outside of guilt inducing cry. Interesting

I feel like i'm being skipped because i was not given a chance to react to everything yet despite being in the thick of the situation. May you give me some time to respond before posting again?
I have quite a few problems with the bullets, to be honest. There aren't actually any fire/ice/wind users, but if there were this guy could disable an entire character with a single bullet. As for the other ones, what's to stop him shooting them with a brown bullet and then just alternating between green and brown, or green and magic suppression? It's the kind of character where beating him is very easy but very boring - just put up a shield and he can't hurt you, but then the fight dissolves into OOC arguments about whether the shield can block the bullets or not. Even the most fair players who would usually be great at balancing shield use can't back down in this situation because the moment the bullets can pass through the shield, they've lost.
TK's character uses fire and ice swords if i do believe, right?

Thanks for the feedback though, i will adjust him accordingly.

Age. Grade. Species. Specific Descriptions of appearance. I'm going to assume you fused 'Skills' and 'Abilities' together. Yeeeeaaaah.
Try reading the summary section.
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