The Fosters

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Jacob nodded and smiled. "Cool, cool, more for me then." He chuckled and ran up the stairs, shutting the door going down to the basement. "So, what do you wanna do now?" Twilight asked, smiling
Dan waited for Jake to leave before walking over to Twi and picking up her hands. "Well, I mean we do want to sneak out tonight, so there's that, but besides that I think just sitting around and cuddling would be nice." He said softly, a little twinkle in his eyes.
Twilight smiled and nodded. "I would like that a lot." She smiled. putting in her favorite Disney movie, Frozen. She sat down on the couch and waited for Daniel to take a seat next to her. She hoped that he loved Disney movies even half as much as she did, because if that was true, she had definitely found herself a keeper. Since they first kissed and kinda announced they had liked each other, Twilight had been overthinking the fact if they were together or not.
Dan smiled as she put in a movie, and he sat down next to her. Without warming, he pulled her onto his lap and scooted so he was laying against the couch instead of sitting on it. "Much better." He whispered, holding her against his chest.
Twilight smiled as he pulled her to his chest. She was kinda quiet as the previews played, then she spoke up. "So are we like a thing? As in an item.. as in together like a couple? Like a boyfriend/girlfriend couple?" She turned a little bit and looked at him.
Dan sighed and buried his nose in her hair. "I am sure, just, since people probably know we are step siblings. So for now, just here." He whisopered
Twilight nodded and smiled. She understood where he was coming from. It would be kinda weird if they went around acting all lovey and they were adoptive siblings. "Someone's probably gonna find out sooner or later." She whispered as the movie started.
Dan sighed, and leaned into her hair. "I know, someone probably will, but don't worry, it will be solved, in time." He whispered back, kissing her ear tenderly before going back to watching the movie with her.
Twilight smiled and got into the movie. Frozen was her favorite Disney movie of the year. Disney movies were always her favorite. "Do you wanna build a snowman, or ride our bikes around the halls. I think some company is overdue, I've started talking to the pictures on the walls. Hang in there Joan." She sang along with the movie.
Dan smiled at his girlfriend as she sang along to the movie, and he let his head rest on hers. As it came to love is an open door, he smiled and started humming the words in a low range, smiling as he hummed along to the song.
Twilight smiled as Love is an Open Door came on and she heard Daniel humming Hans's part during the movie. "Oh my gosh this is perfect." She whispered.
Dan smiled and held Twi close to his chest. "Who said men don't watch Disney movies." He mumbled softly.
Twilight giggled and shook her head. "I definitely didn't. Anyone who doesn't like Disney movies needs some serious help." She laughed and rested her head on his chest.
Dan smiled and shook his head, leaning back and holding Twi to his chest.
Twilight smiled and looked at the movie. She was trying so hard not to fall asleep because she was really looking forward to watching the stars with Daniel at the park
Dan smiled and flicked Twi's forehead. "I think you need a dose of dance party because you are falling asleep.
Twilight scrunched her nose up a bit and shook her head, looking up at Daniel. "No. No I don't. I'm fine." She smiled
Dan smiled. "Then maybe a little tickle." He whispered before running his hands viciously up her sides, his other arm still locked around her.
Twilight squealed."No no no no no!!" She yelped a little bit, trying to escape his grasp. "Daniel stop it!" She said in between laughs. She hated being tickled.
Dan smiled and kept tickling her for a bit, before stopping and giving her cheek a kiss. "Because I am nice, I stopped."
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