The Escape

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Julianne's eyes widened in shock as he made his way to standing upside down in the cave they were in. "Woah, that's so cool!" She told him, her voice portraying her amazement. All these people had so many abilities, it was so interesting the more she learned about them all. "So you can walk on walls? Kind of like a spider?" When he was crawling up the wall he kind of did look like just that, a spider like the one she had seen in her cell years ago. It wasn't there for long before the guards noticed and killed it. She was so sad after they did that, that spider was the only contact she would have with a being that didn't want to torture to no end.
She probably would have seen him blush if he wasn't so dark "T-thanks." he was glad someone thought his power was cool. He then realised only minutes ago he was actually scared of her, and now they were . . . what was that word Dark had used? Family . . . yeah that was it, they were family whatever that meant. It had finally hit him, he was free, and these people around him were friends, they were family. He quickly dried his eyes, if he cried it meant that he was weak, and here he was almost caught crying in front of his new family. Then Julianne said he reminded him of a spider? Taking advantage of her comparison, he quickly responded with a question, so she wouldn't have noticed him rubbing his eyes"What's a spider, are they huge~!?!"
Natalia gasped slightly as the pain was shrewdly sucked out of her arm, the red mark disappearing. She looked into Anja's eyes, then down to her arm. "Woah. What did you just do?" she asked. Her expression was not angry nor freaked out. In fact, it was alight with excitement. "That is so freaking cool!" The pain was all but gone. "Here, let me ease the burning a bit." She lightly touched the girl's arm, trying her best not to completely cause the girl to freeze up.

The red mark became more like a pink welt as the heat was practically sucked out of it. "So how did you even do that?" she asked again, a smile still on her face.
Wincing a little at the frigid touch of Natalia's hand, Anja couldn't help but smile back. It felt nice to be appreciated and be seen as something more than "that one quiet girl". "It's my special ability," she started. "When I look into your eyes, I feel your pain. I almost automatically do it now, really, but I used to be able to control it. I can do other stuff, too!" Anja answered excitedly.
Julianne, unluckily for Jordan, did notice that he rubbed his eyes and just barely saw a glint of liquid on his face. She because concerned as to why he would be crying but was soon distracted by his question. "Oh, um. Not really. The one I met was pretty small, maybe about the size of this." She told him, holding up her thumbnail. "It had a bunch of legs and could move really fast. And it could even move on walls, like you." She told him with a smile tinged with sadness at the memory of her previous friend.
"You can do other stuff, too? Show me! Or tell me, if you can't really show me," Natalia said, her voice still showing her excitement. It had been a very, very long time since she'd been excited about anything. And watching the girl practically heal her without even touching her was pretty much awesome, in her mind. Maybe not in the minds of others, but definitely in hers.
He imagined a really tiny version of himself with lots of legs scuttling around, he instantly wiped the disturbing image from his mind. Looking up he saw her smile, but it wasn't a nec happy smile. He didn't know what to do to make Julianne feel better, so he hugged her. It wasn't a big hug just a quick one, which was followed by a soft, "S-sorry" not waiting for a response he quickly walked into a shadowy corner of the cave, only saying "I think I'm gonna go find a place t-to sleep, bye." Eventually he found himself leaning against a cave wall, thinking back on everything that had happened with a smile, slowly drifting off to sleep.
Julianne was surprised by the sudden hug and by the time she was able to register the action enough to hug him back, he was already gone. She was saddened by his leaving but glad that he at least was comfortable enough to hug her before going. With a small sigh she followed his example but instead of going deeper into the cave, she moved back to the fire and expanded it to be large enough to encircle her as she lay down. She rested her head on her arm, the fire which surrounded her keeping her warm. The amount of heat that was around her would be torture for others but for her, it was heaven. She made sure that the heat from the flames she just created didn't make its way to Natalia since Julianne knew that that would be terrible for her. Natalia needed to stay cold so she made sure all of the heat was either absorbed by the ground of by herself.

As Julianne drifted off the sleep she thought about the others who were with her. She thought about their escape and the fact that they were going to be finally and fully rid of that place the next day. But she couldn't stop the unwanted pang of fear at the thought that this might all just be a dream. A wonderful and magnificent lie her mind had created as she slowly froze to death back at the lab. She shivered despite the warm air around her. She really hoped that was not the case, not just because she didn't want to die and wanted to be out of that place, but also because she had newfound hope now and even a family. She yawned and closed her eyes sleepily, her last though being that she genuinely hoped that when she awoke next, she would be right where she is now, out of the lab, in the heat and with her friends.
Anja was very proud of herself. This was the most she had ever come out of her shell in years. She tried hard not to think about old friends back from when she was normal or more so when she thought she was normal. With a large and very genuine smile, Anja spoke again. "Well, I can't really show you, but when somebody has a wound, I can also use my tears to heal it. Another thing I learned at the labs was that if I heal an animal, it is forever indebted to me." Anja grinned, thinking about a small rat she had healed from awful tests he had also been put through. The little rodent had always been by her side, hiding in her loose pockets so the guard would not see the small creature she called "Popcorn" due to his hyper antics. This made her wonder. Where was that little guy? Could he have followed along?
Aryn had flown away instead of dodging the attack from Risa, choosing to practice flying and exorcise his fear away. It frustrated him, caused him to hesitate when he knew, if that happened in an attack, that could mean capture, death, or both. So he flew, registering the newcomer's aura signatures in his mind. They all had good talents, one who could even heal, like him. It made him feel a little relieved that he wasn't alone in that. He practiced flying on his back, like he'd seen some of the owls do. He never knew his wing joints could bend like they were now, popping out of their joints and back in again with each flap.
Once he'd calmed down, he flew back into the cave, where they had started a fire, and Julianne asleep in front of it. He ignored the rest of the group and sat a few short feet away, curling out a wing to keep the wind away from her, and he watched in satisfaction as she relaxed a little more in her sleep. Aryn himself had found he never really needed sleep, that he could go for days on less than an hour, so he sat there like that, one wing outstretched and his mind constantly probing around them, making sure there was no attackers, and no real hatred in the group. He'd never told anyone, but he had found that he could banish darker emotions and feelings from someone's mind, although they had to be asleep, and he fully rested and able to completely concentrate on the task. He'd done it to a guard, once, who'd gotten fired for sneaking him extra food. He'd been beaten and drugged worse than usual, for somehow they had known.
Julianne shifted slightly in her uneasy sleep. It was strange, now that she was warm and comfortable it was almost… uncomfortable for her. She had become accustomed to the cold she was forced to remain in for all those years and now that she could actually rest, it was uneasy. She was plagued with nightmares of what the world might be like. The labs were terrible but she knew what they were like and the horrors that lay behind their seemingly harmless walls but this new world she knew nothing about. She was in the middle of a dream that everyone, not just the guards and scientists she had come from, were evil and wanted to harm them when she was suddenly overcome with a sense of calm. She didn't know where it came from but it banished her fearful thoughts almost immediately.

It was so sudden that it startled her awake. Julianne was also used to the bad dreams. She awoke but didn't move yet, she instead continued to lay where she was with her eyes closed and listened to the sounds of the nature around her. It was so peaceful to hear the chirping of some small creatures, the crackling of the fire and the others discussing quietly, there wasn't even a breeze to make her cold. She could also hear the sound of someone near her. A smile made its way onto her face and she rolled over onto her back to stare at the ceiling of the cave they were staying in. The way everything was, was strange. It was abnormal and awkward for her.

Julianne had become accustomed to the constant fear, pain and numbness brought about by the ice which would surround her but now, now everything was perfect and it worried her. It all felt too good to be true. She sighed and her smile faded. She wished this would never end but for some reason… it felt like it would and she hated it. She longed to go back into the sweet oblivion that were her dreams but she couldn't, she didn't want to miss another moment of this peace.
Dark didn't sleep, he was in shadow form which did the same thing... kind of. He watched as everyone around him slept but Aryn. He remembered somewhere the kid was able to stay up for a long time with little rest, maybe one of these times he could sleep without having to worry about everyone else. He came out of shadow form behind Aryn who most likely didn't know he was their. The last group had someone like him... they were a bit blood hungry and tried to kill the entire group more than once... but they both flew and could read minds. He would bet his mind was unreadable in the shadow realm. "Hay, Aryn. Rina... seems left out. Maybe you could try being nice to her?" He looked around and spotted Rina sleeping "I did pick her for this escape for a reason, we need her."

With that he melted back into a shadow which made him invisible in the dark and went up the side of the cave to the opening in the top. As he reached the moon light he was barely visible and morphed his shapeless form to look like the shadow of some branches. He waited, and listened, to the world around him.

Just as the sun peeked he changed back into his native form and called down "Get up guys, its time he get out of here!" He looked around quickly to see if it was safe "Rise and shine! It time to go!" With that he stood and watched as the sun started to just peek through the few tree's past the field. The horizon was filled with beautiful colors.
Aryn smiled as he felt Julianne's sense of peace wash over him like a waterfall, and he jumped when he suddenly felt Dark's presence behind him, like he'd teleported from the shadows. Which, he realized, he could probably do. No wonder he hadn't sensed him immediately. "Hey, Aryn," Dark said quietly. "Rina... seems left out. Maybe you could try being nice to her?" Dark paused, and Aryn knew he was searching for Rina in the dark. "I did pick her for this escape for a reason. We need her."

Aryn hadn't been trying to be mean earlier; he'd just noticed Julianne's expression and the fear radiating from her in almost palpable waves. So he'd focused on getting her safe, for everyone else had seemed to be fully capable. Not that Julianne wasn't physically, but... Mentally, it wouldn't be easy for her. Besides, he liked her, her smile, the way she thought so uniquely when he was sweeping the group for anyone out of line.

He cast his mind to touch Rina's gently and gave her a feeling of peace. It was hard, but this seemed to be especially hard to give Rina's mind anything, let alone peace. But he managed it, moving an arm to rub his temple, and wipe under his nose. Something stuck to it, and with an inward sigh he realized he had a bloody nose. He healed it, his hand barely luminescent, and licked the blood off his fingers idly.

Aryn was still awake when the sun rose, when Dark's voice rang out in the morning, ordering them all to consciousness. He stood, his wings folding and unfolding, and joined Dark at the cave's entrance, watching the sun wash the world around them in a technicolor haze.
Hearing Dark's voice his eyes instantly snapped open, stretching he picked himself off the floor. He managed to walk his way out of the cave, by using the wall as a support. Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes he quietly asked, "Warghdoong?" Trying again he asked "Where are we going?"
Julianne jumped in fright that next morning at the sound of Dark's voice to awaken them and she instinctively braced herself for the cold bucket of water that the guards usually poured on her when she needed to be taken to testing since it would weaken her powers. She quickly remembered the events on the previous day and relaxed once again. She shook her head to help herself wake up. She slowly stood up and stretched her sore muscles. "Where to today?" She asked curiously as the others also awoke. She was then distracted by the beautiful sunrise. She loved the sight of such a great ball of fire arising into the sky in so many colors that it brought a small smile to her face.
Natalia's eyes opened groggily. She had somehow drifted off at some point. She couldn't remember when. She looked at Dark and Aryn, then at Julianne. These people were supposed to be her family now, along with everyone else. The thought was almost unimaginable. She had vague memories of what her family had been like. They were very vague and all she could remember was the kind, welcoming face of her father. There was no mother in her memory.

Sighing, she forced herself onto her feet, concentrating on lowering her body temperature and a small area of air around her. It helped push the sun's newly-given heat, but it didn't completely eradicate it. With an exasperated sigh, she made her way towards Dark and Aryn. "That is an honest question. Where are we going?"
Upon hearing Dark's voice, Anja simply lifted her head gently, eyes half closed. It was impossible to wake this girl out of a dead sleep right away and she was a bit confused when she directed her vision towards the bustling people about her. Making a rather sad attempt to stand, she stumbled over and fell onto the cave wall.

"Oof." was all that came out of her mouth. She followed everybody to their little cluster they'd created and rubbed her upper arms to seal in the sleepy warmth that enveloped her. "What's going on?" she yawned. Her hair was tousled and her eyes half shut as she swayed uneasily where she was standing out of attention.
Julianne snapped out of her trance when the other awoke and also asked where they were going. She glanced around at all of them. She knew so little about them but she would hate to lose any of them. It was strange, she had never felt like this before, like she actually cared about someone. She was unbeen able to talk to anyone else (except the guards but hose conversations only consisted of her screaming or pleading for help and them... Laughing.) so she never got the chance to make a connection with someone else. From what she knew of families (which wasn't very much, but there was a little knowledge) she thought they definately could be one, a strange one, but one all the same. Hopefully this one will keep her.

All of them obviously just awoke due to their messy hair/ clothes or the tired look on their face. She giggled quietly at them all, she looked no better, he hair sticking out in every direction and knots all over but seeing others like this was great. She then started to wonder about what it would be like when they reach society, they were going to act differently than others and they might look strange also. She but her lip nervously at the thought. What if they drew too much suspicion to themselves and They caught them?
Rina was long up before Dark asked them to wake up, fighting with the air. Her body morphed into swords, knifes, ninja stars, staffs, spears, anything related to weapons if you could think of it she could morph herself into it. She had been up much earlier to train her. She wanted to work on keeping both her mind relaxed, which for some odd reason seemed to be at the best this morning, and her own fighting tactics. She took a deep breath in before looking behind her when she heard Dark's voice. She felt as though most of them were way to soft and that worried her greatly. It was a cold and hard truth, the kind always winded up being crushed if they didn't learn to be mean once in awhile.

"Finally, time to get moving." she said to herself and put her foot down on Ante, shaking him with he foot. "Ante time to get up. Come on 'objective' get up." she said loudly as she shook him.
Ante groaned and rolled over in Rina's direction. His arm wrapped around her legs at the knees, knocking her down. Being in solitary, ante never had much to do with his time but talk to the ceiling and himself, look out his tiny little window, and sleep. Naturally he did a lot of sleeping. She was warm in the cool morning air. He pulled her legs into him and curled around them slightly, smiling in his sleep at the sudden warmth.