The Escape

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Rina scoffed as she fell down, fighting the odd warmth running to her cheeks. What an odd feeling she had never felt before but she refused to let whatever it was show. "Ante... let me go." she grumbled to him, squirming around to get away. She honestly hated people touching her and Ante was no different. Her knee slammed into his stomach, hoping that would cause him to release her. "Ante, I said let go." she hissed. Still he seemed to make no movement to let her go. "Ante! Let go!" she snapped.
Ante hummed pleasantly as he nuzzled his face into her knee, followed by a long yawn. He slowly opened his eyes, though they were just above her knee, so he had no idea what he was looking at. He blinked a couple times... "Wh... what's this?" He asked absently, then followed it up to Rina's face, arms still wrapped around her. "Oh, it's you... Hi Rina!" He said, smiling cheerfully. "I'm back again..." He looked at her legs, then back up to her. "What are you doing?" He questioned curiously, cocking his head to the side, unsure as to why her legs were there.
"Yo and I could ask you the same thing," she fumed though lightened up on him slightly. Ante didn't know better or even knew the definition of personal space. "You grabbed my legs and pulled me down. So, here I am. Now are you going to let me go or are you going to continue to snuggle up to my legs and let the others leave without us?" she asked like he should know the answer to her question. "Now let go please, if you would." she sighed.
He smiled up at her. "Okay!" He said, rolling over her legs to the other side of her. He stood, brushing himself off. "I don't remember doing all of that, I wasn't even here." He said plainly, looking up out of the hole. "But you said I did, so it happened." He looked at her with affirmation, as if he believed this whole heartedly. Mainly because he did, Ante didn't know much of anything about lying. Nobody had ever lied to him before, nobody had ever really spoken to him before at all, so how would he have any sense of deception? He looked back up the hole again, half smiling. "Getting down was easy, it's going to take a lot longer to get up, I wish I could fall up there too. That would make things much simpler wouldn't it?"
Julianne also looked up to the top of the ditch they were in. It didn't look like there was any other way out except to climb for those of them that can't fly. She but her lip in thought, they definately needed to get up if they wanted to keep going. "That's true, so we should probably get started." She said with a shrug and a small smile to the group. She did not want to climb up and out of there but it wasn't like she would be able to fly out of there unless she was propelled by her flames like Dark did to get in and if she attempted she would probably start a larger fire and draw attention to them all. She walked over to the wall and grabbed hold of one of the vines that grew all along it.
Looking around he also couldn't see a way out. He jogged silently over to Julianne as she grabbed one of the vines that grew along the wall. Feeling the energy build up in his finger tips he jumped at the the wall, touching it with both of his hands. He instantly magnetised to the wall, flashing an uncharacteristically playful look to Julianne before quickly scaling the wall.
Julianne looked up at him with a playful glare, "Hey!" She shouted then rolled her eyes but had a small smile on her face and said quieter this time but still loud enough for him to hear "Psht, show off..." With that she continued to scale up the wall, but was trying to be faster now since she was basically just challenged. After a moment or two she was even able to catch up with him.
Before long she had managed to catch up to him. She was a lot faster than he first thought, but here he had the advantage. He could have literally made it up the wall in seconds, and left her behind . . . but he didn't, where was the fun in that? Smiling he climbed a bit faster keeping just ahead of her, teasing her with his smile.
Julianne rolled her eyes at him but couldn't help a small laugh from escaping her mouth. She could tell that he was just doing this to annoy her and dang, it was starting to work. Then a wicked smile came onto her face as she created a small ball of fire, small enough to fit in the palm of her hand, and she sent it flying to hit Jordan and hopefully distract him so she could get the upper hand in their little race.
Jordan suddenly felt a sudden pain near his back, it didn't hurt much but it had surprised him enough for him to lose control of his powers. He quickly regained control of his abilities, the whole thing only took seconds , lucky for him it was all Julianne needed. He soon saw her pulling ahead of him with a devilish grin on her face. Shaking his head, Jordan climbed at a faster pace, though it was futile to continue he thought to himself smiling, she had already won.
"Yes!" She exclaimed happily. Julianne was quickly able to reach the top of the wall they had been climbing and then stood triumphantly as Jordan came up after her. She had a proud smile on her face as she looked down at where Jordan was climbing up, just a couple seconds behind her and it was then that she realized just how high they had climbed. "Oh boy…" She murmured. Her eyes widened and she instinctively took a step back from the ledge. She had not remembered how high up this had been and she was just thankful that she hadn't looked down while she was still climbing because she was sure that if she had… it would not have ended well.
Rina watched fire girl and strange boy, as she had nicknamed the male, climb up the rocks. She glanced at the others curiously before sighing. "I can shoot you guys out of a cannon and up to the top, but you're going to need to figure out a way to slow yourself down so you don't go flying a hell of a distance." She looked at the rock wall. "Or you can climb up the rock wall." Those who agree she does so, turning her whole body into the cannon that shot them up and even launches Ante without his permission so she didn't have to answer any questions she knew Ante would throw her way before turning her other arm into grappling hook. She threw it up and wrapped it around a tree above her. She pressed a button on her wrist and it pulls her up to the top, landing on her feet with ease. "Now we have a problem here, Mr.IHaveAPlan isn't here anymore. Where did he go? He popped up here and then.." she trailed off, looking past the joyful two. There were at least a dozen soldiers, and four robots stood there.

"There is no where you guys can go now." one of the soldiers mused.

"Just great." Rina took a deep breath. "I saw we run for it." she whispers to the others.
Watching the others from up above he watched another girl talking to the group, his first thought was what he was going say to her when she managed to make it up to where they were. But that thought was quickly replaced with another as he watched her turn into a freaking cannon, not only that but she actually shot people as ammunition. "I don't wanna be her ammo." he muttered under his breath. Jordan was already in too much awe to even care to note the fact that she had changed her arm into a grappling hook and made it up to where they were in seconds. That's when it all went down hill, they had company, and even worse, their leader Dark was apparently gone. "Running's good." he quickly whispered.
Julianne nodded in agreement with the others. "I agree with you guys... Right... Now!" She shouted and quickly created a wall of flame she pushed toward the soldiers which ether shoved them backward or at least distracted them for enough time for the group to run off. Once she pushed the flames at them, she took off running with the others. She was both shocked and saddened tha Dark would leave them when they had just escaped but she thought that he must just be storing up energy in the shadows or something else of that sort. Until he came back they would just have to figure out how to get out of here and not get caught or killed.
Ante looked at Rina. "What's a can-oof" He exclaimed as he was pulled into a large barrel and launched into the air. He looked around as he soared up and over the edge, "Pretty" He said quietly with wide eyes. Though he didn't stop there, he waved at the other two as he passed them. His attention was quickly stolen from him by a net that wrapped around him, shot from one of the robots. "I-I don't want to go back though.." He said to himself and he flew off into the trees. He grabbed at the net and struggled to get free, his hands felt like they shifted and he tore through the net just before slamming into a tree. "Heheh" managed to escape as gravity seemed to kick in after impact and he fell, legs still entangled in the net. He crashed down to the ground face first after getting smacked around by a bunch of branches. He rolled over and looked around for a second, confused as to what exactly had just happened. He looked at his legs. "Oh." He said, reaching down and freeing himself from it. He stood and scratched his head for a few second, though the sound of soldiers met his ears at a growing frequency. "Rina?" He questioned, peering through the trees as he walked in the direction he had just come from. She should be coming along any second now. She was the first person to ever acknowledge him, she would come for him, he was sure of it.
Aryn flew above the soldiers and emitted a powerful blast of mental energy that caused the soldiers to drop their weapons, giving him enough time to grab Rina and fly fast and hard a mile or so west, along the cliff. "Keep running, west along the cliff," he said to her and flew back to grab Jordan. Since Jordan was larger and heavier, this was harder. But Aryn was strong, stronger than normal humans but not enough to call it an ability. As he flew, he cursed himself for not seeing it coming. The soldiers had been thinking of one thing consistently, and that had been the forest around them. He would have to be more careful. He dropped Jordan about twenty feet from where Rina was running, flying low to the ground and swooping up again. He continued doing this with the rest of the group and was about to take Julianne- he didn't see anyone else- when Ante came in behind the soldiers. He groaned any flew low over the soldier's heads, dodging their outstretched arms and staying out of range of the robots. He flew Ante to the rest of the group and returned for Julianne. "Comon," he murmured, taking her into his arms. He didn't see anyone else that was on their sides, and Aryn was incredibly tired, anyway, especially from healing his pained muscles so many times. So he flew, dodging the robot's blasts and staying out of range of the soldier's guns, the best he could. He felt something nestle in his leg and he grunted in pain, dipping a little lower in the sky as he absorbed the bullets' impact. He could heal it later, he knew, as he felt blood wet his shin. He had a high tolerance for pain.
Julianne had been dodging the soldiers, robots and weapons until she found herself alone in the chaos so she just tried to make a run for it, believing the others to have done the same. Luckily, despite her closeness to the soldiers; she wasn't seriously injured, only receiving a couple scratches and hits, the worst being a bullet that had grazed her arm but she would live.

She was just leaving the melee when she suddenly was grabbed from the ground. She let out a yell before realizing that it was just Aryn and she let out a breath of relief. Until they got higher. Her eyes widened in fear at the distance they were at from the ground was tightly gripping onto Aryn, terrified of the thought of falling.

She did not think that he would drop her- she knew that he wouldn't do that but she could tell that he was getting tired and was injured. When he suddenly dropped a little in flight she gasped and her grip tightened even more and, judging by the groan he had let out, he had gotten hit. She looked at him in concern, "Are you ok? What hit you?" She tried to look over him to see what he had hurt but wasn't able to see much due to their being in flight.
Barely taking a step he saw the Cannon-Lady get grabbed and taken by what appeared to be a large bird, and only seconds after she was grabbed, Jordan was quickly sent hurtling through the sky, with the only thing keeping him safe, was a boy with wings. Before he could say anything to his rescuer, he was roughly dropped into grass next to the human cannon, who was still running, even after their flight. "So, as much as I love running someplace that isn't here, knowing where we're going is pretty cool too." he asked her, after scrambling to catch up with her.
"Leg. Gun," he said tightly. It was really paining him, and he was going to need to land soon or risk passing out and hurting Julianne. He veered off to the left and lighted in a tree, setting Julianne on a limb twice the length of her waist and sat beside her, crossing his leg with a wince to check the wound. His pant leg was soaked in blood and he peeled it off, a groan escaping from his lips at the entry wound. He checked for an exit, but found none.

"I can't heal myself with the bullet inside," he told her, feeling the loss of blood starting to weaken him. "I need help taking it out."
Julianne's eyes widened in worry about his wound and she bit her lip nervously, trying to ignore how high up in the tree they were. This was not the time to start freaking out about her own fears. His wound looked pretty bad and now she had to help get the bullet out of him. She wasn't sure what to do but took a deep, steadying breath to calm herself, at least a bit. "Ok, um…" She said, looking around for something to help her get rid of the bullet.

"Well, I guess I'll just have to pull it out, this will probably hurt." She said then reached into the hole left by the bullet and tried to feel it under the skin. Luckily after only a short while she was able to feel the metal cartridge and quickly grabbed it and pulled it out of his leg as fast as she could. "There, it's out- so can you heal yourself now?" She asked, clearly very worried about him.