The Epic Quest!

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Before I an give you two a reply I have to make sure with the other GM. I'll let you know as soon as possible.
I feel the need to point out Bjarke is the runt in his family.
Yikes! It'd be funny to have a family reunion and invite the adventure group xD also! During the RolePlay we'll need to decide on a name for the group!
Teenage women and grown men.
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o.o I was about to say something.......... but then I remembered something......... so I won't say it :P
As the group name? xD

Oooh! Secrets? Secrets???
Hmm the group name o.o has to be something that tickles the funneh bone. I'm all out of funneh though ;w;
Yay group name~ But can't think about anything right now >.<
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@Greenie I understand that completely! Maybe it'll come up in a funny situation during the RolePlay? Has anyone seen the Avatar: the last air bender? I get a lot of my inspiration for funny stuff from that show.
I lurve ATLA with a passions. LoK was nice too, not AS epic, but good in it's own way hehe.
Yeah, I didn't think they'd make LoK as good :/ I don't know that I ever finished it xD
I watched it twice actually, once alone and once with my Mister. There was some things I liked, like for eg the backstory of the first Avatar. But I didn't like how each season had a different baddy o.o
Oh, wow! I've seen ATLA tons of times, but during the showing of LoK I was busy moving >.< I'm sure I'll come around to watch it again later. Was it as funny as ATLA?
Hmm It had funny parts, but it wasn't as Epic I find. It was good... but.. Hm. Well I was bored during most of the first season, the second season I disliked the first half (especially Mako blargh) but I loved the second half :D I really liked the third season! And the fourth season was fine but rushed I felt :/

Here's sommat fun :D

Hehe yeah XD At first I was like wha? and then like o.o I know what you did there :D hehe.
Haha, It took me a second read to really see it for some reason o.O

Well, I finally got the full cast up on the main page. I didn't realize we had so many people xD
Awesome, I'm going to check out :3 i'm now thinking I should have made another char o.o