The Easterling Army

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Freya took one moment to stare at the creature, took one look at Valtir, "what way..?" she whispered, looking back to the creature, but before she could even form a reply, she grabbed Valtirs' wrist. She moved silently and swiftly, taking him with her, away from the beast and from the cave, keeping her eyes trained on the creature.
The were-worm dived back into the ground and began to tunnel it's way towards them "We wont outrun him!" Valtir yelled as it slowly closed in on them. "Keep heading straight!" Valtir let go of Freya's hand reluctantly and ran to the right, making sure his footfalls were extra heavy. He knew that Freya's elf footsteps were light enough for the creature not to focus on. It slowly began to divert from Freay and headed towards Valtir. "Keep running!" he yelled over his shoulder.
She ran, slightly off to the side, keeping Valtir in her line of sight. She could feel the were-worm tunneling in the ground beneath them. She didnt know what this creature could do exactly, but she knew it was dangerous. She was concerned. Valtir said they couldnt outrun it, so what was he doing..? her hood flew back, her cloak billowing out behind her as she ran. He footsteps still silent, no one would have even known she was there unless they seen her.
Valtir ran for a short distance more, until he was certain it was only following him, then he turned around and readied his sword. He waited until the beast was only seconds away from reaching him, then sprinted to the side and watched as it charged past him. He then began to stab repeatedly at the moving ground , hoping to pierce it's skin somehow. What he didnt notice was that it had already managed to turn around. It charged him again, and Valtir noticed just in time to roll backwards, missing it's mouth but being slammed by the rest of it's head and falling to the ground.
Freya stopped running and walked cautiously, her bow out, an arrow already nocked and ready to fire. The arrow head, however, from a distance nothing out of the ordinary could be seen, but close up, it had a fair green glow, and it looked as if it tendrils where dripping and moving around it. She had her head tilted as if listening to someone. She looked to Valtir, and out the corner of her eyes she saw the ground shifting.

Instead of running she loosed the arrow into the ground, it went straight through the ground and she hoped it hit the were-worm....Well, she thought, We will find out in a few seconds
"Freya! Don't!" Valtir cried out, but it was too late. The arrow hit the worm, but all that it succeeded in doing was changing the worm's direction towards the source of the arrow. As it passed by Valtir, he dived on top of it, stabbing down and holding on as he was pulled through the soft layer of dirt flowing over the top of it. He needed to stop it somehow before it reached Freya.
She cursed under her breath and tilted her head. She wasnt afraid, but she wasnt exactly cheering either. Freya was a logical thinker when she wanted to be. And this was not the case to be logically thinking. She looked at Valtir with a slight incline of her head, indicating that he is probably smarter than that, and then focused at the dirt. She took a few steps to her side, keeping her steps light and swift. She figured if she could keep moving, being as light footedas she was, she hoped that she could confuse it on her location.
The creature continued to surge towards her, while Valtir tried to climb his way up to the head. He wasn't making much progress though. Once his face wasnt being hit by dirt, he looked up to see what Freya was doing. "Yes! Good! Try to confuse him while I try to reach its head!" He yelled, as he continued to make his way up. He would reach a short distance with his left hand, then pull out his sword from the worm and stab it back in a bit further up. Each time, he felt the creature shudder, although it was feeling about the same pain as a human would feel when being stabbed by a needle.
Freya's hands were clasped behind her back as she calmly jumped from spot to spot quickly, making sure her feet land solidly on the ground each time she landed and just as quickly as she landed, she jumped to a new location. Her hair and cloak moving as she moves, her eyes not leaving the ground for one second.
Valtir continued to climb up the worm's body as he watched Freya lead the beast around like a bull and matador. Something about how lithely she held herself as she jumped around was oddly captivating.
"Great work, Freya! Keep it going! I'm nearly th-" Suddenly, without warning, when Valtir stabbed down again with his sword, the were-worm instantly dived, disappearing completely, leaving nothing but upturned soil. Valtir had disappeared under the earth, sword and all.
Freya stopped instantly, she blinked once..twice...realizing what she just seen. "Valtir..?" She stalked cautiously over to the place where the worm had dived and where Valtir had disappeared. She frowned softly, concerned. She tilted her head and looked around, looking for any movement in the ground.
Valtir couldnt breathe... He had let go of the sword shortly after he had realised he was being pulled under, but he was unsure how far he had gone. Now, the worm had disappeared and left nothing but darkness and dirt. He tried to claw his way out, but he wasnt getting anywhere from the feel of things. He wasnt even sure which way was up any more. He started to realise that this might be the way he would die. Buried alive. One of his least favourite ways... He would have laughed if he wasnt six foot under.
She tilted her head and frowned, thinking it was silly that he would dig his way out. She knelt down and held her hands over the dirt. She could track him. It was easy enough, finding a living man in the dirt, she moved until she was where he should be and held her hands over the ground.
Freya had studied magic at a young age when her parents weren't watching so she knew how to at least move dirt. She started muttering under her breath and her hand took a faint blue glow, the dirt started to sift to the side, moving out of the way.
Valtir held his breathe for a while longer, but he knew he couldnt hold it for much longer. Although he could feel himself being lifted slightly. This provoked thought. Would he go to the Gray Havens, like the elves? Or would he go to the Halls of Mandos? Either way, he wouldn't mind. He just hoped that Freya made it home safe, or maybe even that she decided to continue his legacy and explore even more of Middle Earth. He could still feel himself being pulled up, and now his mind was starting to go fuzzy. He would very soon end up suffocating. He felt like this was it.
Freya's brow was furrowed as she concentrated. She knew he wouldnt last longer without any oxygen down there. Her hand glowed slightly brighter as she quickened up the process. She hadnt tried using magic like this until now. It was always very simple exercises to make sure she was confident in it. She shrugged softly, knowing that this would be the point in where she could say she had used magic, and it not be a total lie.
Valtir was moments away from passing out, before suddely, he broke the surface and was bombarded with sudden light and air. He writhed on the ground, coughing and clearing dirt from his airways. He lay there for a while, unsure of what had just happened, then looked over at Freya.

"Did... Did you just..."
She nodded, "Yes..", her hand stopped glowing, she was exhausted, but she wasnt going to say anything about it. She hadnt used magic like that, she would need to recharge, but she could do that as they walked. "Are you okay?"
"I..." He stood up slowly. "I was buried alive. Not a great feeling..." He walked around for a bit, getting his bearings. "Dammit..." He walked over to the pile of rubble that used to be the cave. The only thing visible out of his weapons was his lance. He pulled it out and dusted it off, then turned around. "We've lost our food and water. We'll need to find some more soon." Valtir swun his lance over his shoulder and walked off. The sun had begun to rise, and it was about time they began moving.
She nodded and stood, muttered something to herself about how he was stating the obvious, moving to catch up before she matched his pace. She pulled her hair out of its pony tail and pulled up her hood. She needed to recharge, so as she walked, she was in a trance. Still conscious to her surroundings, but slowly getting her energy back.
Valtir continued to walk, rather frustrated that he had lost everything because of a stupid decision. He had to be extra careful not to get into too many fights from now on, or he would struggle. He rarely used his lance, so he hadnt perfectly mastered it yet. Then there was also the problem of food. This was possible the worst place he could have lost his provisions throughout Middle Earth, and yet he had done it. He kinda wanted to give up and go back, but that would be another 3 days, and he really didnt like backtracking. He looked back at Fraye, who seemed to have a blank stare. "Is everything alright?"