The Bloods

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Coyote looked back at him "Saving lives... Thats what im supposed to do, isn't it?" her eyes seemed to brighten a bit. "if you choose not to follow Hitachi, you may follow me. I love the healer, but we are too different to stay together for long. And i owe it to him to help you find your path. I travel further and faster than he does." She seemed a little more like her old self. "now theres a couple warring lifeblood packs just calling my name." How she knew where conflict was.. well it was beyond anyones guess. She always sensed where she was needed to fight and protect. Where blood was being spilled. It called her name. Grinning at him she loped away.

(we can have something drive them back together.)
(well I don't have to work tonight so I'm gonna sleep soon, not this instant but if I randomly dissapere I want you to know why)
Enola laughed out loud when Gem said that, although it wasn't a laugh to spite him. "Thank you for saying that." She sighed to pick up her breath again. "But there are enough packs that will and can kill me when given the chance. Afterall I'm not outside death's grasp." This area and the encountered territory started to bring back too many memories, sad memories. Her smile dissapeared for the moment as it all urged her to wrap up this conversation. "The only thing that kept me alive all this time is my silverblood heritage." She looked at the two wolves walking beside her and then back at the territory border. It was starting to get out of sight and she slowed down her pace to a normal walk. Enola pushed herself against Gem to break up his bravado. "You can stop that now. Let's not talk about it anymore." For a moment she smelled the air, hoping to get a hint for another conversation. "You know, we are heading more south now than west because we are avoiding them." Her smile reappeared again. "That means if we are going like this we will reach the plains." She looked at the wolves again. "An idea to change course anyone? There are probably flower fields there but I don't know about a lake." She wasn't really in for it. Silverbloods roamed about in that area and she didn't want to meet any of her kin.
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Now an offer from the warrior. Not everyday both th he healer and warrior offer to let you join them. But unlike with Hitachi, it didn't feel wrong to say yes. "I'll come, but are you sure? I don't have any magic to call on if things get too hectic." Of course leafbloods have their uses. In all the time that he could remember, Damon had never seen a wolf that was actually stronger than him. Plenty of better fighters, but nobody stronger. Probably nature's way of coping with the lack of magic.
Gem listened to what Enola had to say. "I guess we could check out the south, and if that doesn't work out will turn west again. Or we could just go south west." He said as he sniffed the air as well. "Anyway I'm happy to go anywhere as long as you'll be there. You're my first real friend in so long." He looked back at Kodiak. "And hopefully we will become friends to." He said with his usual puppy smile. Gem smelt something", I smell another wolf, its a strange sent. A mix of Coyote, red wolves, herbs and oranges." It was a really strange sent. It must have been coming from a wolf who was around a lot of other wolves.

(Hitachi) Smelled some wolves. It was a group of three, he smelt no fresh blood so he assumed no injuries. But he decided on checking, he has nothing better to do and if one was injured he could help before he continued on his way. He walked twords the scents.
Coyote paused and looked at him "then come on, Your magic is no problem. I have plenty to go along. And anyways, you look pretty strong. I think you might be useful in some fights." once she was finished she kept going, knowing he would follow. And even if he didnt, blood was calling to her.
The smile stayed on Enola's face, she was happy that he didn't mind it. She ignored the friend comment for a bit. She did feel that she was a friend of his and was glad for it but she didn't want to impose. When Gem said that he smelled another wolf she also smelled the air. "Really? Yeah, and he isn't that far either..

(sorry for the short anwser even after I was online this whole time. got distracted.)
"Okay then." He began to follow the wolf, "So what should I watch out for, what's the opposition?"
"right now there are two small lifeblood packs fighting. Probably over the rights to a specific hunting ground, river, cave or just cause someone was an idiot and crossed over the border one too many times. From what i can tell, only a few of them can manipulate earth so its not a huge fight, though i hear whispers in the trees. They are being forced to do things they dont want to, so they have some nature wielders." She sniffed the air "they are close, very close. Can you smell the blood? hear their snarls?"
He took a second to smell the air and listen. She was right. He could hear the fighting when he paid attention, but he couldn't smell any blood. "I hear it, but I don't smell it. Maybe it hasn't gotten too bad yet."
Coyote shrugged "that's probably just me. I can smell blood from miles away" she kept moving at a quick pace, the sounds of fighting growing louder until she finally stopped behind a fallen tree. Before them, merely shadows and flashes of teeth in the trees a battle was going on. Growling coyote stalked out into the middle of the fight and howled, "what in the spirits name is going on here?" The fighting instantly stopped and she was surrounded by wolves staring at her. As she watched they separated into two separate packs. One of the leaders spoke.

"Just to the north is a small meadow with a clear stream running through it, the deer and rabbits and large birds eat there. It is the best hunting spot for miles around. And each pack wants it."

Coyote rolled her eyes "cant you share the meadow?"

"no! I hate that good for nothing-"

She immediately cut him off by locking her jaws around his throat. Not enough to choke him, or break the skin but still. Mumbiling around his fur she snarled "then join the packs, you are tiny. If one of the bigger packs in this area decides they want the meadow neither of you stand a chance alone. Join each other or die. Does that sound good?" the other pack leader laughed at her and coyote growled "hey leaf guy, get your tail out here and help me"
Hitachi finally saw the group of three wolves, He walked up to them with a smile. "Good evening fellow travelers." Hitachi seemed to be taking on the appearance of just a traveling wolf passing bye. Which was kinda the truth, but he was more then just any traveling wolf. "My Names Hitachi, nice to meet you." He looked them all over, his eyes glowed for a split second and he was easily able to depict there personalities. He looked at the she wolf. "So are you the one leading the adult pup, and wonderer." He already knew the answer but he asked anyway.

(Gem) Looked at the wolf, this strange wolf practicly radiated warmth and kindness. He could find no fault in this mans nature. Staring at him was like looking an angle in the face. He shook his head and snapped out of his trance. "Hitachi huh, will you be my friend" He bit his tounge as he asked the question. He was done making friends this way. But something about this wolf made him ask it.
Damon rushed out and wrapped his jaws around the other leader's throat. Somehow, the leader failed to see this coming. It wasn't like he was hiding. The message was slightly more effective, as Damon was much larger, and much more intimidating than Coyote. At least at the moment, since she didn't summon that weird bear. "I suggest doing what she says, as long as you want to keep your throat that is." It was a little muffled, but he was pretty sure they got it.
Enola halted, not surprised or excited to see the new wolf. She already had difficulties letting Kodiak tagging along. She wouldn't be able to handle another wolf. Enola sighed. "Good evening" She nodded to the wolf in greeting and wanted to anwser his question. That was until Gem started about the instant friends again. Her ears went flat and she almost growled. "I HAVE HAD IT! I'M DONE. As soon as you ask something like that I feel obliged to let them tag along." She looked at Gem fiercely. "Like I said if you want to be friends with strangers YOU go WITH THEM!" She stepped away from Gem and walked closer to the new wolf. "Excuse me for this" And stepped past him. She looked back once. "Gem. If you still want to go I will be waiting further down the road. But whatever you discuss he is not coming with us. Kodiak, you can do whatever the hell you want!" Enola was annoyed, so annoyed and she didn't know even why aside from her stubborness. After running a moment she sat down, patiently waiting. Hoping that he would follow her, even if Kodiak and the new guy came along.
"okay, okay" the leaders both agreed, not wanting to have their throats ripped out. "but who will lead the new pack?" the one coyote was holding asked.

Coyote let go and sat down, watching them calmly. There was so much tension in the air she could taste it. All around her wolves were torn and bleeding. "how about a test? Any wolf who can catch me, and pin me down for four heart beats will lead." she decided. This would be fun. When the wolves laughed at her, thinking she was crazy and that the weakest apprentice could take her she grinned at them. She was scary when she grinned like that. "dont judge someone by the way they look. And it wont just be me, my friend here will try to keep you off of me. No hurting him too badly, i rather like him. And if he dies, i might just kill you all. Deal?"

"sure." one by one wolves stepped forward. The strongest in both packs. Mostly males, but a few females. Coyote looked over them, scenting the air, tasting their worth. Her eyes focused on one in particular. Not the strongest out there, but something told her he was the one. He was clever, and brave and loyal. And would be a great leader. The spirits told her that. Him. He would be the one to beat her. Grinning she wagged her tail and howled to start the game and over a dozen wolves launched themselves forward.
Gem was startled by Enolas sudden burst. He didn't mean to make her mad. He didn't even mean to say friend. It was just something about this guy. Gem growled at the new wolf. "You made my friend mad. And why do I feel the need to trust you so, answer me." He said more aggressively then he ever had before.

(Hitachi) "Wow tough crowd I was just trying to be friendly. As I said I'm Hitachi the healer. You know one of the chosen ones, its kinda one of my jobs to check up on travelers. Well anyway it's seems you are in no need of my help, I shall be on my way. If you ever need a place to rest or hide a scouted a cave not to far west of here. I left some food there and marked the area but feel free to find sanctuary there." With that said Hitachi kept walking. Not turning back, he had no time to waste with a group of wolves that bye the looks of it already wanted to gut him.

(Gem) Looked at Kodiak, "come on we need to catch up to Enola before she ditches us. Mabey she won't be angry if we explain his is the healer." Gem immediately ran in Enolas derection. He saw her laying down. "I'm sorry Enola, it was just that his essence made me say it. Did you know he is the healer one of the two chosen ones. It explains why he smelt kinda like Coyote mixed with oranges." Gem looked at her and whipered as he layed on his stomach. "I messed up so now you don't want me anymore do you." He said with sadness in his voice. Every other pack and group he had ever been with kicked him, for being him.
Damon thought the idea was a little unfair. He'd seen Coyote ride a buck, and she not only had to catch it to do that, she had to jump on it, so he knew those legs held a lot more than meets the eye. But he noticed her focus on one wolf. He was decently sized, somewhere in the middle when compared to the others, but he looked ready for anything. Where everyone else kept their eyes on Coyote, he was looking around, trying to find some other advantage in his surroundings. So when Coyote took off, the others immediately tried to follow. Damon jumped at their side and they all toppled over. Except that one wolf, who immediately broke off from the group, and instead ran for trees, probably hoping to head her off.
Coyote laughed out loud, of course this wasn't a real competition she already knew who the winner would be. But she couldn't just pick some random wolf, the others would never accept that. She had to let him win, and earn his title. She could smell the wolf arcing through a game trail, which let him run faster than he could on the rough terrain coyote had chosen. A couple wolves had escaped Damon and where right on her tail. growling she turned to face them, they almost ran into her. The fight was over quickly, they couldn't even touch her. Just as she turned to keep running, to arc back to where she had started something barreled into her. She found herself staring into the eyes of the one she had chosen. She didnt just lay down accept it, she fought. And he fought back, he didn't just sue brute force like the others. He was clever, and used her own attacks against her. Before she knew it she was pinned down, normally she could of beaten him but she let him gain the upper hand. Grinning she pushed him off.

"well done, what is your name?" she listened to him "well pine, you have beaten me." she howled, calling the rest of the pack to her before continuing, knowing they would not accept his position unless she did this in front of them."Pine, the spirits have chosen you to lead the new pack. I am Coyote, the Warrior and i bless you with strength to lead, courage to never back down and the wisdom to make the right choices both on and off the battlefield." she touched her nose to his head, and they both seemed to glow with a reddish brown light.
Kodiak looked at the new wolf. "The healer,huh. Can you fix broken hearts cause Gem might need one." He nudged gem, then walked past Enola and headed down a split in the trail towards a creek where he could stop and get a drink.
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